Keeping Your Guns At The Ready – Do’s And Don’ts

Gun safety is an integral part of gun ownership never to be overlooked.

Unfortunately, most gun safety courses are focused on drawing and holstering your weapon, marksmanship, and trigger control.

While these are important aspects of owning and shooting a gun, they don’t teach you what its like to have to use your firearm for self-defense. What is the best way to keep your survival gun so it’s always at the ready? How do you do so without jeopardizing the safety of your family and self?


After all, when SHTF and the looters come knocking, they aren’t going to wait patiently while you run to your safe and load up. No one ever wants to use his/her gun against a human target. But if your life is on the line, the best gun for survival will always be the one you have on you that’s ready to fire.

Below we will take a look at some do’s and don’ts for keeping your guns at the ready.

1. DO invest in a high quality safe. Especially if you have children in your home, this should be a given.

But its not just children that you have to worry about gaining access to your guns. Housekeepers, nosy neighbors, house guests, and visiting relatives could stumble upon a firearm if its laying in wait, and that’s an accident waiting to happen.

Fortunately, many of today’s safes allow much quicker access than the lock-and-key versions of years past. GunVault is an example of a company that employs the use of biometric technology that gives you access to your safe with the scan of a fingerprint.

They also make several keypad entry safes, which are also quicker to access than traditional key varieties. In an emergency, these types of safes will get you to your guns quickly while still keeping them safely away from children and any unwanted attention.

2. Don’t simply hide your guns and expect no one to find them. Also, don’t give anyone access to your safe codes unless they have your trust and the training to shoot.


Don’t think that stowing your rifle on top of your china cabinet is putting it out of reach in a safe place.

The same goes for a handgun shoved under a mattress or stuffed in a sock drawer. Though easily accessible, these should not be considered suitable locations to keep your weapons.

3. Do consider keeping your firearms and ammunition separately, stored in different locations. This is especially pertinent if you chose to forgo the use of a gun safe.

In the hands of an untrained user, an unloaded gun and a box of ammo might as well be a stick of dynamite and a match. That doesn’t mean you have to keep the gun on the top floor and the ammo in the basement. Simply keep them separated enough as to not incite an accident.

If SHTF, you’ll have more reason to keep both gun and ammo in more easily accessible locations, if not on your person.

4. Don’t keep your firearms loaded in the house. In some cases doing so is illegal, but in any case it’s outright dangerous.

It may sound like the only way to be prepared for an unwanted home invader or hostile situation, but it’s more likely to be a liability than an asset. As mentioned above, its better to keep your guns and ammo separate and locked up whenever possible. If keeping a loaded gun is an absolute must for you, make sure it is at the very least locked up whenever not in use.

5. Do perform proper maintenance on your gun. In a home defense scenario, the last thing you want to experience after pulling out your trusty firearm is a jam or misfire. If you’re betting your life on the function of your gun, you’ll want to make sure it’s clean at all times to avoid any setbacks.

That means cleaning and lubricating your firearms after every trip to the range. Most gun stores sell gun cleaning kits that include solvent, lubrication oil, rod and jag, and everything else you need for a basic clean.

6. Don’t let your guns lay around for extended periods of time without seeing any use or attention. Accordingly, don’t take your gun to the range day in and day out without ever cleaning it in between. If it’s a gun used for seasonal hunting or recreational range shooting, you can allow a bit more residue to build up before needing to address it.

Fortunately, modern powder is non-corrosive and won’t eat through the barrel of your gun, which gives you some leeway on how often it must be cleaned. Just don’t expect that your grandfather’s shotgun in the closet that hasn’t seen the light of day in years will perform on demand when you need it at a moment’s notice.

carrier7. Do consider opting for concealed carry. The ability to carry your (loaded) weapon on your person is a privilege you should consider if within the law and realm of possibility for you in your area.

Simply put, there is no better way for you to be armed at all times, whether at home or in public, than with a concealed weapons carry permit.

8. Don’t neglect the laws of your local area when it comes to owning and carrying a weapon. The last thing you want is to have your guns confiscated by the authorities before a SHTF situation, leaving you without proper protection. Don’t expect to carry your firearm around in public without being harassed unless you are lawfully permitted to do so. Also, don’t purchase any firearms from anywhere other than an authorized dealer, as that too could pose legal issues.

9. And lastly, do invest as much time as you can practicing with your firearm and staying up to date on safety and training techniques. Don’t assume that you know everything about guns just because you have military experience or have been hunting for decades.

Every scenario is different and you never know when you may face a situation that you haven’t prepared for. Practice, practice, and more practice will give you a much better chance of accessing your gun and using it effectively to defend you and your home.


Written by

Cody Griffin is do-it-yourselfer, and avid outdoorsman. He is a self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades and his work can be found across the web on several survival, outdoor, and lifestyle blogs. You can send Cody a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • You can’t disagree with anything said, but it feels like it was written by a lawyer. It doesn’t give any real advice.

    • Dude I are you a Liberal idiot or Someth ing what a damn coward to say it is dangerous to have a loaded gun. Dude a GUN is NOT dangerous the handler is if improperly handled. Never ever keep your firarm not loaded like are u serious always have your pistol Loaded. Only guns that should be unloaded is guns you will not need and even then mines will be loaded in the safe but a safe is not a option. I carry a Glock 19 GEN 4 15+1. I keep my Glock Holstered on me 85% of ths time im in house. When I sleep it’s either on me/under my pillow or somewhere very close loaded 1 in the chamber everyone knows GLOCKS don’t fire unless u pull the trigger. I performed a dry fire test with MY pistol empty to see if I could pull the trigger without pulling the trigger and I couldn’t not even close. Not by sleeping, rolling, grabbing the gun in weird angles etc…Glock did a really good job with designing a GUN that Will not fire unless u pull the trigger. People worry that a GUN may go off if u sleep with it and may Accidentley shoot it, well, not way not even possible unless you pull the trigger. It has a 5lb trigger PULL that is pretty good resistant so u will have to intentionally pull the trigger. I stay Glock 19 and Glock 43 loaded with one in the chamber 24/7 no if ands or buts. When SHtf you better have your pistol on you and ready not in no fucking safe. Nobody will defend you on here he is only writing a blog but will not defend you at all. He will not come to your funeral, he will NOT take care of your kids, he will not visit you in THE hospital and he will not protect your kids so brush blogs like this off and do what you are comfortable doing and train for what you are not comfortable doing. I NEVER had carried with no AMMO in the chamber and I always have my firearm within reach 24/7 @ home period. I taught my son all gun safety and he will never touch my FIRARM unless IM in danger unable to shoot he will. Be safe Yall please do not listen to this guy your gonna get yourself killed if your gun ain’t loaded like wtf does that keep your ammo separate and gun u UNLOADED. Gotta be a Liberal and ain’t never been in a LIFE or death situation Where seconds count. I have been kidnapped and held at gun point by 3 people at once during the kid napping so I know.

