Meds To Stockpile For A Crisis

From pharmaceutical medicine to vitamins, antiseptics and additional herbal medicines, there are a number of important medical supplies that you can and should stock up on in case of an emergency.

Over-the-counter medications are a good place to start, including antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal medicines. If you know where you purchase them, you can also stock up on basic antibiotics legally and without a prescription.

First and foremost, I always like to mention that if you or anyone in your family has a life-threatening dependence on a certain prescription medicine, you really should be sure to stock as much of that medication as possible.

Most medications, when stored properly, will keep for anywhere from several months to several years. Find out what the shelf-life is of your medications, and try to keep at least a 3 month supply of crucial medications in stock.

Pain medication

This is another big one on the list of medicines that you should stock up on. Include a variety of different pain medications, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen and even opiate-based pain medication if you have legal access to it or a prescription.

Not only is pain medication important for you and your family, but it has immense inherent value and can therefore be traded or bartered with as needed. Keep in mind that ibuprofen and acetaminophen can also be used to reduce fevers, though both can be harmful in large doses or over an extended period of use.

On the more natural end of the spectrum, a potent extract of curcumin, one of the active components in turmeric, has been used traditionally to relieve arthritic pains. Some studies have shown curcumin to demonstrate similar levels of efficacy as some prescription NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs).

For topical pain relief and as a mild anesthetic, you can store oil extracts of clove, wintergreen, and many hot peppers, including cayenne, for their pain-relieving qualities. Clove oil is purported to be especially effective when it comes to toothaches, while hot peppers can be used to make oils or lotions for application to topical aches or tight muscles.

Burn gel containing a percentage of lidocaine can also come in handy, even if you don’t necessarily have a burn to treat. Lidocaine is an anesthetic, usually included in concentrations of 2% – 4% in gels that are available OTC (Over The Counter).

Other medicine that can be purchased OTC include Imodium, for treating and preventing severe diarrhea, as well as Benadryl or another antihistamine suitable for helping to contain an allergic reaction.Be aware, antihistamines and OTC pain medication such as acetaminophen can cross-react with one another; many ‘nighttime’ OTC pain medications include a small dose of antihistamine along with 250mg or 500mg of the regular pain medication.

Cold medicine

DayQuil or NyQuil can also be helpful, especially if you have young children who do not handle swallowing pills well. Liquid cold medicines generally have a decent shelf-life, and can be helpful for reducing fever, relieving nausea, relieving pain or stomach upset, and as an aid for getting to sleep.

An OTC supplement called melatonin can also be useful in regulating sleep and encouraging a natural sleep cycle.


In a post-SHTF scenario, you can bet good money that a lot of people will die of secondary infections and basically for a lack of antibiotics. Fortunately, antibiotics can also be stockpiled, legally, without a prescription and generally rather affordably.

Simply check at your local farm supply store or vet, and ask for antibiotics such as FishMox or FishPen, they are amoxicillin and penicillin, respectively. Antibiotics should be used sparingly, but there are times when a course of antibiotics can mean the difference between life and death.

Different types of pills on white backgroundMany, many plants have natural antibacterial, antibiotic and antiviral properties as well. Aloe vera has a long history of use as a soothing balm for burns, to rejuvenate damaged skin, and also as an antiseptic gel for topical use.

Some hospitals have taken to using allicin and alliin, two compounds found in fresh, crushed garlic, to fight antibiotic-resistant diseases like MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Another great natural antibacterial and antiviral is tea tree oil, the oil of the melaleuca tree, which has also been used in some hospitals and clinics to fight antibiotic resistant diseases.


In addition to pharmaceutical and natural or herbal medicines, there are a number of vital nutrients that you can stock up on to promote, support and maintain the best health possible. Start with basic, fundamental nutrients like essential fatty acids (EFAs), a high quality multivitamin, and a 2000IU or 5000IU dosage of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is one particular medicine / supplement that is quite affordable and can serve to boost the immune system significantly.

Remember to maintain a sanitary environment as much as possible, and stock up on rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and liquid iodine for use as topical antiseptics and cleaners.

If you have pets like a dog or a cat, or if you have very young children, keep in mind that a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, when swallowed, will induce stomach upset and vomiting. Some people also keep ipecac syrup on hand for inducing vomiting.

