How The Russian Bear Mauls ISIS

It has been less than two weeks since Russia announced their entry into Syria to support President Assad. Yet, in the short time they’ve been there, they’ve accomplished more than U.S. forces have accomplished over the last several months.

Reports are coming out that ISIS is ready to topple; all that’s needed is a push from ground forces.

This is somewhat reminiscent of both Gulf Wars, where U.S. led forces all but destroyed the fighting capability of Iraq from the air. Then, when the ground forces rolled in, they were doing more of a clean-up operation, rather than fighting a full-scale war.

But There’s One Big Difference…

There are no ground forces waiting to roll into the areas controlled by ISIS and do the mop up operations. That’s because the U.S. led “coalition” isn’t much more than a paper tiger. Rather than having boots on the ground, President Obama has opted for remote control warfare, rather than relying on proven tactics that can ensure victory.

In fact, many are questioning whether Obama truly wants victory against ISIS. One of those questioners is Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Republic.

Putin politely ridiculed U.S. strategy in the area, in the same news conference where he made it clear that as far as Russia is concerned, the existence of ISIS and their armament is the fault of the United States. More specifically, he lays that failure at the door of the White House.

Considering Obama’s many statements in support of Islam and his open support of the Muslim Brotherhood, my gues is that it is quite possible that Obama is hoping for the success of ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), whom he constantly refers to as ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).

While he still claims to be a Christian, his actions seem to support radical Islam and to be consistently against those who call themselves by the name of Christ, regardless of their denomination. This has led many to believe that Obama seems to be more Muslim than Christian.

Obama’s support of ISIS has included providing them with arms. Oh, he hasn’t openly provided them with arms, but he has provided the arms. Those arms, funneled through other insurgent groups, have made their way into the hands of ISIS warriors.

Vladimir Putin has claimed that ISIS fighters are nothing more than mercenaries, who were armed by the U.S. in an attempt to depose President Assad. Being mercenaries, they left the groups they were working with and joined ISIS, simply because the backers of ISIS offered them more money. The lack of forethought on the part of President Obama and the U.S. State Department made this possible.

Arming rebel forces is always dangerous, something we’ve seen over and over throughout American history. While these operations are normally covered up in a blanket of secrecy; there are many stories of the CIA arming rebel groups, in order to depose leaders that the U.S. government didn’t agree with. In all too many of those cases, the rebels ended up being worse for us than those they replaced.

Cuba comes immediately to mind in this regard. Supposedly, the CIA was responsible for arming and supporting Castro, not realizing what his vision of utopia looked like. That backfired, putting a communist governed nation just a few miles off our shores.

Getting back to ISIS, it’s clear that the guidance from the White House has made it nearly impossible for U.S. armed forces to have much of an effect there. Reports have come out from the military that targets have to be approved by our political leadership, much as they were during the Vietnam War. We should have learned back then that when targets are selected for political reasons, they don’t accomplish military objectives.

Even though we’ve been bombing ISIS for several months, the number of sorties allowed has been severely limited. I’ve heard reports of only two sorties per day. Between that and the political approval required for all targets, it sounds like someone is trying to thwart the efforts of the military.

So, what we’ve had is a show of force or maybe an air show, rather than a concerted attack against a dangerous enemy. An enemy who is beheading people almost daily and posting the videos on YouTube for all the world to see. If America still stands for the things we used to stand for, that should be enough to push us to wipe them off the map.

Video first seen on Fox News

The Russian Coalition Takes Over

Yet, instead of us wiping them off the map, we are sitting on the sidelines, watching Russia do so. With somewhere around 70 sorties per day, as well as cruise missile attacks from her warships, Russia has done more damage to ISIS in a short time, than the United States has done in months.

But Russia has made it very clear that they are not in Syria as part of the U.S. coalition. They are specifically there at the invitation of President Assad. As such, they have formed their own coalition, consisting of Syria, Russia and Iran. This coalition isn’t just interested in destroying ISIS, but also all rebel organizations within Syria, even the ones which have been backed by the United States.

There are reports of Russian ground troops preparing to enter Syria and attack the insurgents, doing the mop-up operation that NATO forces aren’t doing. If this happens, the destruction of ISIS will clearly be a Russian victory, not an American one.

