New Attacks In Syria

Even though Obama has been crowing about ISIS being contained, the war in Syria is far from over. ISIS still controls a vast amount of territory and there are many other groups fighting as well.

But what is normally looked at as a war between ISIS and the US led coalition, has actually become more of a free-for-all with many different sides fighting with and forming unsteady alliances with each other.

To start with, there’s the Syrian government itself; the one Obama threatened with his blurry red line in the sand that didn’t accomplish anything. Then, of course, there’s ISIS, the main militant insurgents trying to take over Syria. But there are other militant groups as well, many of which are fighting against both the government and ISIS.

Then there are local groups who are fighting ISIS purely for their own protection, without any stated intent to topple the government. On top of all this, we have the US led coalition, which really isn’t accomplishing a whole lot, and the Russians, who have joined the fray in support of the Syrian government.

This vast number of players has made this one of the most confusing wars in history. While there were more countries involved in World War II, than there are in Syria, there were only two real sides. That made it fairly easy to tell which side everyone was on; this war makes that all but impossible without a program to tell you who everyone is.

Why Hasn’t ISIS Been Beaten?

So, with all this vast military might available, why hasn’t ISIS been beaten and peace restored to the region? They currently claim to have more than 200,000 soldiers, making it clear that they are far from beaten.

Part of the problem has been the way that the war has been waged. While there are supposedly 60 nations involved in the coalition, that doesn’t mean that there are 60 nations fighting. Of those, only a dozen have conducted air strikes, and only a few have actually put “boots on the ground” with troops to fight against the terrorist organization. The rest have provided some military aid, some humanitarian aid and a lot of verbal support, but no real practical support.

The United States has used air power effectively in the past two Gulf wars, striking targets in Iraq and destroying much of their military’s ability to wage war before committing troops to the field. But that was done under military direction and with specific military goals in mind.

That’s not what’s happening this time. Rather than allowing the military to run a true military air campaign against ISIS, Obama is micromanaging it from the White House.

Obama is no military strategist, knowing little of the operation of the military, yet he is demanding that the military present every mission to him personally for approval. That has largely eliminated the effectiveness of our air strikes, especially when you consider that Obama’s main objective in passing approval is to ensure that his buddies in ISIS aren’t harmed by the strikes.

As has been usual under Obama’s presidency, he has put rather extreme restrictions on the rules of engagement that our military is allowed to operate under. That’s why I say that his main goal seems to be protecting ISIS, rather than defeating them.

Many of the strikes that were supposed to be against ISIS have actually been committed against the other militia groups that are fighting ISIS and in cases where ISIS resources are being attacked, he is requiring them to be warned first, so there won’t be any loss of life.

Apparently, the Commander in Chief doesn’t have the guts to get enemy blood on his hands; unless, of course, those are domestic political enemies. Then it seems he doesn’t mind all that much.

But, I digress; wars are not won by air forces. It takes infantry troops to take and hold the ground. This has been true throughout the history of warfare. That’s why the infantry is the center of every nation’s military, regardless of their ideas about warfare or their military strategy.

Obama has insisted that there would be no US boots on the ground in the war against ISIS. The only troops who have been sent over have been a few special forces troops, to train and equip the Kurds. Other than that, the on the ground fighting has been left in the hands of others.

This means that most of it has been left to the local people; quickly gathered together, trained and equipped. The biggest group has been the Kurds, who have also received the brunt of ISIS’ cruelty. In response, the Kurds have been quick to join the war, carrying the fight to ISIS. They have been joined by Christians, who ISIS slaughters out of hand and even women who have escaped from ISIS captivity.

These women are some of the fiercest fighters against ISIS, perhaps because it is a personal fight for them. Some are family members of the young men who are fleeing Syria for Europe, as part of the supposed refugee migration. Others have been captured and used as ISIS sex slaves, giving them a very personal reason to fight.

Their resentment and anger has created some of ISIS’ most dangerous enemies; enemies who want nothing more than to kill those who have so mistreated them.

One of the true beauties of these women fighting ISIS is that a Muslim man who is killed by a woman does not get into paradise, even if he died in jihad. This strikes fear into the hearts of ISIS warriors, as part of their motivation is the promise of paradise and their 72 virgins.

All this fighting has done little to defeat ISIS, as they seem stronger than ever. Their ranks are swelling, as fighters from around the world travel to join them. While some have been killed off, the death toll hasn’t come close to matching their recruitment efforts.

