How To Make Chloroform For Survival

You’ve likely watched many movies where chloroform is used to knock people out in order to kidnap them or disable them for some other reason.

It’s definitely good for that, but subversive maneuvers aren’t what it was originally made for. Originally it was used as an anesthetic to knock people out for surgery.

It sounds like a handy thing to have in your supplies, right? The problem is that you can’t just walk into your local superstore and pick up a gallon of it from the shelf beside the milk. You can, however, make your own.

Chloroform, whether pharmaceutical grade or homemade, is lethal in the wrong hands. Don’t use it without training!

That being said, if you have a medically-trained person in your group, knowing how to make it can come in handy in a variety of ways. You can use it to anesthetize people for surgical procedures or to operate on animals for procedures such as castration. It’s also used in pesticides, disinfectants, dry cleaning solutions, photography development, and refrigerators.

This is the Best Natural Painkiller, and Grows in Your Backyard!

So, how can you make chloroform at home? Actually, it’s not that difficult – it involves two common household items – but it is a bit dangerous for both the patient and anybody within several feet of it.

There are actually a few different ways to make it, but keep in mind that this can very well kill the patient you are trying to save. Yes, I’ve already said that, but it bears repeating. Now, on to it.

Gather Your Ingredients

You know all those warnings you’ve heard about mixing your cleaning products? Well, there’s a good reason for them. When combined, certain chemicals such as bleach create toxic fumes such as chloroform (yes, I said TOXIC), hydrochloric acid, chloroacetone, and other things you really don’t want to breathe.

Since we’re actually trying to make one of those chemicals, let’s proceed with it. Household bleach is your first ingredient. It needs to be at least 6 percent without any added ingredients. If you use a higher concentration, you’re going to need more ice, which I’ll explain in a second.

The second ingredient is used by most women for cosmetic purposes and by many men (and women) to shine their rides with an awesome paint job. Acetone, also known as fingernail polish remover or paint reducer. Be careful to read labels though, because these products aren’t always pure acetone or even acetone at all. You can buy acetone in the cosmetics section of your local superstore and you can also buy it at most paint stores where it will probably be labeled simply as acetone.

The final ingredient is one that’s really tricky. You’ll actually have to walk all your way to the freezer for it. It’s ice!

So to recap, the ingredients you will need are: household bleach, acetone, ice.

Gather Your Equipment

  • You’re going to need a large glass container. HDPE buckets will work because the reagents won’t attack it, but you won’t be able to see the chloroform forming as well.
  • A separation funnel will be needed to separate the chloroform from the other ingredients. You can do it with other tools such as an eyedropper, but that’s a long row to hoe. You can get a separation funnel online for about $25.
  • A gas mask is highly recommended because of the risk of inhaling the fumes. You should make the chloroform in a well-ventilated area even if you’re using the mask. The vapors alone can make you nauseated, give you a headache or even make you pass out.
  • A stir stick will be necessary. Glass is, of course, the best tool for this job.

Make the Chloroform

I feel the need to warn you again to be careful. This isn’t something you should use as a family science experiment. If you’re ready to move ahead, gather your ingredients and equipment together in a well-ventilated area.

It’s best to start with the bleach and acetone chilled even if you’re using ice because the reaction will cause the mixture to heat up by at least 85 degrees. The higher concentrate bleach you use, the hotter it gets. The ratio for making chloroform needs to be 1 part acetone to 50 parts bleach. That’s 1 teaspoon of acetone per cup of bleach.

  • Place the bleach in the container, then add several ice cubes. Add the acetone and stir the mixture, or swirl it around if you’re using a vessel that allows you to do that without sloshing it out. If you’re using a high concentrate of bleach, i.e. 12 percent, add more ice.
  • Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes to an hour so that the chemical reaction can develop and the mixture can cool. First, you’ll notice a white cloud of vapor coming from the solution and the solution itself will become cloudy. You don’t want to breathe this! You’ll also be able to see a white residue, powder, or bubble forming on the bottom. That’s the chloroform.
  • After the hour is up and the mixture is cool, gently pour most of the liquid off the top. Be careful to leave the chloroform on the bottom.
  • Once you’ve gotten most of the liquid out, transfer the rest to your separation funnel. Let it settle, then drain the chloroform out, leaving behind the water.

You’ll yield around 50-70 percent of your starting material volume in chloroform.

