Did Chemtrails Really Murder Prince And Merle?

As a former detective and investigative researcher, my interest always gets piqued when I hear of untimely celebrity deaths. These situations are invariably not as they seem.

After the obligatory ‘sanitized’ public obituaries, there’s usually “the rest of the story”. Often it’s an old, well known killer like substance abuse.  Sometimes depression, hopelessness, or misadventure from a life style far exceeding the rationale speed limit of society.

But the recent demise of the iconic music entertainers Merle Haggard and Prince, stretches the outer limits of reality and sanity to reveal something so evil…that even the most intrepid conspiracy bloodhounds would retch in revulsion from the super suspicious mephitic stench wafting from the darker issues accompanying these unfortunate deaths.

Just to remember, both happened to be anti-government Chemtrail Activists, which included Chemtrail concerns voiced in the form of television appearances by Prince Roger Nelson, and even a song written about Chemtrails by Merle Haggard. There were rumors that the two rich and famous entertainers were thinking about a world concert tour to bring mass attention to an esoteric but potentially one of the most horrifically sinister plots against humanity the world has ever seen.

Of course this would be bad news and blues for the current regime Powers That Be during the critical political election months ahead. That would be worse than Benghazi during the last election countdown. They couldn’t have that happen, could they?

If the truth exposed even a ‘smidgeon’ of the horrors some people think are associated with the Chemtrail spraying operations, that would be the end of the regime, politically, if not the tearing down of the whole psychopathic population cleansing government apparatus

“LOOK, up in the sky!  It’s a bird, it’s a plane-with a Contrail-No…it’s SUPER TRAIL!”

Hard to believe that most people up until maybe a year or so ago still didn’t believe in Chemtrails. Even if people heard of them they simply dismissed the phenomenon as really just Contrails from jet engine exhaust that silly paranoid conspiracy theorists imagine are clouds of deadly chemical sprays.

But ubiquitous and large scale chemical spraying from large dedicated jetliners is done every single day in the U.S. or somewhere else in the world. Chemtrails DO exist, and this can now be proven above and beyond all reasonable doubt. The latest physical evidence is incontrovertible.  Anyone can find them, because they are right under our noses.  Or should I say our noses are right under the Chemtrails…

I personally attribute the abject universal obliviousness by the average person to a major phenomenon like large airplanes spraying unfathomable amounts of white cloudy trails of super fine nano-particle chemical dust poison to the simplest causes.

People simply do not look up in the sky that much, if at all? Especially city people, or people who spend a lot of time indoors. And even people who work outdoors are more often concentrating on looking ahead or down on what they are doing than watching the clouds go by.

Add in that spraying is more often done on bright sunny days, where nobody stares up too long at the sun anyway, and the fact that they start to resemble natural clouds pretty quickly, it actually takes some effort to pick up on them initially if you never were aware of them before.

Add in that the government and its cohort the MSM never talk about Chemtrails because Chemtrails are the 800-pound skunk in the environmental theatre room. In the beginning, when they first started spraying in heavy concentrated agenda format, these spraying activities were even outright denied by the government, and scoffed off as the pipe dreams of conspiracy theorist pot parties.

inside chemtrails

Those of us who were pilots, and weather experts knew they existed because we knew the difference, since the difference between a Contrail and a Chemtrail is obvious. Contrail is just the residual hydrocarbons and sulfates and other so-called micro debris from the engine exhaust which condenses ambient humidity and immediately freezes, forming a whitish trail at that altitude behind a jet, but then melts when the sun hits it. The Contrail follows the jet for only a short time so it never gets long.

The deleterious Chemtrails that stay in the air all across the visible sky leaving a noticeably long trail that slowly dissipates sideways, not evaporating, but spreading into each other from many traversing overlapping passes in a target area, eventually turning the clear cobalt blue morning sky into a dull disease colored dirty grey blur by afternoon are NOT Contrails. The amount of engine exhaust residue needed to even come close to creating what is happening from each plane, would have to be so voluminous as to be more material than the entire fuel payload being burned!

Yet there are government websites ostensibly pretending that these occurrences as merely different types of normal engine exhaust Contrails, which happen to be dispersed on excessively humid days, thus accounting for the massive cloud formations they produce.

Of course, if that were true, they’d have to shut down the entire airline industry for excessive dangerous pollution of the world if the engines could even remotely be that “dirty”.  And they’re not so dirty anymore for exactly that reason.

Plus, the facts are all scheduled airline flights have regular routes. So why do you see these on certain days in where there’s very low relative humidity in areas where virtually no commercial jetliners have overhead flights, planes flying overhead in an exercise that literally looks like a major strike force scale B-52 bombing run over Viet Nam? Back and forth, oblique and cross!  Then they all go off and away, and disappear in the same direction!

But with the internet slowly but surely getting the word out along with pictures of Chemtrailing by private citizens over their homes, which amount to far too much evidence for even the automatic government censorship to obfuscate, it becomes too suspicious and difficult for standard UFO type disavowing and dismissal to occur by the government anymore.

Video first seen on memewatchers.

Lyin’ Fed

So at this point the damage control faction of the regime had the stun grenade flash bang bright idea that they could do the cover-up by connecting the spraying ops to their global warming agenda. Why not? When you have one foot already in the BS, the other foot is the next likely step deeper in the crapshoot?

So, they finally broke loose with a tacit but not confirmed admission that scientists are experimenting with a new form of global warming greenhouse gas solution known as SRM (Solar Radiation Management). Ostensibly, to keep us all from frying like sizzling strips of crispy bacon and dying of draught induced thirst.

The idea they want you to buy, if you’re into buying Crocodile infested swampland these days, is to spray nano-chemicals which include brain deadening Aluminum-barium particles among other non-disclosed chemicals, to save civilization from global warming by blocking the sun’s deadly radiation, and reflecting it out back into space.

The Funeral

If you do the research, supposedly but not surprisingly, seems like Monsanto somehow had their dirty little GMO stained fingers handling the chemistry involved in spraying ops early on when they were originally involved. But they then passed it off on the military to keep it legitimately shrouded in secrecy, and immune for censorship because of its military applications—like weather and germ warfare experiments– for “national defense and security”.

Okay, yup. A lot of us were born at night. But NOT last night!

But some extremely interesting information came out when some prominent scientists started doing environmental tests and documentaries, at least on YouTube. He thoroughly exposed the dangers to the population and environment by this wantonly destructive mass chemical poisoning, under government control, without any plausible proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any form of dangerous global warming actually happening.

Which ran the gamut of everything from one out of every 30 male infants being born coming down with Autism in the heavily sprayed areas of large metropolitan Texas, to suspicious sudden depletion of the honey bee populations since heavy spraying commenced (which directly impact crop productions), unexplained increase in respiratory diseases in the general population, and unusual catastrophic storms with extraordinary flooding and damage, which point directly to measurable co-incidental results of this spraying.

And of course the additional sinister “conspiracy theorist” motives like intentional Eugenic-type population control through a genetically/chemically induced engineering and mind control through the use chemical inhalants. Also accomplished by Chemtrailing.

When you think about it, what better vehicle for germ warfare than the use of ultrafine micro contaminants virtually invisible, and spread–oh, so silently! –and innocuously in the air, against a target enemy population?

Slowly and surely, you’ll get them in your system. Because with Chemtrails, there’s nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

And now we have “Chemtrail Flu?!”

Video first seen on The Alex Jones Channel.

“The wicked spies upon the Righteous and seek to kill him…” – Psalms 37:32

So when widely popular advocates like Prince and Merle who stood up for the survival of the people took on the Chemtrail cause,  it looked like a tipping point might be reached where the world would finally wake up to an obscene threat that was hell bent to become the Grim Reaper of the 21st Century?

