We often take for granted the simple act of moving, and we don’t think much about the natural functions of our bodies. However, for millions of people worldwide, this body’s
Back in China, the leaves were picked and eaten by local people for their flavor and stimulating effect. That’s because green tea naturally contains caffeine.
One important fact research has revealed is that curcumin is poorly absorbed by the human body, whether it’s taken alone or as part of the whole turmeric.
Most health benefits occur when garlic is crushed or chopped. This action releases the alliinase enzyme in garlic, which helps produce the compound allicin.
It would be - without question - vital to have nutritionally dense food like this available. Let me explain why keeping a supply of spirulina on hand is wise.
Big Pharma plays a role in this extravaganza, as the myriad of so-called flu medicine sold over the counter is useless and sometimes makes things worse.