At this point, the chloroform is created but if you’re going to use it on people, or animals for that matter, it needs to be distilled in order to purify it. Obviously, you’ll need a distiller for that.

Other Ingredients to Combine

If you have a copper still (and who doesn’t?) laying around, this is the way to distill your chloroform into liquid. You can use the ingredients listed above or you can use 4 parts of bleaching powder (32.5-34.5 percent), 3 parts 96% alcohol, and 13 parts water.

The actual distillation process for this is lengthy and requires several different steps. It’s not particularly viable for the average person, but I wanted to make you aware of it.

Because chloroform, either pharmaceutical grade or homemade, is thought to be carcinogenic, is dangerous to use and make, and doesn’t have much shelf life, it may not be your best option for use in a survival situation. Topical analgesics or oral pain meds may be the better option. Shoot, even doing it as they did in the Wild West is a better option – take a shot of liquor until you feel no pain.

Seriously, chloroform is nothing to fool around with. If you want to make it at home, now you know how but do so with care. Your life, or the life of the person you administer it to, will depend upon it.

Being skilled is the only asset that you can really count on if things are going South. Be prepared and train your medical skills to face disaster!

Written by

Theresa Crouse is a full-time writer currently living in central Florida. She was born and raised in the hills of West Virginia, where she learned to farm, hunt, fish, and live off the land from an early age. She prefers to live off the grid as much as possible and does her best to follow the “leave nothing behind but footprints” philosophy. For fun, she enjoys shooting, kayaking, tinkering on her car and motorcycle, and just about anything else that involves water, going fast, or the outdoors.

Latest comments
  • Thats real nice of you not to say EXACTLY how much bleach to use or EXACTLY how much acetone to use. Use several ice cubes? the last time i checked ice cubes come in different sizes. ooo ya you can use a still but we arn’t going to tell you exactly how to do that either. Did you get your recipe from the worthless “anarchist cookbook”? lol Maybe next time you can give out the recipe to make nitroglycerin.

    • If you read the article it clearly states 50 parts bleach and 1 part acetone.

      • I swear that wasnt there when I read it this morning. Sorry for my comments.I will pay more attention in the future. If you can could you explain the still part to me then?

        • I think the ice is not necessary, used to cool the reactants, really you could put the ice on the outside of the container

          • Personally, I will prefreeze the acetone into cubes and add it to the bleach allowing it to slowly add itself to the mixture.

          • -95°c is needed to freeze acetone

    • why dont u learn how to read the whole article!!!!!

      • Is it necessary to separate and distil the whole solutions.

        • Nope just separate

      • I did read it as i was applying it to the process of making it… i just woke up after a 2 day sleep.. no more white clouds…
        Ty very much

      • They can’t give you the exact amount because depending on the brand of bleach the amount of sodium hypochlorite changes. You can either try to puzzle it out or check the sds for that type of bleach. If you use to much acetone you can. Ruin your batch. The ice cubes don’t make any difference because the chloroform is immiscible in water and isn’t part of the reaction. As far as cooking it I personally use a large cooking pot with a piece of wood and an ice cream bucket on top with a weight in it. Fill the pot with water and freeze. Put the bleach in the freezer but don’t let it freeze before you start the process.

      • LOL, my sentiments exactly!

    • Not sure if anybody would be brave enough to consent to surgery with chloroform as anaesthetic… short acting duration of unconsciousness is “hit & miss” variable. Maybe a tooth pulled or quick medical procedure in a desperate situation… anything more complicated, no. Torso surgery or emergency caesearaen section- No way. A couple of vials of Ketamine might be a better option to stock up on now and is available “on the street”. It is pretty safe as a one off painkiller for acute pain and mental anguish associated with acidents, medical procedures etc because it does not depress breathing. Safer than morphine or other opiates and chloroform. Occasionally people die with chloroform or opiates, but not with ketamine. Paramedics use it for road accidents. But again, it is not good enough deepness of unconsciousness for torso surgery or caesaraen section. Maybe adequate for limb amputation in a dire emergency.

    • You want the bleach to be around -12 degrees ferinheight before you start the chemical reaction so as to not crack the glass, or melt the plastid if you’re dumb enough to use a plastic container

  • I recall many years ago when I was a cadet at a US military academy that one of my classmates made chloroform in the barracks which was used on an upper-classman to abduct him for a prank. After the chloroform was administered he was tied to his bed, taken to the quadrangle, and showered with ice water to await the morning formation. The guy never knew what hit him until he woke up in the quadrangle. Now days that would probably get a person expelled, but then it was just considered a funny and harmless prank. It had to be easy to make, seeing as we didn’t have access to much in the way of equipment or supplies in the barracks and it was all done secretly at night after taps.