While the Russian bear has been mauling ISIS and other insurgent groups, it hasn’t been without a price. So far, four cruise missiles, launched from Russian warships have fallen short, landing in Iran, rather than hitting their intended targets in Syria. There is no news yet of how much damage those missiles have caused, whether there were any civilian casualties or Iran’s reaction to the error. While it could be seen as an act of war committed by the Russians, the existing coalition may mitigate that interpretation.

The Russian coalition has much farther reaching implications than just protecting the existing government in Syria. By entering into a coalition with Iran, commonly known for being an aggressive, rogue nation, Russia is strengthening her ties with the Iranian government. Considering the recent nuclear agreement brokered by Obama and Kerry, the implications of that coalition could be huge.

It is widely agreed that Russia might not want to initiate a nuclear war with the United States, any more than the United States wants to have nuclear war with Russia. But Iran is another thing all together. Iran’s Supreme Leader has already stated his intent to attack the United States with nuclear weapons, when he can. We are, as his predecessor named us, “The Great Satan” in Iranian eyes, and as such, we should be destroyed.

While Russia might not openly condone such an attack, they could quietly and privately support it. Either way, they stand to gain greatly by it. For decades, the Soviet Union and the United States were the world’s two superpowers. Then, with the fall of the Iron Curtain, we were down to one. But in the ensuing years, China has gained in strength; both militarily and economically. So today, with the resurgence of Russia, it could easily be said that there are three.

Of those three, Obama is doing everything he can to remove the United States from the equation. Socialist policies and massive regulations are destroying commerce, especially manufacturing. He has drastically cut military spending, while using the military as a social experiment in integrating homosexuals and transsexuals into the military. At the same time, he has wavered uncounted times on foreign issues, sending an unclear message to the world.

With the United States on the decline, Russia is poised to become the new world leader. The big question is, what type of leader would they be? The old Soviet Union was very imperialistic, working overtime to spread socialism around the globe. What message will this new Russian Federation preach to countries who seek their aid? Will it be one of good or one of evil?

It is clear that there is no turning back for Russia. They have invaded Syria, at Syria’s request and are not likely to back out anytime soon. Russian media is backing Putin, unlike American media which has almost always been against United States involvement in other countries. So Putin has the country behind him, something the next U.S. president won’t be able to count on.

We could be seeing a major shift in world power, playing out right before our eyes. If so, Obama will have truly accomplished the “fundamental change” he promised. I just wonder if the world that emerges will be the world that he wants.


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.


Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • What we are seeing and being told with all the little details and speculation, etc., is only the surface litter. The real story lies behind agenda formulated at a higher and more concentrated level. Of this, virtually no one one among the “standard” media wants to speak – far too dangerous! This is a well worn and time proven fact. Liteally, the more things change the more they stay the same.

  • Thanks for this interesting article.
    However you might like to look at where the Russian missiles and strikes are landing in relation to who is located in those areas. If you do this you will see that Russia is primarily targeting the Syrian rebels, not ISIS. They are doing this to prop up the Assad regime, which is their local puppet. The Russians do not appear to be hitting ISIS at all.

    Please do not let your apparent hatred of Obama blind you to the facts on the ground. You will provide a much better service to your readers if you speak the truth – even if it is complex and confusing as in Syria.

  • Russia, sad to say, has a leader with cajones of steel, whereas our leadership – from the president on down – has no cajones at all for varied reasons. Obama has consistently demonstrated his cowardly propensity for siding with our enemies, not our allies, against the survival of the military strength restored by President Ronald Reagan after the equally disastrous Demonicrat administration of James Earl Carter, Jr. We have seen indecision and acquiescence on the part of our Secretary of Defense and his subordinates as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thus also the military commanders who are more promotion- and career- protecting than they are about the troops serving under them. They have started pushing the Liberal Left’s social agenda rather than diligently being the leaders of strong military policies that presidents like Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Ronald W. Reagan understood to be the backbone of the defense of our liberties and freedoms. Currently, after a twenty year record of service in a great USAF, I cannot bring myself to even consider serving in today’s Armed Forces, much less making a career of it.

    • “Quis custodiet ipsos custodies?” (Who will guard the guards?)
      Quote from Juvenal

  • I think Putin said it well recently when he said some of his partners (meaning the US) have mush for brains. Putin’s moves in Syria put him above and beyond other world leaders in terms of willingness to do a dirty job and do it efficiently. The Russian bear has come out of hibernation; and unless I miss my guess based on some of the surprises coming out about their naval armaments – that bear is mighty hungry and ready to tango. Events have already proven that our economic sanctions mean nothing, because unlike China, Russia has divested of US monetary assets while keeping its paws on some key tangible land assets that spell huge trouble for US energy and infrastructure… not to mention hamstringing any action we may try to take across the board. This is going to be interesting… to say the least. USA needs a hero – but I don’t see any up on the radar.

