HomeWEAPONS (Page 13)


Shooting makes one of our list of top 6 things to do after buying a gun, but there are some other equally important things

If you notice any of these problems, you may be able to fix them in the field, as well as take steps to avoid

The following 7 weapons should be in every survival defense kit, as they are the best in terms of cost and maintenance.

You just bought your first firearm. Now you need to learn how to shoot safely and effectively whether for hunting and/or self-defense.

If there is any one trigger that could start the 2nd American Revolution, this is it: the illegal trampling of our 2nd Amendment rights.

The best thing about cold weapons is that they don't require much to keep them running. But some maintenance is needed.

Carrying firearms across United States requires for the carrier to be willing to comply with each state's jurisdiction.

Knowing how to hunt using what nature provides abundantly may save your life one day. It's a matter of when, not if, so be

There is no such thing as the perfect survival firearm and everyone is entitled to equip themselves in the matter they deem most fit

The decision to train your kids to use weapons is a personal one.
If you’re of the opinion that knowledge is power,

Some ammunition is considered more viable and effective for survival use than others. Availability is key when it comes to weapons and ammo selection.

Making your own knife is like the ultimate level when it comes to survival.
If you’re forced to make your own blade,

In any kind of disaster scenario, you can find yourself in the unpleasant situation when you are out of ammo and you have to

Choosing the best knife for hunting is not an easy task, because there's a plethora of models available, especially over the internet.

Practice, practice, and more practice will give you a much better chance of accessing your gun and using it effectively to defend you and