There has been no other time in our history, when the United States pulled together for a single purpose, like it did in World
The left uses the term, "separation of church and state" especially against Christians having any input into the government or using their faith to
If any liberals happen to read this, I warn you, you will be offended and call me every name in the book. I'm coming
All-in-all, the Supreme Court nomination is a definite hot potato. The candidate that Obama has selected doesn't make that easy either.
Starting with Benghazi and her e-mail scandal, it seems like there's nothing Hillary does, which doesn't rate high on the scandal meter.
In a sudden and surprising move, Putin announced that Russia will be pulling their troops out of the Syrian civil war.
This isn't surprising, considering his hatred of the military and the way he's been releasing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay right and left.
For the last 30 years, Scalia has been protecting the meaning of the Constitution. It's not about how he died, but what that means
Even though Obama has been crowing about ISIS being contained, the war in Syria is far from over. And whoever wins the elections in
The rape that is going on in Europe isn't going to stop. The only thing that can save Europe is for the people to
Taking guns away from honest citizen won't do a thing to stop crime, but may actually cause a rise in violent crime. So, what
There is only one race, that's the human race. We all have the same blood flowing through our bodies. We should remember that.
ISIS is using the Syrian refugee crisis as a means of getting fighters into Europe and probably the United States. We the people may
President Bush responded to it by declaring "War on Terror,". He was late, terror, had already declared war on the western world.
What did they think will happen by allowing active elements of Islamic State Jihadists to waltz their way into countries like France, England and