HomePLANNING (Page 25)


Some of them get recycled or burned and some of them are lying around on your property or someone else’s property, waiting for a

There is quite a bit of controversy over choosing animals instead of motorized vehicles but there are pros and cons to each. What would

The number one priority for surviving in a desert is to find water and keep it in your body.
Find out how to

The Greek government expected Europe to bail them out, time and time again. This time, the rest of Europe has answered with a resounding

Having a disability doesn’t make you helpless but it does mean that you'll have to make extra provisions for your own safety and welfare

This fan based air conditioner and dehumidifier can help lower temperatures using far less power than expected.

I decided living and sleeping in my car would satisfy both things I wanted for my life in Los Angeles. And it was truly

With all these floods, the things that are happening now are just one more piece of evidence that we need to be truly self-sufficient.

So you’ve decided to relocate – awesome! But there are some things you need to look for when searching for that perfect bug out

Some of these hacks will help you solve problems that you’ll encounter and some help you to be more efficient.

Why cinder blocks you may be wondering? Well, because you can get them for basically nothing if you scrap or recycle them and not

Memorial DayAs soon as most people hear “Memorial Day”, they automatically think of the beginning of summer. Visions of cook-outs, family picnics and trips to the lake or beach fill their heads. Blockbuster movies are released by Hollywood because the weekend has become a goldmine of movie-goers. Most people get a 3-day weekend and if you’re a fashion guru, you can break out the white clothes again. In other words, it’s a day of celebration.

Paraffin wax and survival: what do they have in common? Now, if you’re not familiar with paraffin wax, you should know that you’re not

Those who have embarked on this journey know what we mean by the multi-purpose aspect of the things we have on hand.

There are some things that you need to consider before deciding to relocate to the country and that’s what we’re going to discuss today.