HomePLANNING (Page 22)


When all you have is are a few tin cans and other used materials, knowing how to turn crap into something useful is one

What’s going on in this America of ours? Seems like a new attack or a riot is always around the corner. That just means

Styrofoam may come handy in a variety of scenarios, being a versatile and useful material especially when you’re strapped for resources.

Those who have the widest variety of skills and learn or adapt new skills, will survive in a post-SHTF scenario. These are the top

You need to prepare food for your pets too. They’ll need to eat after the SHTF and you can’t run to the store and

Sunday, this happened in my town; tomorrow it could happen in yours. All we can do is be alert and be prepared.

Baking soda is one of the best multi-purpose products that you can have. Since it’s so versatile, it will disappear off the shelves really

When it comes to selecting trees to plant, it is important to think about all the survival needs that can be met by using

If there were only 12 things you could take with you in a survival situation what would those be?

Here are ten problems that you may not even give much thought to now that may lead to severe problems after a crisis occurs.

Be prepared at all levels to drive in the snow. Follow a few simple rules, and winter driving may become a sport that you

If you do not try to escape using a viable plan for that escape, you will find yourself trapped in a burning building.

Power outages caused by heavy snow falls are not uncommon, and having an off-the-grid set of mind will surely be in your advantage.

As you can't do anything about the weather to control it, all you can do is prepare the best you can to face its

After Fukushima, the long term impacts still need to be considered by everyone interested in prepping.