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Those who get involved in any sort of extremism tend to become extremely self-centered. All that matters is them, their group and what their

There has been a distinct slump in preparedness over the last four years, as those of us on the right have become comfortable and

Our country’s most fundamental divides would be solved by simply going back to the original intent of the Constitution and allowing states their individuality.

We’re all aware that Democrats have refused to accept President Trump’s victory, with those in Congress working overtime to find some way to get

When George Floyd was killed, the entire nation was on the side of the black lives matter movement. It was seen as a tragedy

If there’s anything that has come out of George Floyd’s unfortunate death at the hands of a rogue police officer, it has been the

When we look at what happened, we can see what they did right and what they did wrong, learning lessons that can help us

The nation has been treated to the spectacle of a temper tantrum by those on the extreme left, and the coddling of those destroyers

Plan things properly and consider the last advice when thinking about taking a stand. It will put things in perspective, and you will figure

Us seeing the police and government officials abandon part of a city, turning it over to what has now been labeled a terrorist group,

With everything going on in the country right now, the pandemic lockdowns, the high unemployment, and now with this atrocity, I’d expect a lot

The last week has seen the death of General Soleimani of Iran, thanks to orders issuing out of the President’s office and carried out

We talk about how politicians are bought by big donors here in the US and in other countries, but that is nothing compared to

Julian Assange has long been a thorn in the side of the United States Government, almost as bad a thorn as NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden.

President Trump recently announced that the United States is going to back out of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia.