There’s A War Going On Your Freedom

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It has become increasingly clear over the last few years that the United States is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

While I’m sure that there are still plenty of brave people around, especially in the military, I’m also sure that government hacks are doing everything in their power to take away any vestige of freedom, aided and abetted of course, by the communist freeloader in the White House.

We all know about the direct assault that the political left has been making against our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. There has been no subtlety to that attack, nor have there been a whole lot of facts involved in it.

Time and time again, the facts show that an armed population has less crime. Other facts show that the laws they want to pass won’t eliminate the crimes that they want to stop. But those inconvenient facts don’t seem to be slowing the liberals down at all; they’re working overtime to drum up hatred for guns and those who carry them.

{adinserter bph}Of course, the whole gun control thing isn’t really about protecting society, it’s about protecting those control freaks in Washington from the citizens that they have supposedly vowed to serve. Maybe if they truly tried serving the people, they wouldn’t have any reason to fear the guns.

The 2nd Amendment isn’t the only right under attack though; pretty much all of the rights granted to us under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been either eliminated all together or severely compromised. The government is spying on us all, breaking our 4th Amendment right, and it seems that there’s nothing that can be done to stop them.

Rights, Not Privileges

Sadly, the 1st Amendment is probably receiving some of the most horrendous attacks. Obama has redefined freedom of religion to mean “freedom to worship as you choose in private.”

He’s actually said that in a speech and his actions, especially through the Department of Justice, show that he means it. At least, they show that he means it if you’re a Christian. If you’re a Muslim, on the other hand, and you understand from your holy book that you should wage war on those who aren’t, you can have all the freedom of religion that you want.

He’s even gone as far as to say that the rights guaranteed under the Constitution aren’t rights at all, but privileges. While the two may seem similar, there’s a huge difference between them.

Rights are something granted to us by God and the government has no right to touch them. Privileges are something granted to us by the government, so they can be taken away from us any time the government wants to punish us.

This punishment is of course reserved for those that don’t follow the party line. Just as the Communist party in the old Soviet Union went after anyone who didn’t agree with them, we’re seeing the Obama regime go after anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

He’s already locked up his first political prisoner, Dinesh D’Souza; once that’s happened, there’s really nothing to keep him from going crazy and locking up more.

The infection of Obama’s ideas has spread throughout the Democrat party, giving many liberals the boldness to totally ignore the Constitution and our constitutionally guaranteed rights. That’s probably because they realize that the Justice Department is on their side and won’t go after them for breaking the law.

In other words, the legal protection that We, The People, are supposed to have from our government, is only being given to those who the government believes deserve it.

Who are those? Basically, they are minorities whom Obama has benefitted since he got into office. The funny thing is that these minorities don’t even represent five percent of our total population; yet they’ve become the tail that’s wagging the proverbial dog.

In the last week, reports have come out that the mayor of Houston, Texas, an avowed lesbian, showed her stripes by attacking pastors in the city. She had the sermons of Christian pastors subpoenaed.1st amendment

Specifically, they were looking for any messages those pastors preached or written communication that they did, which went against the LGBT community, as well as LGBT political activism.

As a subpoena, if the pastors ignored it or refused to obey it, they could legally be jailed.

On top of that, there was a clearly implied threat that they would be jailed if they had preached against homosexuality in any way.

This is wrong in two different ways, both of which are part of our 1st Amendment rights. The first is that it comes against freedom of speech and the second is that it comes against freedom of religion.

The LGBT community has made it clear that anything which offends them is unacceptable and should be against the law. The PC (politically correct) police have signed on with them and are doing everything they can to force that will upon the nation.

Christians and other conservatives are regularly maligned for their “old fashioned views,” but Muslims aren’t. Why is that? Because everyone is afraid to malign the Muslims. They don’t want to be the next one to have their head cut off on camera. On the other hand, Christians tend to try and follow the Biblical admonition to “turn the other cheek.” While that is admirable, there comes a point in which you run out of cheeks to turn. I’m not sure if we’ve gotten there yet, but it looks to me like it’s coming close.

If mainstream America doesn’t do something about it, we’re soon going to find ourselves without any rights at all, except the “right” to obey our political masters.

It’s time for mainstream America to draw a line in the sand and say “no more.”

I for one refuse to bow my knee to the PC police and their liberal thinking. I refuse to allow the government to take my guns away.

I refuse to let the government spy on me and treat me like I’m the enemy.

And if they want an enemy I can be it, and while they may get me, I’ll take a few of them with me before I go.


This article has been written by Bill White for Survivopedia.

Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • I realized early on in life that we are all born to die, and I am not afraid of death. The dying process starts at the moment of your conception, and none of us know how much time we have on our life clock. I grant you, that this is an all out war on our freedom. And I’ve preached this for years, to those who would listen to good old common sense. But It surprises me that Christians haven’t stood up before now, and done something about it. They keep clinging to the bible, and it’s teachings, thinking that will save them. Not so! I for one, will not go down without a fight. What are they going to do too me, kill me? I have big news for them, I’ve been dying now for 61 years! I predicted over 45 years ago, that this country will see a 2nd “Civil War” and it’s almost upon us, right now! As far as the muslims, we will be fighting them in our own country, and in the streets of our own home towns. This war will have to be fought by the people, using gorilla warfare tactics. Amazingly, it is estimated that only 3% of the actual population, fought during the War for Independence. You have a lot of “Keyboard Cowboys” out there who claim that they will fight, when the time comes! But when it starts, how many will actually show up on the front lines, 3%? But 3% of over 310 million people, is still a hell of an army! I’m getting to the age, that I’m to old to “run through the jungle” anymore! But, I can still teach other’s, and I do! Do I need an M-16? No, I do not! Just give me a good accurate, long range bolt action rifle, and I’ll supply everybody who wants one, with an M-4!

