If there’s anything the prepping community is known for, it’s stockpiling supplies. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020 and the “great toilet paper shortage of 2020” began, many of us were sitting back, laughing at all the people lining up to get into the grocery stores. Some of us even went to see, stopping by on the way to work and sitting far off in the parking lot to see those poor suckers standing in line, hoping to get a pack of TP. It didn’t even matter what brand, just as long as they got some. 

The shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer quickly spread to other areas, as government lockdowns caused a quiet panic, and people emptied the grocery stores. For the first time in my life, I actually saw empty shelves and cases in the stores, just like the pictures that we’ve all used to talk about food running out and the stores being empty. It’s like we had all gotten it right somehow. 

While preppers had rooms full of food through all this, I ran into a surprising number who were complaining about the stores being empty. They didn’t want to use their stockpile and wanted to be able to buy the fresh food they were used to eating. It was as if their stockpile was a trophy and the pandemic wasn’t a real problem that was causing the stores to be empty. 

We’re now two years down the road, and the stores still aren’t back to normal. Oh, they try to give an appearance of normalcy, spreading out the inventory of the items they do have to cover the gaps from things that are missing. But there are still quite a few products that are hard to find. In many cases, we’re buying what we can rather than what we want to. 

This is probably going to continue for at least the rest of this year and quite possibly well into the next. We still haven’t seen the impact of the war in Ukraine, but more than 24% of the world’s wheat supply comes from Russia and Ukraine. With Ukraine unable to do anything more than fight their war and with the sanctions against Russia, we’re likely to see a severe wheat shortage. Considering that food, like just about everything else these days, is a worldwide commodity, prices for a lot of food products will climb, and some will likely become unavailable. That’s not to say that we won’t be able to buy bread, but there are a lot of products made of wheat. 

On top of that, Russia and their ally Belarus control 40% of the world’s potash supply, something essential to the manufacture of fertilizers. Here in the US, we import roughly 93% of our potash needs from Russia. What are we going to do now, with the war and current sanctions? How is that going to affect food production and costs? How much more inflation can we expect to see? 

After the experiences of the last couple of years, coupled with these concerns about ongoing shortages, I’ve taken a step back to look at my stockpile. I’m not saying that I’m rethinking whether or not I need a stockpile, but rather I’m rethinking how I’m stockpiling. Considering that it looks like we’re going to see a continued string of disasters happening all around us, I’ve decided to make some revisions to the way that I am stockpiling to ensure that I have enough of everything I need. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Use It

Considering that a pandemic was one of the scenarios which we all supposedly prepare for, it surprised me how many preppers were unwilling to go into their stockpile back in 2020. Perhaps their imagination had gotten in the way, as they were expecting any pandemic to come in a much more dramatic way. But we don’t get to choose our disasters or choose how they come; we just have to be ready. 

Using our stockpiles to survive COVID was a reasonable use of them, especially when the stores were running out of food. That’s essentially what we stock all that food for. While a worse disaster might come across later, we’ve got to take care of our families today. 

One important thing here is to keep track of everything that you take out of your stockpile to know how much to buy to restock when that item becomes available again. With the current uncertainty in the supply chain, we might find ourselves working through and restocking some things several times over before things really stabilize back to normal. 

In order to make sure that we can restock, we should set aside the cost of anything we remove from our stockpiles. That way, when it becomes available again, we are ready to buy. We won’t have to wait for payday to roll around, letting others beat us to it. 

Between the increased unemployment, payroll protection, and eviction moratoriums, there were a lot of people during the time that businesses were shut down who were doing better financially than they normally did when they were working their full-time jobs. But rather than save that money, they spent it on buying larger televisions and other frivolous things. Those people probably weren’t preppers, but we want to make sure we don’t fall into the same trap they did. 

Add Frozen Food

One of the first things I did, was stockpile meat. That was a unique experience for me, as I’ve always maintained that a food stockpile should be non-perishable foods. But that stance was based on the idea that we would lose electrical power in a disaster. Well, we had a disaster, and we still had electrical power. 

My wife and I had a field day at Sam’s Club, buying up meat. I love their larger packages for the savings that they offer. We bought whole pork loins and cut them into chops; 10-pound chubs of ground beef became one-pound packages, large roasts split into two or three pieces, and whole briskets cut down as well. Arriving home with all $400 plus worth of meat home, we repackaged it in meal-sized bags, labeling and dating the bags for future reference. 

We’ve gone through pretty much all that meat now, but have restocked, keeping our freezer full. While there is always a risk of losing all that meat, it looks like there’s a greater risk of losing the supply chain bringing that meat to our local supermarket. 

Just in case we do lose power, I’ve got two smokers; one is a grill/smoker combination, with the firebox off to the side, and the other is a cabinet-type unit. Between them, I can smoke our entire freezer full of meat in one 24-hour period of time if I have to. I’ve also got enough battery backup power to run the cabinet smoker for that time, as it is electric. 

Review and Revise Appropriate Stocking Levels

It didn’t take long for the stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer that many of us had to run out. I had a package of 50 N-95 masks, which didn’t last me through. Instead, I ended up making cloth masks to use. Basically, I hadn’t truly thought through how many masks I’d need. 

Indiscriminate stockpiling isn’t enough. We need to make sure that we stockpile in a way that has been thought out logically. That means taking the time for every single item, from matches to masks to canned chicken, and figuring out just how many we need to have in order to last us X amount of time. We can then multiply that by how long we expect that sort of disaster will last to determine just how much of an item we need. 

Let me use toilet paper as an example. When my kids were living at home, we’d go through one roll of toilet paper per day, on average. I know this because I would have to buy that much toilet paper. So, if I want a stockpile of toilet paper that would last my family for 90 days, I’d better have 90 rolls or more. 

Ok, so what about something we’ve never used, like those N-95 masks? In cases like that, we need to find out just how long the masks are intended to be used. As a disposable mask, the N-95 is supposed to be replaced daily, although we have since found out that it is easy to reuse them. But that’s information we didn’t have at the beginning, so we would have to go on the one per day basis. Based on that, my one box of masks wasn’t enough for my wife and me to get through a month. We should have had at least four boxes, assuming a 90-day pandemic. 

This is the type of analysis we need to do on everything in our stockpile so that we can avoid running out of things in the future. How many things do you have that you haven’t done that for? Let me give you a few ideas to start out with; things you definitely need to calculate your usage on:

  • Fuel for heating
  • Water filter cartridges
  • Personal hygiene supplies (including sanitary napkins)
  • First-aid supplies 
  • Dog food (if you have a dog)
  • Baby diapers (if you have a baby)
  • Medicines – both over-the-counter and prescription
  • Firestarters
  • Candles 
  • Batteries 
  • Fishing hooks and other easily lost fishing items 
  • Plastic bags
  • Aluminum foil 
  • Lime
  • Pest control
  • Cleaning supplies

Short-Term Versus Long-Term Stockpiles

I would highly recommend splitting your stockpile into two parts, a short-term stockpile and a long-term one. We can think of the short-term stockpile as our pantry, off the kitchen. It should have enough food and other supplies to see your family through a short-term crisis, say a month to six weeks. If you have room for it, make it two months. 

This is the part of the stockpile that you’re going to be pulling from, dealing with supply shortages. As part of this exercise, it would be a good idea to take a page from the retail industry and develop what is known as “minimum stocking levels.” Minimal stocking levels are the number of that item that you should have on hand at all times. They have to be enough to get your family through the four, six, or eight weeks that you’re setting the pantry up for. 

Remember when I was talking about using your stockpile earlier? Well, the idea is that I was talking about getting into only the short-term part of it. I don’t think things ever got so bad that it would warrant getting into the long-term part of it. Nevertheless, if it did, getting into the long-term stockpile would be acceptable. But it would have to be noted so that it could be replaced. 

Those minimal stocking levels I mentioned should either be marked on the shelf where the item is kept or on a form that you can use to take inventory before going to the grocery store. Using that form to take inventory of the pantry, you’ll know exactly how much you have and what you need to buy to bring your stockpile up to snuff. 