      • Ty, I think your right. He sounds like a Lib-tard. I too have a Glock and it sits either under my pillow or right next to me on the night stand. Mine too has one in the chamber. My daughter is a sexual assault victim. My gun is always loaded and on me. I would rather be judged by twelve than my wife, kids or myself being carried by 6, if you know what I mean. What a d-bag. Who the hell keeps an unloaded gun… oh I’m sorry… he said make sure you keep the gun and ammo separate. Which is worse than saying keep a magazine right by the gun or don’t chamber it. Let me explain this to Lib-tards… If a situation has happened I will shoot. Im not going to beg the bad guy to stop hurting my family.Lib-tards live in this fantasy world that its all about talking to people and no-violent. Ill keep mine chambered thank you! Cycling a round or saying hey im waring you isn’t going to happen. If you live throw the double tap that can serve qs your warning “Hold on my rapist, while you rape my wife allow me to go to the two different spots where I keep my shit”. Absolutely not! All the women in my house can shoot. Whats the purpose of a gun for home protection if the damn thing is unloaded. In the end I guess get an ashtray. Thats unloaded and just hurl it at him. Effn Lib-Lib-tard

        Let me tell a story here so you lib-cards will understand. I was out with my best friend who just happened to be an attractive woman. Her sister and her sisters boyfriend was sitting in the back of the vehicle. I accidentally made a turn into a very bad trailer park here in VA. Our trailer parks are not known for their luster. Also, I wouldn’t recommend walking barefoot. The needles will get you. As im driving through this place a BMW (for those of you who said “BMW” thats right. A spotless BMW in a trailer park. He cuts me off and out out site he goes. I find a street to turn on to make a u-turn. Its a culdisac. I go and turn around and low and behold who shows up. My BMW pulls his car out hoping to bottleneck us for an attack. What I slowed down wondering what the hell he pops out on the passenger side with a metal bat where he’s in mid swing FOR NO REASON other than being drunk going to bash her head in. I pull my weapon and told him to drop it. He stops his swing. He then pounds on his chest with one fist sayin”Shoot me, thats murder of a white man”. Which I found odd since we are both white. He then pulls back again but doesn’t do anything but walk off. After this incident I didn’t carry a gun for months. MY hands would shake if I touched one. My liberal aunt saw me struggling that I almost shot this man in the face. Out the window his face was like 4 feet away. The pad on my finger was white from steady pressure on the trigger. My aunt who by the way is also a minister in the SDA church said to me, “Shawn; why do your carry a concealed gun”, I said “To protect those I love and myself”. She says that was exactly what you did. She also said that its normal when you are that close to taking someones life. It shouldn’t be an easy thing. I don’t want to live in a world where it is an easy thing. After that I started carrying again. And yes, since then I have had to [pull my weapon one other time when I was in my passenger seat to our mini-van and someone tried carjacking us at a red light.

        Moral of the story is… Don’t be the that guy that doesn’t have one in the chamber. As Ty said, seconds count.

        Additionally, if your children are responsible like my two oldest girls, 16 and 17, teach them to shot. My 16 year old is a sexual assault victim. If I’m not home I give her hat access. She’s trained, she drills like my wife and other kids. If your a perp and you walk in here to harm any of them while Im gone I will say I feel sorry for you. Between being shot and bit by my German Shepard who’s trained my wife and kids don’t have to worry about much.

        Keep back-up guns. I have one that I carry in my glove box, my ankle, living room, and bathroom. Always keep an ankle holster gun like a .38 snub. You really think a bad guy after taking you main gun is going to think you have another. My daughter has been stalked, assaulted, sexually assaulted etc. Even if you tale my primary weapon and ankle gun off, I’m still no farther that 20 feet from a gun. Most of the time 10 feet.

        • Shawn,
          Use the night stand, not the pillow. I had two therapy clients who lost husbands because they had their semiauto pistols under their pillow. and they discharged, killing both of them I keep mine on the bed stand or I have a bedside holster.
          We need every patriot alive.

          • thats a blatant lie, they murdered their husbands and lied, guns DO NOT GO OFF UNLESS THE TRIGGER HAS INTENTIONAL PRESSURE APPLIED

      • What exactly does being a liberal have to do with this? Seriously, is there just an assumption that if someone has a different view than yours on anything they’re a Liberal? Well, I’m proud to be a liberal, also proud to be a firearms owner. Just so there’s zero confusion on anything related to me(cause I know someone’s gonna find some sterotype)…I am a straight 36 year old African-American female. I have a significant other, I have a brother in the Army who has taught me gun safety. I support the right to choose, LGBTQ rights, and the general right to live your life to the fullest at all times. If this makes me a “libtard”, I’ll wear that label gladly.

        • I believe that the italicized section was pointing out that a loaded weapon is not dangerous in and of itself. It’s an inanimate tool. What’s dangerous in the person that uses it irresponsibly i.e. in a dangerous way. If you have a gun for protection that isn’t loaded, you’re wasting time having it in the first place. Having an unloaded gun is a left/liberal/antigun move.

      • A loaded gun is “hazardous”.

        A loaded gun being pointed at you is “dangerous”.

      • #truth

    • An unloaded gun is almost as useful as a brick. Nothing like looking for ammunition or mucking with a safe when one needs it. Teach your kids about guns, the mysterious and unknown are an attraction. What is known is just part of the homestead. Stop mucking around with 9 Lugar. A leather coat will slow it enough even with your 15 rounds. I’ll stick with my typewriter, 1943 Remington Rand 1911 Colt WWII relic. 7 round, old and slow. One per customer, hits like a school bus. Have another similar vintage 1911 for the other hand. .357 is probably the best. They hurt my ears. A friend told me of a relation that put 15 9 Lugar into an assailant and got dead with one .357 round in return. I have to say 9 Lugar,, 9 x 19 to differentiate from my 9 Styer and 9 rimfire. Forgive me.

      • What you say may have been true at one time with plain ball 9 Luger ammo (although I have doubts) but some modern self defense rounds have as much muzzle energy as a standard 45 ACP,, and better penetration.
        Check out Paul Harrell’s videos on YouTube. He’s done many excellent videos over the years.

        I’m a fan of the 1911, and have some. However, my EDC is a sub-compact 9 Luger, and I am confident that it will do the job, short of body armor. And if the assailant is wearing armor, I have enough extra rounds to shoot at unprotected areas as well, if the target is still a threat after absorbing the impact of several hot 9mm rounds to the vest. Soft armor will probably stop the round, but the felt impact and the energy transfer can be enough to injure.

        Check out the Underwood Extreme Penetrator. You might be surprised at what it can do.

