How To Escape A Rape Or Sexual Assault

No matter where you go in the world, rape is about hate and power games, not attraction or love for women.

Unfortunately, we also live in a society where there are not enough consequences for rape, even when the perpetrator is caught.

Surviving a rape, or attempted rape is not an easy task, however knowing what to do is a move in the right direction.

5 Rape Risk Situations

Most women have been taught that it is not safe to travel alone, unarmed, or in places where criminals are apt to be looking for sex. Unfortunately, there are many situations that women don’t talk about that are just as likely to result in being raped.

In some of these instances, even if you excel in situation awareness and self defense, or you are armed, it may not be possible to avoid being raped.  If we are to stop the rape culture, we must speak out about these hidden victims and  also make suitable changes to the punishment options for rape.

Date Rape – As the name implies, women that wind up victims of this type of rape know their attackers.  Situation awareness may or may not work to stop this type of rape because the attacker may use drugs or other means to prevent escape.

If you are planning to have a meal during a date, you can use special color changing nail polish or other cosmetics that will change color if a date rape drug is in your food or beverages.  While not all drugs will be detected, you can still avoid some of the more common drugs.

You are Under Age – Both boys and girls can be molested or sodomized in a way that mimics sexual intercourse, if not outright raped in accordance with legal definition.  Depending on the age of the child, they may or may not know that they have been violated or that the person that hurt them is a predator.

Never assume that a child is safe just because they are with family, or the parents and siblings seem like “good people”.  Teachers, friends,  and other family members need to watch for signs of abuse such as a sudden change in personality.

Age inappropriate interest or touching of their own or other people’s genitals or private areas should also be a flag for immediate referral for gynecological, medical, and psychological screening.

All children old enough to know “good touch/bad touch” should also be encouraged to report any behavior they feel uncomfortable with to the principal of their school, a doctor, or someone else neutral to the situation they are dealing with.

Being in a Gun Free Zone or Section 8 Housing – While gun grabbers won’t admit it, women and children in Section 8 housing are in constant danger because the residents are not allowed to own or carry guns for the purpose of self defense.

These houses are so dangerous, apartments are routinely broken into and the residents raped, murdered, and robbed with impunity.  Every woman in Section 8 housing should be marching  across the nation demanding expanded gun rights on the same dates as the students marching and demanding increased gun control.

We must remember, women’s lives also matter, and in this case, women must also march for their lives and the sanctity of their bodies.

You Have a Stalker – There are many different degrees of stalking.  In some cases, you may never receive so much as a phone call or other communication before the person comes out of hiding and attacks.  Situation awareness can go a long way to helping you stave off this kind of rapist.

Bear in mind, however, stalkers that intend to rape may spend a good bit of time getting to know your body language, habits, and daily routine.  Sadly, even if you do go to a gun range and carry a concealed weapon, your stalker may still try to attack.

Aside from increasing gun rights for women, and expanding the times when it is suitable for women to fire guns, anti-stalking laws must also be strengthened.  This includes locking stalkers up as if they have already committed a serious physical crime, and then forcing them into lifelong psychiatric care.

Job Related Coercion – As we have learned from the #MeToo movement, this is one of the most insidious forms of rape.  Saying “yes” for the sake of paycheck or holding a job is not yes. Having intercourse with a woman on these terms is still an act of depravity and a dominance game that should have no place in a professional setting, let alone anywhere else in society.

Women that have been raped as a result of job related coercion need to step forward and reveal as much information as possible within their local communities.  Even if the statute of limitations is expired, it may still prevent another women from being abused by the same man, or others in the company that think this kind of behavior is appropriate.

In addition, if you speak out, women that are currently in the situation may be able to prove their case and gain legal relief from their rapist.

How to Avoid Escalating to Rape

Many rape survivors that saw their attackers can tell you that they had a sense that something wasn’t right from the very beginning.  If you have any doubts about a stranger, or even someone that you know, it is best to stay away from them, or make sure you are never alone with them.

Once you reach a point where that naggy feeling crosses into awareness that the situation itself is suspicious, it is time to start taking evasive actions. Here are some things you can do to try and avoid rape.

Situation Awareness – No matter where you are or who you are with, you should always know what is going on around you. Use window reflections to spot people that may be trying to stay in your blindspots. Do not be ashamed to casually scan everything around you, including taking a look back.

Stopping to cross the street, or preparing to cross the street can also give you a chance to look around without it being obvious.  You should always be scanning for predators and fully prepared to defend yourself.

If you sense someone is watching you, or you feel unsafe, get into a store or other public place where it will be harder to nab you.

When you are in a spot where you cannot get to a store, take out your cell phone and get a picture of the person.  Next, simply call someone.  Do not hesitate to speak loudly and give the other person a description of the person you think is going to cause a problem.

You can also say you got a picture of the person and have already sent it to their email, or say something else that will make the person know you are watching and they will be caught if something happens to you.  It is very important to say the picture has already been sent to a place where it has been seen, and cannot be deleted.

Otherwise, your potential attacker may decide he cannot back off because he needs to get to your phone and destroy the evidence of stalking or other malicious behavior.

Control Your Body Language – contrary to popular belief, rapists aren’t looking for a well dressed woman or one that appears to be scantily clad. In fact, they really don’t care what you are wearing. Instead, like any other criminal, they are looking for an easy target.

This includes women that aren’t really paying attention, or ones that seem unable to defend themselves.  You should always project a sense of confidence and a willingness to defend yourself. While you should not go so far as to look like you will punch every man in sight, you must still give the impression that you are confident, strong, and alert.

Know When to Draw and Use a Weapon – The moment you feel you are in danger, there is a temptation to draw a weapon. No matter whether you have a knife, gun, mace, or taser, do not reveal the weapon until you are ready to draw it and strike.

Depending on the kind of weapon you observe being carried by your attacker, this distance can be anywhere from a few yards (closing and carrying a gun, knife, bat, or other possible striking weapon) to 5 feet (no weapon observed).  Contrary to popular belief, brandishing a weapon is not likely to stop a rapist.

You will have to commit to using the weapon if you draw it. Unless the potential rapists turns and runs away, do not hesitate to attack with everything you have in you.

Defense Tactics and Tools

In one sense, whatever deters a rapist can be seen as a viable defense tactic or weapon.  You should feel comfortable with what you choose to use, and committed to use it to the fullest force possible.  Here are some skills you can develop and items to keep onhand:

Useful Weapons – even though guns are an important anti-rape tool, you should always have at least one or more backup weapons.  This includes pepper spray, a knife, a taser, and the keys on your keychain.  You should also keep your fingernails at a serviceable length.

I have personally found that 1/8” to 1/4” nails are best.  Nails that are longer than ¼ inch can break or flip backwards when you need them to be at their strongest.  Aside from being painful, you won’t be able to gouge eyes or do anything else to harm your attacker.

Nails shorter than 1/8” simply don’t gouge deep enough, especially if you manage to get your nails onto the criminal’s bare scrotum.

Self Defense Classes – these are very important for helping you learn effective body language and what to look for in a potential attack situation.  Self defense classes will also give you a chance to learn and practice important moves such as breaking a stranglehold, kicking, rolling, and punching maneuvers.

Vital Areas to Target – A great deal will depend on the weapon you are using and what the attacker is wearing. If you pulled a gun, aim and fire at your attacker’s center of mass.  If you have to fire a second time, aim slightly higher.

When using a knife, go for any exposed skin, or through the thinnest garment.  Next, go for the throat, face, and eyes unless you have good access to the abdomen or other area that will bleed well.  Pepper spray, mace, and other sprayable weapons should always be aimed at your attackers face and eyes.

Smaller devices such as fingernail files, keys, and your nails are always best directed at the attacker’s eyes, behind the jaws, neck, and any exposed skin.  In addition, if the attacker has his pants off and you have, or can get one of your hands free, do not hesitate to sink your nails deep into the attackers penis or scrotum and try to tear the genitals right off.

If possible, dig upward near the inner thigh to inflict as much pain as possible.  Alternatively, if you cannot get your arms free, try to maneuver one of your legs so that you can jam your foot into the attacker’s genitals.

When actively fending off a rapist, sadly, our laws do not not allow women to kill.  Unless you can prove you were afraid for your  life, you may wind up being prosecuted for, at a minimum, manslaughter.

Make sure that you know the laws in your locality, and make sure that you practice all defensive moves so that you can have as much confidence as possible.  You will also need to include adrenaline management training so that you do not wind up losing control of yourself and are unable to stop your own attack once the threat has been sufficiently neutralized.

Last Ditch Efforts and the Decision to Survive

No matter how hard you fought, or how you got into the situation, rape may be inevitable.  That moment of knowing is easily one of the worst you will ever face; not just because it is in your awareness, but because it is a shared knowing with your attacker.

