If you don’t want to spend a fortune on home security devices, here is how to build a tripwire alarm dirt cheap and crazy
Active shooters are nothing new, but if you learn to identify them, you increase your chances of survival in a shooting scenario.
Are your guns always ready to serve your needs? Now is the time to start learning how to be a gunsmith and a blacksmith.
Americans have traditionally valued privacy very highly. Follow these seven steps to protect your privacy when using the Internet.
Do you have a panic room in your house? Here are the secrets to follow for turning this space into the safest location on
Far to many people believe that guns are only of use in a gunfight. When guns are only in the hands of the police,
This is incredibly disturbing because terrorists will come up with guns that Hillary sold to them as she moves to disarm our citizens.
Sunday, this happened in my town; tomorrow it could happen in yours. All we can do is be alert and be prepared.
Our Police State USA has now reached new devastating heights of radical intrusion, stepping into our privacy in the sanctity of our own church.
There are actually better, and far more lethal options that you can use for personal defense, and a short look back in the history
The recent demise of the iconic music entertainers Merle Haggard and Prince, stretches the outer limits of reality. Both were anti-government Chemtrail activists
Law was created to protect rights and property. Now it is often used to legally plunder them.
Starting with Benghazi and her e-mail scandal, it seems like there's nothing Hillary does, which doesn't rate high on the scandal meter.
Basically the FBI is asking Apple to create what's known in the computer world a back door into their software.
Owning a perfectly-fit-for-you survival knife is more about skills than about choosing a product over another. Still, what makes a good survival knife?