HomePLANNING (Page 27)


It helps saving money, space and it usually means turning things you have on hand into something you need so you couldn’t ask for

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some quick life hack shortcuts to help you get started on your way with minimal effort and no

You don't have to be an army or a fortune 500 company to use standard operating procedure. A small family of four could also

If Obama has been able to bomb ISIS for six months based upon two previous authorizations, WHY does he need a NEW one now?

When you start understanding what you are really prepping for you realize that there’s always something to be done to improve your chances.

Recycle is the word for today, so let us provide you with some deep insights regarding the benefits of wood pallets in your DIY

One of THE essential items in any respectable survival kit or bug out bag is a strong, solid piece of rope. What kind of

This journey is years in the making. There are no doubts or regrets of leaving life as we know it behind, and we have

Preparing for a serious crisis or disaster can be a challenge for a normal, healthy person, but what about those who are elderly and

If you’ve ever watched McGyver, you know that these items can be used to make just about anything with a little ingenuity.

Our cars are like the horses were to the Old West. You don’t do much without them. Still what would you choose for your

Everybody living in an urban area should be able to follow five basic essential tips for snowstorm survival easily enough. Or they'll be doomed.

Surviving and living off grid is definitely not an easy task, and any prepper that went the off grid way can confirm that.

You can’t build an entire city out of 5 gallon buckets or put a man on the moon but you can do a ton

We want to be able to survive in an emergency situation, to be self-sufficient when the grid goes off, or the economy south-er, so