HomeWEAPONS (Page 12)


Having and knowing how to use personal defensive handguns will make survival possible for you and your family.

The government is spying on us all, breaking our 4th Amendment right, and it seems that there's nothing that can be done to stop

If you wait until just before or after the crisis, any spare gun parts will either be too expensive or totally unavailable. Are you

Everybody wants to get their hands on an AR-15 platform rifle. And there are plenty of reasons why

This knife will stay with you until it gets lost or stolen.
There's no other better quality multi-purpose knife out there!

With the price of ammo increasing and shooting ranges less available it’s harder and harder to learn to shoot let alone become proficient or

Now is the time for women to buy and learn how to use firearms for survival. But what type of gun should they look

The Swiss army knife has achieved an iconic status and nowadays we can safely argue that it's a must-have item in any respectable survival

You might not think of this as a weapon, but it's a great one and it might save your life.

You must be extra cautious when hiding your survival gun.
Find out the best spots and the worst ideas.

Does the air rifle have its place in today’s modern survival weapons cache? Find out here!

Any prepper must know how to collect, store, replenish, and reload ammunition. And we've got all your questions answered right here!

Recent gun control laws put our rights under siege. See how to deal with them without breaking them or giving up your Second Amendment

Cold weapons are needed in any survival strategy. You better spend a few dollars more for reliable weapons than have them fail when you

As with choosing the right gun or knife, one bow type will work better than others. Choose a model that you can use easily