But then suddenly, mysteriously, and suspiciously, BOTH Merle AND Prince–were DEAD?   Within only a couple short weeks of each other! Quick, someone calculate the odds of that?

I’ll say this first:  If it slithers like a snake, and if it bites you like a snake, and you die of “suspicious, out of place, causes” that bear the sinking weight of integrated objectivity, it becomes an exercise in submission to mental enslavement to believe it is a harmless lovebird gliding gently on the air currents of coincidence. Especially when all roads, or trails, also travel back to government connections.

“The probability of a certain set of circumstances coming together in a meaningful or tragic way is so low that it simply cannot be considered ‘mere coincidence’.” – V.C. King

It is my not so humble opinion that there might be much more to this than mere coincidence. Unless you consider the fact that the similarly very stinking circumstances and timing of Justice Scalia’s death is just a hyper conspiracy theory type suspiciousness over nothing more than co-incidental “natural” causes.

His death immediately changed the entire course of future 2nd Amendment and privacy rights cases, in favor of the gun confiscating group, and effectively opened the door for the worst anti-Constitutional legislating-from-the-bench imaginable that had already been carefully put in place by legislators. This is patiently waiting in the form of “sleeper Bills” designed to wipe out the 2nd & 4th Amendment personal freedoms once and for all, depending upon whether or not the third Reich of the Obama regime expands in power next November.

There’s a lot of information out there on Chemtrails if you want to keep yourself eyes wide and terrified late into the night reviewing it. The most condensed but comprehensive source is an article from Guns America website by Paul Helinski about Jade Helm that should answer all your questions (you’ll find it in the References section below).

The Eulogy

Sometimes in life it takes a sad tragedy to elevate humanity as a whole to higher consciousness for the ultimate salvation of the species. Prince and Merle gave us the wonderful gift of musical pleasure and that was cruelly lost when their celebrity outspokenness may have been sacrificed for the preservation of proprietary agenda based evil.

Hopefully this information stimulates people to demand that their representatives start getting “Fast and Furious” open answers from the government concerning the actual truth of this highly suspicious national danger in the form of virtually covert SRM chemical spraying, and poisoning of our population and natural resources without the permission of the people being harmed!

It is also our duty as Free Americans to keep an out-of-control government reigned in for the future safety and survival of our children. I think Prince and Merle would smile upon that from beyond… It’s the least we can do in return for what they gave us.

May they rest in a quantum of eternal peace, a never diminishing magnificence of heavenly melody, and a sublime, spiritual solace.







Written by

Mahatma Muhjesbude is a former Spec-ops combat Vet, LEO, international security consultant, and private contractor. He has instructor level credentials and skills in various survival disciplines. He is a dedicated advocate of Liberty and Justice for all and a proactive defender of our Constitutional rights. He strongly believes that the best value you can give back in life is vital knowledge through experience, and that's why he's writing for Survivopedia, using a pen name to protect his real identity. You can send Mahatma a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com

Latest comments
  • What the hell have YOU been smokin’, Mahatma?

    • Search the GMO bacteria to be sprayed via aircraft in Washington State to kill the gipsy moth. The old crop dusters were spraying at very low altitude, several feet off the ground, but these are spraying at higher altitudes, not just over fields, but over farm and residential areas. Shut off your video games and research the subject before you insult some one: “What the hell have YOU been smokin’, Mahatma?” You Mark S. are the one who should be banned from commenting here until your comments are civil.

      • Hey there! I don’t know if there is a GMO bacillus thuringiensis but Bt is a super pesticide if there is such a thing. Very very specific. Bacteria make this toxin that we spray on the leaves and they eat the leaves and suddenly stop because they feel FULL. Then they die of starvation. Not sure if this is the methodology for all the Bts but essentially Bt is a cool thing. A cool BANDAID for problems we caused! There is a Bt for flies and mosquitos; another for beetles…oh, actually 3 for beetles that get even more specific; and the one we are able to purchase is for caterpillars/larvae. For a pesticide, it is the least toxic to humans and other animals. Very specific for the target species which is great.

        But spraying this stuff means ‘crop dusting’ levels NOT way the hell up there. Those chemicals would drift horribly, not even a viable method to spray. I’m an ex-commercial pesticide applicator. Which means I know enough to never have to use pesticides! Very super programs by the cooperative extension services!! Homeowners in particular are worse than commercial with misuse of pesticides…believe it it is true. Corps and commercial applications are bad but they take their misuse to other countries or go the GMO route. Incorporating pesticides like glyphosate and Bt INTO the food they sell us to eat.

  • About 2 weeks ago, I happened to , for no reason, look up in the sky. I saw a long vapor trail but no airplane. I wondered & then forgot about it till now.
    I really believe Scalia was murdered & will now research “Chemtrails”, a word which is unknown to me.

    • Actually I am replying to CBanalyst…or all. CB your going through the beginning of ‘waking up’. I am trying to NOT sound like this is a spiritual or religious thing. Our brains subconsciously make decisions for us all the time. If there are things your brain decides YOU can handle in the conscious world, you won’t ‘see’ or ‘hear’ this information. Yet your brain is taking pictures to give you ‘later’ when you are ready to be able to ‘handle’ the information. Sounds weird but this has happened to me 4 or 5 times with major paradigm shifts. All the pictures I DID see come back clear and colorful. The world looks completely different. Very humbling. The first time, had I really seen what was happening over a decade…I would probably be in prison right now. So go slow and try to enjoy the ride. Not a pretty picture at all, all the things you will learn and then be amazed your friends, family, coworkers WILL NOT understand. They are where you WERE. So…careful who you talk with as if you are still working or if your spouse is in a different space you have to continue to live in the old world as well as the new. Find a friend who has also come awake. You are ‘evolving’ and finally ready to learn the truths, or maybe the truths. Grins!

  • This is a load of crap. If THEY were spraying chemicals, for whatever reason, then they, whoever THEY are, would also be spraying themselves. Do we see THEM wearing protective suits, wearing protective breathing masks…….no!
    Spraying chemicals at FL altitudes is not containable but will cover vast areas depending on the winds and travel hundreds of miles affecting millions of people. There is no way that THEY can not be spraying themselves.

  • This is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory I’ve heard in a long time! So, our government, Monsanto, and the major airlines, had a meeting, and agreed to poison people from jet-wash?
    Merle Haggard, was an old man who lived an addictive life for many years.
    Prince, who knows what kind of lifestyle he lived? Look up weirdo in the dictionary, his picture should be there! If you want to investigate a theory, how about the name change Prince did.

    • Your post has to be the most ignorant pile of mumble jumbo I ever come across. People like you need to be slapped upside the head daily just get your little pea brain fired up for the day. What I can’t figure out is were you born this stupid or have you been studying your personal idiot manual all your life !!

      • That’s okay, Lostproton. I’m used to normalcy bias feeding ignorance, like Mark’s. Remember that there was no such thing as Agent Orange toxicity for returning Nam Vets, and of course the highly toxic Gulf War Syndrome was just a ‘mental adjustment’ problem to coming back to a different physical environment, and so on and so on.

      • Why oh why are people so angry? You know what I think? I don’t care if you care what I think! These comments are just like ROAD RAGE. Where one can direct their anger at strangers! Safe to hurl mean and useless rhetoric at those you don’t really want to know! How does anyone benefit from these kinds of comments…shakin’ my head!!

    • Listen carefully, put down your crack pipe IMMEDIATELY & walk away!