I’ve used a system like this for years, and with it, I can take 10 minutes to take inventory and then go through the grocery store in 30 minutes flat, from grabbing my cart to getting in the line at the checkout. When I get through, I’ll have everything we regularly use, and I’ll have enough of it to last us for two months. 

Going to a grocery store that fast doesn’t work for everyone, and there are times when it doesn’t work for me either, as I want to look for other items which aren’t on my inventory list. Things that we don’t buy all the time or ingredients for something special I might want to make. So it’s not a perfect system. But when I need to restock quickly, it can’t be beaten. 

Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com.

Latest comments
  • I don’t buy the chubs of ground beef anymore because I had a friend who worked in a stock yard and he said you would not believe what they put in those chubs. It is all meat that they would usually throw away or use for dog or cat food. We buy organic ground beef, elk, buffalo or other ground meats. I realize that they are a bit more expensive but with my health and allergies we can’t afford to buy cheep.

  • I disagree with your reasoning on several points . . . I never used any of my stockpile during the Covid lockdown. I continued going to the store and buying the few things I needed. You suggest using from our stockpile, making a note that the item needs replacing, and setting aside the money to buy the replacement. There are a couple of problems with that . . . First, the item you used may not be available so that you can replace it. You noted this, yourself, when you said that some items STILL aren’t being stocked in the stores. In that event, you’re now sh*t out of luck, because part of your stockpile is gone and can’t be replaced for the foreseeable future . . . if EVER. Secondly, even if the item is available and you set aside money to buy it, it will probably be WAY more expensive than what you paid for it, originally. I priced some of the freeze-dried survival food I have stockpiled over the years. I paid $55 for a #10 can of freeze-dried ground beef when I was building my stockpile. That same can of meat is now selling for over $80! That’s a HUGE price difference that I certainly can’t afford! My philosophy is that my stockpile remains untouched unless we have a TEOTWAWKI situation, when NOTHING will be available because civilization has fallen apart. Until then, I’ll make do with what I can find in the stores, even if I have to do without some things. Fortunately, that hasn’t happened. I have three freezers, and they’re all jammed so full that I literally can’t get any more food in them. So, I can go a long time without making a trip to the grocery store. And, my stockpile remains full and untouched.

    • Honest question for you, Skip: How will you continue to supply the electricity for your freezers if SHTF? I am thinking about buying a small one for this same purpose, but my mind will not get past the question about electrical power supply. Thanks in advance!

      • One of my nieces called the other day and she asked me what to do with all of the meat in her multiple freezers. I asked her why she thought I knew about this. She said because I know you KNOW……So I told her…..CAN IT!! When the electricity goes out, and your freezers don’t work, you WILL have meat on the shelf that you canned that does not need electricity for storage/preservation. If you have fruits and veggies in your freezer….dehydrate it.
        Don’t depend on the store totally on the store for your food….if you’ve got the space, grow a garden. If you don’t have the space, go to the farmer’s market every week and buy it so you can either can it or dehydrate it. If you’re lucky enough to have a freeze dryer, freeze dry it. MANY ways to keep your food stockpile up and going.

  • I find it is SUPER EASY to pressure can meat, too. I always use fresh raw ORGANIC meat and just put it into pint jars with a tad of Redmond Real Salt (think minerals) and a little broth that goes with it. Place in the pressure canner with bottles on top of some sort of “spacer rack” to prevent bottle breakage, and away you go! I no longer purchase 5 oz. cans of canned chicken that is not even organic. I am able to produce many 15-16 oz. cans of organic and very high quality meat. We even have an organic farmer friend who sells us free range beef, grown organically for only $5.00/lb.! That means my 15-16 oz. jars of hamburger meat comes to something like $5.00, where as the already canned meat usually comes to about $4.00 a 5 oz. can! HOLY SMOKES, THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER!! AND you can use any fat that might rise to the top of the bottle as cooking fat, too!! Good luck to you all!

  • Forgot to say that we are also buying a whole spring lamb in May to roast, cook and can for future meals, as well. The entire lamb is only about $200+/-, which is SO MUCH CHEAPER direct from the farmer than from a grocery store!! AND my co-op has organic ground turkey that is expensive, but it’s worth it, since turkey is the most dirty meats raised conventioally.

