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You must have these skills to survive the mayhem that is going to erupt when rioting and major civil unrest become the order of

These are just a few of the top items that are cheap and easy to stockpile. Because they’re so multi-functional, you should stockpile each

You've been spending a lot of time prepping for the biggest crisis ever but have you ever really practiced what you are preparing

You are probably missing out on this important opportunity to prepare your car for long term survival needs.

Everybody has a list of common items that you should stockpile. Today we put together a list that you haven’t seen before

Even if you're separated for a few minutes or a few hours, if your kids know how to react, it can make the difference

What does a good survival vehicle need to have, in order to be useful for both bugging in and bugging out?

Some of these projects will help you master essential survival skills while others are great to remember when SHTF!

Find out how the Amish harvest power from nature, how they make the best of every available resource and much more

In a survival situation, being misled can cause a lot of problems that will make rebuilding harder. So learning about other cultures is a

Not a day goes by without news on a new attack on some other country, a new war looming or a pandemic starting to

This knife will stay with you until it gets lost or stolen.
There's no other better quality multi-purpose knife out there!

In a time after a major crisis it is important to know how to react to wild animals. It might save your life or

Bicycles have many uses beyond simple transportation. What about harnessing pedal power to drive your off-grid devices?

Building a survival farm is not easy. Here are 14 tips you need to take into consideration and some ideas about what things may