    • I would love a M-4 I cant say Im affaid of dying also.
      M Sambaluk
      3 Los Lobos
      Belen, New Mexico 87002

  • Obama lives in self loathing . He’s secretly ashamed because:
    1-His white mother married a black man
    2-His Christian (nominally anyway) mother married a muslim
    3- She gave him not only a muslim first name but also a muslim middle name.

  • Obama doesn’t want to stop crime. He sends his agitators into strife ridden cities to foment anger and hostility. When things get out of hand and the local law enforcement can’t handle the problem, he will have a legitimate excuse to impose martial law. When that happens, Americans will fight back and then it will take a United Nations “peace keeping” force to quell the uprising and restore order. That will be the end of freedom for the whole world. Thus the rise of the one world government where a select few will rule and the majority will have nothing. God help us then.

  • to keep you occupied,they let ebola in? keep making the same mistake over again again

  • So, Mr. White, what can we do on a day-to-day basis to draw the line, say “no more,” stop the government from taking away our guns, disobey our political masters, and stop the government from spying on us and calling us the enemy?

    Please do not misunderstand. I am totally with you, but we’re past the point of saying “America needs to stand up,” and have arrived at the moment when we need to actually stand up – but I do not know what actions to take to do that.

    Talking is getting us nowhere. Voting is getting us nowhere. Protests are getting us nowhere. What else can we DO that will have an effect?

    Thanks and God bless us all.

    • the only way we Americans can stop our government, who is being controlled be the globalists ( the group of elites who want the One World Order ), is to 1- stop paying our taxes so they have no paycheck, 2- get rid of our cell phones and other electronics devices so they can track us, 3- take our children out of public schools that teach common core and home school them, 4- get back to the basics of living off the land and helping each other in our own communities with no government assistance. But it takes all of us to do this and we and they both know this isn’t going to happen.

      • why Greg!! You mean it isn’t enough just to get rid of Obama? The Freeloader Communist Muslim? You mean the problem of government overreach is bigger than Obama? Yes, your suggestions are completely practical and address the larger problems. The problems we have even if Sarah Palin, McCain and Romney had been elected. You are the person offering real solutions. Thank you.

  • In my opinion we are where we are today because of lack of involvement of Christian voters and conservative voter apathy. Christians because ‘we are not of this world’ and conservatives ‘too busy’ to vote. I will say I have not missed voting on a single election since coming of age 50 years ago. It’s damn frustrating to see the candidates I’ve voted for time and again ‘not win’ an election and the scum of the earth, non vetted, empty suits get ‘elected’ through voter fraud time and again from state level up, particularly in no ID states. I’ll have to agree with Dr Ben Carter (possible conservative presidential candidate in ’16) that there may not BE a 2016 election because of the multiple factors working towards a breakdown of American society, engineered for just that purpose.
    People who don’t have their heads up their backsides or buried in their smart phones see that something’s brewing just over the horizon. Get ready and hunker down. Big one is coming.

  • If WE must worship in private, then so must mohammadans in America! If one blocks traffic, notify the feds! The Constitution is THEIR jurisdiction.

  • Good ‘reality’ comment Mr. Mulllins, especially on who will actually come down from ‘talking shit’ to actually throwing the ‘shit’ in the fan when the time comes. It still amazes me that all these bust out battalions of shit talking armchair pseudo commandos who are definitely going to take out this, and tear up that if they get pissed enough, can’t even amass an intimidating convoy of ex marines at least to go down to the border and do a show of force by shutting down the crossing for a couple days until those drug money spending Mexican politicians free one of our Marine combat veterans they have illegally arrested?!

    And sometimes we are ‘too old’ as you say to understand our ‘age related’ limitations. Add in our overly ambitious and sometimes delusional emotional content, absence of keeping the skills we may have once had sharp and ready, and now entertaining ourselves with overly ambitious ‘dreaming’, and you might miss that first long range shot and that well trained team with their M4’s will respond accordingly. And the last thing that goes through your mind while you are lamenting the fact that you should have had an M4 instead of a bolt action so you might have taken at least some of them out with a last ditch high capacity magazine firepower ambush–will be a rocket propelled grenade fragment because you’d be “too old to run fast enough to bridge the gap”!

    As for the so called ‘war on religion’ by the agenda based political activist homosexual organization, you have no one to blame but the religionist Christian agenda based political voting block, WHO STARTED IT ALL with they anti-gay obsession, to include everything from indoctrinating their children to Hate gay behavior, even if it was in the privacy of their own property, and to launch a campaign including every form of discrimination possible stopping only at the point of Islamic style gay bashing which goes one step ‘A-head’ to the next level atrocity in this type of psychosis. But doubtless more ‘good Christians’ would agree with the psycho Muslims on that point, as well.

    So now, when the gays, who once were relatively circumspect, in their sexual behavior, finally get fed up with the hatred bestowed upon them and decided do their own form of ‘theocracy’, and dish out some of the same ‘Christian’ medicine back on them, Oh? then it’s called ‘a war on Christians’ and NOW it violates Christian Constitutional rights to practice their faith?!

    Really! I suggest the everybody study the Constitution and Bill of Rights a bit more closely. Everything falling under ‘Faith’ is not all that kosher. Especially if it picks on other people just because they are ‘different’. The difference here is that i think the rapid hate speech against imaginary ‘enemies of the church’ spewed like poison acid in the so-called sanctity of churches actually amounts to possible libel or slander or something that the secular government considers statutorily illegal and is setting up in this subpoena tactic to finally get these control freak religionists to actually follow the Constitution THEMSELVES! And mind their own business instead of sticking their dirty noses into other people’s PRIVATE lives?! The Framers made the Separation of Church and State Law with a distinct and clear sanction exactly because of what is happening here.

