HomePLANNING (Page 28)


Living off the grid is a challenge, especially if you’re not set up with alternate sources of power. It’s a lifestyle that kids may

As preppers we’re always thinking of how to reuse, repurpose and DIY out of everyday stuff or things we don’t use anymore. So this

The last thing that your body wants to do when it’s in emergency mode is conserve energy, but it’s crucial that you do so.

During a harsh winter, you may have to learn to combine pleasure with utility; that is, what you do for fun may also need

If your New Year’s resolution was to start prepping, or learn an aspect of preparedness that you’ve never tried before, here's what you need

Until you have experienced a true crisis, it is difficult to imagine. You might think you have enough time, but you don't. Why?

There are so many problems that people aren't looking to see what good thing is coming, but rather which bad thing will blow up

During hard winter, you may not have any modern conveniences so be sure to have a list of hobbies and a stockpile of supplies

With Christmas not far behind, we felt inspired to gather the best ideas we’ve stumbled upon, for welcoming the cold season and the winter

Prepping to survive crisis isn’t necessarily all about our personal survival. So WHY do we preppers do what we do?

Depending upon where you live, winter is brutal on a motorcycle and you need to take some steps to be sure that she stays

When SHTF you either bug in or bug out, and if you choose the latter, well you’re probably find yourself somewhere in the wilderness

Winter time only seems like a time of solitude and rest. In reality, there are a ton of things that you can do to

If you start making these changes now, you stand a better chance of being just as safe if you decide to bug-in instead of

Obama's light slap on Vladimir Putin's wrist wasn't even noticed, let alone slowing down any Russian military action.