  • I’m with you, Jess. I have a freeze drier and I freeze-dry a LOT of food and put it in my stockpile. I buy the marked-down meat when I find it in the store, take it home and cook it, then freeze-dry it. I’m also an organic gardener. I freeze-dry hundreds of pounds of vegetables from my garden, every year. Whatever you can preserve, yourself, and put in your stockpile, is money saved!

    • Yeah, we sprang for a freeze drier last summer, before all of the crops were in. I was very fortunate that there was still a bit of my inheritance $ left, and was able to hurry up the purchase because I had only been able to save up about 35% of the cost at that point! I LOVE MY FREEZE DRIER!! Even our Azure Standard Co-op sells all organic frozen diced carrots, celery, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, and beets in 5# boxes! That means that the veggies are already prepared and frozen, and ready to just put on the trays and freeze-dry them!! What a blessing!!

      We are so pleased with our Azure Standard Food Buying Co-op, I cannot say enough good things about it!! I am currently set to buy a 25# bag of organic split peas for a measley $1.39lb. WHOO-HOO!! That same product in bulk from Amazon would cost you anywhere from $5.00/lb. to $12.00/lb and that is only if they are not already sold out everywhere.!! And last week, I picked up another 25# bag of oatmeal, both organic and G/F for under $45.00. You just about cannot beat these prices and the excellent quality, either. The only thing is that I am headed back to Aldi to buy more organic quinoa at their exceptional price. The other nice thing is that you can buy a few lbs. at a time at Aldi (for now), and not go broke on so many huge bulk items all at once. 🙂

      Skip: We are also growing a large garden every year, and now that we have the freeze drier, I will not have to beg too many people to PLEASE take my extra produce home with them!! The only thing is that I am giving about 40% of my garden a “rest” for the Year of Jubilee (2022), as we let the other section rest last year. I am not terribly worried about lack of food. Last year my orchardist friend sold me 35 butternut squash for $35.00!! And the yellow and purple plums where fantastic, as well. This is partly why we likely will continue to live in this area. Our organic and conventional farmer friends are always exceptionally nice to us. I doubt there are so many cases of getting such great prices like those outside of our “organic farming” area, which is quite famous across the country. We even have organic orchardist friends who sell us bushels of top-notch organic apples every fall for $25 a bushel! Most organic apples sell for $45-$55/bushel!! What a blessing to live in this area of the country!

      I am really looking forward to my Fall Seedless Concord Grapes to come in. They are fantastic as a homegrown “popsicle” snack right out of the freezer container. And if any of you are interested in a real superfood powerhouse, buy yourself 3-5 Aronia Berry Bushes. Zero care once they are established, like in 4 years you could easily harvest 20 quarts like we did last year. and there were even more… All we do is water them,! They are fantastically high in polyphenols to combat viruses. No, they do not taste very good right off the bush, with their high astringency, BUT if you freeze them and then add them to oatmeal or whatever, they lose the astringency and taste like a million bucks! One of the top Superfoods anywhere, widely grown all over Europe! And they are perfect for staying healthy…

      Oops, sorry this is so long!

      • Thank you. Really good post

  • Already been said a few different ways – YOU NEVER STOP PREPPING >>> common misconception is that your stockpile is to feed off when your supply is cut – WRONG – it’s your absolute last chance backup when you absolutely can’t find anything anymore and your own self-sufficiency plan hasn’t fully matured ….

    Your “3 month food stockpile” is actually 90 days of supplement food when your foraging and hunting/fishing wasn’t productive – only source that will be telling you a SHTF will last “X” number of days or months will be the GOV – Who trusts the GOV to begin telling the whole truth or any part of it?

    Any prepper that wasn’t fully prepared for the 1% Covid Pandemic – better step it up – because an actual killer flu will eazily be 30 times worse – and – upwards of 80 times worse >>> think the sheeple farce shortages of bottled water or TP was bad? – the REAL picture is the ones you see of gutted & burned out stores of a ghetto riot that’ll be coming true in your regular shopping venue ….

