HomePLANNING (Page 8)


Winter survival doesn't just mean dealing with the cold, although that is an essential part of it; it also means dealing with a lack

Luckily, there are many ways to store your survival supplies, so they're out of sight, out of reach, and inaccessible to your childre

A buried treasure containing everything necessary to your survival is a backup plan that will help you reach your safe haven when every other

In a survival situation, the risk of contracting a disease dramatically increases if you ignore your hygiene. It would help if you used any

Regardless if it's a natural or artificial disaster, you must do everything possible to procure, treat and use water as efficiently as possible

The idea of gardening as a means of extending our food stockpile and have enough food to eat during a long-term survival situation has

Fortunately, most of the survival skills needed to survive a worst-case scenario can be practiced right in your backyard. Let's look at how

Living off the grid means getting out of the consumerism race and making a personal commitment to a frugal yet fulfilling lifestyle.

Learning how to build a fire in the wilderness is an essential survival skill, and you need to be able and pick the right

Dogs are good for more than just companionship. Most were first bred to serve a distinct purpose, whether hunting, guarding, or herding.

Buying a bushcraft knife is an important investment, and you shouldn't cheap out since your life may one day depend on the knife you

The terrorist threat has diminished somewhat in the last few years, ever since the collapse of the Islamic State. While we had a severe

Anyone traveling abroad must consider the risks associated not only with going to that destination country but in every country in-between, just in case

There are many homesteading activities you can do just as well in the city, and you have to figure out what your limitations are.

This isn't another article about bug-out vehicles (BOVs), but rather about something we could refer to as "bug-in vehicles."