    This is because ANY and ALL Religionism cannot survive its own existentialism without the constant ‘ascension’ to Theocracy in their human social environment. This is the sad nature of the imaginary beast based on nothing but delusional ‘faith’ and unproven beliefs. In the Old days the Vaticanist empire reigned supreme in its theocratic power until it began to collapse under its own inane duplicitous weight in the 1700s in Europe when it couldn’t withstand the bright glare of enlightenment and scientific emacipation of the individual essence of self reliance and achievement.

    For a short time there it appeared as though the Church might dissolve itself into quaint obsolescence. But we weren’t so fortunate as an advancing society. They expanded their power base along into the ‘New World’ along with the original pioneers and settlers.

    But now all the biblical knock-offs–over 3000 different Christian sects at last estimate–are gunning up for the coming ‘holy wars’ in the grandest tradition of the most horrific freedom killing manner the old religions could ever accomplish back in the day.

    I’m not a gay, or an atheist, or a muslim, but I pay attention to important issues like this because sooner or later religionist tyranny creeps into all our lives if you don’t slap it down every time it rears its dirty little devil head. So as a Patriotic supporter of the egalitarian secular society the visionary Framers originally tried to put together for us, I am particularly concerned with the unconstitutional agenda of the church groups in this country to set up a Theocracy in which ultimately, most of our hard earned precious rights, will wind up being AGAINST GOD’S WILL!

    Bill White is attempting to pose the religionists as ‘victims’ here, but probably doesn’t realize that if the Vatican had their theocratic way, they’d get rid of your AR’s faster than Barbara Boxer and Feinstein ever could! Do some ‘dilligent’ unbiased research on that, Bill, and learn the evil little truth for a change.

    And as far as the government ‘spying’ on us, lol, i’m amazed at how stupid and gullible we all STILL are in that the church has been ‘spying’ on our most intimate secrets ever since the first ‘pastor’ got off the Mayflower, looked around, and ‘blessed his golden egg nest! The church INVENTED one of the most effective and insidious domestic spying operations on private citizens which was constantly ‘used’ as leverage for donations and favors and insidious ‘control’ agendas with something called the sacrament of ‘Confessing ALL your sins’ in the privacy of the ‘confessional’ booths in every single church! The NSA DREAMS of ever having a spy network rivaling that. Confessionals were a mandatory provision in all churches right along with the dark sub-basement ‘soul purging’ dungeons in most churches until physical torture was officially banned by the church in the 1800’s under U.S. Government pressure. Some of the body orifice torture devices from these ‘quiet’ little ‘mediation’ rooms ministered by your friendly priest in deep dark cathedrals now displayed in museums made Islamist beheading look like a relatively painless mercy killing’.

    But that’s all in the past and certainly a ‘leap of faith’ to think that religionists are still so evil today, right?

    Wrong! The most dangerous Freedom destroying element currently in our patriotic war to keep our freedoms are people like Bill O’Reilly who is is the self appointed commander of chief of the Holy Anti -Secular Army of Christ. which is hell bent attacking and denigrating the very Constitutional system of secular government that protects his agenda based anti- freedom notions about other peoples’ moral values! Which should be none of anyone’s business, especially warped psychotic religionists still NOT receiving any text messages from any ‘god’, no matter how much they pray and donate!

    Even the fairly intelligent Huckabee just blew any chances for higher office on his show last weekend with an agenda based snidely slip in reference to “godless secularism” in a negative context. Again, just because secularism is anathema, as it should be in our SECULAR CONSTITUTIONAL FREE SOCIETY, to attempts at Theocratic take over of our free egalitarian country, doesn’t mean you have a right to tear it down for your own delusional and often perverted moral justifications!

    The head shaking irony in the religionists’ main two obsessions, homosexuality and Abortion is that they are not even major issues in the Bible! In fact, homosexuality is only marginally and relatively insignificantly alluded to, in a time where it was much more common than religionists would ever ‘believe’, and abortion or the prevention of it, is mentioned NOWHERE in the Bible! Jesus NEVER said anywhere in the Bible that you couldn’t have one! And, in fact, if you study valid ancient history, abortions were quite common in the times of Jesus. It was a fact of life, just like an amputation or some other personal procedure. There were valid justifiable socially accepted reasons to have them. There were specific ‘morning after’ herbal/chemical concoctions to achieve this. That’s why it wasn’t harped on in the gospels.

    This is nothing more than an attempt by the churches to control not only your hearts, minds, pocket books, and souls, but it is an attempt to maintain and revise the old power base of human procreation for proprietary growing manpower support.

    Also, now, they are Crusading up for a coming world class holy war that is spreading now in this country which can only cause ‘hell on Earth’ for the rest of us in the form of the worst form of social control ever conceived, religionist theocracy.

    As a freedom loving American Patriot, THAT’s what i’ll try to stop.

    I hope this Texas Town government also somehow manages to raise the question about the idea of using the pulpit for politics, instead of just soul ministering?
    You know, as in defiance of the Constitution of trying to establish a ‘theocracy’ party?

    Then maybe we can get them to start paying property taxes instead of free-loading off the rest of us who don’t subscribe to their type of moral mandates?

    • First, the separation of church and state is not a “law”. It is a concept first put forth in the Federalist papers, and guaranteed us in the Bill of Rights under Congress shall not establish a religion that we all must follow.
      Second, the “war on religion ” is real. It is practiced by atheists every day. All you need to do is search for it.
      Third, homosexuality is an abomination to God. What more needs to be said?
      Fourth, “Thou shalt not kill ” covers abortion. Unless you are one of those idiots who thinks that a fetus is nothing more than a bunch of cells rather than a forming, therefore viable human being. Who I might add, are endowed by their Creator, with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
      Fifth, we are guaranteed also that searches, and seizures, be “reasonable “. Everything we do or say is conceived in our minds. The NSA is spying on our minds. That’s not reasonable. Not only are they looking for crimes committed, but crimes we are thinking of committing. Think ” Minority Report “.
      Sixth, confessions are voluntary, they always have been. The NSA spying is not.
      Seventh, the churches are not living off you. We are not paying for them to be, merely they are given a break by the government to not pay taxes. They “live” off of what is collected at each service. That money is given voluntarily too. If you don’t attend their services, you don’t pay a dime.
      I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you seem to have about how things are here in in realityland.

