HomeWATER (Page 5)


Our planet is covered in water, but only one half of 1 percent is drinkable because most of the rest is salty. Do you

There are many reliable methods available for storing and preparing your water pumps and pipes for cold weather

Unlike food, we can live without water for just a few days. In an extremely hot environment; days can be cut to as little

Learning how to conserve your water for later use is an essential survival tool in the arsenal of every prepper; or at least it

The decision of using rainwater is a matter of choice attributed to the initial outlay and necessity. Do you know what rainwater tank to

Without a doubt, water should be your number one priority after personal safety in a survival situation. In order to ensure that your water

Contaminated water is deadly. How do you filter it without charcoal or other means? What about banana peels?

A reliable source of water is critical when it comes to survival. You can last for weeks without food, but you'll die in days

Be sure that you know how to collect, purify and store water for the worst days to come. You'll need water more than food

Water quality is very important as you cannot afford to get sick when confronted with crisis situations. Drinking water that is riddled with bacteria

You won’t be able to carry enough water to sustain yourself, or you’ll run out after a few days; either way you’ll need fresh,