    • Many year ago one could purchase chloroform at a drug store. That is likely the source of the chloroform used in you prank.

      • Yes, I remember buying it at the drug store. I used it to kill insects when I made my collections. Put the insect in a jar with a lid and add a cotton ball with a few drops of the chloroform.

    • That’s crazy, because when I was a cadet at the US Coast Guard Academy over 40 years ago we did the exact same thing! I wasn’t the one who made the chloroform, but I was in on the prank. It must be very easy to make if a bunch of 18 year-olds with limited resources could do it.

      • Hi James! I was a hospital corpsman student in New London at the same time… Chase Hall- always in awe of the cadets. Hope your CG career was fun… I retired after 32 yrs as CWO4. Semper Paratus- different military today!

        • In all sincerity, I hope any such use of chloroform is not considered these days. My recollection, as a physician, of the pharmacologic effects of CHCl3, was fairly limited to the hepatic and cardiac issues. Ergo, a quick review was in order. (I served with the fleet [also USNH] for a couple of years, during Viet Nam, and had to do a quick brush-up on the use of ether in case of dire (dire) necessity.)
          Now, to the point: a stark caveat to the uninitiated (please) –
          The use of chloroform has hazards, It is toxic to kidneys, heart and liver (et al.). Just rendering a “patient” unconscious may take as much as 5 minutes, and its administration (dosage, method employed, lethal levels, etc.) are as inconsistent as its somewhat colorful, bizarre history. In the past, “survivors” who underwent any prolonged (?!) “operative” procedures, cardiac dysrhythmias (e.g., atrial fib) or cardiac arrest, or liver necrosis possibly/ probably went unrecognized. Today, modern medications (hypoglycemic, psychotropic, etc.) may have unexpected complications also.

  • Hi bookworm. I read this in the article. Looks like maybe it was updated. That’s 1 teaspoon of acetone per cup of bleach.

    • Yes. Coincidentally I’m a book worm too. Have you read meat curtain blues?

  • A much better/easier/safer temporary surgical knock out is nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Used for dental extractions. Infuse into an oxygen feed. Easy to obtain through cake decorating suppliers or Amazon.

    • Nitrous Oxide will not anesthetize a person nor will it render them unconscious.

    • Interesting

  • What is the “Cloudy” vapor/ stuff and the discarded liquid(water?). What nasty impurities are there that need to be distilled out? Assuming there is electricity to make ice cubes probably take them to the Hospital, unless we would be using a solar or gas generator…? Interesting skill set

  • Does Theresa Crouse have a book or other publication that I could buy…???
    It would be handy to have something in one book that could explain how to make soap, antibiotics, aspirin, alcohol, vinegar, or how to find necessary things like salt in a crisis. There are so many things essential for life that our ancestors knew how to obtain that we now take for granted. Our entire way of life is based on a system that runs like a watch. Just think of how fast the grocery stores would empty out in a crisis? Fuel would disappear overnight. It’s is both mind boggling and troubling to think about.

    • vinegar is really easy to make: leave wine to spoil to get wine vinegar. Ordinary vinegar: cut some apples into slices, add a bit of sugar/honey/possibly even mollases or maple syrup. Put apples & your preffered source of sugar into a plastic container, put a lid on an place in a warm spot (house, greenhouse, outside on the sun everyday) for 14 days. After that pour preheated lukewarm water on the stuff, so apples swim on top. Store in a cool place (cellar etc) for a month. A microbial mat, we call ‘mama’ (mother) will form on top, this is the bug colony that makes acetic acid – vinegar and you can reuse it with fresh apples to make a new batch of vineagar faster. A natural antibiotic is contained in thyme (Thymus spp.) and in bee propolis. The precursor to aspirin is willow bark, but it has compounds that upset the stomac. Soap is a bit tricky but basically one can make it from any natural oil or fat whan cooked with wood ash. I know the theory but hadn’t had the time to try it yet. Acetone&methyl alcohol – are byproducts in making schnaps, I assume moonshine too, and are part of the ‘heads’,. but I have no idea how to separate them out. Can be infused with chillis to make mace/bear spray – please be careful, this stuff is nasty. Hope this inspires creativity and helps you to survive.

