How To Clean Your AK-47 Rifle Owning a gun means more than shooting once in a while: without proper maintenance and cleaning it will let you down in the most critical moments. Read More Firearms, GENERAL PREP, SECURITY, WEAPONS 18 Comments0
Survival Guns: How To Clean And Maintain Your Revolver There are things to be said and steps to be learned to keep your firearms at the ready. Let's start with how to clean a S&W 649 revolver. Read More Firearms, GENERAL PREP, WEAPONS 13 Comments1
False Myths That Could Ruin Your Prepping Plans The hard part for a new prepper is telling the difference between the hype and the good, solid information. How do you know which one is true? Read More GENERAL PREP, Survival Skills 21 Comments0
How To Cross Rivers Safely You must be aware of the fact that knowing how to cross a river is an essential skill to master. It’s actually a critical one if you’re a hiker. Read More GENERAL PREP, Survival Skills 8 Comments0
Skills You Need Today To Survive Crowded Cities These skills will help you survive in crowded cities. And remember: prepping is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Read More GENERAL PREP, Survival Skills 7 Comments0
Moon Cycles And Gardening: The Facts You Didn’t Know We have done some research to see if there really is something to the whole “moon cycles and gardening” thing. Here's what we found out! Read More FOOD, Plants & Gardening 7 Comments0