And Then Russia Joined The Fight…

The lack of effectiveness of the coalition has led Russia to join the fight. Russia has not joined the coalition though, but rather is fighting in support of the Syrian government, who they have always supported. In true Russian fashion, they have sent in massive amounts of air strikes, destroying more than the US led coalition has.

Russia is now upping the ante in this war, sending in more planes and possibly troops. Their newest fighter, the SU-35S Flanker, is joining the fray. I’m not exactly sure what good that’s going to do, as the Flanker is not a ground-attack fighter, but they must have plans for it.

They are also making extensive use of their satellite resources to track ISIS units on the ground, as well as develop their targeting list. In essence, the Russian Air Force is using the same tactics that the United States used in the last two Gulf Wars, to attack ISIS much more effectively than anyone else.

There is also talk about Russia mobilizing 150,000 troops for deployment to Syria. While that has not been confirmed and there is no evidence that any troops are on the ground yet, it takes time to mobilize troops for overseas deployments. This could be something currently in the works and the troops could be on the ground in a matter of weeks.

Countering this, there have been confirmed reports that ISIS has developed the ability to use chemical warfare agents, specifically mustard gas. While the use of chemical agents is not allowed under the rules of land warfare and several treaty agreements, ISIS has obviously not been part of any of those treaties.

While they claim nation-state status, they are really nothing more than terrorist thugs. So, they would not consider themselves limited by international convention for warfare, especially considering that the weapons arrayed against them are stronger than those that they themselves have. There is no question whether ISIS will use their mustard gas or not; they already have. The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, confirmed this to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

This is somewhat ironic, as Obama’s line in the sand was about the use of chemical weapons. Now, rather than the government using those weapons against the insurgents, we have an insurgent group using them. Who they are using them against is still closely held information, but there is no question as to whether or not they are being used. Does this mean it’s time for Obama to draw another line in the sand?

But he won’t do that. After all, ISIS is just the JV team and they aren’t Islamic. At least, that’s what Obama says. Perhaps he’ll wake up one of these days and realize that he has created a monster and that said monster is a true threat to the world.

If not, whoever wins the elections in November had better be ready to deal with it.


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.


Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • You got part way there. First off, those in the Middle East have been fighting each other for about 10,000 years. Whatever you try to do will not take that away. We, in the West, need to get out of there and prepare ourselves for war. They now have the ability to wage war on an International basis and they are using the Khuran to validate this. To make matters worse, Obama, who is and always has been a Muslim, was sent here to make it almost impossible to counter any of this. Has he succeeded – yes to a large degree and he now has Iran on his side. Is there an answer to any of this? Again yes but it cannot be put on the Internet. Good luck in trying to make it better

    • Well, Robert’, to be more precise. Both Bill, AND you got it partially right.

      Since around 620 AD when Mohammed (PBUH lol!) was taken out by one of his child wives or whores (Islam allowed both kinds of companions for him) with poisoned pork in a fit of jealousy or maybe an overly violent beating or something…

      …The Muslims of the era had been fighting about who should take Mohammed’s place as leader of Islam, actual family blood progeny, or other ranking Muslims of suitable stature and leadership qualifications

      This is the main gripe between Islamic Factions all these centuries, aside from the basic levels of theocratic fundamentalism and moderate factions of muslims who include that disagreement in the insanity, Raw power and conquest abilities, usually decided which ‘school of Muslim thought’ was in power over all the rest throughout the ages, but over time, there were schisms, just like in Christianity, which of course, Islam was merely a knock-off of, and territories of differing Islamic cultures developed with their own proprietary Caliphate in co-existence.

      The more ‘fundamental’ Islamists always insisted that the 13th Imam or Mahdi could never fulfill the holy end times prophecy (also similarly to Christianity’s second coming of Christ) until a one world Caliphate uniting all Muslims under one supreme leader was established.

      THAT’s why all the Muslims are killing each other because it’s basically still a intra-cultural battle, although more focused now, between the Shia (mainly Iran)And the Sunni(mainly Saudi Arabia) basic break in Islam. With various sectarian supporting factions on either side.

      So the real reason the extremely Fundamentalist Islamists, only second to the Wahabbi brotherhood in their inhuman monsterous delusions, in Iran want a nuke right now, is really not for Israel or the West. That would be instant suicide. They want it to intimidate Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab world into joining their One World Caliphate, or else! There’s more to the story, of course, but that’s the reality of where it is now and why it is there.