      • Regarding “methanol”: unfortunately, it can cause blindness. Avoid it.

  • Is There anyway I can buy chloroform instead of making it?

    • Amazon has a ton of it, most of it reasonably priced.

    • Is there a way to buy this instead of making this on your own?

    • NO. That’s the POINT of the article, if you Read it.

  • Would be nice to see a video of this stuff being distilled. I understand its similar to distilling alcohol, but it would be nice to see this stuff to the refined end.

    • I think alcohol is better for you. Doesn’t make phosgene gas when it ages or is explosed to sunlight, correct me if im wrong

      • Though “taking a shot” will help with pain, alcohol is also a blood thinner and could possibly make your situation worse.

    • Nile red – youtube — has a detailed video on this process.

  • SSounds like date nights not gonna be the same across America anymore…..

    • Mr Creepy is right! Sicko!!! I’m sure this is exactly what you wanted to hear!!! Congrats for living up to your moniker! DB!

      • Its called “Dark Humor”, I would check it out some time

  • well this is useful thanks!!

  • When I was in school and had to do a bug collection, we could buy it at the drug store. We would collect bugs ,put them in a jar and use a cotton ball with a little chloroform to kill the bugs. Never had any problems and when we were through we would make our collection and throw the rest of the chloroform away because our parents would not let us keep it and the teachers told them that

  • Doesn’t chloroform take much longer to knock someone out than what is portrayed in the movies? I seem to remember from chemistry class that it takes 5 minutes or more to actually knock someone out. It is obviously good for the intended use for minor surgery or I guess emergency major surgery if things have gone really wrong but it is my understanding that the whole Hollywood put the rag on the person’s face and it knocks them out right away is grossly overstated.

    • Yes, chloroform takes way longer than in all pf the films, where they just sniff on it a little bit and they are knocked out. It takes about 30-300 seconds, depending on how fast your „victim“ is breathing and the size of their body.

    • No it’s pretty goddamn quick, I just literally got a whiff of the stuff and luckily I got the lid back on before i passed out or else I would have dropped it and spilled it and possibly harmed myself and or my pets, and not to mention contaminated the the entire house. I could literally feel my body on it’s way out, It feels like when your super tired and can’t even keep your eyes open, but without the heavy eyes, just your whole body is almost giving up, scary shit. Do not fuck around with it .

    • Read my above reply.

  • I am working on a novel. The village where the novel is set is set in modern times. Still, the village has been isolated for 150 years. Think Gilligan’s Island and Professor. If it can’t be made from what is on the island, Appalachia, they cannot have it. If it did not exist 150 years ago, they don’t know what it is.

    Now, the village is under threat from outsiders. They want to remove the outsiders without harming them. They notice their tent is over a cave entrance. They decide to knock them out, take the firing pins from their guns, escape back into the cave and disappear.

    One idea for use is Chloroform. How would they make it? If smoke from the process were to filter into the tent, would it knock out the occupants without hurting them? How much would they have to make? Is this idea feasible in theory?

    • Just a thought but if modern people invaded a village that was 150 years lacking in the technology aspect, there would be literally nothing that the villagers could do to peacefully stop the modern onslaught. Villagers could take out ehe first explorers with lethal means but there is no way in hell they would be able to stop modern people peacefully if the modern people were hell bent on getting to the past people.

      How would the people in the past have bleach or acetone anyways. just seems kind of far stretched. A feaseable idea would be to grab a bufoalaveris toad (only in the southwest united states) and ‘milk it’ for its ‘venom’ which is about 75-80% 5-meo-Dmt. heating that stuff and filling a tent full of it would quite possibly keep the modern people from coming back. Dmt is pretty much a wonderdrug, but 5-meo-dmt is 5-10x as potent and will show you the evil side of literally everything. From your keyboard to your pencils. you just get this weird feeling that you know is real. and that feeling is evil as hell.

      just my 2 cents from personal experiences

      • this is probably too late for your novel, but what about a type of plant that grows on the island that when burned produces a similar effect to ‘knock it has’? like something in the smoke.. other plants when burned has an effect like tobacco and marijuana, i don’t know if any plants in real life that would produce it however you could strength the science enough i would think

        • It is doubtful that those only familiar with 150 year old firearms tech would have any ability to “remove the firing pins” from the modern firearms. Take them, and break them is easier and doesn’t sound so Hardy boys.

