Anyone who has been around prepping for any length of time has a general idea of just how critical electrical power is to modern society. A large part of what
It's important not to overlook the benefits of CFLs and LEDs for situations that require low heating combined with the increased spectrum and light intensity options.
Selecting a good generator for your home may seem tricky at first, but with all the right info, it will become just another shopping trip that you need to make.
Hempcrete can be used in conjunction with concrete. It has advantages over standard concrete in some applications because is a great insulator and lightweight.
The idea of breaking free from the electric company, the water company, and all the others who expect a piece of the pie every month is supremely attractive.
When we talk off-grid power, that means solar and wind power. While there are some other means of generating electricity, most of us are limited to those options.