Every rape victim, regardless of their age or gender, will come to their own answer in that moment about whether they would rather live or die.  And just as sadly, that decision will not be up to you alone, but up to your attacker.

Once your attacker has gotten to a point where you are unable to stop them, they aren’t necessarily able to stop themselves.  Since they are still looking for control and dominance, you can try to break through their delusion by laughing as loud and hard as you can.

It may cost your life, or it may just shock them long enough for you to make a last ditch effort to escape.  If you are committed to dieing during a rape, this last ditch move can, in fact, cause your attacker to kill you either before or after the rape.

It can also save your life if you are just as determined to kill your attacker any chance you get.  Do not underestimate the power of your own body once you break through the fear and are committed.

#MeToo and What About You?

Picking up the pieces after surviving a rape is difficult in a society where women and children are not encouraged to speak out, and when they do, the law’s response is insufficient at best.  Here are some things every woman should advocate for, as well as every man that cares about the women in his life:

Demand increased gun rights and training for women – rape is carried out by people seeking dominance and control over someone they have no right to exert this kind of authority over. Guns, on the other hand, are the ultimate symbol of power.

When a woman has a gun and is trained to use it, she is on par with every man that wants to hurt her.  This is why gun control, which serves to interfere with any woman’s intent to own and use a gun is a flagrant and abusive endorsement of the rape culture.


Not only should all women have the option to own a gun without permission from a largely male driven government, women should be able to use a lesser standard for when to fire.  Instead of just firing when there is a tangible fear for loss of life, women should be allowed to legally fire and kill when they feel threatened in any way, shape, or form.

This is the best and fastest way to deter rapists, domestic violence, and ensure that women achieve suitable equality and keep it under the law.

Demand justice – When women are raped, they are encouraged to go to the emergency room and seek treatment. This includes trying to get samples of semen, blood, or other bodily materials that may have come from the rapist.

Sadly, the infamous “rape kit” is only the beginning of a long, heartbreaking process through the “justice” system. In some cases, the rape kits may not be processed for weeks, months, or even years while the rapist remains free.  Now is the time to gather together and march for justice, and to demand increased resources to prosecute rapists.

Demand the right to kill rapists in action – this is the most important right that women today must fight for. If a woman successfully staves off a rapist, she should not be expected to simply let him get away and wait for the police to capture him.

Rather, every woman and child (if they are able) should have the legal right to fight the rapist until that criminal is dead.  As noted above, protest must be vigorous and men in government must be made to change the laws to favor women.

Demand castration for rapists – While Islamic culture has its share of bad points, they do allow for men who rape to be castrated.  Quite frankly, I can think of no better punishment for a man that uses his penis the wrong way.

We must advocate for physical (not mere chemical) castration of convicted male rapists.  In addition, it would be a good thing if the woman who is raped could wield the scalpel (with doctor supervision).

Even though the legal definition for rape is very specific, the ways in which non-consensual intercourse occur are not always easy to define or prove.  Typically, the criminal will use all kinds of excuses including “she wanted it”, “she needed to be taught a lesson”, or “she was dressed for  the occasion”.

While we are all familiar with these excuses, they can sometimes mask our understanding of what rape really is and what makes it so popular in modern culture.

Whenever you look at an excuse for rape, it is best to define it as a non-consensual sexual act carried out by a pervert (regardless of gender) seeking dominance and control over someone they perceive as weaker than themselves.

Once we look at rape for what it really is, it becomes clear why gun control encourages, endorses, and magnifies the rape culture.  It also becomes easier to figure out what makes you a higher risk of being victimized, what to do if you wind up in this situation, how best to survive it, and how to go on with your life.

Written by

Carmela Tyrrell is committed to off gridding for survival and every day life. She is currently working on combining vertical container gardening with hydroponics. Tyrrell is also exploring ways to integrate magnetic and solar power generation methods. On any given day, her husband and six cats give thanks that she has not yet blown up the house. You can send Carmela a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • As a woman, this is an excellent article. Thank you for the information.
    As a wife and mother of sons, i am extremely concerned about them in the politically correct witch hunt against men now days – the me too movement- THAT’S accusing men of inappropriate behavior and their ACCUSATIONS are believed WITH NO WITNESSES no matter what.
    my husband and sons have had for decades a policy to never be alone with a female, if possible, but this is not always possible. how can they protect themselves from false accusations by lying females???

    • Masr,

      Thankyou for bringing this point up.