    • how about ether instead… ether had been used for many years before chloroform, and you can make with proper period materials and knowledge:ethanol + sulphuric acid… so if villagers have a moonshine tradition + plus any volcanic activity on or near the island..voila!

    • Why would they remove firing pins when they could just take the guns?
      If they only have knowledge of 150 years, do they understand firearms enough to remove firing pins and do they have the tools?
      Also did the community start with 2 ppl and everyone is related?
      How big is this inbred population?

  • What does 50 parts bleach mean?
    And can I use this on people?

    • if you dont konw what a ratio is. then you need to just get off this website and take a math class.

  • Personally I enjoyed reading this and I found it very helpful to myself since I did not understand how to make cloroform or even what it was made with. Thanks for taking your time on creating this!!

  • Is there any way to purify the chloroform? I don’t have copper still(?)…

    • You can use a copper tea pot to make a still. Lots of instruction out there on the web. I bought a 2 quart teapot at the thrift for less than $5US.

  • how much acetone need for 500 g bleach,,???

    • 50 to 1… so 500/50=10… but why in the world are you weighing the bleach? you need to measure the volume by liters. i don’t think the ratio is based on weight. man after reading most these comments i wish i could be a fly on the wall when they try this recipe out! lol

    • Haider Ahmed, it’s 1 teaspoon of acetone and 1 cup of bleach.

  • Was I haven’t been certain on is after the reaction can I have the mask off or it’s used throughout the experiment till distillation

  • Hello Thanks for this helpful article. What I intend to do is use the chloroform for anaesthetizing opossums prior to killing ’em. I have an opossum problem and in my part of the country they are considered invasive, and it’s illegal to transport or to shoot firearms in the city. I was planning to mix the acetone and bleach together in a large plastic bucket and then lower a live trap down into it – the live trap would hover over top of the liquid (suspend this on a couple of those blue plastic ice packs) so that the gases would hopefully anaesthetize the animal and render it unconscious. I’m trying to do the killing as humanely as I can. I figure if they’re anaesthetized and unconscious it’ll go a lot easier on ’em. Does this sound like a workable plan? I’m hoping the chloroform gases would hover around the bottom of the bucket, just above the liquids. Let me know if any of this sounds like it wouldn’t work. Thanks,

    • Thats awful. Opossums keep snakes, rats and mice away. They are beneficial in many ways where I live. They are wonderful mothers letting their babies ride on their back until almost full grown. Getting rid of rats or coyotes your way is reasonable. Just my opinion, though.

    • Oh it will work all right. Phosgene will kill it for ya. This was used in WWI look it up
      If this recipe isn’t distilled then it creates a phosgene gas. Toxic stuff. So NEVER EVER EVER play around with this idea unless you know exactly what you are doing.

    • Possums eat ticks. In fact possums eat more ticks than anything known to us so far. Ticks carry Lyme disease which is becoming epidemic nationwide. Just food for thought.

    • How about a magnum pellet rifle? They kill deer with these rifles.

    • She said use GLASS, NOT PLASTIC!!!!!

    • Make sure to add a little bit of ethanol to the chloroform, as otherwise when exposed to oxygen and UV light (like from the sun) the chloroform will turn into phosgene, a chemical that was commonly used in warfare for its poisonous properties.

  • Just wondering …would it make a difference between going by or using by Volume or By Weight measures.
    FYI anyone in he US can LEGALLY home brew beer and wine

    They can also Distill make their own Whiskey! LEGALLY AFTER Fling out proper forms.

    One can do a search on how to home brew and many different recipes buy kits and they can legally buy and on a still.

    I am not familiar with the legalities of making your on whiskey I have HEARD that one can distill 5 gallons for personal
    use a year,,,,,, HOWSOEVER that MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT be true.

    BUT you can legally own a still and use it to make Essential Oils for example…
    You can even buy a still online.


    That being said Having a still and the KNOWLEDGE to make Scotch or Irish or Bourbon or Moonshine
    or whatever…….and having access to need grain and other ingredients Would definitely be a useful skill
    IF/WHEN the so called Balloon goes up and it is TEOTWAWK happens.

  • 50 to 1 sounds good, but it is not EXACTLY 1 cup to 1 teaspoon. 1 cup contains 48 teaspoons. Close enough? Depends.

  • I want to knock my dog out so I can trim her nails. Will the undistilled product work and not hurt her?



    • Don’t test drive this crap on your dog!! Benedryl, dose by weight, a muzzle, & rotary tool is a much safer option.