      Although if you did smoke crack you would reason it’s safe compared to Chem Trails!

      • What do you know about the chemicals being sprayed? I am just going by the patents up to date.

      • Sorry, ‘You’re nuts’ , but you and many others have missed the breaking news!

        Especially YOU, hahahah! because it’s obvious you’ve been outside too much when they’re spraying and taking deep breaths while mentally masturbating to the tune ‘FlyMeTo the Danger Zone’!

        And, it’s also quite apparent by your ‘disjointed’ nonsensical prose in your comments and deterioration of reading comprehension because I pointed out explicitly that CHEM TRAILS are not even denied by the government anymore so I can’t be argued with here outside of irrational discourse with drug affected trolls or Monsanto employees such as yourself?

        There is ENOUGH irrefutable proven evidence that there is no doubt that Chemicals are being sprayed far above normal crop dusting work by large jets.

        So ‘You’re Nuts’ for certain, if you think there is no such thing as Chem trails! (like that? Its a play on your subconscious admission that you have a chronic ‘insecurity’ issue with coping in society by thinking everbody else is ‘nuts’ when your really know, deep down, ‘underneath it all’, that you have some potentially seious mental issues. Get those fixed before they use that to confiscate your guns)

        So now when the G is busted out to where they can’t even fool the abjectly gullible anymore, they cleverly say:

        Well, yeah, there’s a few top secret military combat weather manipulation opertional experiments going on and we’re also trying to see if we can block all sthat extremely planet destroying Global Warming from the hot sun by spraying fine reflective metal particles in cloud formation to block the sun’s rays and keep the planet from getting so hot?

        That’s all we’re doing! Nothing wrong with that, is there you pain in the ass Patriot troublemakers?

        Well, no, not really, if it wasn’t so fucking poisonous? And it’s also pretty interesting that we haven’t even gotten so far as to prove that global warming as an verifiable unnatural phenomenon–if it’s really even happening–instead of just another government profit Carbon control scam?

        So why are we taking a chance on poisoning the population and who knows what other deleterious affects on the climate, our health, and natural organic resources?

        Because the one immutable logic truth of humanity always prevails.

        ‘People always die, when governments lie. Unfortunately, governments never tell the truth’…P.J. Klipangle.

    • Robert, what rock have you been hiding under?! Merle and Prince were imperfect people but at least recognize the truth. Do a little research and join the enlighted. Quit being a sheeple, our government isn’t our friend!

      • I hate Obama, I hate our government, I hate communists, I hate Islam, but really?

        • God bless Trump and all the 53 states of America!

        • So much HATE. About subjects that are so very removed from you. What is it that you think you could say or do that would improve anything? To include intelligent, well thought out, comments?

    • It’s because THEY live nowhere near where the chemtrails are being sprayed. And it’s very easy to tell the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but for me, there are way to many coincidences that I don’t buy into as just being a coincidence!

      • I wouldn’t put anything past Obama!
        He is a liar, a fraud, a drug addict, and a cock sucker! I am not, never have been, and never will be a liberal.I know our government is capable of murder, I believe Judge Scalia was murdered! I’m an NRA member, I’m a Ducks Unlimited member, I’m a hunter, but I can’t see major airlines purposely poisoning citizens!

        • Thing is, normal airlines and planes are not ‘spraying’ that I know about. They do retrofit old planes for the chemicals and people think that chemtrails are for spraying chemicals to hurt people. Maybe they do but the military intends to be the master of weather by 2025. They are PRACTICING controlling the weather. They are in the business of making clouds. They are trying to pinpoint who gets water and who does not. They are playing with tornados and hurricanes. Changing the direction, the power. Most chemtrails occur within the gulf stream because that is where they can best manipulate the weather. The heavy metals they spray are really screwing up the soil and water pH/chemistries.

          • The guy that wrote the article you supplied the link to doesn’t seem to know much about aviation engines.

            First off, contrails were common at the altitudes bombers flew at in WW2, yet they rarely used water injection.

            He says water injection was used to cool the engine. Yes, they cooled then engine, but that was NOT why water injection was used. Water injection cooled the engine so that more fuel could be used, which gave more power. However, since it also caused the engine to consume more fuel, they rarely did it because fuel was often in limited supply.

            They only used water injection when absolutely necessary. But despite this, contrails were very often seen. That alone proves him wrong that contrails were solely due to water injection. And it proves the reason he says they used it to be wrong.

            By the way, if high bypass turbofans rarely make contrails, the same could be said of turboprops, such as the ones on the USAF C-130. Yet I’ve seen C-130s making contrails quite often.


            But regardless, the link I’m giving below debunks his theory about high bypass turbofans. The video is a bit long, but if you start the video, a link will appear to a short version of the video.


            I’m not saying that the government doesn’t spray to control weather. But I still think it’s dumb to believe that Merle and Prince were murdered by the government.

        • Well, Stormy, that’s why-in the pursuit of higher consciousness- it’s called ‘awakening’ through enlightenment.

      • Correct, Tricia,

        They don’t spray everywhere All the time,
        in fact, if people don’t just collapse in a state of emotional denial like some of these commenters here, could research and learn that there are better areas to spray, depending upon the ‘mission’, for optimum results.

        And if you know where most of the chemical contamination is concentrated, then it’s a relative easy maneuver to avoid that location during a heavy concentration of spray, or remain indoors.

        The PTB are nowhere near the heavy spray areas and also live in highly air conditioned/filtered residences. The slaves who do the dirty work definately wear protective gear and are paid more than enough to not ‘worry about it’. One exposure, in any case, won’t kill masses of humans instantly. That’s not the plan, anyway.

        The thing i didn’t get too much into for the length of the article is one of the main reasons for the chem trail experiments is for ‘weaponized’ weather control experiments. So when they are up there screwing around with the environment, they utilize winds aloft trends to carry the sprayed ‘cloud’ materials to different locations. So you might be seeing them sprayed above you, but the toxic heavy metals-and who knows what else– might be actually landing a couple hundred miles elsewhere. Jet streams and temp inversions also affect dispersement and ultimate toxicity.

        ” Is it not more than interesting how the ignorant cowering dog…always bites first, before smelling and licking the hand that is only trying to feed him…?” -P.J. Klipangle.

        • Now that dog analogy is intriguing. For me it means that the person feeding the dog needs more information, more experience with dogs, trying to empathize with another life form we obviously don’t know well enough for empathizing. Us humans think that we are the center of everything. We are special. Far more special than any other life on this thin blue line. When we begin as infants, we are only able to see the world revolving around us as the center. As we mature, we begin to see we are part of life and gain humility, intelligence, experience with which to improve our part in life and cycles. It is so obvious we humans are still thinking like infants, primarily because of this book called THE BIBLE. If anything has made us humans stay immature and not a part of life, have no important niche where we supply an important function…it is our fear of death and this dang Bible. Religion has done the exact opposite religious people imagine. We are not more moral, we are not more empathetic, we are not humble at all…

          • Well Stormy, As a Bible Scholar and Theological Historian myself, I agree with you.

            My only problem with it is besides the absolutely masterful art of creating a supposedly epic ‘historic content’ that actually has no relationship with human reality other than some puerile platitudes that can be easily formed to control and manipulate others, within an ambiguous fantasy land based on barely the whispered rumor of true ancient history,

            It has significantly contributed, in this intentional agenda based format, to be the justification as in…
            …”because it says so in the Bible!’…

            For being the supporting cause of, but never the cure for, so much evil and pain and death in the world.

            And ‘God’ didn’t even leave his website so we can cancel our subscription?

