Is It Too Late For America? Republican candidates are rallying against one area of Obama's changes or another; but can they truly turn things around? Read More Disaster Scenarios, GENERAL PREP 18 Comments0
What’s Happening In September? There are forces at work behind the scenes pushing to create a one world government. I just don't know when it will happen. Read More WAR & CONFLICTS 7 Comments0
False Flags: Government’s Schemes For Gun Control NAZIs killed eight million people, starting almost immediately after bragging about creating the first "modern society" in which guns weren't needed. Read More GENERAL PREP, Regulations, SECURITY 49 Comments0
The “Pied Piper” We Call “The News” I think the real reason that the media leans towards the left has to do with the type of people drawn to Hollywood and to the news media as well. Read More COMMUNICATION, Disaster Scenarios 6 Comments0
Illegal Aliens… It’s Worse Than We Think According to police reports, the murderer of that young woman is an illegal alien who has been convicted seven times of felonies and deported five times. Read More GENERAL PREP, SECURITY 6 Comments0
Chattanooga Shooting & Obama’s Love For Islam There is no question that our nation is under attack by radical Islam and this is just the latest attack in that process. Read More WAR & CONFLICTS 27 Comments0