      • James, thank you for exemplifying my original theme that delusional religionist psychosis spares no one, even obviously intelligent people as yourself.

        1st off: On this point I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are a fast typist and just made a syntax error when you made the all time ‘stupidest’ statement ever on this forum, that “the separation of church and state is Not a law”! But you better correct that fast. Otherwise, In absolutely unquestionable assertion, if you really think that the 1st Amendment Separation of Church and State Clause is NOT the Supreme Law of the Land, you need to see a professional fast for more serious therapy then I’ll be able to provide for you here.

        Since you mentioned the Federalist Papers, which is a good thing to read for anyone who thinks they know ‘jack’ about the Constitution. as well as the Work of Thomas Paine, one of our greatest American Patriots and intellectuals, and Thomas Jefferson, I’ll simply reply to this first point with this Supreme Court ruling commet on the issue after the Separation of Church and State Constitutional LAW was created and subsequently analyzed:

        “In the words of the court in ‘Everson’ 1st Amendment Establishment Clause Overview/1st Amendment Center website: “The Establishment of religion clause meant at least this: Neither a State or the Federal Government can set up a Church. Neither can they pass laws that aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can they force a person to go to, or remain away from a church against their will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. Neither a State or the Federal government may, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups, and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, ” the 1st amendment clause against the establishment of religion by law was “intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state’ ”

        It doesn’t get much clearer than that, James? If any religious group tries to create a theocracy here or even attempt to campaign and influence elections, which can be construed to be the ‘vice versa’ above prohibiting BY LAW the ‘participation’ in government affairs, then this is a violation of the Constitution!

        Amazing, when you think about it, how many criminal religionist activities going on right now in this country which violate the 1st Amendment. If that’s a ‘war on religion’, it damn well Should BE!

        Secondly: If people like you could ever find non-defensive direct topic objectiveness in your distorted emotional content when reading things you don’t agree with, you wouldn’t always make so many mistakes of cognitive perspective. NOWHERE did i say in my comment above that there is No war against religion. ‘God’ is obvioiusly causing your already cognitively sarcoma plagued mind to play tricks on you. I don’t know how you can even un-stipulate the fact with ‘wars on religion’ consisting of a wide spectrum of all out military world class combat against everything from the more psychopathic sociopathic ‘true believers’ to the academic atheists and civil rights agencies like the ACLU who constantly fight to protect the country’s ‘Establishment Clause’ Constitutional Law of the Land) from people like you who are sycophants for the Vaticanst Royalist theocratic agenda, and their biblical knock-offs to intimidate and tyrannize our intentionally protective Free secular nation from draconian agenda based immoral dictatorship.

        So in the spirit of higher humanist equity and empathy for your ‘illness’, i’ll try again putting it more simplistically because of your fractured bias leaking out any capacity for accurate assessment. I was pointing out the weakness in the self martyring ‘poor innocent victim’ stance the church propagandists/apologists always spew from their political pulpits.(instead of simply honestly guiding a person’s soul searching in spiritual philosophy, in like ‘so it is written, so it shall be’… In this article’s topic case being these churches immediately doing the okey-doke flip flop when they can’t get their little theocratic agenda appeased, So let me put it in a more simplistic specific so that even those among you who don’t have very long to go in the comfort zone of your imagination can hopefully grasp the inevitable consequences of your ‘original sinning’.

        ‘Wars’ are always ‘started’ by one side or the other. So to be truthfully honest with your own conscience and life, you would know that religion STARTED the war against homosexuality, NOT, any ‘god’. They started and perpetuated the war by their vicious and incessant persecution of atheists, homosexuals, and any other ‘equally created’ people in this Secular Egalitarian Free Thinking society with whom they did not agree with or don’t ‘like’. The Vatican– in case your mind is so far gone it automatically censors info like this– saw how bad this is getting for their own proprietary propaganda and power agenda–recently redacted and restricted their previous ‘Southern Baptist’ style ‘hommasaaxshul’ persecution policy and made the statement that gays are welcome in the church because ‘we are all sinners’, and supposedy, that’s where sinners come to roost. (plus they have money that we could use)

        This deliberate ‘war’ started by religion against others who don’t prostrate themselves to a mindless delusional self promoted morality that has caused ALL of humanity’s most horrible history is only going to get worse because RELIGIONISTS ARE MAKING it that way!. So when they start a war on others, some won’t just ‘turn the other cheek’ anymore like when the Church used take off the whole head if you didn’t take their shit. Where do you think these whack job Muslims got their game plays from? So, Live with that, or start leaving people alone and STOP sticking your perverted morality into other people’s business before you get buried way on top of your own ‘higher moral grounds’. Nobody ‘needs’ religion to live a good honest life. Also try not to end ALL your points with specious notions. This does nothing for your integrity. Religionists are more at war with each other than they could ever be with ‘only’ atheists. Atheists for the most part just want no part of the social disease.

        Third: Until you can show me your direct email from ‘god’ –as opposed to what your closet gay minister preacher or pedophile priest says–that any form of human behavior that doesn’t physically harm anybody else, especially in private, is an ‘abomination’ from ‘god’ or anyone, you are just blowing ‘holy smoke’ in your own little bigoted soul so you can scrape yourself out of the guilt gutter and get some pitiful ‘holier-than-thou’ bottom feeding self esteem. Any Psychologist worth their outrageous fees (i know because once upon a time i was one, lol) knows that those who vilify gays the most, are usually the worst sexual deviants in their own petite and private perversions. It’s a ‘compensating’ factor to balance a seriously faulty personality. And it wouldn’t surprise me at all, James, that if you allowed me to hear your ‘confessions’, there would be some ‘abominations’ in your deep dark secret places that would make “abominable” homosexuality look like back seat hot rod high school ‘stinky finger’ games by comparison? And that would give pertinent comprehension to when old JEEsus supposedly said “…let him who is without sin cast the first stone…”, now wouldn’t it?