    • Absolute rubbish. Keep my weapons unloaded in my home? The author Cody may be a self proclaimed jack of all trades but on this subject he is way off base and his advice is dangerous. Home invaders rarely knock and count to 30 giving you time to unlock your safe, locate your ammo and load up. Keep your firearms secured or properly hidden but you should ALWAYS keep one loaded, ready and accessible at all times. In my opinion. Semper Fi.

  • Wow. I’m going to contradict you on several points. First, yes, get a safe, but do not get a safe with any kind of electronic lock. In an EMP or other power catastrophe, you will not be able to open your safe.

    Second, guns don’t “lay” in wait, like highwaymen plotting to ambush innocents that may happen along.

    Third, you should keep your guns accessible to you. Even if you have kids, and especially if you have kids, you need to have weapons accessible wherever you think you may need to access them – even in your kids’ rooms. (shock) Ok, in a safe in your kids’ rooms. If someone breaks into your home, where is the first place you’ll go? To protect your kids. Be smart.

    Fourth, an unloaded gun is no use to you in an emergency situation. Are you going to ask the intruder to “hold on, while I unlock my safe, get my gun and ammunition, and load up?” I think not. I’d even suggest keeping a round chambered, especially if your weapon is double action only.

    Finally, and most egregious, carrying a gun is NOT a privilege; IT IS A RIGHT. Shame on you. Are you some kind of liberal?

    • Other reasons to select manual over electronic lock safes is that they are not going to run out of battery power if you forget to change the batteries on a regular basis like you’re supposed to do with smoke detectors. You can still get into the electronic ones, but you have to hunt down the access key once you’ve dismantled the battery compartment. That takes more time than a manual safe. Additionally, an experienced thief can crack an electronic lock faster than a good manual combination lock.

      • You are so right about the electronic keypads.

      • Little while ago I decided to leave my gun in the drawer and my AMMO separate, just like the liberal SAY. Never leave your gun LOADED at home. So I did just that. ONE day I was sleeping woke up to someone in my house I ran to MY drawer grabbed my 9mm then went to MY ammo which was in 3rd drawer below and the burglar open the door and rushed me I fell didn’t have time to get to the ammo I almost did but he hit me and his other 2 friends CAME in pull there guns From there waste sides and said don’t move I’ll shoot, Yes I was kidnapped then.

        See if I had my firearm loaded I could have fired soon as my door SWANG open. But nope listen to SAFETY liberal I almost died I left my LIFE in the hands of felons. Never ever never ever again will I leave my ammo separate and gun unloaded. When I WOKE UP it took me lag time TRYING to process grabbing my gun, grabbing my CLIP thinking are they GONNA kill me etc..truth is dummies do that always be ready don’t do what I did I could of died. Keep your firearm loaded and 1 in the chamber 24/7 +a spare clip

        • Not having bullets in your gun at home until there is a threat is akin to not putting batteries in your smoke detector until you see the fire.

          • Good one!

          • very true. be ready. the bad guy has the element of surprise and time in his favor. you don’t have time to go get your gun and ammo and load while bad guy has his ready pointing at you. fatal mistakes

        • Uhhh, Ty, that “clip” you referred to in your “make believe” story is more properly referred to by those of us in the know as a MAGAZINE so let’s get that in your head first before you start writing your next B.S. fiction story, O.K?

    • Happyclinger, I believe he was speaking mainly of “concealed carry” which is not a right covered in the US constitution. Nor is the right to bear arms without a permit listed in the constitution. Only our right to bear arms is gauranteed. And anyone outside the US might not even have that.

      • The fourth amendment combined with the right to bear arms makes concealed carry a right.

      • The right to protect your self and family comes from God, the Constitution and the 2nd only back that up on paper. When the time comes no piece of paper is gonna help you only your self and God. Your right is inalienable from God.

      • Uh,””’keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed”.

        • “A WELL REGULATED militia….being necessary to a free state the freedom to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Funny how everyone skips that first part. You all sound like the Bible preachers that reference a book you haven’t read and conveniently ignore the large parts that paint god as an a*****e. If you’re going to reference something you have to use the whole thing not just cherry-pick (especially when what you’re referencing is literally one sentence…).

          Well regulated…so guns need to be obtained legitimately not off the back alley. Malitia…Civilians are not militia nor will they ever be. unless they join the military. At the very least that should mean everyone should have proper training. Neither of these things harms any “rights” nor are they restrictive. Most people are realistic and not trying to ban guns so you can calm your tits.

          The reality is even most “liberals” I know have zero issues someone keeping a firearm if they obtained it reasonably and have the proper training. The only people who really shouldn’t be allowed to have guns are those with some sort of criminal record or drug addiction as they aren’t law-abiding citizens.
          (Also, anyone with a mental health condition that might make them unstable when using a firearm.)

          • “A well regulated militia (militia -the people/well regulated-term circa 1800 meant, as the case may be, that which is ‘adequate,’ ‘sufficient.’ or ‘in the proper form’ for its intended purpose. Oxford Dictionary “being in proper working order or addition to”  )”,” Being necessary to the security of a free state {“Prefatory ” Clause as confirmed by the Supreme Court }”,” {“Operative Clause” as confirmed by the Supreme Court } the right of the people to keep and bear arms,”shall not be infringed” (self explanatory)

          • a WELL REGULATED MILITIA refers to WELL TRAINED by people with COMBAT EXPERIENCE for example John Lovell of Warrior Poet Society,Shawn Ryan of Vigilance Elite, Patrick Macnamara, Clint Smith, Travis Kennedy, Tim Kennedy, Mike Glover of Fieldcraft Survival… etc etc. It has nothing to do with the current legal definition of a militia.

  • It is nearly impossible to “childproof” a house, but you can darn sure “gun proof” a child. Five generations in my family (I’m in the middle) have successfully taught gun safety and proper respect for the destructive capability of firearms beginning at our children’s age of reason. The National Rifle Association and nearly all state rifle associations and state Hunter Education agencies have training materials (many free) for teaching firearm safety and they work. Texas made hunter education mandatory in 1988 and the one millionth student was certified in 2013. The number of hunting related deaths and accidents has been cut in half with most of those still occurring coming from people who were “grandfathered” out of the education requirement. There is no substitute for proper education.

    • I agree teaching saftey at a young age is paramount. When i was about four ny dad unloaded one of his shotgubs and left it in a corner in the living room where i was playing and sat down across the room where he could see both me and it. When i went over to touch it he was there in an instant. What he said still sticks with me today. ” Boy, if i ever catch you with your hands on one of these weapons and i didn’t put them there i’ll beat you to within an inch of your life.” I never even thought of touching one without permission agian

  • I disagree with points 3 & 4 above.
    What good is a gun that is unloaded?
    What good is a gun in the house if the ammo is locked up somewhere else?
    We own an RV Park and we sometimes get seedy looking thugs in for an overnight stay. I keep a sawed off 12 Ga. Pump, and a 45 Auto, and a 44 Mag revolver behind my desks in the office, all on safety. Every room in my house, which is connected to our office, has at least one pistol…All fully loaded, ready to cock and fire. Home invaders and/or robbers take less than 10 seconds to get the advantage. It takes me less than 5 seconds to prepare. And you don’t even want to think about entering our bedroom at night unannounced. I don’t want to carry a weapon around in my house. It is uncomfortable and dangerous to me and my wife. All my guns are concealed in cubby holes under towels, but easy to grab.
    No kids around…they’re all grown up. We don’t let visitors kids roam around unattended. All my hunting guns are locked up in our gun safes.
    Now what is wrong with my system?

