5 Ways To Defeat Bacteria Without Antibiotics The best way to defeat bacteria naturally is to approach your battle from all sides. It sounds simple, and it generally is. Here are the secrets! Read More HEALTH, Sanitation & Hygiene 30 Comments0
10 Foods To Solve Your Medical Crisis When it comes to survival, what you eat can save you more than you imagine. Here are 10 foods that solve your medical emergencies. Read More HEALTH 0 Comments0
Survival Secrets From Your Garden: How to Use Roses Roses are probably the best known of all flowers, but there is much more to them than just a pretty face. They’re a great plant to grow for survival. Read More Plants & Gardening 1 Comment0
Homemade Penicillin To Survive When SHTF If SHTF, access to antibiotics may become limited or impossible. If that happens, it’s important to know how to make antibiotics at home. Read More Alternative Medicine, HEALTH 45 Comments3
Survival Gardening: How To Naturally Improve Your Soil You can’t just drop seeds in the ground and expect a ton of produce. Your soil needs care. Here are some natural ways to improve it! Read More FOOD, Plants & Gardening 11 Comments0
Survival Herbal Recipes From Our Ancestors Our ancestors used these plants well for medical purposes, and you need to know how to prepare them. Here's how to turn any of them them into natural remedies. Read More Plants & Gardening 26 Comments0