      I think it all goes back to a lack of respect in our society, especially in male/female relationships. These days – people just go too far in invading each other’s space. Crazy partners go through each other’s mail, cell phones, and private social media interactions. They put gps trackers on their partner’s cars and think nothing of texting, calling, etc to “check up” to make sure their partner isn’t cheating. These aren’t the actions of a caring or respectable people anymore than rape and DV.

      Sadly the loudest voices in “Metoo” don’t promote respect of self let alone others, and aren’t likely to in the near future. It is up to people with concerns like yours to speak up and advocate for what you would see a a viable answer for men.

      My answer is restoration of respect and the return to “old fashioned” values – the ones my husband and I live by, the ones my siblings and I grew up with. There needs to be boundaries so that each person has their own space and a harmonious shared space. There needs to be a public and social side to a relationship, and there also needs to be a private one that is also respectful.

      • I think it’s pretty messed up that a woman rapest scenario never came up…. victims should “with a Dr’s supervision” be allowed to surgically castrate the man committing the rape. What do men get to do to their female rapist ?? Which is ridiculous to begin with thinking that would be acceptable. This is a rant from someone who hates men….not rapists

  • I apologize for the caps. This comment section has a CAPS issue…

  • please google “wayne du mond”!!! this piece of shit was castrated by citizens in his area after they posted his bail, attacking him at night. the county sheriff flushed his testicles down du monds own toilet!!
    more than 20 years later a babtist preacher who was elected governer of arkansas , knowingly commited a crime of making the person who makes the written records at a parole board meeting leave the room, and when brought back into the parole board meeting, members who had just voted to deny parole to dumond changed their vote to yes!! less than 1 year later dumond went to prison in the state of missouri for murdering one of his rape victoms and the day before he died of cancer he was to be charged for the rape and murder of a woman and her unborn child, that was commited just 1 day before being arrested on the rape and murder he was in prison for!!!

    rape is about power and not about sex!!! the only treatment that works is death!!! i pray every night before i go to bed that babtist preacher huckabee, gets raped in his but by a big black 18 inch long penis!!! that should change his mind about rapist!!

  • The only thing I do not agree with is your statement: “women should be allowed to legally fire and kill when they feel threatened In any way, shape, or form.”
    What do you mean? If a male and female have any argument, can she kill him if no contact has been made?
    any female can feel threatened by any thing. your statement could be reasoned as open season on any male..
    I agree that many steps need to be taken to protect females and underage children, but letting females or anyone have power over life and death of others outside of established law is nuts.

    • I Second the disagreement of the statement you pointed out happyjack. Unless i missed something this is an over-reach and will subject some women reading this article to prosecution or death once a weapon is produced and not necessary.

      Just as happyjack stated, “your statement could be reasoned as open season on any male..” this is dangerous and i was looking forward to forwarding this on to women who i believe need to hear the vast majority of this article.

      • ARPioneer,

        Sadly, right now there are too many men that believe it is open season on women because they can get away with anything they want.

        Until a woman can stand in her own power in the eyes of the law when it comes to lethal self defense – the rape culture will not change.

        Are there, and should there be reasonable limits – yes. I would not shoot a man for looking at my body or flirting, nor do I think something like that is an appropriate use of lethal force.

        Now – let me tell you about a personal encounter that didn’t go sideways.

        I was walking along minding my own business. I wasn’t dressed up or even wearing makeup as I’d just got done with the house cleaning and wanted to get a snack. With one exception, between my house and the store, there was a stretch of no houses or places I could seek refuge.

        Well… I had a naggy feeling. This guy was right behind me on line in the store, and followed me out about a minute later. I was thinking he should have gone into the parking lot, and then doubting myself because he could just be someone new in the neighborhood and decided to walk along like me. Can’t put my finger on it to this day what was wrong. i wanted to doubt that feeling, to think nothing bad could happen to me. I figured better to be safe than sorry and went into the last possible public building I could enter with reason.

        Well… sure enough, he followed me right on in and started hitting on me. I asked him to leave me alone not just once, but three times. The owner of the establishment came over and he said there was nothing wrong. It took two police officers to come in and forcibly remove him.

        I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if I’d gone on my planned path home. Since he was an ex-con, there is the likelihood he was unarmed. If he’d tried to attack me it could have gone basically two ways. First – he’d have gotten away with rape or worse on the scene, and I would have been left with months to years of waiting for justice and hoping his lawyer didn’t plea bargain it down or something else. Second – I could have killed him and wound up in prison myself because the male rape culture is stacked against a woman that feel she has fear, but the “reasonable man” basis for law says otherwise.