    • I do not disagree with about having loaded guns in your house as you said, Gary. It seems that you have found a good solution for you and your wife. But would this kind of solution be suitable also for a family with (small) children?
      Thank you a lot for your feedback.

      • I have small kids, two boys (ages 2 and 4). I would never do so for obvious reasons, but I perfectly could leave a loaded AK out in the open in their play room any day and all day. That’s how much confidence I have in their discipline not to touch firearms. It’s simply a way of life around a firearms instructor that they know what they are and that they aren’t to touch them just like a hot stove, kitchen knives, or anything else dangerous. Even small children can be taught if you teach them to think rather than what to think. If a barely two year old boy can immediately identify a random gun part (not even a whole gun), such as a magazine or spare spring, and know not to touch it, then an older child can as well. Sacrificing home security because of speculation about other people’s kids is a little absurd…

        • Hi,

          I am a new firearm holder and a mother of two young boys, ages two and three months. My two year old is into everything and loves his toy guns. I am so nervous about having a gun in the house and have no idea where to keep it at night. My two year old still wakes up at all hours and stands at the side of our bed, so I definitely cannot keep it in my nightstand table. Our bed is a canopy and is pressed against a wall. Im thinking either to keep it buried between the matress and wall or to install something that would allow me to keep on top of the canopy. This, though, would require me standing up on the bed and grabbing it from above in the event of an emergency. I really need some advice from seasoned firearm holders and am open to suggestions. Thank you!

          • If you’re at all afraid you shouldn’t have a loaded gun in your home. You need to train those boys how to think, not what to think. You can hope all day long until you see blood.
            Then what will you do?

          • Just MY opiion… I understand that kids come into the bedroom and, at times, just stand beside the bed till you “feel” someone is there. They may/may not even know they are doing that–they’re kids.
            I believe you teach a child right from wrong. (hat might take a few years). But once they have learned concequences to doing wrong, you start “training” them for life (to be on their own and be a productive adult). This can include lessons or guns. Heck, take the lessons together.
            One suggestion I have is to have a “gun storage” box or wall hanging (over your headboard) that the child can not get into.
            Good Luck to you and yours.

          • If you go online-or to a local gun show, you might find, as I have seen, boxes that mount to the wall that look like a piece of art, very nice looking, that have a way to open and conceal your loaded weapon. They sometimes have a magnet lock which you can just slide over. some do not. Anyway they are an attractive way to hide the gun and still have something nice to look at while you have access, but not too easy, not too hard. Check it out

          • You can get a pistol safe that can be on your nightstand next you. There are various types. they are made of steel and are child proof. Some of them are opened by using your fingerprint others are opened by pressing a series of 5 buttons with a pattern that you choose. That pattern can be one button 4 times or 4 buttons in any sequence that you prefer. They all come with a key so that you can open them in case you forget your pattern, or the battery is dead. I have the one with the 5 buttons that uses the pattern. I prefer it over the biometric box because if your finger is dirty or has lotion on it the scanner may not be able to read your fingerprint. It won`t keep your gun from being stolen but it will keep it safely away from your small children but still quickly accessible to you. Most gun stores sell them, or you can probably find one on Amazon.

      • If you do it properly, and teach your kids properly. Then yes, thid can be a safe set up for folks with kids.

      • Keeping the weapons in our bedroom on an elevated gun rack works for my wife and i. We have a two year old. We have covers on our doors to the bedroom that he can’t open.

    • I am a cc holder by choice. All my weapons are always loaded. All my Grandchildren have been trained( my 6 year old is a terrific shot with my Beeman.) I have a 9mm pea shooter on me 24/7 and my .45 LC is normally not more than 20 ft. away. My 870 and 1100 are loaded with turkey and or buckshot and hidden “In Plain Sight”. My .223 with 25 thirty round mags are fully available is you know where to look. I am 75 and have been self employed for the last 30 years and by necessity carry large sums of cash and work in some very, very high crime areas.
      unloaded guns are similar to pneumatic nail guns with no pneumatics.

      • Don’t waste your valuable time with a “turkey” load unless you hunt armored turkeys.
        Some sort of buckshot is a minimum.

    • If you actually shoot someone with that sawed off shotgun you will end up in prison no matter how right you are to stop the intruder. It is against federal law to be in possession of a shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches and / or overall length less than 26 inches . You would be wise to buy a new short barrel over 18 inches or get rid of the gun.

  • This fool is spouting the liberal lies about guns. An unloaded gun is not any safer than a loaded gun…but a loaded gun can be used to protect yourself an unloaded gun us useless for anything. Children are never a problem around guns as long as their parents educate them in gun safety. The accidents happen in households where parents hide the guns and never educate their kids about them. You don’t need a carry permit to carry in your home except in the extreme minority of places where there are illegal restrictions on guns and they have insanely high crime rates that the gun restrictions make possible. Defending yourself is a right that we all have and no one needs anyone else’s permission to exercise that right. Owning any tool to defend yourself is not illegal no matter what the liberal/Marxists want everyone to believe. If everyone had a gun and the practice it takes to defend themselves you would see crime drop to almost nothing. In fact I don’t know about the practice part, but gun ownership has doubled in the last 10 years and surprise the violent crime rate has fallen to half of what it was. So its time to throw out the liberal/Marxists and go back to where we were 70 years ago when crime was almost unheard of and everyone carried a firearm, no permits were needed and there were no problems.

    • I agree with every thing you said in your post except the second word. You should never call someone a fool who is merely stating his opinion. Free speech is one reason I carry.

      • Him calling the writer a fool, is his first ammendment right.
        But he would have sounded classier, if he would have called his statements, or him foolish instead.

    • There are some areas of our country, such as the “peoples republic of Chicago” where it is illegal to have handguns much less carry on one’s person. Even in Texas it is a penal code violation to store your firearms carelessly so that a minor can have unfettered access to a loaded gun. The author, I believe, was making the point that you have to be aware of your local and state laws to avoid conflict with authorities. We all need to block vote against those politicians who seek to disarm us.

      • James, the people who blindly obey the stupid gun laws in this country need to get their answer ready to Saint Peter when he asks, “What happened?” They can always get a lot of “WOW’s” by saying, “I was obeying all the gun laws when those thugs broke in to my home.”
        I would rather be in jail than in a casket. It’s not quite as confining.
        I agree with you on the voting issue. Get these morons out!