  • I agree with the sentiment that you never stop prepping. However, the idea of a 90-day stockpile is short-sighted. My stockpile is measured in years, not months. I prepare for TEOTWAWKI, not a small disruption in the supply lines. Another thing to consider is that hunting and fishing is a LAST resort. If the world goes to hell, once all the grocery stores and food warehouses have been picked, clean, EVERYONE left alive is going to be out there, blasting away at whatever poor animals they can get in their sights. If you and another hunter shoot at the same animal, there’s going to be a fight . . . probably a firefight, over who made the kill. I’ve seen this happen, myself, while deer hunting. Same goes for fishing. I’ve seen fistfights over the same fishing spot because both parties thought it belonged to them. So, unless you have a huge area to yourself, and you know for a fact that no one else is out there, it’s safer to depend upon your stockpile until it starts to get critically low. Then, and ONLY then, would I venture out to go hunting or fishing. A fresh piece of meat or a fish isn’t worth getting killed over, or being forced to kill someone else unless starvation is the only other option.

    • Skip: Wow! We really think alike, although I do not have room to store years worth of prepping foods,as much as I’d love to! My husband keeps telling me that we have enough, cause all the space keeps getting tighter and tighter. BUT, I keep telling him that’s only enough for maybe 5-6 months!! He doesn’t often buy groceries or plan any meals, so he doesn’t quite “get it”!!

      My really big problem is that we have a natural “pond/swanp” were we could hunt lots of wild geese just off of our back yard, BUT the water is full of run-off from the farm field on the other side of the “pond”. That makes me VERY leary of eating those geese, cause they live in that contaminated water. where the farmer puts loads of chemicals on the fields. What a bummer that we cannot use the water, nor raise fish nor eat the geese when SHTF! My husband says if he were starving, he’d eat those geese, but I already have serious heavy metal poisoning, so I’m not sure I would eat them or use that water for anything beyond filling 5 gallon buckets of pond water to flush the toilets. Any thoughts you might have on that contamination situation we have??

      I finally researched it and decided I should start freeze-drying Organic Tofu, so there’s something high in protein beyond all that canned meat and “clean” tuna or salmon on the shelves. I can buy cases of the “safe catch tuna” from Azure Co-op for less than the cost in stores, too.. but we honestly could use a lot more to be “stocked”. BUT money is always an issue, even though my hubby makes good money…yet our house costs a lot to keep going. no matter what improvements we’ve done.

      • My sister has only a limited space too. So she has found the “coolest spot” for canned items and then the rest are under her bed, her top shelves in closets, the bottoms of closets, highly organized kitchen cabinet, behind books on bookshelves, china cabinet, the livingroom coffee table is now a trunk of food, a couple of barrels shes vac sealed packages of flour into breadmaking portions etc. water is also most important so they are in behind couches and chairs even long curtains, anywhere that cant noticeably seen from entering the room. Takes imagination. Good luck.

  • Is anyone prepping for their animals as well? You should be. Chicken and livestock as well as household pets need to be fed too, and with food shortages now being talked about on MSM and by the President, it’s time to secure extra food for our animals. We’ve watched people lose their minds over toilet paper and cases of water, I certainly don’t want to have to fight someone over the last 35-50lb bag of animal feed, when I can start buying it now! Does anyone have vegetable gardens? If so, are you stocking up on fertilizer, especially POTASH, nitrogen and phosphorus? The prices are skyrocketing and farmers are having a difficult time getting what they need in order to plant, so as preppers, shouldn’t WE be doing everything WE CAN to secure OUR OWN produce by stocking up on gardening essentials? I know I’ve been. The author mentioned frozen veggies. These can easily be dehydrated, vacuum sealed and put into buckets for storage. Meat can be canned. None of what’s going on right now will be resolved in a few months, and even if by some miracle it were, it would still take YEARS to recover what’s been lost over the last 2+ years. Having 30, 60, 90 days of food/supplies stored is only a start. We need to think even longer term as much as possible. A year at minimum, with the ability to provide/produce OUR OWN food as much as possible and/or building private networks to obtain what we can’t produce ourselves.

    • 15 pound rabits- 2 does and one male. Enough to feed us and pets. Easy to kill, hard wack on back of neck/head. And rice plus any dogsafe greens we can grow and add.