        Fourth, Does “Thou shalt not kill’ also include killing in the ‘name of god’? Does it also include causing horrific religionist wars in the name of god that are killing more people including innocent children than ANY abortions, or anything else on Earth, for that matter? Nobody in their right mind ‘likes’ the idea of late term abortions, nor can they honestly be insensitively ambivalent to them. But if the church insists that All or any abortions–including forcible rape–are wrong based on the notion of conception time–as in ‘life begins at the instant of conception’, which is an imprecise moment in time reflected by non verifiable situations including everything from ‘intent to procreate’ or by merely the sexual act itself, to anything even resembling ‘immaculate conception’, then tell me James, wouldn’t the Church’s stance on the monthly conception cycles for ‘birth control’ be just as hypocritically ‘guilty’? And if you want to start the spiraling down for your emotional descent into a self imposed hell, or not, just answer this one question. Should individual private personal liberty and freedom of choice with their own body as is now guaranteed and established in the Constitutional Law of the Land, which is framed in the honest truth of reasonable objectiveness which is the essence of higher enlightenment in the Universal Cosmic Consciousness, NOT any imaginary ‘god’s’ will, which is why it is purposefully separated from the religionist influence because of the well ‘known’ history of religion, take priority over the abortion debate at this time…or not?

        Fifth: Did you know, James, that the CIA and the FBI originally preferred to hire only White Catholic Males back in the days when the Catholic Church virtually violated the Constitution and ruled America in an ‘underground theocracy’? I don’t know why you are making the ‘leap of faith’ into the 4th Amendment in this context, but you really are not THAT far gone by implying that religion does NOT brainwash you in any capacity? Just look around? Had a ‘poor soul’ tell me the other day after a brief chat at the post office and saying ‘…okay Tom, have a nice day, see ya…’ and he said, “yeah, hopefully, if ‘god’ wills it.’ I think he was a member of latter day saints. I returned the comment with: “what if god doesn’t ‘will it’, would you have a nice day anyway?” He just smiled with a blank look and waved good-bye.

        The irony here, with people like this who always say things like ‘i do what god tells me and go where god sends me’ when concluding an issue of important decision making is always a stark epiphany of how convoluted and fraudulent religion is. Otherwise the people would ‘Really’ have the free will supposedly ‘given by god’ that apologists claim as an excuse for everything humans do wrong, lol! Maybe the church has to ‘ratify’ god’s decisions?!

        Sixth: Again, James, you are ‘re-directing’ your answers in defense, not in an effort to understand the point of what the church and religion really is. And You obviously don’t understand the church, especially the Catholic Church, or its psychology. Otherwise a smart guy like you would probably be a true egalitarian secularist. If you don’t have confession, you can’t be ‘clean’ enough to receive the sacrament of communion. And you can’t be a ‘real’ Catholic until you follow-voluntarily or ‘necessarily’– the church’s canon. Otherwise you can be technically excommunicated. However, everyone knows that religious theory and practice are two fish in different lakes. The Catholic Church would quickly decline into lost memories of its unholy past if all the parish flock were ‘forced’ to follow all the rules. The church leaders know this and accommodate accordingly, especially since in a tired economy, donations are not like they used to be.

        As far as ‘volunteering’, well, you could say we do that for the NSA et al, as well. Our daily existence has been purposely designed, again, through ‘religious like’ government AND Corporatist, AND religious brainwashing to willingly give up our freedoms for ‘comfort zone’ placation and the illusion of personal security. I can go on in volumes but most here understand when they think about it. I have a copy of Computer magazine that’s 12 years old, the title is “We know everything about you” ( that you told us). And goes on to have the entire magazine break down all the areas we ‘Allow’ companies to spy on us through our integrations by not reading the fine print in the agreement contracts. Big business does this to make more money off their milking stanchions. But the church created the mold way back in the days. So naturally the government got on the mean green hay wagon. So you’re wrong. There is no difference between the church and big Corporatist government. We give anybody who wants the spy on us Full acquiescence for our pleasure and greed. We let our suck hole representatives pass the Patriot Act, We don’t fire them everytime one of them like Boxer or Feinstein promotes something like the “Pause for Safety” bill. Otherwise. we don’t have to ‘volunteer’ to use the internet or cell phones where they spy on us because we’re too lazy and stupid to fire them and make laws so they Can’t do it at ALL. That’s also our choice.

        Seventh: This last point of yours, James, proves your confusion and clearly demonstrates what you are trying to do, which I’ll address in psychological analysis to try to help you here. Like your 1st point above you are not so stupid as to think what you say is true, so are in a state of what’s known as complete religionist defensive denial by saying that the “churches are not living off you”. because your cognitive dissonance is increased by pre-programmed religious cultism which conflicts with the honest truth, remnants of which, still may remain in your subconscious.

        First, I’ll just mention that you should check into just how the church operates, how much TAX FREE benefits they get on so much land that they own. Also check into the historic reality of why this so-called no profit status is granted to groups like this. The obvious answer is related to ‘Why does a church even have to BE a corporation? Why do they have to be so Big in Business? Are they here for Business, or for spiritual guidance? If they weren’t in the ‘business’ of religion, first and foremost for profit just like all the scammers, they would be ‘working’ for a living and then ‘preaching and teaching’ on their own time, now wouldn’t they, James? When you realize the truth, and you can, “All you need to do is search for it”, you should discover the ‘agreements’ made in the past by government and the church. Look into president Johnson’s role in this. Fascinating stuff for the student of reality history not in the mental prison of religionism. And of course, then, the Truth, even if it goes against all you were programmed and brainwashed to believe, will always set you free. And that’s a much better state of mind than religion.

