HomePLANNING (Page 33)


Would you be ready to make good use of anything at hand in order to survive in the worst preparedness scenarios?

Planning is mandatory for bugging-out. Securing your area is also crucial, on you first night out, but do you know what do do for

Until a disaster strikes, the economic crisis growing around gives you plenty of reasons to test you prepper skills to use or recycle multipurpose

It comes without saying that both individuals and families should also know what to do in the aftermath of a disaster.

Teaching kids about survival is a tough thing to do, but it’s imperative that they know what to do and to understand WHY, not

Everyone who wants to be prepared when SHTF should have an abundant supply of salt in their homes since it has so many practical

The big idea off stockpiling is to hoard items that you can use for different purposes, and use them for your family use for

Just like in the summer, water is crucial in cold climates as well.
Since we're in the winter season and it's a

Surviving a SHTF situation as a healthy 35-year-old is tough enough but if you happen to be a bit more seasoned, your hill just

For many preppers, gear is the name of the game when it comes to disaster survival. And there are certain tools and equipment

In the event that SHTF, you will find yourself strapped for resources.
In this situation, you need to know how to make

What would be your biggest fear when disaster strikes, the world as we know it ends and anarchy takes its place?

Owning a motorcycle can be tough. If your bike is your only mode of transportation, you can find yourself begging rides for a week

With the polar vortex finding his way to the South, many of the Americans had to face the coldest air in 20 years. <br

Each type of wood has different densities, textures, and grains that make it great for one use but not-so-great for others. Knowing the difference