HomePLANNING (Page 3)


What do I mean by backup transportation options? If you find yourself in a survival ordeal, you will either need to shelter in place

After succumbing to the allure of solo camping and hiking, I discovered that if your hiking companions are unable to meet the challenges you

There are many different survival scenarios people are preparing for, and while most of them have mastered the art of stockpiling food, water, and

A lot of people in the prepping community talk about bugging out, as if “the way” to do it is to head for the

Why does one person survive and another die? Such outcomes aren’t rare and often happen even when two similar people are subject to the

The popular phrase "location, location, location" is often used by real estate hustlers to stress the impact that a property's location can have on

One of the big questions in the prepping and survival community is that of building a bunker as a survival shelter. People go back

Pets are an important part of many people’s lives. We all have a natural affinity for animals, especially in our childhood years. Raising a

There have been at least 22 high pucker factor nuclear close calls so far. Today, China is building a nuclear arsenal, building artificial islands

The LMTV is coming along nicely and Tyler's here with a short video to show you a quick hack he did to use his

Over the past ten years, I’ve managed to gather a lot of survival gear and various items that I consider useful for my survival

The bug-in/bug-out debate has been around the block a few times in the prepping and survival community. Most people today say that its best

As I look at the political landscape today, I can’t help but think that if there’s anything that will tear this country apart, it’s

Evacuating a big city in the event of a natural or manmade disaster is a logistic nightmare for local authorities, and due to the

As a former engineer, I can vouch for the validity of the KISS principle; but I can also vouch for it from a survival