  • To win a war by just bombing the enemy is an unrealistic expectation, too costly, and less reliable than having the ground troops. Russians can weaken the enemy, but in the end, they must have the ground troops to finalize the ‘campaign.’ To win the war on the ground, the Russian force must have the hearts and minds of the Syrian people on its side, but is it possible?
    Will the Syrian Muslims accept the Christian Russian solders, or will they side with the other Muslims who are actually invading their country?
    There is another question: what is in Syria that is so valuable that can worth fighting for? Is it the oil, or a strategic location, or a politically justified goal?

    • Good brain exercising in constructive thought, Bozidar, but slightly inaccurate when it comes to the reality check.

      The truth is that The U.S. could easily use nothing but air power to literally emasculate a third world rag tag army like IS which has none of its own air defense. Clinton did it 20 years ago to entire Yugoslavian trained and heavily armed armies/militias (who did even have some SAM and antiaircraft cannon, with much less sophisticated direct strike capability and less developed stealth technology than we have today.

      Actually he mostly only used relatively primitive cruise missiles to bring the entire religionist ‘holy war’ to a crushing collapse long enough for NATO to come in with humanitarian relief and install order and relative peace which the rest of European powers were afraid would spread through Europe like a wild fire. And they wanted the U.S. to lead the NATO effort to stop it.

      Clinton really didn’t want NATO involved in serious military ops so the U.S.
      simply took the lead and used virtually nothing but air strikes and bombed ALL the fighting and ‘ethnic cleansing’ to its knees, and left NATO troops to then come in afterward to clean it up and provide humanitarian aid. AND Virtually NO AMERICAN Casualties were sustained in the entire smack down. Clinton’s success was also a great ‘win-win’/ false flag October Surprise of getting the world’s attention off his impeachment and Monica’s blow jobs!)

      The ‘End the Bullshit’ once and for all actual hammer down offensive on the Kosovo ‘front’ lasted a mere 65 or 70 days before the awesome U.S. ‘firepower from god’ brought all these relgionist combatants to their knees to pray that it stops. The U.S. could have continued to take the entire country over had it wanted to follow up with expeditionary and coalition ground battalions but they threw in the take down of its main focus leadership, Milosovich(sp) for good measure instead, and left then left it alone to Islamic expansionism.

      That’s why the Muslims in Some areas of Kosovo ( now over 90% muslims) want to erect a statue/monument to Billy blowjob!

      Today, it would literally be like shooting fish in a barrel in the middle East because unlike the mountainous and wooded terrain Yugoslavia, these IS psychos have no where to really hide unless they dig their own graves ahead of time in the sand? Don’t forget old ‘Stormin’ Norman’s preview of ‘hell on earth’ on his road to bagdad?

      So the question is why doesn’t OBAMA simply do that to the IS and quit screwing around? As a hedge better because of my ‘inside knowledge’ and modicum of military tactical experience, i’d bet Obama could break Clinton’s super stomp record–with nothing but airstrikes–in less than 30 days, if he wanted to? So why doesn’t he ‘want’ to?

      The answer is two fold, but often ‘counterintuitive’ at first analysis. and certainly very complicated to understand. As much as the situation in Kosova was labelled as a ‘humanitarian’ salvation to prevent massive ethnic cleansing, It wasn’t. It was all about-as almost everything else in the world, unfortunately, agenda based Islamic imperialism winning out over orthodox Christian ‘imperialism’, this time with the ‘aid’ of the West.

      Today, however, in the middle East. the ethnic cleansing trend is in reverse, and if we simply ‘disappeared’ the IS into just a bad memory, then the Vatican hegemony will begin again.

      Obamamama’s ‘secret’ political agenda (not the American disarmament one, which we all are aware of by now) is woven deep into the fabric of the cloak worn by the power elite. At this point in history, the simplest rationale for Obama NOT eradicating the IS threat forthwith is that it doesn’t enhance his Chicago machine style party mindset. He knows that few, if any born and bred Right Wing Christians or Catholics will vote for his party this time. But he knows most Muslims in America will. So he doesn’t want to piss off that important Muslim voting block by destroying and conquering the great emerging IS Caliphate which all muslims–even if they don’t admit it–secretly approve of.

