Why lockpicks? In an emergency scenario, why not use forcible entry? Firefighters, Police and Military use them, so shouldn’t survivalists use them too?
Staying prepared is the best shot at survival. For being prepared, you have to know the risks, make the plan, & build the stockpile of emergency essentials.
Does everyone in your household know the plans? Are your plans simple enough to succeed? Are they adaptable to the types of tactics enemies would likely use?
Rather than finding new ways to pack your EDC gear, we’re going to put it all together in a kit that can be swapped around to whatever pack you’re using.
How important is it to carry a light source? If you are trapped in a building without light or even just a dark night, you may be operating blindly without
The most important thing to take away from all this is to be ready for anything. No one starts as a survival gear expert. The trick is simply to start.