        • We could have done with that insight early on.

  • Unless you live in an apartment with kids, I disagree with #3 and #4. A firearm is useless as a firearm unless it is loaded and readily available, and you have the means to quickly reload in a hurry. Otherwise, forget about it as a means of self and property protection. If you don’t have your loaded and un-key-locked weapon in your hands within a few seconds of hearing a break-in, then you may as well not have a “self-defense” weapon at all.

  • Privilege…? I’m fairly certain I have a Bill of Rights not a Bill of Privileges. Honestly, that should be edited completely out of this post or to reflect expressly that the writer believes this personally and should in no way be taken as an endorsement from this site. Secondly, if one of my firearms is to be used for home or self defense, it is loaded and in the safe or it’s strapped to me. It has never been a problem for anyone in my family, children included. I walk around for 8 hours a day 182 days a year with a 30rd. mag stuffed into my M4 (yes, .mil) and it has never been a problem because I utilized proper control of my weapon, whether I’m around other SF or around the base populous. Figure out your system, get a good combo safe, show your kids what it is, what’s in it, and impress upon them that it is absolutely forbidden to interact with it in any manner, don’t let idiot kids into your house without your supervision and keep a handgun strapped to you at all times even in the house (there are very comfy ways to carry a compact handgun in the home) so you can fight your way to your long gun if necessary. If you don’t want to do that figure out what works for you. I have to go closer to my front door to get upstairs to my big boy guns, of course I need something instantly accessible, but you may not. Just don’t end up dead

    • Yeah look what happened to dick met calf when he stated the 2nd amendment did not or was never intended to promote the rights of an individual to own a weapon. He is somewhere on the unemployment line for guns and ammo or at least the last I heard he was. Larry weishun learned the hard way too.

  • 124 kids die every year from gun accidents at home? If we conservatively estimate 44 million gun owners, that’s a a pretty good statistic (compare it with kids dying in automobile accidents or swimming pool accidents). Now, where was the statistic about crimes prevented every year involving guns?

    • Nearly all of those 124 deaths were preventable through firearm safety education of both parents and children. Ignorance is the greatest source of chaos in the universe.

    • You will never see those numbers reported. Haven’t you ever seen the face of a liberal news reporter, that was forced to do a story that put a gun in a positive position? It takes them every ounce of energy, to keep from vomiting.
      I bet we would see heads spinning on air, if they were forced to tell the truth about guns.

  • In response to the issues raised, this article was written to advise you on how to keep your guns at the ready for emergency situations in the safest and most lawful way possible.
    Ultimately, it is up to you to abide by the federal and state laws regarding gun ownership and usage that apply to you. It is also your right as a gun owner and homeowner to do as you please with your property and do what you must to protect your family, within reason.
    One must take into consideration that in a true disaster or emergency situation the rules may no longer apply, thus you may have to resort to extreme measures to survive.
    We do not adhere to any political principles nor attempt to challenge any viewpoints in this writing. Our goal is simply to provide you with practical tips as widely accepted by the survival community that may help you in an extreme circumstance.
    Thank you all for reading and expressing your feedback in the comments.

    • I will obey the law up to the point that my Family is at risk and the all bets are off. I have carried for a long time, and in my line of work I enter a lot of free kill zones and have always ignored the signage. When I make a service call to the high school and the Sheriff has two armed offices patrolling as a matter of maintaining control of the inmates does anyone with two working brain cells think I am going to present myself as a target? Think Not my friends. I will always rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  • Cody, I do want to thank you for doing this article. It does address important concerns, and is obviously designed primarily for those who have little or no experience with guns and who may live in areas with very restrictive gun laws to contend with. As an introduction to guns and gun safety this does cover the basics, but I want to elaborate on your points and give those who are interested a bit broader viewpoint. It is very important to know the gun laws, not only where you live, but in the areas that you travel to, also. I know that it is an extreme measure, but if you truly want to survive a shtf or home invasion scenario you might want to consider moving to a state where personal freedom is valued. I moved from California back to Kentucky. I have a CC but I can, and do, legally openly carry a loaded revolver anywhere I want to that is not restricted by Federal law (it has to be unloaded in a bar selling alcohol, but I don’t go to bars); I openly carry at the gas station, grocery store, hardware store, bank ,sheriff’s office etc. The only question I have ever been asked by anyone here is what am I carrying (make and caliber). I only bring that up to let people know that in some areas of the country having a gun is considered normal. It should also be pointed out that I am polite to people, don’t do the tough guy act, and consider using a gun against another person as a last resort.

    My biggest problem with the article is that the most important point was only lightly mentioned in passing. The very first point should be, “Get trained!” There are schools that teach the proper use of handguns and long guns for self defense, how to handle the gun safely, how to clear a room, how to quickly clear a jam, etc. My favorite is Front Sight, but there are many others as well. Having a gun is dangerous if you do not know how to use it. Gun accidents do not happen in homes where the parents are trained and the children are trained (or at least taught). One of the problems is that gun safety is no longer taught in schools and for legal reasons you are not likely to find a firearms training class for 4 year olds, so you had best get yourself trained so that you can teach your kids. I taught my boys to properly handle and shoot a pistol when they were 4. Shooting into cans filled with water let them see for themselves how destructive a bullet really is (for those of you who do not know, it rips the whole back side out of the can). They knew where the pistol and ammo were kept, that it was always loaded and that they were not to touch it unless I was not at home and a bad man broke in and tried to hurt them or mommy. They were also taught responsibility in other things as well. None of their friends were ever even told which room the pistol was kept in. They have both grown up to be responsible young men that I am proud of.
    I do agree that having a gun safe is a good idea. It makes a good decoy if burglars break in to steal your guns or other valuables. It can keep them busy and they won’t be ransacking the rest of the house. And, of course, it is mandatory to have your guns locked away if required by law or if you have a party with random people roaming about your home.
    Most of my guns are hidden in various parts of my home so that I can quickly get to at least one in an emergency, but not in any of the “usual” areas. Visitors are always informed that I have guns and if a child is curious about them I just take him (or her) in the back yard and let them satisfy their curiosity by teaching them proper safety and use (with their parents’ permission, of course- if permission is not give then they will not be invited back). I live on a farm. One could not do that in a city, or in some states for that matter. Again the point is education/training.
    An unloaded gun is useless and dangerous. The first rule of gun safety is that there is no such thing as an unloaded gun. Every gun should be treated as if it were loaded at all times. It should never be pointed at anything you are not willing to destroy. By the way, just so you know, a stick of dynamite and a match are perfectly safe together. Dynamite requires an explosion to set it off. Now a match and a blasting cap or a stick of blasting powder is another matter entirely and can make for a very explosive situation in the hands of the untrained. I always wear a loaded revolver and a couple of speed loaders, even when at home. I do not find it to be uncomfortable. The gun is under my direct control and readily accessible. It is also safe. It is almost impossible to have an unintentional discharge with a revolver when the firing chamber is empty. And most places do still allow you to be armed in your own home, but check your local laws to be sure.
    I do fully agree with the part about proper maintenance, but in actuality a gun can lie there for years without being touched and still work just fine if it was cleaned after its last use (provided it has not been in a wet or high humidity area which would cause rust). Grandpa’s shotgun will probably work perfectly. His ammo, however, is a different matter entirely. People rarely think about the age of the ammo. Decades old ammo may or may not work. It is best to fire those shells and buy new ones. I recently came across a box of .22 cartridges that had been laying in a drawer for probably 40-50 years. Only about 70% of them still fired.
    I agree that everyone who even considers using a gun for self defense should get a concealed carry permit. Even if concealed carry is illegal where you live consider taking your next vacation in a state that issues non-resident CC permits. It will not let you legally carry where you live, but it will allow you to do so in most parts of the country. The safety training given is usually minimal, but the legal aspects of using a gun are covered in detail and should be known by everyone who even considers using a gun for self defense. Oh, and although you would never know it from the media reports, it is legal to openly carry without a license in more than half of the states (although most states do have certain restrictions about where you can do so, and there are those pesky unconstitutional Federal restrictions). has lots of good information on this. That being said, if one is not comfortable carrying openly he should not do so. Some people when they first openly carry are nervous and worried about how people will react to them; and a person who is wearing a gun and acting fearful or nervous does make people nervous.
    I agree that one should always be aware of and obey the laws where you live. or where you happen to be at the time. If you don’t like the law, work to get it changed. If that does not work, then vote with your feet and dollars; move to an area where freedoms still exist and work to protect and strengthen them.
    Practice is important; but remember, practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Make sure that you are practicing the right way. Get trained…….. and get trained in using a gun for self defense…….punching holes in paper is not the same as shooting to protect your life or the life of another in a firefight with the adrenalin flowing. And learn to quickly and efficiently clear a jam, and practice that too so that it is second nature if it happens in real life.
    I do apologize for getting so long winded, but wanted to put this out there to all. Thank you/