      The simplest answer is usually the correct one. As far as what will be the conclusion for Syria? It will eventually join the coming new IIRU (Imperial Intercontinental Russian Union) First of all Syria hosts one of Putin’s important sea bases. As his Navy expands, he doesn’t want to risk this so they are there initially to protect that. And for more future prophesies, peruse my second long (revised) long comment below. Syria will become one of Putin’s ‘spoils of hegemony’ and military ally as the Big Bear forages through the Middle East. After he secures Syria as a formal ally, he will then move in another direction, likely toward the ‘gift’ of Iraq…from his butt bud Obama.(wait ’till after i win the second term, Vladboy, then we’ll ‘talk’, wink wink)

      But always remember this, Bozidar, when you are searching for the truth in this quandary of world politics…

      “If you accept the irrefutable truth is that there can never be peace in the world until all religions are at peace with each other, then you will know why the world will always be at war…” P.J. Klipangle.

      And then you will profoundly realizewhy the visionary Framers of this great country designed a SECULAR EGALITARIAN country based on honest reasonable objectiveness, NOT so-called Judeo-Christian ‘principles’ as theocrats here try to indoctrinate among the ignorant.

      • Is that why the Founders appealed to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” in the Declaration of Independence? And before you tell me we’re governed by the Constitution, not the Declaration, let me remind you that the Constitution is merely a list of our rights. Without belief in a Supreme Being, the Constitution is merely a list of nice ideas with nothing to back it up. With the Creator of the Universe to back them up they become a powerful force for human liberty. I think some 29 of the signers of the Declaration were Christian ministers of various denominations.

  • I can’t help wondering , why people know what is going on, but every body just keep on talking, but do nothing . Why this man gets away with totaly destroying our Country and nobody is doing anything but TALKING.

    • @Eve: So far this year, with a budget over $1 Trillion, Obama ordered special forces ops in more than 130 countries, so far. In addition, the drone continue in some countries, like 8 or so? Constant terror bombings ordered by Obama. Please take me to school on your fear our country (usa) is totally destroyed by Obama. yes, if you watch FOX, I guess you feel that way. Could you help me and point out the total destruction of Obama?

      • Our country is an Empire, a rather large one. The Empire requires a support, military, and financial. Do not forget the human bodies needed to fight and die for it. We spend $.49 of every tax collected dollar on the War Department. We have about 1750 military bases world-wide. We, the voters do not decide our federal budget, nor can we stop the political machine executing illegal wars. Our military industrial complex needs enemies to justify its production of armaments (with huge profits). It was a long time ago, that the government needed the War Bonds to wage a war, instead, we have a mechanism for creating fiat money fabricated by the so called “Federal” Reserve which is actually privately owned by six banks, all private, nothing really owned by our Government.
        As Sun Tzu says; “All wars are a deception,” so is this one in Syria.

        • Ok, so post something I disagree with?? I might quibble on the details, but basically I am down your line.

          Want a good laugh? you find someone who thinks the military should be engaged in this as a ground war? Then you ask them if they favor a balanced budget. They will say they do with complete seriousness.

          Never has one country had the opportunity for unlimited spending: that the US pisses it away on foolish wars, aided and abetted by Bill White, will be a historical blunder of historical proportions.

          BTW: People who urge us into these wars, never come back and say they were wrong. Rarely do they have a clue of the terrible suffering war brings.

          • Well, Tim, at least a few of ‘us’ out there are beginning to see the forest instead of just the trees.

            And you’re right. To this day the ‘Captains’ of the Corporatist (g run by big corps.) Military Industrial Complex still deny that the decade of financial and emotional damage to the country by the totally unnecessary Viet Nam war was not just for their own proprietary Capitalism.

            Nevermind that this money pit war bankrupted the government so badly that Nixon had to play the currency valuation card and cancel the gold backed dollar standard, which started the future bad habit of fiat money printing AND worse, it finally pissed off the people enough to actually threaten the governments unaccountable positions in this matter which made the Johnson regime nervous enough to begin insidious treasonous work on the final dismantling of the people’s 2nd/A soulution to totalitarianism by making anti-Constitutional laws with gun bans (1968 GCA) as punishment which opened the door to make most people criminals in the future so that any if not all potential physical ‘revolution’ would be impossible. But i digress.