    • Well, Dennis, I agree that all of us occasionally need our “little pea brains slapped upside the head …”

      So do you want to be the one to try slapping me, Dennis? Why don’t we schedule a ‘meet’? You and me in a bare knuckle no rules hand to hand smack down? mano y mano? We’ll video it for the readership here? It’ll make a great survival article!

      Got any balls for that, big talker? Or do you just get your pebbles off by bad mouthing a computer screen?

      C’mon, you’ll be a big hero among all the government trolls here?

      And since I’m a holy person of higher enlightenment and love, I’ll even be so kind as to take you to the emergency room afterward?

      • Who the f*** is Dennis?

        Other comments of the same user have been removed due to inappropriate language.

    • Robert, you’re removing all doubt as to your cognitive stability. PRIVATELY owned government contracted or military aircraft. NOT commerical passenger jets!

    • Hey Robert maybe we should look in the dictionary for your picture of total m**** huh I’m sure it will be there! Haha lol

      This comment has been edited due to inappropriate language.

      • Like the 300 plus ‘private’ aircraft owned by the FBI through ‘shell companies equipped with special surveillance cameras, FLIR devices, and the latest iprivacy intrusions so that they can spy on private 4th/A protected citizens on their political shit lists WITHOUT PROBABLE CAUSE! Check it out and become Enlightened, instead of trapped in your own mind prison.

  • In 2008 I finally found the time to begin to ‘notice’ these PERSISTENT CONTRAILS. I am an airforce brat and these ‘persistent contrails’ are NOT NORMAL. Even though this has been going on since…1920’s, within the last 2 decades this has been right in our faces above our heads. It has been one of the first lies I’ve encountered where common sense says something just isn’t making sense. Scientists, geoengineers and the regular public completely laugh and talk down to one asking questions about these chemtrails. I tried to push them a bit on a science internet site I visit and comment regularly, to have a worthwhile discussion about chemtrails. Talk about being ‘put down’! The scientific papers they gave me to read to support their stance with ‘chemtrails’ were generic and stuffed with non-sense. Sent them the patents which did raise their eyebrows but still they poo-pooed, denigrated my intelligence and took points off my profile. The POWER of labeling something a Conspiracy Theory is worthy of a research paper or two!

    Sitting in my doctor’s office I read ‘Popular Science’ a recent publication, a Myth Buster Edition. Chemtrails were clearly labeled a myth.

    A large city in my state has blamed, shut down and is suing a couple of glass companies for their ‘pollution’ of the city with heavy metals. I begged them to take more samples for a bigger picture. They are using moss absorption for the tests. Hoping they’ll take soil and water tests to include tests outside the city.

    We’ve been ostracized in our neighborhood because we tried talking about this with a few of the neighbors. But I have managed to turn a few friends around and they are very active talking with media and congressmen. Thank you for producing and showing professionally done information about this subject.

    The military has boasted it will be in control of the weather by 2025. How do people imagine they will accomplish that? They are practicing with these chemtrails big time.

    This CO2 global warming stuff is crap. What about Nitrogen, Methane and better yet, WATER VAPOR! Water vapor is the worst ‘greenhouse’ gas! They aren’t ‘seeding’ clouds they are making clouds! Clouds are water vapor. Sounds innocuous but NOT. On PBS they finally had a talk on ‘cloud seeding’ which was a step in the right direction but could also be a form of disinformation, distraction.

    Anyhoo, disturbing about Prince and Merle. Anyone with money better join the others with money and keep their mouth shut if they want to stay alive…to have money is to have power. To use that power for the good of all us peons out here is just not a healthy activity. Sigh.

  • Haggard and Prince were both card carrying liberals. Haggard was the biggest fraud of the two. He spoke glowingly of Obama and also stated a couple of years ago that he thought “HITLERary” would make a good president. The libs embraced these two clowns and the uninformed conservatives thought Haggard was a simple, “working man” good ol’ boy. Nobody murdered these two “demoncrats”….they killed themselves from a lifetime of self absorbtion and self abuse!

    • Hey buckshot, You must be one of those ‘Holier-than-Thou’ moral authoritarians? Otherwise even you’d know that just because you accelerate your passage to the Cosmic Consciousness, by a life of self abuse, it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t, or never did any good in your life?

  • Regardless whether the chemtrails are being sprayed, there is inaccuracy within this article. The length and duration of any condensation trail is dependent upon atmospheric conditions. The relative humidity determines the lingering time, as well as the density. Even a chemtrail full of poisons will disappear in low humidity in seconds, whereas plain water vapor will form a long lasting contrail when the humidity is near saturation (100%). Most of what we see is merely condensation from jet fuel combustion, in my professional opinion.
    Bill Pitsker, retired Pan Am pilot. (Not denying the supposition. And, we must consider that eliminating inconvenient folks IS a reality).

    • Maybe you should take a long look in the sky one day and see these trails linger on and will look like clouds after 30 mins. I have talked to a retired air traffic controller and he gave me your same explanation. Then I showed him one day as it was happening. He was speechless and in disbelief as he watched and even tried to get the flight status of these jets. There were no flight plans or any documentation anywhere to be found.

      • May I have a name or something I can actually go on to confirm this event actually taking place?

        It might as well be a made up story to supporting your theory rather than being based on reality.

    • Just because you’re a pilot, my friend, and have a better knowledge of weather and mechanics doesn’t mean you’re a chemical/weather scientist. If you want, I’ll break down the actual chemical environmental physics, when i get the time, but go back yourself and refresh your research, and you’ll see it.

      The simplest response for now is that concentrated CHEM trail spraying, are NOT the same as CONDENSATIONtrails from the engines themselves, which is all you are describing.

      The differences have to do with density formation in application, outside of normal condensation considerations. This is evident when you see both examples at the same Flight level. Also the ‘lingering’ effect depends more on winds aloft, wouldn’t they?

      • So you are a geoengineer? You are trying to say that these persistent contrails are normal? Well, from one very scientific person to another no they are not.

        My reasoning is as follows: the water vapor residuals last way too long, (water vapor btw is the largest bad guy of greenhouse gases), are the commercial plane flights following paths that make loopdiloops or tic tac toe normal? Stopping and starting and never a transitional to indicate temperature changes (never THAT fast) or humidity? Planes at the same altitude (obviously jets not props) one shows normal contrails that dissipate quickly and then the other plane at the same altitude spews out PERSISTENT contrails…those that coalesce into more clouds that are frankly weird, colorful? Why is it that the normal vapor clouds at our level six feet above sea level do not form and persist? ie) Car exhaust, ventilation exhaust, our breaths? The fact that the military is on a mission for weather control is the largest reason that chemtrails HAVE to exist. 2025…they’ve been working at this…well, Vietnam? Making it rain continuously so the mud slows the enemy down…yadayadayada? I have been discussing this with other guys/gals that say they know about contrails. I want to know the truth regardless of what I want to happen. Silly. I’ve been looking at the ‘science’ about contrails (argggghhhhh) that says they are only ‘Conspiracy Theory’. Wow. I have not been able to change my view as yet! The one thing I have learned is that the label Conspiracy Theory is WAY POWERFUL. I tried but maybe I am just tired could not understand your logic or stance. Just standing here on the ground looking up and THINKING. Asking questions. “Honey, hey look a this”!! A dark grey chemtrail/contrail! Or a gorgeous sweep of clouds from this straight line of clouds that shimmers in purples and maroons. Or the entire environment including the air, sky, trees, soil…turns ORANGE. Huh? Been around for awhile so I know what is normal and what is not…kinda sorta. All went over my head until some beautiful day in 2008 when I said to myself…wtf?

