A restraint escape kit doesn’t have to be a “break glass in case of emergency” kit that is only useful in the event that
An unsure hand and a moment of hesitation can take you from the shooter position to the target one in a second.
Eliminating violence would require changing human nature, eliminating our free will, curtailing emotions (especially anger), not their guns.
Knowledge and skills will make a difference and you can never know too much about self-defense and the weapons that will assist you to
The same story plays over and over again; while Obama and the PC police prevent the truth from coming out and the real issues
Would more gun registration in the form of universal background checks have stopped this California massacre? California has them, but it did not stop
Freedom of Speech is in real danger today. Political correctness is striving to destroy it. This year can be called the Year of Offense.
If you do not know the laws about drawing and firing a firearm, you could end up in jail because you thought you were
Just play it safe and use the laws to your advantage to wage lawsuits and demand legislative changes instead of getting hung up by
You hoped your secluded location would minimize marauding this “zombie” contact and that you'd have time to make last minute adjustments…
In a SHTF scenarios there are extremely critical elements that change the perspective and dynamics of dog ownership quite seriously.
Not all knives share the same quality standards. The question is: how should you care for your blade and what are the mistakes to
What helps me most is having a trust-worthy friend recommending tried and tested products, and that's what we're doing today!
Make time to clean your weapons and doing so regularly. And take a good look at the article below so you could do it
All we hear on the news these days is about violence, attacks, terrorist