      I, personally, agree with you, however, Robert, on our intervention there having anything to do with our better interests. It’s a waste of time, value, and lives. I also think we should completely get out and let them cancel each out back to camel jockey times, with the caveat that every time a single terrorist attack occurs in the U.S. And We determine with reasonably objective evidence, where it came from and who was ‘responsible’, we then literally open the gates of hell on a few thousand hectares in that particular venue literally leveling it into a burning smoking uninhabitable example of what all of the middle East will eventually look like
      if any so called Islamic State, Jihadists, or any other psycho subhuman monster group or its members, continues to do terrorist attacks against us. Period! No policy, no debates, no diplomacy, no bullshit. Just self defensive for the American Citizens.

      If other countries want to come aboard with us , that would be even better.

      The reason this would work so well is because if you study your history, this is how the radical fundamentalist Islamist scourge was always kept under control throughout history.

      For some reason this asshole administration can’t ‘understand’ what part of that they just don’t get yet?!

      As far as Obama being a Muslim. Nah, he’s not. He’s a Totalitarian Socialist.
      And Since All religionist groups have a little ‘socialism’ in their blood, he doesn’t mind ‘playing’ the Muslims for political gain, as much as they play him.
      If his regime continues in power next-and last chance-with Hillary or whomever, the Muslims are just as expendable as True American Constitutional Patriots, if they give him any trouble, like they did recently in Oregon.

      Put another way, If all you have to do is suck up a little to them and don’t call them radical islamist terrorists, and you get 95% of their 6 million voting block in the U.S. like he did the last elections (and climbing to maybe 6 or 7 mil this time) which coincidentally is more than the 5 million votes he won by? Now you know the rest of the story…

  • The Iraq war was waged to destabilize the entire region we can all see what happens when a nation gets involved into conflict that it has no business being n to begin with.George Washington while putting the nation on a secret agenda,also warned the American people how to avoid the new world order.1.He warned against any military’s alliances. 2.He warned against the formation of political parties.3.He warned against centralized banking.4.He warned against out of control government spending and debt

    • Yes, now we have all four of them !! Now how do we effectively deal with the results, along with all the Tyranny coming from Washington, DC ?!?! Both political parties are now far to left for Americas survival !!! Congress is and has just allowed Obomer to unilaterally have his way with his dictatorial FATWA Pen without any objection !! I for one would very much like to have an answer as to WHY!!! Why are our duly elected congressional representatives having been sworn to protect America, Our Constitution and Our Freedom Not Doing So?!! Any ideas as to how the question can be honestly answered would be appreciated !!!

  • There is and has been sinister activities going on from Our Oval Office for quit some time!! The Traitor in Our Oval Office is not beyond doing what ever it takes to Destroy America !! He has and is doing a Very Good Job In Doing So With His FATWAS !!! He Is Doing So Unilaterally Without Any Reprisal from Our Elected And Duly Sworn Representatives to Protect America, Our Freedom And Our Constitution !!

    Wake Up America before We End Up With Our FIRST muslim/islamist Dictator In Chief !!

     PLEASE CALL 1-855-827-2351 And Contact Any Or All Elected Representatives and Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan (202) 225-3031 and Senate Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (202)  224-2541 !! Tell Them To Step Up And Aggressively Fight Against The Obomer Regime, Agenda And Tyranny Or Get Out Of Washington !!!! Join The Tea Party, Judicial Watch at, The Freedom Watch at and Convention Of States (COS) at


  • start at oldest post this may be part of what Daniel was shown, if this is the time then Russia will conquer Turkey and become a permanent Middle Eastern presence its borders reaching
    to Syria.

  • Your teaser title for this article was:

    “Why Obama Will Give Syria To Russia And Iran.”

    Well, let’s see – shouldn’t it be more like

    “How can Obama pretend he has a right to give Syria to anyone, since it’s a sovereign nation which hasn’t declared war on anyone else, the US included?”

    MuBarak Hussein Obsama hited trained paid and armed ISIS, a gang of terrorists NOT native to Syria, to attack said sovereign nation – making HIM the war-criminal.

  • If getting rid of Isis was our main priority we should just stand back and let an invited country (Russia) along with Syria’s military finish the job. We all know that the main goal is replacing an elected leader of a sovereign nation and without being invited to participate by said leader is truly against international law. So trumped up charges such as using chemical weapons against his own people with no proof to back it up is being used for justification. I don’t buy it!!

    • Freedom of speech is surely being violated by your wanting to moderate my response. Either print it the way I wrote it or forget it. I’ll cease from participating in the future otherwise.


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