            Here’s the breaking inside news for those of you who really want to know what’s going on with this Russian/Syrian thing. Articles like this too often suffer from inadequate diligence in their research. Or are biased for other agendas. And, of course,
            nothing is ever as it seems at first news reports. First of all the Russians are Not killing or destroying more Isis than we are. We knew this from day one, and it was actually verified on the MSM a couple days ago. Their first mission priority is to eliminate the anti-Assad fighters. Period. If they have any extra bombs left after a sortie they might pop them on some other targets and if they cap a few IS fighters in the process, dummies are happy then.

            It’s too long to go into it in just a comment here but to help people do their own research, and it’s out there because it’s a fact, but it’s just well covered, denied, and obfuscated in the assumption that people will simply not be concerned too much about news that is not shoved down their throats at routine ‘programming’.

            So If you peel back several layers to the middle East rotting onion you’ll find some interesting and frightening. Many of us in the ‘intelligence community’ (oxymoron,hahhah) weren’t surprised by Putin’s move into Syria. It’s all part of a plan they were working on for years.

            In brief succinctness–not really my writing style-here’s the real deal in the form of a few facts you should research for verification and the questions you should then ask and seek the answers to. Which may bend and twist your sensibilities beyond understanding, but at least you’ll know why and who.

            –It’s all about Oil.
            –IS was actually allowed to exist and expand and manipulated on purpose by the current Regime. (this might already be obvious to those who follow even the MSN coverage ‘religiously’ in the middle East and wonder why they weren’t smashed in their nascent movements when it could have been done so easily?)
            –The purpose of IS is to create vacant ‘foreclosure’ real estate amounting to entire towns and cities as refugees evacuated key areas of…
            –oil rich land.
            –Putin and the Pope had unusual meetings lately and beforehand. Do you really think they were discussing peace and love for all humanity?
            –The Pope supports a Palastinian State.
            –Putin supports a Palastinian State.
            –Israel will Never allow that.
            –There is ‘oil’ involved in this scenario also.
            –A third ‘Infitada’ (Palastine uprising) has begun a year ago, it just didn’t make it into the Western MSN headlines until this week as Israel is starting to put the hammer down.
            –Russia will back the Palestine Hezbollah military forces with weapons and supplies.
            –The Vatican regime is not interested in oil, (they possess the 4th or 5th largest world gold reserve and enough precious Artifacts to buy most of the market listed real estate in America making them the all out largest land owners in the U.S. with what they already own–tax free!)
            –The Vatican wants full ‘control’ over Jerusalem apart from the Jews.
            –There is no ‘love-lost’ between the Vatican, Putin, the current U.S.Regime, and the Jews, despite what the say in public.

            Check out all of that when you get the chance.

            The pieces of the puzzle picture will begin to form an image of a serious ground war coming soon, to a theater near you, if you live in Israel.

            It will be over Real Estate, which includes Oil, and not the so-called stopping of the Radical Islamist terrorist threats. And this is all the Obama regime-and most big G- cares about. ‘They’ NEED
            a constant ‘Enemy of the State’ in order to instill fear and dependency in the populate as a justification for more anti-Constitutional laws so they can control the populate totally for their agenda.

            “The more formally academic and educated i become, the more ignorant i know I am…”–P.J. Klipangle.

          • Well, Tim, at least a few of ‘us’ out there are beginning to see the forest instead of just the trees.

            And you’re right. To this day the ‘Captains’ of the Corporatist (g run by big corps.) Military Industrial Complex still deny that the decade of financial and emotional damage to the country by the totally unnecessary Viet Nam war was not just for their own proprietary Capitalism.

            Nevermind that this money pit war bankrupted the government so badly that Nixon had to play the currency valuation card and cancel the gold backed dollar standard, which started the future bad habit of fiat money printing AND worse, it finally pissed off the people enough to actually threaten the government’s unaccountable positions in this matter which made the Johnson regime nervous enough to begin insidious treasonous work on the final dismantling of the people’s 2nd/A soulution to totalitarianism by making anti-Constitutional laws with gun bans (1968 GCA) as permanant punishment-including not even ever being allowed to vote again–(which has since been repealed in most states) which opened the door to make most people criminals in the future with more finely tuned ‘laws’ so that any if not all potential physical ‘revolution’ would be impossible. But i digress.