    • I concur completely. The NRA now has course material available for defensive/tactical training. If you are unfamiliar with shooting and particularly shooting for defensive situations, find yourself a good trainer and train until handling your firearm is as natural as safely driving your car.

  • If you teach children what a firearm is, what it does, and how to operate it safely, they will do just that. It is the children with good parents, who teach their kids who have safe homes. The knucklehead who has firearms and kids and does not is the same who leaves other hazards out for them, and did not teach them to avoid that danger, either.
    My Grandfather was a retired Master sergeant,former drill instructor. He taught me and my brother, and my cousins, to shoot from a very young age. We could all hit dimes and pennies with BB guns at 40 feet before we were 10. We all learned with his service .45,and an old M1 carbine. Once a child hears a live round go off, trust me, they will never treat a gun like a toy.

  • Good info for certain situations, such as ‘covering the bases’ for legal situations. But for the real world, adjusting for conditions at one’s personal level, things can be different. For instance, at our place most rooms have a loaded revolver or something bigger located within reach or no further than 15 feet. We have no little kids (things get rearranged when the grandkids come for visits) so we can stay comfortably armed and ready.

  • that was so insane. You folks are lvniig in a dream world if you think the government and police are here for your protection. Obama has already confirmed he has powers on par with dictatorial tyranny, powers not authorized to any branch of government under the constitution. What’s so wrong with standing up for the Bill of Rights? Why do you hate liberty? Evidence that gun control doesn’t work is overwhelming. Look at Mexico’s violent crime involving firearms. It’s almost impossible for anyone to legally obtain firearms there. Then look at Switzerland, where SCARY EVIL BLACK FULLY AUTOMATIC RIFLES are issued to the overwhelming majority of adult males and yet somehow the use of firearms in violent crimes is. 52 per 100,000 people. I’m beginning to realize that you folks don’t often substitute your emotional knee jerk reactions for facts. The feds don’t give a fuck about you! THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! Nor does Obama, Vixen, Pelosi, Feinstein or any other of these statist politicians. Soft tyranny is here. Rights given away aren’t easily regained.

    • You are correct. When government no longer serves the citizen but its own elitist cabal, the people’s only recourse is armed opposition. “Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither” and will soon realize they have freely accepted slavery. Citizens in one town in western Mexico, fed up with the drug cartel’s activities and the local government’s corruption, formed an illegally armed vigilante group and cleaned up their town. This needs to happen all over Mexico, and perhaps here also.

  • I will be sure and leave all of my weapons unloaded, in a safe, and I will keep all of my ammo locked in a safe location far far away from the weapons.
    Should an intruder break in, I will lift my weapon and proceed to swing at and subsequently beat him with said weapon until I render him unconscious or he takes my weapon from me and uses it to beat me to death leaving only a bloody pulp.

    Seriously, about kids….every child is different. But generally, the younger they are when exposed, the more of an impression firearms training will have on them. Educate your children. My father began teaching me what to do if an intruder broke into our home and I was alone at about the age of 4 or 5. I taught my daughter the same. I taught her to shoot and she has a healthy respect for the complete destruction that can be done with a firearm. She also does not mind putting a bullet into Bambi assuming that she needs to eat.

    • Your comment is right on. An unloaded firearm is essentially a club. It is impossible to child proof a house but you can certainly gun proof a child. Early education that teaches and reinforces gun safety dispels the mystic and allure of firearms and should inure a healthy respect for the destructive potential of firearms. Ownership of firearms carries with it the responsibility of the owner to become educated about the characteristics and safe handling of them. Additionally, it carries the responsibility of educating other family members to treat the firearms with respect. Ignorance is the major cause of chaos in our world.

  • You have some really good suggestions for how to keep your guns ready for use. It is definitely a good idea to keep them locked up in a safe so that they are protected from other people using them. I would really like to find a good safe so that I can keep my guns in an easy to get to place, but also being sure that they are still secure. Thanks for the great post!

  • I’m pretty there is not a single place in the USA that it is illegal to keep firearms loaded in your own home. Maybe he’s Canadian…..

  • I keep my guns loaded and cauked. I have one in each bedroom and one in the main part of the house. I don’t have any kids and the friends and family that visit are responsible adults who know that my guns are live, however they’d never disrespect my privacy by going through my drawers in the first place. The only real worry I have is about an intruder breaking in while I’m asleep and not having the time to retreat. If given the opportunity I’ll always run but being half asleep, naked, and half blind without my contacts doesn’t lend well to that. I prefer my guns to be completely ready and within easy reach on the slim chance that I will desperately need them immediately.

  • Both my husband and I keep ours loaded and near our beds. We haven’t invested in a safe yet, but we wanted to keep them as close to us while we sleep as possible.