        Finally, my friend, you are not alone in your suffering. So many religionists have the same problem as you that it amazes me that secular free thinking souls are now the fastest growing demographic in the world compared to the actual decline of organized religion, hence the obvious campaign for holding on to whatever little time they have left.

        But their mental emancipation is difficult to attain due to the masterful brainwashing all religionists endure throughout their emotional incarcerations. It has to do with a condition known as ‘Confirmation Bias’. This is where someone who is so entrenched in their ‘Faith based Beliefs’, that they don’t allow reason, new knowledge based in fact, or hidden truth to enter into their thought process. If information does not ‘Confirm’ and support their previous ‘beliefs’, then they automatically reject it. Even if it’s the undeniable proven truth. Or, as James does here, they obstinately attempt to manipulate and twist the factual truth to ‘confirm’ their own beliefs to maintain their dependency of their flawed emotional content. Their abject resistance to reasonable objectiveness and reality logic is easily manifested in their absurd reactions to the truth if it is in conflict with their delusional opinions of it. As James does so egregiously, here, first, with the transparency of his abject denial of the fact that our country’s law of the land is established on a distinct mandate of keeping Churches and religion away from our egalitarian government operations.

        I hope you can see that, James, and also someday realize that the ‘misconceptions’ are all yours. Only then can your ‘salvation’–and Freedom–be assured.

  • While I was in Korea in 51. saw many women with children walking south with all they had on their backs. When the Chinese came in to their villages ,there no men with guns, then there were no men. We, no matter the age, need to stand for our rights so our women and children can have a future free from tyranny.

  • I found out the Legal Name is the key to freedom. I claim no legal name, therefore no one lays claim to me the living being! Go to Losethename. com and free yourself from the LEGAL NAME FRAUD! You will be free from all the BS I AM! JANE DOE-755

  • I’ll give up my guns and ammunition…ammo first!

  • Bill White October 21, 2014
    There’s A War Going On Your Freedom

    It has become increasingly clear over the last few years that the United States is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

    While I’m sure that there are still plenty of brave people around, especially in the military, I’m also sure that government hacks are doing everything in their power to take away any vestige of freedom, aided and abetted of course, by the communist freeloader in the White House.

    We all know about the direct assault that the political left has been making against our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. There has been no subtlety to that attack, nor have there been a whole lot of facts involved in it.

    Time and time again, the facts show that an armed population has less crime. Other facts show that the laws they want to pass won’t eliminate the crimes that they want to stop. But those inconvenient facts don’t seem to be slowing the liberals down at all; they’re working overtime to drum up hatred for guns and those who carry them.

    Of course, the whole gun control thing isn’t really about protecting society, it’s about protecting those control freaks in Washington from the citizens that they have supposedly vowed to serve. Maybe if they truly tried serving the people, they wouldn’t have any reason to fear the guns.

    The 2nd Amendment isn’t the only right under attack though; pretty much all of the rights granted to us under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been either eliminated all together or severely compromised. The government is spying on us all, breaking our 4th Amendment right, and it seems that there’s nothing that can be done to stop them.

    Rights, Not Privileges

    Sadly, the 1st Amendment is probably receiving some of the most horrendous attacks. Obama has redefined freedom of religion to mean “freedom to worship as you choose in private.”

    JDH – no-one has the power to change the Constitution, by interpretation or otherwise, except by using the clearly stated process provided by the Framers within the Constitution. I do not know where the voice of the Supreme Court is in all of this. The Court is one of the three parts of our System of Checks and Balances. They can act without a case being brought before them. Each of the three branches of our government holds the responsibility for reining in a branch that is running amok of their constitutionally assigned duties. The Supreme Court has to speak and tell Obama that he and his czars are violating the Constitution and that if they do not stop immediately, the responsible individuals within the Administration will be prosecuted.

    Additionally, the Supreme Court must also inform establishment members of the Republican and Democratic parties that they are not honoring their oaths and that they are violating the Constitution by following the Obama agenda and supporting his authoritarian rule while failing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

    I do not know why Congress and the media have failed to connect the dots and see that Obama is a Muslim. Everything he does, or does not do, can be seen to either support the spread of Islam, or get out of the way of the spread of Islam. He and all the Muslims he has appointed to high office in our government are working towards making a caliphate of North America (including Canada) and Central America. The creation of a North American Union (NAU) and the Trans Pacific Partnership are steps bieng taken to knit necessary components together to enable the caliphate to stand on its own as a World power.

    “He’s actually said that in a speech and his actions, especially through the Department of Justice, show that he means it. At least, they show that he means it if you’re a Christian. If you’re a Muslim, on the other hand, and you understand from your holy book that you should wage war on those who aren’t, you can have all the freedom of religion that you want.

    He’s even gone as far as to say that the rights guaranteed under the Constitution aren’t rights at all, but privileges. While the two may seem similar, there’s a huge difference between them.

    Rights are something granted to us by God and the government has no right to touch them. Privileges are something granted to us by the government, so they can be taken away from us any time the government wants to punish us.

    This punishment is of course reserved for those that don’t follow the party line. Just as the Communist party in the old Soviet Union went after anyone who didn’t agree with them, we’re seeing the Obama regime go after anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    He’s already locked up his first political prisoner, Dinesh D’Souza; once that’s happened, there’s really nothing to keep him from going crazy and locking up more.

    The infection of Obama’s ideas has spread throughout the Democrat party, giving many liberals the boldness to totally ignore the Constitution and our constitutionally guaranteed rights. That’s probably because they realize that the Justice Department is on their side and won’t go after them for breaking the law.

