HomePLANNING (Page 26)


Some are fast, some are comfortable and some can get you through the woods. But which is the best motorcycle for survival?

The DIY saga continues in the next episode depicting Chris Black’s adventures in the world of recycled materials and do-it-yourself projects.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Easter without ruining your budget and making good use of what we are left with after

Find out the fundamentals of buying your bug out bag and what to ask when purchasing a pack which we are going to carry

If there’s one thing that we learn as we start down the path of independence, it’s that we pay WAY too much for everything.

When you think of a set of skills you should definitely have by the time SHTF, what do you think the essentials are?

On/off. Alive/Dead. It is truly that simple. One moment we have juice, the next we don’t.
Are you prepared to face this?

If you’re prepping, knowing which fats are best for certain projects will give you even more tools to work with when you may need

There are at least 5 deathly scenarios that are more probable than a natural disaster. What are the odds to be exposed to them?

Single parents tend to be self-reliant and crafty with their time and resources. There are many survival lessons that you can learn from a

It’s in our nature to have everything properly set in advance so there’s nothing left to the chance. It’s the key to our success.

Depending upon what the disaster is, you may not be able to go too far when bugging out. So what location would you choose?

One of President Obama's most famous statements is the one about bringing "fundamental change" to America. But I have to wonder

If you are one of those readers who wish to consider EMP-resistance as a factor in selecting your bug-out vehicle, then you should not

They’re lightweight, multi-purpose, inexpensive and they don’t take up hardly any space; it fits all of the criteria of an ideal survival item.