            Here’s the breaking inside news for those of you who really want to know what’s going on with this Russian/Syrian thing. Articles like this too often suffer from inadequate diligence in their research. Or are biased for other agendas. And, of course,
            nothing is ever as it seems at first news reports. First of all the Russians are Not killing or destroying more Isis military than we are. We knew this from day one, and it was actually verified on the MSM a couple days ago. Their first mission priority is to eliminate the anti-Assad so called coalition backed freedom fighters. Period. If they have any extra bombs left after a sortie they might pop them on some other targets and if they cap a few IS fighters in the process, the dummies are happy then.

            It’s too long to go into in just a comment here but to help people do their own research, and it’s out there because it’s a fact, but it’s just well covered, denied, and obfuscated in the assumption that people will simply not be concerned too much about news that is not shoved down their throats at routine daily ‘programming sessions.

            So If you peel back several layers to the middle East rotting onion you’ll find some interesting and frightening scenarios. Many of us in the ‘intelligence community’ (oxymoron,hahhah) weren’t surprised by Putin’s move into Syria. It’s all part of a plan they were working on for years, just like their European plan.

            In brief succinctness–not really my writing style-here’s the real deal in the form of a few facts you should research for verification and the questions you should then ask and seek the answers to. Which may bend and twist your sensibilities beyond understanding, but at least you’ll know why and who.

            –It’s all about Oil. And the real estate over it.
            –IS was actually allowed to exist and expand and manipulated on purpose by OURe current Regime. (this might already be obvious to those who follow even the MSN coverage ‘religiously’ in the middle East and wonder why they weren’t smashed to dust in the wind in their nascent movements when it could have been done so easily, and instead supplied with the best weapons we gave to our so-called Iraqi Forces we trained?!)
            –The purpose of IS is to create vacant ‘foreclosure’ real estate amounting to entire towns and cities as refugees evacuated key areas of…
            –oil rich land, hahaha–
            –Putin and the Pope had unusual meetings lately and beforehand. Do you really think they were discussing peace and love for all humanity?
            –The Pope supports a Palastinian State.
            –Putin supports a Palastinian State. And of course, is a Butt-Bud of Iran and other Arab/Muslim factions.
            –Israel will Never allow a Muslim State.
            –There is important ‘oil’ involved in this scenario also.
            –A third ‘Infitada’ (Palastine uprising) has begun a year ago, it just didn’t make it into the Western MSN headlines until this week as Israel is starting to put the hammer down.
            –Russia will back the Palestine Hezbollah military forces with weapons and supplies.
            –The Vatican regime is not interested in oil, (they possess the 4th or 5th largest world gold reserve and enough precious Artifacts to buy most of the market listed real estate in America making them the all out largest land owners in the U.S. with what they already own–tax free!)
            –The Vatican wants full ‘control’ over Jerusalem apart from the Jews.
            –There is no ‘love-lost’ between the Vatican, Putin, the current U.S.Regime, and the Jews, despite what the say in public.

            Check out all of that when you get the chance.

            The pieces of the puzzle picture will begin to form an image of a serious ground war coming soon, to a theater near you, if you live in Israel.

            It will be over Real Estate, which includes Oil, and not the so-called stopping of the Radical Islamist terrorist threats. And this is all the Obama regime-and most big G- cares about. ‘They’ NEED
            a constant ‘Enemy of the State’ in order to instill fear and dependency in the populate as a justification for more anti-Constitutional laws so they can control the populate totally for their agenda.
            Unfortunately most Christians miss all this and in their true narcissism posing as faux ‘love-thy-neighbor’ they need to perceive that all this as a ‘war against Christianity’. The government doesn’t mind the propaganda diversion, It helps keep the truth hidden. Besides, theocracies are similarly bound in ultimate agenda. Control the sheeple so that they can be corralled and milked.

            “The more formally academic and educated i become, the more ignorant i know I am…”–P.J. Klipangle.

  • Well, if anyone bothers to check, there are quite a few old prophecies about the fall of America. The New World Order gangsters are engineering events to make that happen, including the installation of the dictator Obama to accelerate that decline and fall.
    I hope you are properly prepared…….

  • The capitalists have destroyed the american economy, not the socialists. You can count the socialists in the USA on the fingers on one hand, you can’t blame everything on them. As we speak, the only imperialist power in the world is Washington. Russia and China simply want to keep on doing their business and prosper. As do most other countries in the world. Why do you think americans are the most hated people in the world ? Because of what they have done ! Just open your eyes and you will see.