    In other words, the legal protection that We, The People, are supposed to have from our government, is only being given to those who the government believes deserve it.

    Who are those? Basically, they are minorities whom Obama has benefitted since he got into office. The funny thing is that these minorities don’t even represent five percent of our total population; yet they’ve become the tail that’s wagging the proverbial dog.”

    Thus, the author is right on the ball with his article. I have included excerpts from the article in quotes above. I think the quote has incorporated the whole of our problems with the enemy within our government. We the People, were empowered by the Framers, through the Second Amendment which shall not be infringed, to keep and bear arms so that if our government should run amok of its duties we could bear our arms if necessary to bring our errant government back in line with their duties as provided in the Constitution.

    We the People are the militia that the Framers stated are to keep and bear arms. Are you ready to bear your arms to do what is necessary to return our government to the Constitution should the 2014 elections fail to bring Congress back to being the astute body it is supposed to be.

  • What a sad state the once great United States is in….I’ve seen all this in my lifetime. I’m 26, I always knew there was something wrong I just couldn’t see it for years because the truth was staring me so closely in the face it was blurry. I, like many of you, was too distracted, too entertained, too uninvolved with real life…until I finally found out there is a HUGE game of chess being played with the most wealthy people in the world. It’s us, we the people, versus them, WE have had our way only by the grace of God until the last 13 years, but now they are having their way. Why? A whole generation has been manipulated into believing there is no god or god is this or god is that…no, we don’t GET to say how God is, He already TOLD us who He is, how His nature is, and what IS going to happen in the future. Yes, I’m talking about dusting off that old book called the Word of GOD, not the word of some man or some prophet called Muhammad. You blame the Christians for the worlds problems?? When we lovingly attempt to share our faith and someone doesn’t accept, WE DON’T CUT THEIR FRIGGIN HEAD OFF IF THEY DON’T, do we? You think we hate gay/lesbians? No, Jesus never said we need to hate anyone…in fact His exact words were “You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself” the problem is that most people, including “professing” Christians are so quick to disagree and immediately because they disagree they equate it with hate. The reality is you can disagree with someone and still love them. If they don’t want to listen to what the only book to be called the WORD OF GOD says, so be it. The bible says homosexuality is a sin, just like lying is a sin, just like adultery, fornicating, whatever. The point is, the Bible clearly states that ALL, every man woman child, ALL fall short of the glory of God, which is sin. We are all in this together. We’re all guilty in the eyes of our maker. See the real problem is EVERYBODY today is so quick to lay blame, to hate on something, because the system we live in has TOLD us for so long to act and be cold, untrusting, unfair against everyone else. WE ourselves have become numb and cold (without even realizing it) against our own fellow human beings who are just trying to live like us, that the thought of people dying and killing each other no longer even phases most of us…..and WHO better to take the whole worlds frustration, pain and thirst for blood out on that the Christians who have been calm, collected, loving, helpful, always willing to turn the other cheek against violence, never causing harm, only speaking the truth to those willing to listen……..see my friends WE the people are not the ones we need to be afraid of, it’s the ones who hold all the money, power, and positions we need to be concerned about…the game of chess rages on while they keep waiting for the checkmate. And if you take a look around it’s plain to see We the people are running out of moves… They’ll take it all before its over. The whole world and everyone in it. Why? “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Only our maker could know us better than our own selves. He knew that once He was taken out of the spotlight on earth it’s only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves….do your research. Christianity itself is not to blame, Jesus Christ, The Lord of Lords, King of Kings only ever taught people on earth how to love and live in the truth. The majority of the world today HATES the truth AND is unloving so we’re in darkness. Unless we can by a ginormous miracle learn to love the truth and live by love, and REPENT of our deeds……we’re doomed.

  • All I got to say is America dust off your Bibles and read them. That’s how we got into this whole mess to begin with. The past is over, the present is fading fast and the future is being fulfilled. Gee I hope this is not too “extreme”.

    • Exactly, big bro! Rock solid advice. Read for yourself! Don’t listen to any “pasture”…like the “evangelical” one in San Diego that endorsed the Planned Parenthood, GLBT Democrat Scott Peters for Congress!! What kind of advise could that guy give you?

      We can read for ourselves and look for a country from above!

  • The Illuminati has been trying to take over for so many years that most people have forgotten that they even exist. It seems we can’t do anything about it now. Obama’s in their pocket, and he’s not about to climb out. Kennedy tried to climb out, and look what happened to him.

  • Dinesh D’Souza was put in jail but it was for activities that he admits to doing that were not related to our 1st or 2nd amendment rights. It is inflammatory to say someone was jailed while you are speaking of rights and privledges when his crime had nothing to do them. You lose credibility when you do not disclose all of the circumstances and begin to sound like CNN.

  • You all know that when bombs start going off in Winn Dixie,safeway,and wall mart, and American women and children are being murdered by muslim terrorists our government will be forced to choose between expelling all Muslims to protect the Americans , or killing Americans to protect muslims Wich way do you think they will go? I have heard people say that it will be open season on Muslims.and I believe this is true I don’t think the American people will tolerate these types of attacks.

    • B. Carson wrote: You all know that when bombs start going off in Winn Dixie,safeway,and wall mart, and American women and children are being murdered by muslim terrorists

      Gee, here is an idea. Before the bombs go off, maybe, just maybe…”our” government could get out of Muslim and other countries? Maybe the sure way to have bombs in USA, is to keep up decades of war on various and sundry worldwide groups.

      Is that too difficult? (that is rhetorical) “Our” government is operated, in the important places, by those who make money from war, destruction and carnage!!

      Those people will continue to make money (wars) until the bombs go off at Winn Dixie.

      But, you keep your finger pointed at Muslims or anyone other than those fine Americans who keep the war machine going.