  • OMG.. I am watching a series on Casey Anthony where her mother says she was looking for chlorophyll online and got chloroform instead..
    Yeah, right….this article made it clear Casey could have made chloroform and used it to help murder her child. It was informative and scary at the same time.

  • Can this be used to knock out a dog without being distilled? I really have to trim her rename and she absolutely refuses! It’s a st Bernard so she rules in this case.

    • No, it must be distilled before using on animals or humans. Water won’t be the only bi-product of this reaction.

      • I would love to learn the distilling part. I have a large collection of “Lab Glass” that includes a separator funnel and water cooled distilling column.
        I have done a few chemistry tricks and I am sure I could pull this off. Could you send it to me?

  • Thanks so much for posting! Can a regular, cheap water distiller be used to distill the stuff?

  • How on the world can you think you could possibly trust yourself wirh someone’s LIFE using a drug like Chloroform when you don’t even take the time to READ the article and understand it? There’s this awesome thing that humans created called GOOGLE and before that, the Library! And books! Try it out before you kill someone due to your lack of knowledge. Better yet, get to know an EXPERT in the medical field, if you don’t have the training and experience. See if they might be interested in becoming a part of your Tribe if the SHTF. The biggest killer of people, if that happens, will be ignorance and the unwillingness to work with others who have different skill sets. If you are not an expert in auto mechanics, would you try fixing your own car? Of course not! But you’re thinking of messing around with Chloroform? Insanity…

  • Was acetone uses as like nail polish remover

  • Hey Theresa,

    Great topic! I had just researched this a couple of days ago for my survival library because it would be nice to be able to make. The problem with using bleach as the source of available chlorine is that chlorine availability diminishes about 20% within the first year after manufacture and 20% every 6 months after that, so it would be important to use fresh non-scented bleach without any additives like the “splash-less” bleach.

    Another option is to use HTH granular calcium hypochlorite (pool shock with around 60-70% free chlorine) instead of bleach (changes the recipe) as the source of free chlorine or use it to make bleach stock. If kept in a desiccator, it has a long shelf life and is very inexpensive. Either way, you can test for the amount of free chlorine using chlorine test strips, which I strongly recommend.

    Great job, and again, I love the topic!

    • I mean if you are to use this to get a date let me tell you a secret thats way easier then this. The handy dandy date brick, cheap and you can find one almost any where, costs like 2 bucks and is 90% affective even the ugliest dude and pull in a modle.

  • Well written. If you decide to make chloroform and eventually use it keep in mind it takes longer than the movies portray to knock someone out. Also,keep in mind that in a SHTF situation ‘someone’ needs to know how to monitor the ‘patient’, without electronic monitors being used as it is easy to kill the patient off with too much chloroform. That being said, this needs to be a ‘last ditch’ resort. The formula for it is correct, by-the-way.
    On a side note…it was correctly stated not to breath ‘any’ vapors that are released from this witch’s brew. Anything that has bleach(think chlorine) as one of the ingredients can and most likely will release chlorine gas and that ‘will’ damage your lungs quickly.

  • It was surprising that anyone would publish a formulation for something as dangerous as chloroform, and include a formula for it’s creation. I worked in Biotech as a packaging and formulation specialist for 12 years, If anything was “formulated”, it was done by degreed chemists and then taught to those responsible people to duplicate the same, like myself. I used chloroform to sanitize test tubes for coasting with a solution to detect proteins and antibodies. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is a caustic liquid that can cause burns on the skin and cause breathing problems. Acetone is volatile (flammable) and will ignite if exposed to any source of ignition. If you definitely need to use chloroform, order it from a licensed chemical supplier, like Fisher Scientific. A better and safer solution to use to sanitize surfaces and home products is a 70% solution of Ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Our quality assurance experts did testing with IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and Ethanol. and the ethanol cleansed more completely for our clean room and other purposes, like glass wear and solid surfaces. You don’t have to use sledge hammer on the coronavirus. The Ethanol will kill the virus. Plus you can use it on your hands with or without gloves. The 70% solution was tested by experts in the lab on various toxins and substances. Our clean rooms packaged products for the scientific and medical research companies. There was no room for error. You have probably used a medication or product from our research. Ethyl alcohol can be purchased at a well supplied hardware store or from Fisher Scientific. Be safe and leave the formulations to the experts. Gary

  • I mean if you are to use this to get a date let me tell you a secret thats way easier then this. The handy dandy date brick, cheap and you can find one almost any where, costs like 2 bucks and is 90% affective even the ugliest dude and pull in a modle.