You can also store hydrocortisone cream to help treat skin ailments or eczema, it can provide quite a lot of relief. Use hydrocortisone cream on rashes, itching bug bites, or other minor, irritating skin problems and relish the relief it brings. I also recommend a good stock of antifungal cream to treat any ringworm or athlete’s foot that may crop up.

Finally, if you have access to quality honey and can store it properly, honey has an incredibly long shelf-life and many potential health benefits. Ranging from anti-inflammatory properties to antibiotic and antifungal, honey is a natural powerhouse of veritable goodness and health-promoting compounds. You can use honey in a variety of herbal teas to stave off colds and flu, or apply it topically over a wound to take advantage of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

new SMD01

This article has been written by Gaia Rady for Survivopedia.

Disclaimer: The opinions voiced by Gaia Rady, are her own and are not meant to take the place of seeking medical help from your healthcare provider. The practice of medicine without a license is illegal and punishable by law. Seek modern and standard medical care whenever and wherever it is available.

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Latest comments
  • Colloidal Silver Water is an antibiotic that anyone can make and keeps well. Google it. There’s tons of information on it and it is useful for many things.

    • I agree with Ken on making colloidal silver. Everyone should have at least the bear minimum tools to make this great antibiotic.

    • I have some information from a website about Colliodal Silver –
      What you make at home is “Ionic Silver” and is not the same. Colliodal Silver is amber in color. There is a lot of propaganda from the manufacturers of Ionic Silver.
      Also, Blue Man drank high quanities of Ionic Silver and applied it to his skin. He basically, overdosed himself. Hope this helps. Tim

      • Tim , I make colloidal at home and you are right. When I make it the solution is a slight gold color which is the color it should be. Used it for years, I am 72 yrs. old.If it gets too dark, like tea, then it is no good.

        • how do u make colloidal

        • How do you make colloidal silver and what does it prevent

  • Ya if you wanna look like papasmurf when your sixty I would stick to more natural items colloidal silver will turn your skin blue, for real, look up the real blue man or colloidal silver effects.

    • Been using colloidal silver for years — not blue!

    • Well I’m 80 and I have probably used it for 20 years and haven’t turned blue yet. As I’m sure you’re aware of you can abuse anything and sometimes there’s consequences. I’m sure I can find a lot more people using colloidal silver that are perfectly happy with the results than you can find people who have turned blue from using colloidal silver. You may be someone who is employed by or connected with the medical community in some way?
      Your time might be better spent commenting on the side effects of prescription drugs or GMO’s or….

    • You must use pure water (as in distilled) to make silver colloid. Tap water, with its chlorine, fluoride, aluminum residues, and other junk, is the reason you might turn blue. Even so, blue does not seem to hurt you much. Silver is the very best antibiotic there is.

    • If you turn blue it means you are taking too much. Cut back the amount. Turning blue won’t hurt you.

      • As John Lennon once said,”Are you Bluish? You don’t look Bluish.
        Yellow Submarine, 196?

    • “The Blue Man” added salt while making his ‘colloidal/ionic silver thus changing it from a ‘colloidal/ionic silver’ and in to a ‘silver protein’ which can turn the skin gray to blue. He also drank a quart of it a day, would rub it in to his skin to treat a skin condition and then he would use a tanning bed to ‘set’ the ‘silver’. His choice, he knew what it was doing and continued using his colloidal silver even after turning blue as it kept him healthy otherwise. Keep it pure with no ‘additives’ and all is well with your skin.

  • Good article!
    Keep all medication in an extra tightly sealed air and water proof containers. Most of these drugs will stay potent for a long time AFTER the stated expiration date. The only antibiotic that you should not keep after the expiration date is tetracycline. In the right circumstances…..if expired and used it can become extremely toxic. You really need to understand Antibiotic use as just taking them without understanding what kind of infection you are treating is just a waste of a limited lifesaving stockpile. Get yourself a Merck Manual it will help deciding the what where and when of treating infections.

  • I am a clinical pharmacist and a director at a small rural hospital so I had to chime in when I read the article and subsequent comments. “FOR THE MOST PART”, persons who posted about meds were generally correct. HOWEVER, all medications do expire (pharmaceutical companies want their dollars too) and they tend to expire by losing potency (or strength). There are those exceptions which can turn mildly or moderately toxic and be harmful to ingest. Most meds will give telltale signs of degradation (i.e. discoloring of tabs or liquids-crusting over, SMELLS, viscosity (something now pours very slowly when it used to be as thin as water), tablets fall apart (friablitiy) due to moisture or water absorption (this is why they have those little desicators inside the bottles)…aspirin when kept inappropriately will begin to smell strongly like vinegar (or after a period of age/time). Unfortunately most products are engineered to fail after a period of time such as cars, car tires, light bulbs, batteries, etc… and then we have to spend more of our money to replace those items >>> drugs are no exception!