        Have you seen the patents for chemicals for chemtrails? You’ll find them going as far back as the 20’s!! They have been kept current btw.

        The MAIN thing I am seeing that both sides just don’t get, is that these ‘chemtrails’ are for weather control. HELLLOOOO. Our military has declared that they would be masters of the weather by 2025. That is a far more sensible idea than poisons to kill us all off. Maybe slowly. Maybe damaging the environment the chemistry of soils and water that we’ll die slowly but surely. THEY DON’T CARE. They want to control the weather which everyone and anyone and any corporation would pay BIG BUCKS to have!! Who gets water…who does not? Think about it. This is far more intellectual than the majority of all these knee jerk conclusions. Just sayin’. If they needed to get rid of us, didn’t need the money we peons make for them, it would be advantageous, come on! it would be so simple to make us toast. Far more important and powerful to RULE THE WEATHER! You’ll see the largest crowd of chemtrails along the paths that actually dictate weather; the gulfstream for example. They are doing this all over the world. I feel or imagine that they are PRACTICING weather control. People really think that they are so important…screwing up any type of critical thinking about chemtrails. The heavy metals (check out the patents) spewed out are getting more and more technological to include NANO aluminum and whatever…are majorly screwing up the soils and waters of our one and only planet. Gardeners in Hawaii are having to grow their vegetables in a GREENHOUSE. Helllo? In Hawaii?? Our forests are so unhealthy that they are vulnerable to beetles and disease. Do you know why heavy metals and life do not go together? Later.

    • Hey William…my daddy was a commercial pilot in the San Juans but not jets. Twin engines. I think I would have noticed contrails that lasted until they became clouds. Here is a question for you…why is it when you drive a car in bitter cold that the exhaust isn’t persistent? Our breath? Why the stopping and starting with clear cut delineation, no fuzzing out at all? Maybe some air layers of differing temperatures (humidities) could do that but not ALWAYS. The clouds they morph into are weird. Are you sure you’ve seen this in the past as it looks today? I am not young…heh, heh, heh and I think something is very off. The soils and water samples of innocuous tests from everywhere are all out of wack with pH. Farmers growing organic KALE have tests showing high levels of heavy metals. Kale and mosses are good indicator plants. Farmers in Hawaii are being forced to grow in greenhouses to be able to control the chemistry better!

    • I agree. Various conditions determine if, and how long, contrails are visible. Yes, they CAN be visible for a long time under the right conditions.

      And yes, spraying at such high altitudes makes no sense. Why would they NOT spray at lower altitudes, and spray almost exclusively above more populated areas, if they were looking to intentionally do harm to people?

      For that matter, I’ve seen quite a few crisscrossing contrails out over remote areas where there’s almost no population. So WHY would they spray areas like that?

      Anyone familiar with where I live in the Four Corners area, the only place in the USA where four states meet, would question why they would spray chemtrails here, especially over the almost zero populated areas to the south, west, southwest, northwest, southeast, northeast, and east of here. But yet I’ve seen contrails over those areas that most of you would call chemtrails. How do you conspiracy theorists explain that?

      Like someone else said, Prince and Merle were Liberals. From what I gather, not very educated Liberals at that, that just should have stuck with music. But then even Conservatives here hold them up as knowledgeable expert spokesmen on the subject? That makes as much sense as saying that Bernie Sanders is an expert on economics…

      Let me make this clear: I’m NOT saying I trust the government, because I DO NOT. Nor will I say that they’ve never sprayed chemicals before, as I’m sure they have experimented with that before for whatever reason.

      I’m just saying that just because it persists, just because a conspiracy theorist doesn’t understand why contrails sometimes do what they do, that does NOT mean it’s a chemtrail. Period.

      But despite the disclaimer in my second paragraph above my last one, I’m sure even some Conservative people here will use name-calling, false accusations, and other Liberal tactics against me like they’ve done to others here. Maybe they’ll even try to accuse me of being a government troll, never mind that I work for my hourly wage at a power plant and have NOTHING to do with the government. It just amazes me how childish even some Conservative conspiracy theorists can get about this, acting just like Liberals. You people should be ashamed of your behavior.

      • So you are a geoengineer? You are trying to say that these persistent contrails are normal? Well, from one very scientific person to another no they are not.

        My reasoning is as follows: the water vapor residuals last way too long, (water vapor btw is the largest bad guy of greenhouse gases), are the commercial plane flights following paths that make loopdiloops or tic tac toe normal? Stopping and starting and never a transitional to indicate temperature changes (never THAT fast) or humidity? Planes at the same altitude (obviously jets not props) one shows normal contrails that dissipate quickly and then the other plane at the same altitude spews out PERSISTENT contrails…those that coalesce into more clouds that are frankly weird, colorful? Why is it that the normal vapor clouds at our level six feet above sea level do not form and persist? ie) Car exhaust, ventilation exhaust, our breaths? The fact that the military is on a mission for weather control is the largest reason that chemtrails HAVE to exist. 2025…they’ve been working at this…well, Vietnam? Making it rain continuously so the mud slows the enemy down…yadayadayada? I have been discussing this with other guys/gals that say they know about contrails. I want to know the truth regardless of what I want to happen. Silly. I’ve been looking at the ‘science’ about contrails (argggghhhhh) that says they are only ‘Conspiracy Theory’. Wow. I have not been able to change my view as yet! The one thing I have learned is that the label Conspiracy Theory is WAY POWERFUL. I tried but maybe I am just tired could not understand your logic or stance. Just standing here on the ground looking up and THINKING. Asking questions. “Honey, hey look a this”!! A dark grey chemtrail/contrail! Or a gorgeous sweep of clouds from this straight line of clouds that shimmers in purples and maroons. Or the entire environment including the air, sky, trees, soil…turns ORANGE. Huh? Been around for awhile so I know what is normal and what is not…kinda sorta. All went over my head until some beautiful day in 2008 when I said to myself…wtf?

        Have you seen the patents for chemicals for chemtrails? You’ll find them going as far back as the 20’s!! They have been kept current btw.

        The MAIN thing I am seeing that both sides just don’t get, is that these ‘chemtrails’ are for weather control. HELLLOOOO. Our military has declared that they would be masters of the weather by 2025. That is a far more sensible idea than poisons to kill us all off. Maybe slowly. Maybe damaging the environment the chemistry of soils and water that we’ll die slowly but surely. THEY DON’T CARE. They want to control the weather which everyone and anyone and any corporation would pay BIG BUCKS to have!! Who gets water…who does not? Think about it. This is far more intellectual than the majority of all these knee jerk conclusions. Just sayin’. If they needed to get rid of us, didn’t need the money we peons make for them, it would be advantageous, come on! it would be so simple to make us toast. Far more important and powerful to RULE THE WEATHER! You’ll see the largest crowd of chemtrails along the paths that actually dictate weather; the gulfstream for example. They are doing this all over the world. I feel or imagine that they are PRACTICING weather control. People really think that they are so important…screwing up any type of critical thinking about chemtrails. The heavy metals (check out the patents) spewed out are getting more and more technological to include NANO aluminum and whatever…are majorly screwing up the soils and waters of our one and only planet. Gardeners in Hawaii are having to grow their vegetables in a GREENHOUSE. Helllo? In Hawaii?? Our forests are so unhealthy that they are vulnerable to beetles and disease. Do you know why heavy metals and life do not go together? Later.

        • I never claimed to be. But I did ask questions you didn’t answer.

