HomeSECURITY (Page 10)


What helps me most is having a trust-worthy friend recommending tried and tested products, and that's what we're doing today!

Make time to clean your weapons and doing so regularly. And take a good look at the article below so you could do it

All we hear on the news these days is about violence, attacks, terrorist

Gun control advocates give all sorts of emotional reasons why guns should be taken out of the hands of ordinary citizens. Learn how to

This proves that while travelling through the wilderness, or seashores, you have to know what might attack you so you could build up your

There are "enough is enough" limits to what the American Free Citizen will take. Police usage of armed drones is much of a last

Just like almost any other thing in life, dogs can be a benefit or a hazard. After all, dogs are basically wild animals, put

NAZIs killed eight million people, starting almost immediately after bragging about creating the first "modern society" in which guns weren't needed.

When SHTF this happens, how far are you willing to go to defend your family and yourself? I assume as far as you have

Usually perpetrator combine home invasions for looting and stealing with major crimes against person such as kidnapping, rape, and murder in the process.

According to police reports, the murderer of that young woman is an illegal alien who has been convicted seven times of felonies and deported

They have no reservations on the most heinous of behavior toward their captives, and little fear, if any at all, of consequences.

What is the purpose of having a big 4th of July holiday celebration a couple years from now when there is no longer any

Informing regular people about technologies that may be used against them makes them safer as opposed to endangering them.

Why do I carry? Because I might end up being the one who is able to stop a mass killing. So, what are you