    • “Unfortunately most products are engineered to fail after a period of time such as cars, car tires, light bulbs, batteries, etc..”
      Are you saying this is engineered on purpose?
      That tires, light bulbs, etc should last indefinitely?

      • Light bulbs ,incandescent, are a balance between energy savings and life. Old trafic light bulbs and heavy duty bulbs draw more current because they have a thicker filament but they last far longer. Tires also are a balance between life and traction. Cars definitely have a design life Mercedes vs ford pinto, no comparison. Cost no comparison.

      • There is a expression known as planned obsolescence.
        Things are engineered cheaply now days. Water heaters, for instance, used to last 30 years. As a plumber, I have run into some very old, still working units. Modern water heaters, on the other hand, last 6 to 12 years.
        If you make a product that lasts a customers lifetime, you sell one per customer. If it only lasts a decade, you sell several per customer.

        • Just a thought. Light bulbs, to use your example, can not last forever. The light, and heat, from a bulb is the emission of photons from the filament due to the excitation of electrons. Eventually, the filament will wear out, not be able to produce any electron “reaction”. Kinda like a tire. No matter how you drive, you leave a microscopic layer of rubber on the road. It has to wear out.

  • There are a whole host of natural products that I use to replace any and all OTC’s. They never go bad and are easily stockpiled. Our family uses Young Living essential oils. For example, instead of using pepto for an upset stomach or diarrhea, we use Young Living’s peppermint Essential Oil. We also use peppermint essential oil for headaches or as a topical pain reliever or a fever reducer. For survival situations, we would also use Young Living’s peppermint for heat stroke. We use Young Living’s Valor for back problems. We used Young Living’s lemon essential oil for when our boys got chicken pox. We use Young Living’s Thieves essential oil blend for colds and flu. There’s also a story of five thieves robbing people who were dying of the black death back. They used essential oils before they robbed those dying and they didn’t get sick. Young Living essential oils are my first choice for a survival medicine alternative.

  • I truly believe everyone is a bit slow all this info has been out there for eons

    • Yes, it has, but try to remember that there is a new crop of preppers, and people in general, who arrive here every day to learn. We all strive to learn something new every day, which implies that you didn’t know it before, regardless of how long it has been in the realm of public knowledge.

  • I don’t understand why you would point out those 2 articles unless you did not read the reviews by 105 (WEB MD article) people who used colloidal silver and they were all happy with using it?
    And the other article says that they did not think “blue Man” died of argyria.

    • Replys? I was simply pointing out side effects and long term use. It’s info you should have if you are planning on using this. Otherwise you may not know what to do when you start seeing these effects. You may not even know where they are coming from. Especially if you are ill informed on medication! And where will you find information when the internet is not available. I put it out there because its medical facts about a product you were discussing. If your the patient, you decide what path you wish to follow and its the law right now for Doctor’s to inform patients of all possible reactions or effects of a product, but its your fate.

  • Moringa Oleifera trees are by far one of the most important things that a family can have in the backyard. They will literally stave off countless diseases and do much to protect the immune system. 10 amino acids, numerous Pytoproteins and at least 48 antioxidants. The trees are easy to grow in warm climates out doors and will do fine indoors for you penguins living in the north. Get some seed online and plant them. They will reward you 10 fold. The entire tree is edible except for the roots. Leaves are great raw in salad. Or use them as a tea powder. If anybody wants assistance with the cultivation and care of these trees feel free to email me and I will in turn upload some instructions on how to get them going.

    • I planted several of the seeds last spring and only one grew and I have it in a pot but it is not doing very well. I brought it inside for the winter and I have it in a large south facing window. It was outside this summer and got hit pretty hard by a hailstorm which set it back. It’s only about a foot tall.
      I’ll check it today and see if it’s root bound and if it is I’ll re-pot it.
      If you have any suggestions that might help they would be much appreciated.

    • Moringa is a great tree, but it grows only in the South. Unless you have a greenhouse that can be opened to direct sun in warm weather (since glass or plastic reduce some vitamin production) it won’t be of great use. In the north cultivate Berberis, Oregon grape, Echinacea, woad or elderberry for infections.