          Some places just happen to be where multiple commercial jet routes come together, and it’s not uncommon to have several flying in the same general area, albeit not all at the exact same altitude. But they might look to intersect from the ground, but they don’t.

          I’ve been looking at contrails for decades, and the only contrails that weren’t white were those colored by a rising or setting Sun, and they were the same color as Sun was and any natural clouds in the same area. Or a contrail made dark by the shade of clouds between it and the Sun. Both situations are NORMAL.

          If you noticed, I never said that they never spray. And I have heard of them trying to control the weather. But the government killing prince and Merle? Ummmmm…no.

          Oh, and your claim of patents having been kept current since the 20s? The longest patent term is 20 years:


          QUOTE: “This is not necessarily a clear-cut issue, but it is very important to understand for some types of patent searches and licensing issues, so read carefully:

          1. U.S. Patents filed after June 8, 1995 expire 20 years from the date of filing.

          2. U.S. Patents filed prior to June 8, 1995 expire 17 years from the date of issue, or 20 years from the first non-provisional patent application in the family – whichever is later.” END QUOTE

          • I wanted to get back to you on this patent stuff. Obviously you know more than moi or others about patents. But aren’t they RENEWABLE? They must be renewing the patents quite regularly!? Isn’t that why the patents are still out there?

          • Who says the patents have been renewed or still current? You haven’t proved either to be the case.

            I never said I know more than anyone else. All I did was find information online and posted a link to it, along with quotes…something you failed to do.

            There’s probably hundreds of thousands of expired patents, but that doesn’t stop the companies that filed the patents from still making whatever used to be patented. So whether or not it’s patented is irelavent to the discussion.

            Few patents in the USA are renewable. It literally takes an act of Congress to renew a patent, and only applies to pharmaceuticals in certain circumstances: http://info.legalzoom.com/happens-patent-expires-20317.html

            QUOTE: “In most cases, patents are non-renewable. An exception exists for some pharmaceutical inventions. If pending FDA approval holds up marketing, Congress sometimes extends the expiration date of the product’s patent. The extension is usually equal to the time of the delay.” END QUOTE

            This is about patents in other countries, whose laws vary. But the basic idea is the same: http://www.wipo.int/sme/en/faq/pat_faqs_q7.html

            QUOTE: “The term of protection under most modern patent laws is 20 years from the filing date of the application. However, in some countries, the term of protection may be renewed or extended for applications in certain fields, such as pharmaceuticals or foodstuffs, which need to undergo an administrative approval procedure before they can be put on the market and, therefore, the patent owner could not enjoy his right, in certain cases, for a considerable period of time after the grant of the patent.” END QUOTE

            More information: http://www.inventionstatistics.com/Patent_Protection_Time_Periods.html

            QUOTE: “Some pharmaceutical patent protection periods may be extended. Patents can be extended only by special act of Congress. There are some exceptions. For example, the patent protection periods for certain pharmaceutical patents may be extended in order to compensate for time lost due to Government-required testing.” END QUOTE

            Regardless, although I don’t doubt that the government is spraying for weather control, the actual point of story is about the theory that Prince and Merle were murdered by the government. And no one here has proved that to be true beyond any doubt. Not even close.

          • Hey there William…great information btw. Truly…but I have to say that there are subjects that get greased to get permits or patent extentions, whatever. Thanks for the well written replies, I’ve learned alot. And don’t know how I ended up on this site but I am with you on the Merle and Prince gig. Whether or not they were influential in this stuff, don’t think we’ll ever know. I’ve no soft spots for celebrities…grins!

    • William, there is absolutely NO innacuracies in this article, typos notwithstanding. Read YOUR comment again and tell me again if you know what YOU are talking about, because it certainly has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. Length and longevity of visible CONtrails have nothing to do with distinctly observable and delineated Chemical trails sprayed co-incidentally and apart .from normal jet engine exhaust.

      And a chemtrail of micro particulates will NOT disappear in low humidity but might actually be more visible., but this has no bearing on the fact that chemtrails are sprayed at altitudes where only below freezing temperatures exist..

      If you are looking up and catch a plane spraying a chemtrail you’ll notice a long, continuous thinly dense line that never evaporates or disappears. It only dissipates and spreads ut to form cloudiness., the formation itself, of course, depending upon winds aloft, which they factor in to set up their ‘weather’ pattern.

  • I live in a rural area of Central Texas and have seen chemtrails overhead for several years now. Anyone who thinks they’re normal is the one smoking something. I have dozens of pictures I’ve taken of them just like the ones shown. Just because you haven’t seen them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They sometimes spray at night, too. Anyone who trusts our government is not paying attention. Those of you putting this down as nonsense are probably government sponsored trolls.

  • I have PhD-level education, so please don’t dismiss my comments as uneducated. Anyone reading this live in Northern clims? Ever notice that, all summer long, you CAN’T SEE YOUR BREATH??? Then it gets cold, and you AN see your breath, but it evaporates quickly. Then it gets REALLY, REALLY cold,with high relative humidity, and you can watch your breath as it floats away from you… it PERSISTS under certain conditions.
    The SAME IS TRUE of jet contrails… If atmospheric conditions are “dry,” they fade quickly. But, if atmospheric conditions are WET, with HIGH HUMIDITY, they persist, JUST LIKE CLOUDS, because that is what they are.
    IF they were trails of chemicals, there would be NO SPACE between the airplane’s wing and the beginning of the contrail (the time it takes the hot exhaust to cool, and the water vapor to condense). Chemical sprays (like crop-dusters) appear IMMEDIATELY, as if attached to the wing. They don’t need time to condense, as water vapor does.
    All the pictures I’ve seen posted of “persistent” contrails have that gap between the airplane and the contrail.
    As another respondent mentioned above, the elites who are “conspiring” to kill us all with “chemtrails” will have to BREATH THE SAME AIR for the rest of their lives. It would get in the water, and into the food chain, and be there for hundreds of years. What do you think, they get their food and beverages supplied by ALIENS who want them to poison the earth. Stop and ask, WHY?
    I’m over 60 years old. I’ve seen BOTH rapidly-disappearing and persistent contrails all my life. Used to lay in the grass looking up at them.
    The only thing “new” is the mass of people walking around with their noses stuck to their iPhones, etc, who have never looked up and noticed ANYTHING. They’re easy to convince that persistent contrails are a new phenomenon.
    Spraying anything at 30,000+ feet is a good way of making sure you CAN’T control where it falls… just like rain.
    I can understand distrust of a government that allows big companies like Monsanto to poison us (eg Roundup in all our wheat products), just to enhance their profits. And I can understand fear of global elites who buy the “climate change” propaganda (that’s a whole ‘nuther subject), and want to eliminate 90% of the human race, to keep the world pristine for themselves. That DOESN’T mean that they’re going to deliberately poison the whole world, and make it UNINHABITABLE for themselves and their children.

    • Hey you! I like how you think. I don’t think that spraying ‘poison’ is at all connected to chemtrails. I think trying to play with the weather is a big deal and part of the problem are the chemicals used for making water vapor that finally fall down to the soils and water and/or are washed down by liquid rain. You are so correct to be trying to think like an Elite! Grins! So what do YOU think they are doing other than trying to control the weather without any care for the residual outcomes…for soil and water chemistry? Those persistent contrails that even turn into these gorgeous streaks that look like well, like oil on water just are not normal jet exhaust. This subject is so facinating! Have you seen the days and afternoons that are ORANGE…way out of normal orange for sunset? The stopping and starting of persistent contrails? Surely air layers just cannot be so different to allow stopping and starting with no transitional fuzzing out. I’ve been battling with real geoengineers about this and they just haven’t given me much to rethink the chemtrail thingy. Pure common sense and basic knowledge of climate, physics is telling me this is not a natural gig. What do you think!??