  • Hey, I was looking for how to protect guns & keep them safe from children & rust free. It is really a bit daunting task. I would surely recommend your article as very helpful gun safe storage guide which will help one to keep their arms safe.

  • I came here because I was hoping to get a few thoughts on home defense firearm storage, which this article laid out well. Thank you. I already store my firearms and ammo in a high quality mounted electronic safe (with a mechanical key backup in case those hypothetical EMP bombs drop lol). I have a Glock that I store in my nightstand and unlock at night then lock during in the morning – my intention of this search was to see if people were keeping their firearms locked daily to prevent theft as I would be extremely unhappy not only to lose the firearm, but for the criminals to acquire it. It’s a bit of a pain as it’s a mechanical nightstand safe and there are no electronic safes that fit our furniture well (and I know I shouldn’t get electronic with the massive EMP threat…).

    What I stumbled upon was numerous articles with comment sections like this and is why I cannot admit that I am a proud gun owner. I am a successful independent and the things posted here are both unrealistic and paranoid so it’s no wonder the “liberals” are terrified. Let’s tone it down a bit and I think you will have more success in protecting our rights as gun owners. Yikes. Those that also stumble on this article feel free to downvote just like the other rational comments from a couple years ago…

  • Hi,

    I am a new firearm holder and a mother of two young boys, ages two and three months. My two year old is into everything and loves his toy guns. I am so nervous about having a gun in the house and have no idea where to keep it at night. My two year old still wakes up at all hours and stands at the side of our bed, so I definitely cannot keep it in my nightstand table. Our bed is a canopy and is pressed against a wall. Im thinking either to keep it buried between the matress and wall or to install something that would allow me to keep on top of the canopy. This, though, would require me standing up on the bed and grabbing it from above in the event of an emergency. I really need some advice from seasoned firearm holders and am open to suggestions. Thank you!

  • Just my wife and i in the house. My gun is loaded and ready all the time . If you are a victim of home invasion you are not going to have time to load in a time of high stress. If i am on the road my handgun is always with me. No one wouold or will ever know that i am carrying a handgun.

  • Thank you for your posting.
    My husband bought a gun a month ago and so interesting and exciting about gun. But my side story is totally different. I do not have much knowledge about a gun and a gun is the most scariest object to me. I hope there is an article about how much cautiousness is necessary to possses it. Please.

  • When I took the class for C.C.W. my instructor made a comment that I have taken to heart. As concerning the law…….”You break the law your way, and I’ll break it mine” I’ll decide what laws I’ll obey when it concerns the safety of myself and family.

  • While these are important aspects of owning and shooting a gun, they don’t teach you what its like to have to use your firearm for self-defense.

  • I have been a single mother for many years. I purchased a .38sprcial that I could handle . I took some classes to feel better handling it! When I got the 38, my son was only about 5yrs old. I made sure it was unloaded and having watched the guns on tv, I wanted my son to understand and know the difference between a real gun and a toy gun! I had my son to come sit with me and I explained the difference between a toy gun and a real gun! I explained how when you are playing with the toy gun that after you go bang bang and shoot that the thing/person will still be able to get up and go play some more. But with a real gun, after bang bang they never get up again and they’re dead. I also explained the reason I wanted a gun for just in case someone tried to get in and hurt us. Then I allowed him to hold the real gun to see how it was different than a toy gun. When my son took hold of the gun he almost dropped it because it was so heavy!! He said shocked ‘wow mom that’s heavy,’. He could tell the difference between a real gun and a toy gun. I allowed him to hold it and look it over for a bit then I explained that if he or him & his friends ever wanted to look at it to just ask me and I will show it to you, but don’t ever go searching for it with out me! I explained how terrible it would be if he & a friend found it and accidentally shot each other!! After that short conversation and allowing him to hold it, my son never asked me to see the gun or where it was. I think he got the reality of how real guns kill! At age 10ys I had him go with his cousin, who’s father hunted & had guns, go to a nra educational classes and learn about the safety of guns and help him to feel more comfortable with them. He said he really enjoyed the classes and wanted to go hunting with his cousin & uncle. He went once & then being such an animal lover, he didn’t want to go anymore!! My son is now 35yrs old and still never asks about my gun! I think educating our children about guns is just as important as explaining about sex education!! The more we have conversations with our children/others the safer and more kind people can grow to be better citizens of our country!! Please people, talk to your kids and help them understand what is real and what is not real! Also keep it simple!!

  • I agree with everything you’ve written, Cody. I do think that it’s important to invest in high quality safe, especially and maintaining your guns regularly. It not only makes it safe for your guns but for your family, especially the children, at home as well.

    • Well then I hope you and your family never have to face down a criminal breaking into your home.
      I would hope you cared more for your family.

      • You have no idea how much Allen cares for his family. Nor what steps he has taken to see to their safety. If you have more than two guns, you need a good safe. Depending on your living situation, you may or may not need to be armed at all times. I live far rural, and don’t feel the need to carry in the house. With the disintegrating social contract, I am re-evaluating that idea. If all you are going to do is buy a gun and leave it in a safe, you may as well buy a book on karate, and leave it on your book shelf. Maybe your assailant will let you go get it and throw it at him. You have to have enough confidence in yourself to know when and when not to shoot, And the willingness to kill a person. That is what guns do, and it is better him than me.

  • What I think is so funny about most of you HARCORE gun owners is the BAD advice you are spreading. If it threatens your fucked up ideology it must be liberal. Well, I’ve got news for you, this is exactly what the NRA states and THEY are NOT liberal. Please check the NRA website on gun safety and shut the hell up. Lastly, those who would keep a gun loaded in a child’s room without a safe SHOULD have their children taken away. You are irresponsible and should never breed again. Clearly, you aren’t involved enough in your family lives to take notice that a 2 year old is not a 6 year old. Children smaller than 2 years old have yet built the concept of weapon safety you dumb shits.

    • I guarantee every member of the NRA keeps there firearms loaded with one in the chamber either on them or near them at all times. Rules 1-4 are merely for checking a legal box and to make sure they cover their asses. If you are a gun owner and you do not keep your fire arms ready to use , then please just give them away to someone who will use them properly. I mean this fire arm is useless to the person who is not keeping it ready, and it could be used to save a life. What are you using your firearm for if it isn’t loaded and ready.? Is it just a show piece to talk about when people come over?

  • I do not ( and will not) follow rules 1-4, because they do not keep me safe, but rather impede upon my ability to protect myself. My fire arm is not to take out and “have fun with”, it is to protect me from bad people since I live far out in the country. If I kept my firearm in a safe, unloaded, with the ammo in a different spot… how the hell am I going to use it if I need it. Granted I live alone and have no kids…but even if I did I would still not change anything . Just make sure your kids are well trained with firearms like my father trained me and nothing will happen.

  • Hello,I check your blogs named “Keeping Your Guns At The Ready – Do’s And Don’ts | Survivopedia” regularly.Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work! And you can look our website about proxy list.

