HomePLANNING (Page 29)


Remember that the idea behind any life hack is simplicity. If it doesn’t hasten the process or make things more efficient, it’s not a

There are several steps that we as pet owners can take to make it a bit easier on them

As preppers we know that plastic bottles have a ton of uses so in today's article we'll take a look at 8 DIY survival

Can you survive a three-day ordeal in the white Hell?
Well, the short answer is yes, if you're prepared to do it.

One look at the state of world events should convince anyone that we are precariously close to an imminent crisis of unparalleled proportions

As you may be aware, some of the best survival tools and solutions offer multiple use in a single package

Fallen leaves are actually a huge and rarely exploited natural resource, a real blessing if you're well versed in the forgotten arts of using

290 million tires are thrown away each year. But that can be remedied: old rubber can be reused smartly and put to good use.

If you’re going to be burning wood, you’re going to have a ton (maybe literally!) of ash by the end of the winter, so

Many of us prepper know that all the plans, strategies and struggles are to keep us, but more importantly our family safe!

The closest thing that we have to prep for is autumn, so here's something that will get you in the mood for some seasonal

Pick any terrible event you can imagine and think about one alternate way to escape from the city, if any river is close by:

Being self-sufficient may save money, but how expensive is to change your life?

Whether you wind up living in it, or you have many things to carry to a new location, keeping your vehicle fit and running

You can get these multipurpose items for very little money, or even for free if you coupon and watch sales. Free and multi-purpose? What