  • LOL you do not use acetone to shine up your car…….

  • After reading the comments here…I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a lot of possible “Darwin Award’ winners that are posting. I’ve made ‘black powder’, termite, nitro, a ‘semtex’ equivalent and a bunch of other ‘fun things’. Some were just for fun and some were because an expedient device, of sorts, was needed. There are things that will go ‘Boom’, just sitting there or possibly eat your skin off or burn it off in a flash. First thing you do, before you make any of these fun things…and they ‘are’ fun, is to read about the ingredients(chemicals), their characteristics, precautions taken while handling them and what ‘NOT’ to mix with them. Some dry chemicals are fine by themselves, but if you mix them together, in dry form, they become unstable and you will get a reaction that is very exciting…think ‘Boom’. So, you mix them wet. If what you are making calls for it to be cooled to a certain point…there ‘is’ a reason for that and, if you don’t, the mixture will be ‘unstable’ and again, things will get very exciting, very quickly. Nitro is a classic example of this. Keep in mind that acetone is very volatile and highly flammable. Chlorine bleach, if mixed with certain other chemicals can and will give off chlorine gas and if you breath it…it ‘will’ eat your lung tissue and you might die. Ammonia is ‘not’ the only thing that will cause a release of chlorine gas. Homemade chloroform could, indeed have uses, but make sure you know what you are doing when you make it. You cannot skip steps or cut corners. If you do decide to make a few fun things…make a very small batch to begin with and go from there. If you smoke…’don’t’. Leave all electronic devices in a safe place and make sure you do not build up any static electricity…and then touch what you are making or the equipment/containers holding it. Better, yet…use pyrex lab equipment, if you can, to help eliminate a possible static charge. Be safe…and have fun. Oh, and remember…some things you might make…does ‘not’ go over very well with law enforcement. Especially in this age of terrorism. One final thing…do ‘not’ buy all your chemicals from the same place, at the same time, as most places where you buy all of this are not stupid and will notify certain people of a possible ‘problem’. Again…be safe, have fun…and make sure you have health insurance before you start.

  • So I tried your instructions, and I think I have one question… please, a quick response would be appreciated….
    so…. well, I didn’t have any cups with me, much less glass, so I asked my 4 year old daughter if she could smile big and wide like she does for the tooth doctors, and I poured 50 parts bleach and then 1 acetone bottle into her mouth, put her in the freezer (cause I didn’t have any ice) and then I left her there for 300 minutes, like you recommended. but – and here’s the catch — what came out was not custard! “That’s no casserole” my mother exclaimed. She told me: daughter. When I tried to make a casserole like that,, I nearly gassed the whole village with phosphene gas.. whoops! worm moment. So, I guess, um I want my money back, and I guusss if someone has an extra bowl and some ice I would give you what’s left of my daughter?

    • Just wow. Reading some of these comments has reinforced my belief that humanity is lost. I get “dark humor”, but some of these comments make me wonder if some children were smacked in the back of the head too often… Or, possibly not enough.

  • I’ve commented on this a couple times, I think. Just remember…’you’ and only ‘you’ will be ‘responsible and accountable’ for anything that goes wrong. I’ve made a lot of ‘fun’ things at home that go “Boom” and a few that don’t. ‘Home brewed’ concoctions can and ‘will’ go sideways if you deviate even a little from directions on how to make something and there are precious few ‘home brew’ labs, as-well-as home brew chemists that ‘know’ what they are doing… that are as exact as they should be…especially if you are making a gas. Made incorrectly, home brew chloroform can easily turn into phosgene. I did some research, on this, after I first read the article and there is a pretty good chance you might, if you are not ‘very’ careful, end up with phosgene…a gas used in WW1 and will kill you…and others around you. I’m still trying to get my home brew lab to the point I’d feel safe making this. I feel safe making ‘nito’ and many other things that are rather ‘sensitive”, but not chloroform…yet.
    ‘IF’ you decide to try…make sure you have a vat of very good acid or somewhere…just to dispose of any bodies that might accumulate…a very solid alibi…good health insurance…and an exceptional attorney on retainer…just in case. If you try to use this on a pet dog or cat or horse…you are an idiot…and your pet will almost certainly die…or never be ‘quite right’, again. Remember…Darwin Awards are there for a reason.
    Be safe


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