    • Serge, since you seem to have little liking for the USA, please feel free to leave. And please take your “messiah” with you.

      • @mike parks: Serge continues to make valuable and insightful comments. Other than a personal attack on Serge maybe you can enlighten us with some nice pro-american platitudes or something you heard on Fox? -smiles expecting a nice thumbs up-

  • The invasion of Iraq, with the big lie of finding weapons of mass destruction, led to the current disaster in the Middle East. Iraq was the most modern country in the area prior to the war, and now it is just another basket case. Russia Is just taking advantage of weak American foreign policy by trying to fill the role the West had in the area for decades. We are heading for a much wider war that will eventually led to a peace treaty initiated by China, and not by the United States.

  • “Iran, commonly known for being an aggressive, rogue nation, Russia is strengthening her ties with the Iranian government. Considering the recent nuclear agreement brokered by Obama and Kerry, the implications of that coalition could be huge.Iran’s Supreme Leader has already stated his intent to attack the United States with nuclear weapons, when he can”

    SMH. You really need to get your news from better sources i.e. NOT Fox News! The nuclear agreement to structured by the international community SPECIFICALLY to stop Iran from gaining the capability of producing a nuclear weapon! You seem to assume they’ve just been given Carte Blanche to go ahead and produce one! DO SOME READING FFS! The agreement allows Iran to produce civilian nuclear power with very low enriched Uranium, which is useless for producing a bomb.

    Whilst we are on nuclear weapons, what about Israel? Why is by far the most aggressive nation in the region allowed them ,when Iran, a country who has never attacked anyone(in it’s current form, and in any form for centuries!) not allowed them? Hypocrisy.

    Define ‘Aggressive, rogue nation’?

    If it means sponsoring terrorist groups in an attempt to dislodge legitimate govt, or the use of force in an illegal manner to attempt to change the legitimate ,sovereign govt of another country, then the biggest, most evil, and out of control rogue nation in the history of the world is the US of A! Congratulations, hoist by your own petard!

  • We had the privilege of visiting with Syrian Christians when this started. The question was ask of them why is Assad so against Christians? They told us that under Assad that Christians were protected from Muslim terrior attacks. I think the picture and proof that Obama is pro muslim.

    • @Joe:

      Interesting story. I live in Mexico. People often ask me similar questions. Hard to believe anyone would make “proofs” from what I say.

      But: Let me ask you: So what?

      What if you did prove it? Obama is pro-Muslim!! You win!!

      What does that prove?

      I’m guessing you favor Israel? Or you know someone who does.

      They favor Israel even if it is not in the best interest of the US. Right? We both know people like that. It isn’t news.

      Some polls suggest Christians that are “born again” are about 40% likely to favor Israel, even when it is not in the US best interest.

      Right? Sounds treasonous to me, but it isn’t even news.

      So, other than another reason to hate Obama, what does your theory prove? thank you for taking me to school. I’m sure to learn something new.

  • Reflecting on the current war situation in the Middle East, I can’t help by recall the words of Harry Truman (President), who having evaluated the war in Europe said: “If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if we see that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and that way we kill as many as possible.” Are we actually doing this now, employing the Russian forces in Syria?

  • We are dealing with two divided Muslim sections (religions), various foreign (to Syria) governments who for various reasons support different factions in Syria. Syria has lost one half of its population, mostly those who opposed Assad, and if those who stayed side with the Russians, this war may last for years. Is Syria capable of surviving having its infra structure in ruins, is its agriculture capable of feeding all the remaining population, how many of the skilled, educated people are left who can maintain the county’s needs to function?
    One can’t make accurate predictions about the future of Syria without knowing these basic questions. Being half the world away from the theater of war, we are denied the knowledge of ALL the facts, and we are just guessing. How ever, a historical fact is that, no power can exist for long, if it is lacking a strong ECONOMIC base. Neither Russia, nor any neighboring country will take upon oneself to feed, and support other Syrian needs, without some heavy concessions by the Syrian government. That is, if it can be done at all.

    • Bozidar, Putin and only a couple of his Ruskie butt-buds could single handedly privately invest enough to turn around the Syrian economy with just the trillion or so stashed from their Natural gas and fertilizer industries, LOL!

      And after they crush Assad’s opposition, and establish their puppet ally, they will ‘improve’ the economy of Syria, and then Palestine (oops, i hope i didn’t reveal any classified stuff!) then Iraq, and last but not least…

      …(sorry, classified)


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