        • ARPioneer,

          Would I have attacked the guy for following me? Even knowing what I know about how it turned out? NO – attacking him would not be appropriate at that point. Since I also had an option to escape – I would say that it is reasonable to use that option first.

          So… to clarify… no – I don’t advocate for the right to shoot or attack in those kinds of circumstances. Nor do I feel it is appropriate for anyone – male or female – to take a verbal fight or argument to the physical level.

          I do, say, however, that if a man is physically menacing – the standards for lethal force should be reduced when the victim is a woman.

    • Happyjack,

      Given the problems in sharia communities alone – problems that include rampant sexual abuse, beheadings, stoinings (look at the stories coming out of Iran and other sharia law nations), and female genital mutilation (which is happening even here in the United States) – I am sad to say eventually for women to be on parity with men and taken seriously – it will come down to giving women the right to kill if they feel even slightly threatened. Even in non-sharia communities – 1 in 10 women can expect to be raped in their lifetime. Sexual harassment and the rape culture are so endemic, it does require what some today think is an exaggerated response.

      To start off though- I think every woman should be given a gun for free, and training should be subsidized. Because both men and women have been brainwashed by old white male, gun grabbing sugar daddies hiding behind women, simply brandishing a weapon is no longer an option. As someone else pointed out – a gun in a woman’s hand is no longer seen as a deterrent because of the reckless spewing of fake psychobabble about women. The only way to counter that problem is each time a woman draws in self defense – she must commit to following through immediately, and the laws must be changed to support her decision.

      • First, sharia “law” is about religion and no regular law will change until the religion is changed.
        Second, rape is the most heinous crime, under reported, and under punished. However full scale of arming any sex with a feel free to kill anyone who makes you feel “slightly threatened” even with training is nuts. You are encouraging open warfare on our streets.
        I could not go to the store without risking fear of being shot for making someone feel “slightly threatened”.
        I’ve been shot at before and do not want that feeling again walking down the street.
        Women need to protected by law and offenders punished to the fullest extent of the law.
        By the way, the aftermath of killing someone can be called PTSD. This is NOT meant to compare with the aftermath of rape, but there is life after one (no matter how hard it will be), and no life (no matter how deserved) with the other.

        • Happyjack,

          The way the laws are today, far too many women wind up in prison for defending themselves with lethal force. After the fact, it is men playing “Monday morning quarterback” with a penal code in hand that make a decision to prosecute based on whether or not a “reasonable man” would or would not have used or needed to use lethal force.

          To make matters worse, because of gun grabber psychobabble, a man can brandish a weapon and is more likely to be taken seriously by a criminal (at least for the moment). Because gun grabbers say women are “afraid of guns” or “too weak to handle guns” – criminals are emboldened to try and take the gun. This also extends to other weapons. So – if brandishing is meant to act as a deterrent or means to avoid using lethal force – women truly do not have this option, no matter how qualified and well trained they may be. What’s left for a woman that has a weapon to defend herself and doesn’t want to accept being raped or murdered in order to stay within these kinds of laws? Doesn’t it make sense to change the laws so that a woman is supported in her decision to deploy a weapon based on a different standard than the “reasonable man”?

          I wish laws could protect women from rape, just as much a I wish laws could protect our children from school shootings, kidnappings, and other crimes. The sad fact is the best protection is the right to self defense, and must ultimately must be in the hands of the potential victim and not watered down by assigning rights to criminals.

  • If someone raped my wife or my niece, I would assemble some of my trusted veteran friends, and take the individual responsible deep into the woods (where no one could hear his screams) and then have a lesson on what the consequences are when you assault our women. If the government will not adequately punish these animals,then someone with intestinal fortitude needs to.

    • god forbid that happens to any female in your family.
      I hear by request to be one of “your veteran friends”.. I agree with you but caution you on your “lesson”. use a gag.

    • Cry Havoc,

      It is good to know there are men of honor. Please consider, however, the rape culture is at epidemic levels, and the gun grabber movement is only making it worse. The only time it will stop is when a woman can defend herself and stand in her own right in the eyes of the law. Once a woman is raped – there is no giving her back what was taken.

