Becoming a terrorist hostage is one of the worst predicaments to be in. Are you prepared to face this type of hostage situation?
If Obama has been able to bomb ISIS for six months based upon two previous authorizations, WHY does he need a NEW one now?
When Iran finishes developing their first nuclear bombs, all they have to do is couple them with their ICBMs and they can hold the
There are two big questions facing us after the attack on Charlie Hebdo. None of them is whether Obama will do anything about Muslim
Obama's light slap on Vladimir Putin's wrist wasn't even noticed, let alone slowing down any Russian military action.
Is Obama's speech just a bunch of political mumbo-jumbo? Because it sure sounds like it
The change in our military’s leadership; or rather, lack of leadership, has put the world in danger. And the world sees it
There’s no question that we’re vulnerable
The US is still the most powerful nation on Earth and we have many enemies, so it makes sense we are the most likely
Informal spokesmen from the Islamic State have already started tweeting about how they will be in New York within a month. So be prepared!
Whether it's for religious or political reasons, the threat of attack is real; being prepared for surviving a terrorist attack should be a high