Like many people, I’m a big fan of action movies. I don’t care if the good guy is beating up the bad guy with
In the first part of this article we covered the “classical” optical enhancers most folks are used to, like binoculars, monoculars, and spotting scopes.
The human eye is an impressive piece of biological machinery, capable of distinguishing nearly 10 million colors and adjusting focus up to 50 times
Disaster scenarios and quasi-collapse scenarios all affect essential functions of life. The ability to maintain safe food storage and preparation at all times is
If you train to survive confrontations and hostile environments, you should learn that the key principle of fighting effectively is understanding your opponent. In
You cannot purchase goods or services without access to government-based cryptocurrency
According to a recent poll 34% of Americans believe civil war is "likely" and 13% believe it is "very likely."
Many law enforcement officers practice a form of fast draw, preparing for the possibility of having to deal with an armed criminal.
This article is just about EDC layer, which is survival equipment and supplies that people carry in their pockets or wear, aside from clothing.
Firearms are not ideal for staying under the radar due to their noise. Therefore, switching to quieter alternatives is essential
An effective layered home defense begins beyond the perimeter, must strive to eliminate human error, the duty to protect your family cannot be outsourced
Hopefully, these tips will help acknowledge the reality that living in an urban environment creates openings for conflicts.
Let’s discuss in this article what does and doesn’t work in a layered defense and how much expense or effort you should put into
Exploring the realm of handguns is often driven by diverse motivations such as self-defense, security, or even the sheer enjoyment of the experience.
In the event of a significant and prolonged grid-down scenario, the need to adopt extraordinary measures to ensure personal safety becomes paramount.