  • Hello
    I think I have one thing to add to all this.
    To leave a fire arm loaded in your home when you are not there is a very bad
    thing to do.
    if your fire arm is loaded it should be on you or with you or you should be
    with it.
    My home was broken into and I had loaded fire arms in the bed room.
    ‘I went in to my home and the people that broke in were still in there.
    with my loaded fire arms.
    In any event they could have shot and Killed me with my own fire arm.
    so if you leave your home do not leave loaded fire arms in the house any where.
    I sure do think you would not want to be shot with one of your own fire arms.

  • “Wait a minute Mr.Bad Guy, I have to go open my safe, find my ammo and magazines, load them, then I’ll be ready to face you”.

    Stupid advice, keep your guns at the ready at all times.

  • In areas of mathematic and creative thinking, logical, problem solving, and deep concentration, being able to think outside the box and be more aware of the surroundings is a major attribute. The more you are working on the range honing your skills and applications, the more your mind evolves and sharpen.

    • While truncated, really, really good advice. While you can’t practice shooting a person, you can practice those things your body needs to know, leaving your mind free to work on what it needs. Which is “Do I shoot, or not”. You won’t have time to think center mass, gun cocked, or any of these physical things. They have to do themselves. There is training that teaches you ‘shoot, or not’, but unless firearms are part of our livelyhood, That is not practical for most of us.

  • I have a current CCW to carry a locked and loaded 9mm. I also keep a 12 ga. pump shotgun next to my bed at night. I wouldn’t have it any other way, thank you very much,

    Only adults live in my home and we all know how to properly use the 12 ga.

  • An unloaded firearm is nothing but an expensive club. When seconds count, say during an armed home invasion it is not the time to be trying to find your ammo to load your weapon. The skill in handling should have been gained through safe handling and practice. When the invaders are in your house and coming for your loved ones is not the time to be learning loading under stress. Your advice is simply poor and a disservice. (Veteran who has been handling firearms since Uncle Sam handed me a rifle in 1968)

  • Why do you continue to use this flawed article, which is several years old? The very idea of having firearms for home defense (or other self-defense) suggests that they must be readily-accessible. So, storing ammo and guns separately does you no good when an intruder is coming through your window at 2:00 a.m. My family knows to never pick up a gun, should they somehow discover one. But, more to the point, I keep a loaded .357 magnum in a small, mechanically-operated (not electronic) gun safe, in case of an intruder. These safes are relatively-inexpensive, and you don’t have to worry about them losing power. But, the writer of this article certainly does not understand the need for protection “in gravest extreme”…

    • You sir are obviously not paying attention to what’s going on in this country in the past 2 months. You are out of touch living in La La Land. You might not have time to go to your perosseous safe to retrieve your weapon. As to your kids were trained not to touch a gun, have you trained them in the proper, safe handling of said weapon? Do they know how to shoot it? The way things are stacking up they may just have to. Of course with your approach and attitude, they will not have a chance because you’ll already be dead and them with you.

  • Years ago I was in bed getting a couple hours sleep before having to get up for my job working midnight’s. We were renting a home out in the country. Around 10 pm I was awaken by my wife screaming my name because 3 people were busting thru our front door. Because I worked midnights, I always had my 12 gauge shotgun loaded and leaning against the beds headboard for my wife since I was gone at night. When I awoke from her screams, I had the shotgun in my hand before my feet hit the floor. As I was running thru the bedroom I could see my hysterical wife staring into the kitchen towards our front door. So I slid into the living room on my knees with the shotgun facing the door. After busting thru the door the intruders turned around and ran away, and I believe it was because of my wife yelling my name caused them to turn around They thought she was alone and was going to get to her before she had a chance to move, and they would have! The wife and I agreed later that if they didn’t turn around , they would ran right into my gun barrel. My point is it all happened within seconds and I would of never had a chance to get the shotgun loaded if it wasn’t already. After living thru such an experience, I’ve always said an unloaded gun does you no good in a home invasion. On a side note, please tell your wives if someone breaks into your home and you are not home, to scream your name anyway so the intruders think someone else is there. In my case. it probably saved the lives of the intruders !!

  • There is an old saying, “Firearms have only two enemies…rust and politicians. I’ll add a third. Ignorance from those that own them and from those that know nothing about them. I’ve lived around firearms my whole life and as such, I’m not afraid of them, but I do respect them and what, in the hands of the ignorant or a bad person, they can do. If you decide to own a firearm or ‘firearms’, as they are kind of like potato chips…one is never enough, get some training in safety and handling the ones you own and spend time at the range. If you are a gun owner and you have a family, it is your duty as a ‘responsible’ person to ensure your family learns firearm safety, so you need to take the time and talk to them and not just one time and take them to the range. I was taught as a youngster and before I was even allowed to touch a firearm I had to rattle off a number of safety rules. My first few hunts for either rabbits and/or squirrels I was not allowed to even carry a gun. After a few times I was allowed to carry an unloaded firearm on a few more hunts, but had to treat it as a fully loaded firearm. If I broke safety, in any way, I had to go back to the vehicle and wait for everyone to finish and return. When my Dad or my Uncles thought it was time, I was allowed to carry a gun. My first ‘armed’ bunny hunt was when I was 10 or 11. I taught my kids in similar ways, but I added a wrinkle, as they grew up with video games where you could be brought back to life or picked up ‘health’ or whatever. I took them out to friend’s place in the country where he had a little 150 yard range for his private use. We set up some watermelons and at about 10 yards I shot them them with a 9mm handgun loaded with hollow points. When my kids saw how they exploded, the looks on their faces said it all. I told them ‘this’ was the reality and their games were were only games and not true to reality. All my kids became decent shots over time. Sorry I’ve been a little wordy. The point is…I’ve read the comments and replies and some were good and others, well…I’ll just say I read them. If you get a gun, remember, it will be you who can be held responsible for how it is used. Get training. Be a safe and responsible gun owner. Most of it is just common sense and what works for one may not work for another.

  • Barska is another company with excellent Biometric safes. Reasonable cost. But not like the fireproof safes that weigh a ton.

  • Wow Kade your ignorance astounds me ! First you blast people for not using the entire sentence and breaking it down, then you do the same thing by breaking down the beginning of the statement and saying that Well regulated has to do with Guns and that Militia has to do with people. As you pointed out ITS ONE SENTANCE. Well Regulated Militia. Well regulated, as used in the 1700/1800 means “well trained” and A Militia means a group of citizens who have banded together and trained together to defined their town or state in times of trouble…So “A Well Regulated Militia” is a group of “Well Trained citizens” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
    A well regulated militia, is a group of people who could unite together well and act as a cohesive unit. To protect against threats. Foreign or domestic. Well regulated militia is nothing more than a group of people that have guns that could come together and perform well. It does not mean government regulated or managed.


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