  • Great article. I would add : Don’t rely on a gun, for most women–it can be taken away and used against them whether by killing the victim, beating the victim or (and this has happened) using it in place of penis. Also, Castration doesn’t work as most people believe or would like to Believe. All castration does is to create more anger and frustration in many which is taken out on their victims, which can often be worse for the victims as to internal injuries..
    You can also survive gang rape Survive is what you want to do because in SURVIVING, you have the opportunity to get together with any other victims of this PERPETRATOR. The author is right, just as in the me too movement, the criminal will have more victims.
    O as to self-defense…where possible, if/when attacked. don’t aim for eyes first….reach back with your hand, grab his scrotum bag —then squeeze as you twist and turn. This will disable him faster so you can get away if possible……if you don’t think you can get away…….that’s when you blind him, scratch him etc. This works, I know from personal experience.
    Again, thanks for bringing this to so many who need or will/may need this info

    • Dee,

      With all due respect, some of what you write here is straight out of the gun grabber play book.

      When you put out statements like “a man can grab a gun from a woman” without admitting it can also happen to a man – in my opinion – you become a carrier and supporter of the gun grabber rape culture that was founded by sugar daddy old white man hiding behind the skirts of women. Quite frankly, if a man is going to grab a gun from a woman, he will also grab any other weapon including knives, tasers, or anything else she has. At least if a woman has a gun, she can pull it and fire before the attacker gets close enough to do damage. All we need to do is change the laws so that a woman can do so without fear of being prosecuted.

      I personally know many women that aren’t police officers or in the military that can and will pull the trigger and kill in time of need. The problem is many women that have done the necessary wind up in prison simply for defending themselves. As I mentioned many times in other articles, women now require a lower standard for when to fire a gun or deploy a weapon because men have little to no respect for a woman brandishing a weapon. This is why I rarely, if ever recommend brandishing or revealing any kind of weapon or skill, BTW.

      As for surviving rape – I’m sure you really understand about the aftermath. Some women only survive because their body won’t die but… there is a part that never really comes back. Taking a life also comes at a very high price, and I’m not talking about the laws – I’m talking about inside the survivor. I believe a woman should have the right to choose whether she lives with the aftermath of rape, or she chooses to live with taking that attacker’s life.

      Also – not every woman that is raped comes forward. Many, even with the increased awareness created by MeToo will never go public with their stories. Let’s just say for every situation I mentioned in this article, I personally know women that have gone through these things and will never come forward.

      Castration when combined with medications that reduce aggression may be a viable option. Either way – when a man uses his penis to intimidate women or harm them – it should be taken away – to h##l with “big man” having a hissy because his little toy got taken away.

  • PS – I meant I’m NOT sure you really understand about the aftermath.

  • Thank you so much for this article. Self-defense is essential for women in todays world and this is an excellent article for tips and advice

    I’ve been taking Krav Maga for women classes for self-defense and I’ve learned that the best self-defense targets on a mans body for women to attack, and the best ways of striking them are as follows:

    – the eyes (finger poke them)
    – the nose (palm heel strike upwards)
    – the throat (chopping like actions)
    – the testicles (knee / kick / punch / slap / grab-twist-pull and hold on to them tightly until he collapses and passes out within a matter of seconds)
    – the knees (sideways kick to dislocate)

    We always remember “eyes, nose, throat, testicles, knees.”

    I’ve been taught that even a trained, determined teenage girl could easily take down a man if she goes for these targets, especially if she goes fast and hard for the eyes or the testicles (or “high balls” and “low balls” as I’ve also heard them called.)

    Also, if a man has removed his trousers and he is about to rape you, then his testicles will now be extremely vulnerable to a “grab, twist, pull and hold” counterattack. You should snatch his sensitive testes and keep squeezing and pulling them as hard as you can until he passes out in under 8 seconds – and trust me, he will. You can even use both hands, and it’s still just as effective even if you only manage to get hold of one testicle.

    Something all women should be made aware of is when a man has his testicles forcefully squeezed it causes him to curl over, collapse, convulse and quickly lose all of his strength before he collapses and passes out or goes into shock in under 8 seconds. Most importantly this holds true no matter how big and strong he is – a wonderful natural advantage we females have, and we should all be aware of it and know how to do it.

    We can all take advantage of the extreme vulnerability of a mans testicles to being squeezed if we’re ever being attacked and his testicles become within our reach. After all, this is a powerful natural advantage in combat all females have. I really wish that more women and girls were made aware of effective ways to fight back – in particular I wish they were made more aware of this technique. It has literally saved many women throughout the world. There is a famous story of how one woman grabbed and squeezed her attackers testicles after her attacker broke into her home and threatened to rape and harm her. He ended up literally begging her to call the police while she maintained a very tight grip on his testicles!

