HomePLANNING (Page 34)


Bugging in or bugging out? This is the question that many preppers think of when setting up their survival plan for any type of

If you’re the type of individual who plans to get out of dodge when SHTF, chances are you’ve given some thought as to how

Fear, when harnessed properly, is an incredible survival tool.
When you’re scared, your senses are heightened and your adrenaline is flowing. You’re

If you’ve ever heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then you may well agree that bugging out now

Not only can you travel further and faster in a BOV, it will also allow you to haul a substantial amount of extra supplies,

How well you can survive, amidst looting, violence and the desperation of the unprepared, will depend on your good sense and ability to prepare