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It's pretty easy to make artisanal flour bombs for your home defense, provided you know your chemistry and how dust explosion works. Let's see

How will you survive a disaster that hits the crowd you're a part of? The answer is simple but tricky: it’s not only the

These tricks will help you correctly asses the situations where you interact with a sexual predator, and will also give you hints on how

This attack presents an extremely difficult problem; both from a defensive point of view and from a legal one. It was a tragic event,

To avoid detection even when surrounded by other people that may be looking for you, you have to learn how to blend into your

Owning body armor comes with many benefits for civilians. Before you buy any type of body armor, be aware of the existing laws and

Last week’s altercation in Charlottesville, Virginia has dominated the news all week long. Democrats, the media and even some Republicans have attacked the president mercilessly over his comments about the attack, faulting him over not condemning white supremacists in particular.

There’s absolutely no question at all, based upon the video evidence, that both sides went there spoiling for a fight.

Advances in technology tend to displace workers, as Artificial Intelligence is the biggest job displacer. We need to make sure that we are not

If you don't know what to do if caught in the middle of a shooting, the odds are you could become a victim. Here's

Before the primaries had even begun for the 2016 presidential election, an ultra-secret organization met in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.

There, amongst other pressing matters of business, they decided who should be the next American president. Looking at it in hindsight, it’s clear that their vote was for Hillary Clinton.

The fails of the group may not be over, but these are people with money and the influence that money can buy. We’re on the edge of the financial crisis and they will work to perpetuate it. Because when everyone else suffers, they become richer.

Staying safe comes first in any fight, then you can punch back the attacker! Here are five body parts you must defend regardless of

Being held at gun point can be a terrifying and possibly deadly encounter so take the time now to learn some basic self defense

A pepper spray is easy to conceal and it can bring down an attacker in seconds. You can DIY from household materials. Here is

Kidnapping is a frightening experience no matter how old you are or why it is happening to you. Here is what you need to

With all the CIA and Vault 7 news, try to be more careful about what you put over the Internet and other means of