    The women of Somalia even have a name for this ball-grabbing technique and they call the it “Qworegoys”. Mothers teach their daughters to reach under their attackers tunic and grab, twist, and pull his testicles until he passes out, and to also tuck their head in until the point he loses consciousness in case he initially starts to fight back.

    We, as women, CAN all fight back effectively, stay safe, and lessen our fears if we know how and where to strike on an attackers body.

  • I have been teaching Krav Maga to women and girls for over 5 years now and we teach a very effective technique which should be in every woman and girls arsenal. We are a women only event, run by women, for women, and we teach a very special and powerful self-defense technique to women of all ages. Please help to share this advice with as many other women and girls in any way you can. It could one day be a life saver.

    This technique is the “groin grab” self defense technique to be used against a male attacker, which is taught in many womens self defense classes of today, and there is actually a little trick to it…

    What you’re going to do is you’re going to take your hand and quickly grasp between the attackers thighs underhand. Its going to feel like you’re “cradling” the testicles. Dig your fingertips into the fragile skin BEHIND the scrotum over the top of the testicles. Then, once you have a good grip, you immediately turn your hand into a vice, with your fingers digging inwards, around the back and over the top of the testicles. If you do it right, you should feel the testes INSIDE your hand which is holding the scrotum. You want, whenever possible, to hook your fingers over and around at least one testicle. One of them is enough.

    Then, with your hands in a claw and your fingertips latched around the testes, you turn your hand sharply, as though you were turning a doorknob. Simultaneously, squeeze hard and pull the testicles away from his body as fast and as hard as you can. DO NOT LET GO OF THEM! This is important. What happens then, is that your assailant usually screams out in pain and then tries to grab the wrist of your hand holding him in a futile attempt to try to get you to release him. Don’t! He then quickly loses one of the natural advantages he usually has over us (his strength) within a matter of seconds. Vomiting, curling over, collapsing and convulsing is common. Shock and unconsciousness can set in within 8 seconds. When he collapses, which he will, you get away to safety as quickly as possible and call for help.

    It’s never too late to perform this technique at any stage of an attack, and that even includes the option of reaching down if he’s on top of you, but it is easiest to do when the testicles are exposed and closest to you where you can grab hold of them. I’ve actually met several women in my life who have fought off their attackers in this way and one did it when her attacker was on top of her and raping her at the point he lost control. Don’t ever hold back. Some women scream while they are doing this, and some women think of a loved one being harmed to help overcome any bad feelings of hurting someone else even if they are being hurt themselves. Do whatever you have to do if you feel it helps.

    If done properly, and done with enough force, this technique can even lead to the testicles rupturing. It’s actually easier to do than most women believe, and just about all of us have the capability to injure an attackers testicles in this way – whether we are young girls still of school age, or whether we are great grandmothers. After all, if you think about it testicles are just small objects of extreme vulnerability to pain squishiness wrapped in a delicate layer of skin which offers them no protection at all from this kind of counterattack from a woman. Most importantly, this fact holds true no matter what size your attacker is, nor how strong he is. And no matter how angry he is, and how much he’s threatened what he’s going to do to you, he’s going to drop. Don’t let anyone (usually men) try to convince you otherwise.

    Fight back! Our lives are worth far more than a rapists testicles.

    • Hello, would you perform this technique in the event of an attack?

  • Some time ago I attended a self defense and rape prevention course. Our female instructor told us that attacking assailant’s testicles is a good last resort strategy during a rape attempt. You should make him to believe that you are submitting and there is no danger from you. By playing along you aim to get a good access to his exposed genitals. At first gently caress his genitals and feel the target with your fingers before you strike. The best is to focus on only one testicle. You should isolate one by locking your forefinger and thumb over the top of it, form a tight fist and then forcefully squeeze, twist and jerk hard. Keep on crushing it with your fingers. You can also use your second hand to hit it hard with the knuckles pointing sharply forward. If he has a loose scrotum this should cause some irreparable damage to his organ especially tearing the spermatic cord or epididymis and testicular rupture. The common man’s reaction to such injuries is convulsing, vomiting and finally passing out. At this point you can release the grip and flee. Although controversial, if he is not completely incapacitated yet, before getting out, you should stomp hard between his legs using your heel or punt kick his sac from the back. This ensures he is out and absolutely no threat to you. It is a brutal tactic but sometimes essential to survive a sexual attack.