      • ….and CO2 is a joke. Why don’t we hear about nitrogen or methane? The most powerful of the greenhouse gases are water vapor!!! Hellllooo. If these ‘normal’ persistent contrails leave all this water vapor as they transit in our atmosphere, why aren’t we more concerned….if this was indeed a ‘normal’ contrail thingy? Amazes me how many scientists, specialists, brainiacs are controlled by whoever gives them their grants. They get their grants, research money IF THEY say what their owners tell them to say!! Talk to any great scientist that is RETIRED and you’ll get the truth. Even talk to young idiot college students taking Geology/Geography/Geoengineering 101 and you’ll get more truth! MONEY TALKS. MONEY makes policy now, truth is detrimental for making money. If information is power what better way to hoard most of it by disseminating distractions and lies to everyone else?

      • Stormy, sorry for the late reply, like this all caps problem, the ‘notify me’ of comments button isn’t working. I think the trolls are trying to hack this website. But what you are alluding to is the core problem. The shadow government Dark/deep State has been brainwashing the general populate into sycophantic complacency for decades while luring them in the socialist trap of government dole dependency. They’ve successfully reprogramed about half the voting population by now and that’s why the country is so obviously in derisive division..

        So keep up the good work with being an activist. Get some of your ‘like minded’ friiends to also become proactive. It’s the only way to get these problems solved. Corruption and apathy and greed cannot withstand the light of truth upon them. The only thing they fear is when too many of us gather our courage and emancipate ourselves from their mind control and EXOSE their crimes..

        Trey Gowdy, along with Chavetts and sadly, only maybe a couple others, are a model for true ethical and patriotic legislators. And are greatly appreciated by me. I hope they can continue to fight the Deep State enemy of Free Americans. And I hope they run for higher office. We need more like them.

    • You and the airline pilot above are forgetting one thing i touched on in the article. Science is no longer denying the experiments. They are calling it SRM Solar Radiation Management. They are just denying the dangers. And claiming that the value of the spraying far outweighs any negative factors. Meanwhile, the corruption ‘chemical’ is added into the mix.

      You and a few others on this forum sound like open-minded intellectuals. Go read the Guns America Article referenced here, and then come back and let me know what you think then.

      • Absolutely Mahatma! This gets into ‘Global Warming’ which I am shaking my head about. CO2 is not even close to being a problem, nor is sea level rise…such crap. Us stupid idiot arrogant humans think we can do better than nature? Control it to our own needs? Water vapor is the largest and worst of the greenhouse gases and best at reflecting solar radiation. Who the hell is saying we are getting global warming, sea level rises? Scientists that rely on the government’s grants. Not the nobel winner scientists that are not on the government’s ticket anymore. Global cooling always starts out looking like warming but the normal negative feedback spins us into glaciation. NORMAL, normal, normal. I’m not saying that our pollutants aren’t going to affect our thin blue line eventually, they aren’t doing it now…except! These ‘vapor trails’ also called chemtrails are a problem worse than the crap spewed out from industries. Why the hell do we humans think we know better than the systems in place for millions of years?

    • Well, Dr. Undead, I also have a phd in History and used to fly some pretty high tec aircraft in my time but i’ll admit i’m completely computer illiterate. So your advanced education can always be limited in the greater scope of things.

      Why don’t you check into this chem trail phenomenon a little further by perusing Geoengiineeringwatch.org before you get too dismissive of what’s really going on here., and then revisit this discussion with more knowledge?

      And yes, the militarized application of this in terms of battlefield weather control has been taking priority for decades so but their insatiable quest for MORE DOMINATING CONTROL over everything including our environment has reached an environmentally deleterious level.

  • Hey robert what’s your problem are u horny or just jealous dude what is it? You hate everyone & everything! Why not just go into the woods somewhere shut up drink a ton of beer & hunt & shoot ur precious rifle off a few times get it all out of ur system! And by the way my.p**** b**** there is a Bigfoot unless of course u think a 7 to 10 foot man in a chewbocka costume from star wars is running around looking for idiots like u for dinner? I happen to like Mr. Mahatma,s article thank you very much!!!

    This comment has been edited due to inappropriate language.

  • Seriously?!?! And then we wonder why people don’t take preppers seriously. This “article” just went full tin-foil-hat nutjob.

    • That’s probably because someone like you, Ross, doesn’t know any ‘serious’ people?

  • Wow Merl and Prince murdered for saying what we already know? Then you tied that together with Judge Scalias murder. Oh right “natural causes”.
    OK putting that aside, Chemtrails were explained to me as a way to “cover the sky” so the masses couldn’t see what was out there. Now what is it that is being covered up? F if I know….A Mother Ship? A planet getting close? The Dark Star? A Meteor? Didn’t the cameras on the ISS turn off a wile back? Holy S#$% I cant find my tin foil hat 🙂

    • Hey, I don’t think they are trying to ‘cover up’ anything outside the ionosphere. People really do not see these persistent contrails nor do they question…anything. Why worry about planetoids, asteroids, mother ships? This is practicing by the military for weather control…2025 is their ‘dead line’.

    • Hey Rocketscientist, if you ever graduate from Chinese Bottle rocket fireworks perhaps you’ll some day experience the historically obvious epiphany that in order for the power elite controllers to keep the Sheeple in line they must manipulate our perception of our environment and social existence by playing upon the normalcy biased emotional content of the subconscious mind that each of us depend upon within the integrations of daily life necessary for a less ‘flight/fight stress induced lifestyle known as a predetermined ‘comfort zone’.

      Same Mind Control Psychology 101, (actually 4.0 these days) used by all despots and dictators throughout time.

      The basic methods are denial/official dismissal of anything that upsets the status quo, covering up any facts or proof of what might revalational concerning anything that might further expose the truth, and ultimately, if necessary, they eliminate/disappear/buy off/ threaten/ or ultimately physically terminate the ‘evidence’ by destroying it or terminating it if it is human.

      Notice i didn’t say ‘murder’ here in the common form, even though legally it is, but these PTBs operate on a different above-the-common-law level.
      They just make the ‘ascertain’ that the knowledge they don’t want to get out must remain ‘secret’ or ‘non-existent’ for public consumption, for the old stand by of Public Safety and when they want a government paid assassin to do something, it’s always in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY. Perfectly, lol, legal in their omniscient little world of control over us.

      Which we lazy, stupid fucking sheeple just continue to let them do.

      So I suppose, Mr. Bottle Rocket scientist, hahahahha! you also wore your Tin Foil Hat when Hillary lied to your face about benghazi, and the IRS not targeting opposing PAC groups, and Fast and Furious, among a plethora of ones?

      Or when When the government swore they never tested nukes on our own soldiers, that agent orange (brought to you by Monsanto, who coincidentally started Chem Trails, and now that so many brain dead ‘gimmemyfuckin’gubminthandout’ junkies just put on their Tin foil hats and blow their minds with ‘Jam’ music when they don’t want to hear about or handle the truth because that requires actually ‘DOING Something’ about it,

      People like you are the first to complain about ‘shit happening’ and the first to criticize anyone who tries to say or do the right thing.

      Shame on your stupid ass!

      But ‘Cosmic Payback’ is a wonderful reality. It usually ‘hits’ you suddenly in the form of a surprise epiphany. where you get that deep sinking in your gut.