  • I totally agree with Karen’s post, especially concerning Thieve’s Oil. However, you can save yourself a ton of money by make your own … Here’s the blend:
    200 drops of Clove oil
    175 drops of Lemon oil
    100 drops of Cinnamon Bark oil
    75 drops of Eucalyptus oil
    50 drops of Rosemary oil
    This will make 1 fluid oz.

    WARNING: never apply this directly to skin. If application is to be made topically, dilute 1 part of the Thieve’s Oil blend to 4 parts carrier oil (hemp, grape seed, fractioned coconut, almond, etc.)

    I have used Thieve’s Oil for the past 5 years to successfully treat everything from bronchitis to a tooth ache. It is one of the best homeopathic remedies for a ton of aliments and illnesses.

  • Skin brushing with a soft to medium palm brush is both healthful and
    Skin brushing aids in exfoliating dead skin cells and will rid the skin of
    dirt and dried sweat when no water is available.

  • I spoke with a gentleman at a gun show in Montana last year and somehow we got to talking about colloidal silver and he mentioned that it was the only thing that helped his Lyme disease. I had not heard of that before and I wish now I had got more details about how he used it.

  • Better yet, get some neem oil — Eastern Indians swear by it for protection against malaria to mild bacterial infections. Don’t forget diatemaceous earth too — humans, pets and plants all thrive on DE..

  • Diatomaceous earth kills some insects too. Not sure which, but Google it.

    • I use half-barrels in the green house to grow cantaloupe, tomatoes and peppers and twice I have added soil from outside and got an ant infestation started. I sprinkled diatomaceous earth over the top of the soil and especially around the inside rim of the barrel and both times it was an overnight cure. DE does not seem to lose it’s potency over time if kept dry and in the container or plastic bag it came in.

      • Diatomaceous earth works by mechanical action not chemical action, therefore as long as it stays as individual pieces it will work. Shelve life = forever.

      • Diatomaceous earth works by mechanical action (sandpaper/thorns on the bugs joints and ruins their ability to keep enough water in their bodies) not chemical action, therefore as long as it stays as individual pieces it will work. Shelve life = forever.

  • I am gathering up my Essential oils, and learning about which herbs and oils to use for what. I do believe that anything in excess isn’t good for anyone. Even Food!

    My sister-in-law used colloidal silver for her Hep C. We couldn’t tell any difference I her taking it. She died a couple of years ago in spite of all that was tried to heal her. Her sister had it first, and is pretty much cured. She will have to have check-ups from now on, but she is doing great. Just goes to show that what works for one, doesn’t always work for another.

  • Some pharmacies won’t fill certain prescriptions for more than 30 days. Maybe by mail for 3 mo. supply? I use all natural anyway..I use DMSO for pain,swelling and wounds and silver gel for burns and wounds. Oil of oregano for sore throat and Panaway (young living) and arnica gel for bruises and pain from injuries, especially. I use full spectrum milk thistle for cat,dog,and human liver problems and Co-Q10 for heart problems and beet powder for high blood pressure. Also charcoal for food poisoning and bentonite clay for detoxing. Most of these are very
    inexpensive and easy to find. These things have multiple uses. I am stocked up!

  • For burns, I have found nothing better than Silvadene (Silver Sulfadiazine). During a high power rifle match the hot barrel of my rifle came in contact with the back of my neck. As I tried to jerk it away, the rifle sling attached to my arm simply pulled it in tighter against my neck. I was treated with this miracle product within ten minutes and first, it stopped the horrendous pain almost instantly. Second, since it was a third degree burn I figured I would be scarred for life. Not so! There was no trace of the wound within days.

    Here is a link which covers it well:
    Including possible side effects.

  • 1. Blackberry juice will stop diarrhea in its tracks. No side effects except a purple tongue.
    2. The fluff from cattail plant can be wrapped in cloth for sanitary pads. After use discard
    the fluff wash & reuse the cloths next month.
    3. You can eat the root of the cattail.

  • When you write this type of article, please include a checklist at the end, something to be printed for my next shopping trip.

  • an antibiotic note: Don’t go for the triple antibiotic. It is basically a WMD, and will kill anything in its path. Get a single, and know when to use it. Keep the triple around, but don’t make it your first line of defense, or you’ll wind up living in a bacteria-free bubble.

  • Well written article! Thanks for sharing!


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