  • You all are entirely right. Women should have the opportunity to practice this technique. I am a rather tall and strong man and any short women could make me pass out if she managed to make a good grip on my testicles. I would say that all women have got the opportunity at least once during the assault especially when the man is on top of her and his groin is naked, since her hands are free then and he is distracted for a moment then. All women can fight back, but I think most women don’t know how vulnerable the testicles are. I can only encourage them. Once you have a man by his testicles, it is all over for him. Even if you are like five feet tall and 90 pounds and he is a bodybuilder.

  • I remember having a discussion on what is the best punishment for rapists with some female friends a couple of years ago.. We discussed this at length as one of the group was writing her thesis on this very subject, and I would like to explain why I think that your suggestion that rapists should be physically castrated is a bad idea.
    As females, we really have no idea just how sensitive & delicate the testicles are., In fact, there is nowhere on the female body as vulnerable as these organs. Every girl who has ever squeezed her partner’s testicles in anger has been astounded and incredibly empowered by the agonising pain she can inflict so easily. and with so little effort .As they grow up, boys learn very quickly to protect their testicles, and will flinch or turn away from any threat or sudden movement towards this area. They literally dread the sickening pain that results from injury to these organs.
    And you want to remove the only thing that give girls a realistic chance in a fight with a man.
    A castrated man has easy access to testosterone supplements over the internet, in the form of tablets, injections or implants,, thus restoring his strength and sexual ability..
    We decided that the best punishment, apart from the barbaric amputation of the penis, would be to carry out a very minor operation in which the nerves to the penis are severed, thus rendering him impotent, and his penis absolutely numb. His testicles should be left intact, thus preserving the area of vulnerability that all men should have..

  • Dear Karen,

    Your approach in putting rapists out of business seems well rationalized. However, I would rather agree with my former self defense teacher. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching rape prevention seminars behind her and once she told us that the best way to deal with rapists would be to sentence them to serve as training dummies in women’s self defense classes. According to her, heavily padded model attackers currently used in most classes do not provide enough realism to grasp the whole concept. Women and girls should have a chance to train even the most devastating moves on a real male body and with full force. This would enable them to learn how to execute a specific technique correctly, how the bare target feels and what the actual effect and reaction of an attacker would be. This should increase confidence of females and improve mnemonics of techniques for real fights.

    Eye gouges, Adam’s apple crushes and testicle pulls are simply taught too theoretically and largely ineffectively.
    Our instructor used anatomically correct props as much as possible in our classes. To demonstrate the testicle pull move I mentioned before she used a sock with two half ripe plums as an analogue of a human scrotum. Little bit messy but it made the point. She used to say: Every girl is able to make ‘testicle jam’ if well trained and dedicated enough.

    Just to imagine this to be trained on a real set of testicles made me cringe. But then I realized it is better to put aside any squeamishness, a rapist will learn his lesson and I would prime myself for a sticky situation when I need to pull it off again without hesitation and any remorse. Any rapists released from the class would be either physically emasculated or scared to hell to take any chance with a woman knowing what kind of skills she might have.

    • Dear Wendy
      “Women and girls should have a chance to train even the most devastating moves on a real male body and with full force.”
      How do you think could it be made possible to provide women and girls with that kind of training?

  • Let’s not confuse castration and a penectomy. Castration won’t stop a racist. He can still get an erection, there just won’t be any semen. Castration does not remove the penis.

  • I heard of a story from a friend who had to defend herself from an aggressive male attacker. She told me that a white man, around the age of 20-25, assaulted her in a public bathroom. No one was around as it was late at night. Although the guy was slightly intoxicated, she said he was very strong and muscular. For context, my friend is Asian and a bit on the smaller side — probably seen as an easy target for a big man. In any case, things escalated and it got to the point where his bottom half was fully naked. She told me that her training really started to kick in and basically she was able to maneuver in such a way to get free. During this short scuffle, the guy was bent over and she got behind him and grabbed his testicles from underneath his ass. She explicitly stated that the man had really large low-hanging (and hairy) balls and so she was able to grab them rather easily. With one hand, she yanked his nuts to the based of his sack and pulled backward and up. She made sure she had his nuts in a fixed position and then delivered five rapid karate chops to his bulging balls. Apparently, the young man passed out within seconds due to the sheer pain inflicted on his sensitive testicles. She continued to hold on to his balls firm as he slumped over face first. To be sure he was truly out, she slapped his large balls a few times to see if there was any reaction. There was none. She then let go and called the cops. Crazy this happened but I’m glad she was able to defend herself! She was not as easy of a target as he thought she would be, and I’m sure he never expected his big balls to get a brutal beating.

  • Men can be raped by women. But no one wants to acknowledge that fact!


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