      Like someday when your Autistic child is playing in front of the TV and a news flash comes on that an historically large settlement was finally handed down after a Supreme Court of appeals ruled that CHEM Trail spraying of aluminum/barium/and other chemical composites for SRM experiments is THE DIRECT CAUSE of the inordinately high levels population increases in autism in the past decade in repeatedly sprayed areas.

  • The comments by some of these ignorant trolls are so outrageously stupid that it defies comprehension. It’s frightening really, that with all the information out there about Geo-engineering (aka. Chemtrails, SRM) people haven’t a clue about what is going on literally over their heads. So many of our citizens have lost the ability to think critically we have become a society that will believe anything we are told by the “establishment authority”. Here’s a clue folks: Your Government Lies To You! They lie about Chemtrails and most other things, like how great vaccines are, the merits of GMO food and the benefits of fluoride “they” put in your water (it’s for your teeth, ha ha). Do the research before you display your vabid stupidity.
    Finally, the lack of knowledge and it’s consequences has been recognized for a long, long time. To whit, the following bible verse from 2800 years ago.

    Hosea 4:6King James Version (KJV)

    6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

    Of course that was way before the internet, so I guess we can forgive them for being uninformed, but we have the internet, so there is no excuse for displaying lack of knowledge, unless you are just plain lazy. Try doing a bit of research before you type comments that are ignorant and void of substance.

    • Go to the references, here in this articlee, especially the article on GUNS America for the best brief explanation and directions to further suppressed information.

    • AHH, Hoonahman! Alas!, a true perspicacious intellectual!

      Here’s a little sidebar to the article. Since I usually do extensive research and investigative analysis of my information, Just as I used to do on Homicide cases back in the day, and military intel analysis later on, it’s not, as you implied, that people can’t understand the reality and actlually KNOW the clear physical truth by at least good litigation level circumstantial evidence with plenty of witnesses, physical evidence, and expert proof… It’s that they are, indeed, lazy, both mentally and proactively to acknowledge the necessity of this in their own little comfort zone existence.

      And the reason this is so is because they the populate was/is intentionally being brainwashed and behaviorally ‘modified’ to be more ‘compliant than contentious, and more demure, than curious when it comes to ‘questioning’ the authority of the government. Thus the reference to the ‘nanny’ state. overseen by the ‘police state’.

      With this Chem trail ‘phenomenon’, which I’ve been following for years, I keep a constant photographic and aircraft flight record in my area for ‘evidence’ which I will donate to the appropriate committee or attorneys if needed. And I coordinate with others in other states. Just like you follow the money with ‘paper trails’, you follow the toxix poisoning with Chemical trais!

      Although there’s some ‘or rather A LOT! of money invoolved with Chem trails as well… in ways that the Tin Foil Hat Trolls here can’t even imagine.

      But guess what? This past year has had extraordinary coverage on Chem-Trails by reputable media and persons. And NOW, at least in my area of the Midwest where last year there was almost never a clear blue starting out sky that wasn’t that poison grey cloud cover by the afternoon…

      SUDDENLY, since around the end of May, the Chem trails overhead SEEMS TO HAVE STOPPED COMPLETELY overhead around here!

      And interestingly, the weather changed noticeably from last year and the year before. We are having plenty of balanced clear blue sunshine days, with adequate rain.
      The forest and landscape has grown more than the last 3 years combined!

      My first thought was that perhaps the efforts of the activists created enough official pressure on government to get it stopped?!

      But then considering the mass ignorance and denial mode of most of the population i doubt it could reach that point yet. After all, it took generations for them to acknowledge that some UFOs are, indeed, not originated of Earth and not a natural phenomenon because UFO activists are now a huge number of the populate?

      And that was the answer. ‘They’ realize, now, that the internet influences a lot of people’s ‘issue’ voting. Especially among independents.

      So with the election this fall certainly becoming a very close race, Like the Benghazi political cover up, and the now reticent, almost ‘chruch quiet’ BLM activist movement not fomenting mass anarchy and riots so as not to become a political issue, They likely just suspended these Chem Trail operations until after the elections?

      The simplest conclusion is usually the correct one.

      Yes, we can have sympathy and empathy for our historic brethren, They had few advantages and many obstacles. And they were no less manipulated and ‘flocked’ into specious ‘beLIEf systems for the profit of royalist power elite much in the same way it’s done today.

      But, you’re right. There’s no excuse today. Except one’s admission that they’ve abandoned all individual courage to become the ruling class sycophantic piece of groveling shits that they are.

      • Hi Mahatma…are you saying that chemtrails have disappeared in YOUR skies? Certainly not here except since 3 weeks ago they’ve stopped in my skies. We happen to be living within the ‘Gulf Stream’ and when they stop spraying above us I get a little worried. Funny, huh. Why oh why can’t we get another ‘whistle’ blower to explain in more detail?

        • I’m feeling telepathic, within five hundred miles…like the song, I’ll guess East Texas???LOL!

          Yes, they were spraying heavily all winter and spring and just suddenly i noticed that the sky was crystal blue with the ‘nice’ clouds occasionally floating by without one chemtrail for two or three days, then a rainy day or two then more ‘nice’ days, and it’s been this way so far, now?

          I’m under the jet stream here which makes an ideal place to start a weather formation if you want, say for instance, to create a massive weather system and move it to bring major blizzards or heavy flooding rains to Eastern or Southern states.

          I think i can answer the whistleblower question. They already had them with Chem trails and global warming.

          But it isn’t the same with something like a municipality like that city recently that poisoned their citizen’s water supply and got sued and criminally charged. In small peon cases like that the Feds will actually prosecute to the fullest to ensure their facade of honest justice is preserved.

          Butl in Global warming, Chem Trails, BLM land fraud out West, Agenda 21, et a, The government IS the criminal in this case, AND, their Butt Bud Co-conspiritor Monsanto happens to be one of the most powerful Military-Industrial Complex megacorps in the world!

          Congress just voted like 70% in favor of Monsanto NOT having to clearly mark on your food labels which ones are GMO Franken foods! As long as they agree to have at least…something reasonably honest…like a cryptic barcode strip that you need to buy an APP for your smartphone to decipher!

          So this is like Obama’s employee the head of the FBI finding Hildebeast NOT chargable, lol! (I won a hundred bucks on that from a judge friend!)

          There is nobody WE, the People are able to complain to at this high level of criminal corruption, except maybe a few good Congressmen. But you saw how far they even got with Benghazi, Lois Lerner, and Hildebeast.

          You gotta change the Regime. And only the people can do that.

          Whose going to blow a whistle on the government itself unless they want to die ‘accidentally’ while lifting weights or jogging, or live in Russia for the rest of their lives downstairs from Snowden?

          Forget about whistleblowers. We must blow our own whistles at the election booths this Fall!

          At least to get a Change to slow it down a bit so we can regroup and maybe start a real change…for a change???

          • Mahatma, what were you referring to with the BLM? Finicum’s assassination? I live quite close and paid close attention. Our big city in Oregon is Portland where there were quite a few schools they thought had lead in their water. I kept nagging that schools just could not be on separate pipes. Well, they found that the kids were exposed to lead at home. Then they found Cadmium in the moss in Portland and screwed two glass factories by aiming the blame at them…I have ‘nagged’ that I hope they’ve done more tests than just in Portland. They are naysayers about chemtrails so far.

            What do think about Trey Gowdy??

  • And these kinds of posts is why americans are not taken seriously by the rest of the world

    • No, Anonymous, YOUR comment exemplifies the true reason the rest of the world thinks we’re stupid. Being that so many of us beLIEve everything their regime masters want them to beLIEve, And are in a constant state of denial when it comes to the reality truth.

      Which obviously includes you.


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