      • You’re right on, Tim. The military Industrial Complex, aka Corporatism, has always called most of the shots behind the scenes, primarily for their greedy little power agendas.

        And The main reason Obama is pussy-footing around with these Muslims and Mexicans who want the benefits of this country but don’t want to be American Patriots almost to a point of looking like he supports them over America itself is because of one thing…VOTES! 95 percent of Muslims and Mexican citizens (or not!) here voted for him in the last two elections.

        Nobody ‘really’ believes that the most powerful military in the solar system can’t turn a few thousand muslim fighters into dust in the wind in less time it takes to go to the bathroom any time we feel like it, do they?

        But the ‘shock and awe’ of completely decimating the Army of Allah would hurt the feelings of ALL muslims everywhere deep down inside. Despite the fact that so called ‘good’ muslims will denounce the murder beheadings of non combatants, subconsciously they feel the Army of Allah is still a ‘good thing’.

        Hope we can start a change in all this in the next couple weeks by at least sending this corrupt and dysfunctional government a message that We, the AMERICAN People have had enough. Or we won’t believe what happens next.

        • I’m sorry, I don’t follow: We voters are going to send a message? What? and return Republicans to the Senate? I’m not sure what would be in that message. Republicans have cleared room for the military, grown the prisons, sent jobs overseas, created immigration problems, etc. How will returning the Senate send a message? That shutting down government is ok with the voters? We want to continue Bush wars?

          The sole “message” Voters could send, they won’t.

          The “message” would be to ‘unelect’ every incumbant at all levels.

          Many American think the opposite: Problems would be solved “if only more Republicans’ are elected (or democrats or green party)

          In addition, (my apologies for lengthy post) Americans routinely support government policies and overreach with their other two votes: that in the jury box and the Grand Jury.

          Juries routinely bring ‘guilty’ verdicts even in three strikes cases, where the ‘victim’ is held for life for “a beer” Kendal Cooke, san diego, a pizza, a dollar, simple possession of marijuana.

          No, friend. Americans mostly agree with the actions and policies of their government and dont intend to “send” any message.

          • Tim, I didn’t say that it would solve the entire problem because you’re correct again, a real ‘god fearing’ message would be when the people could simply fire ALL the slatternly dysfunctional totally self gratifying agenda based politicians en masse. And for the newbies, then, only two terms. One in office and one in jail if they don’t do their job and Constitutionally put the better interests of all ahead of their personal gains.

            What i meant was that next week if we can’t at least shift the momentum of tyranny to demonstrate that at least there is some power in the people left in this vast ocean of corrupt government, which would be a start toward real genuine improvement in this country by concerned free thinking citizens, then it might be too late to do anything further after that.

            I’m neither a Democrat or Republican nor libertarian, but more of a Constitutional egalitarian. I vote mostly independent on candidates but always on the issues.
            Thought freedom and personal liberty and privacy are my political priorities

            Most people did agree with the government actions and policies, as you say, but more as mentally retarded victims of extreme forces of nature mind control marketing causing them to succumb to dumbed down general acquiescence due to advanced ‘comfort zone’ propaganda and assurance that big G is also your big daddy woo woo whose knee you can jump up and bounce to pull the vote lever on any time you need a couple bucks for candy.

            As far as ‘most’ people NOW still agreeing with government actions and policies, it doesn’t appear to be that way anymore according to the recent general consensus which indicates that a message will be sent. Whether it happens or not, of course, remains to be seen. And i stipulate that the alternative may not be much ‘different’ in the long run, but, again, it’s better than total political apathy. And i’m hoping this is at least partially demonstrated next week.

            ‘You can’t have a clean house until you take out the trash’

            I do agree on issues like the 3 strikes tyranny, and even more. I’ve written continuously on this and other great frauds in the criminal justice system as part of my misspent youth was involved in this line of work. This is the historic post WWI result of an insidious master plan involving the illegal creation of the IRS and the illegal effort to eventually illegally ‘regulate’ guns in the general populate to the point of eliminating their Constitutional purpose completely, by the creation of a power elite controlled ‘government democracy’–essentially a plutocracy, started after the great depression in the early 1930’s. ‘They’ are’almost there at this point. But that’s another story too lengthy for this post.

            (BTW i don’t agree with any apology for a ‘lengthy post’ Some of us, myself included, are not as fortunate as others to possess the literary talent of being able to provide succinct and terse prose with a high condensation of knowledge to the point value).

            Last night on the FSTV/Free Speech channel 348 on Direct TV they had a two hour special called the ‘Four Horseman’. It might be on again this week in replay if you check the schedules. This is just what we are talking about here in terms of the U.S. v. the Globalist economic and political situational integrations, how ‘Corporatism’ is the real ‘world Government’, and etc.
            They presented some interesting perspective on how our entire government structure and legal system needs to be changed if we don’t want to spiral down into a dictatorship. You might like this?


  • To all americans:Islam is not now nor has it ever been a peaceful religion from its inception it has converted it’s followers through force.” Convert or die” has always been their way, and we see isis and many many others through out history continuing this way.the Koran says Your only escape is to convert but as we all have seen they kill each other randomly without a second thought,even though the Koran says no muslim can bring harm to another muslim.but they kill in the name Ala anyway. Just food for thought.

  • without the history lesson , the truth is: Islam or mohammadism was created by satan and his devotees . the truth is whats real. all else is static. do your own homework.

    • Pothed writes: Islam or mohammadism was created by satan and his devotees . the truth is whats real. all else is static. do your own homework.

      OK. So, who created the various groups like Baptists? Foursquare? Catholics?

      Isn’t the basic idea that Satan created all the groups? and all the governments?

      It seems you are suggesting those “fighting” Islam, created by Satan, are groups, created by God, and are now doing the work of God? Ie: physically killing Islamist?

      Would you be so kind to clarify that?

      thank you,


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