  • The big question is HOW can we deal with the water resource that is contaminated and thereby has contaminated the fresh meat nesting in our “pond” right now? I need the meat to be cleaner and, thus, safer than what we think it is!

    • Water filters, you can buy them off amazon. Also “the straw” go on youtube to make your own water filter set up. Also, save pure silver coins to put in the bottom of your mug if boiling was the only option to purify and get yourself some antiparasite tablets

  • Jess, if I was you, I’d kill one of those geese and catch a fish out of the pond and have the meat tested to see what, if any, contaminants are in them. For all you know, they may end up being safe. Years ago, my family used to fish in a pond that was, literally, right next to our sewage treatment plant. We knew someone who worked for the water department and they gave us special permission to be there. I was always a little leery of eating the fish, but we did. Don’t know whether I got any nasty stuff in my system from them, but no one in my family has ever gotten sick or developed any diseases, such as cancer, as a result, thank God. So, the fish and geese may turn out to be safe. Regarding the water in the pond, itself . . . I own several Aquapail Water Filters. They’re large water filters that are in about a four-gallon plastic bucket. They’re really heavy, but the reason for that is what they consist of. There is a layer of small gravel on the very top, followed by a layer of fine sand. At the very bottom is powdered charcoal. You remove the plastic lid from the bucket and pour the water you want to filter over the gravel. It percolates down through the sand and charcoal where 99.99% of the contaminants are removed. There is a little faucet drilled into the side of the bucket at the bottom. This is where you get the clean water out. I have those because there is an irrigation canal that runs right behind my house. But, like you, I don’t know how safe the water is, so I figure those filters will make it safe. I also own several other kinds of filters besides the Aquapails, but the nice thing about the Aquapail is that one filter is rated to clean 3000 gallons of water. Plus, you don’t have to worry about using a pre-filter, or backwashing the thing with clean water. It’s just gravel, sand, and charcoal and you scrape off the very top surface of the gravel to remove any mud or debris that gets filtered out of the water, and toss it away, leaving you with clean gravel to filter your next batch. You can buy some buckets from Home Depot, or some such, and make your own Aquapail-type filter. Just drill a hole in the side of the bottom of a cleaned bucket and screw a little faucet in the hole. Then put down a layer of cheese cloth. This is to keep your powdered charcoal from washing away. Then add a layer of powdered charcoal about two or three inches deep. Add clean sand on top of that, then fine gravel on top of the sand. Boom, you’ve got a fantastic water filter! You say that money is a problem. I feel you on that! I live on a fixed income. That said, the best possible thing you can spend your money on is a freeze drier. They’re expensive, I won’t lie. They’ll set you back about $3000 – $10,000, depending on the size you get. I bought mine when they were on-sale and I paid around $2600 for it, if I remember, correctly. Anyway, you can freeze-dry your own food. I mean, you can freeze-dry, literally, anything, as long as it isn’t really greasy or oily. The oil prevents the water from sublimating out of the food, so it never “freeze-dries” properly. Other than that, the sky’s the limit. You can preserve raw foods, cooked foods, fully-prepared meals, etc. After freeze-drying, you must seal the food up in heavy Mylar bags with an oxygen absorber inside to remove any oxygen. I also add a silica gel packet to remove any moisture the food may absorb from the air while I’m sealing it up. Then, seal the Mylar bag with a hot iron. Your food should last you for at least twenty-five years. The nice thing about freeze-drying is that the food doesn’t require any refrigeration once it’s sealed up. You can store it anywhere. A cool, dry place is always best, but if you run out of room you can put it in your closet or your garage, or your barn or your sock drawer, for that matter. That really increases the amount of storage space, available. If you have plenty of food and a source of water, 90% of your prepping is pretty much taken care of. Hope this helps!

  • Jess, thanks for the tip about the Aronia Berry Bushes. I’d never heard of them. I’ll have to look for them and plant some. One thing a lot of preppers never think about is how to get all the vitamins and minerals they need in the case of a TEOTWAWKI event. You can’t stockpile vitamins from the store, because they won’t last that long. So, the best option is to grow “superfoods.” Last year I started growing sweet potatoes for that very reason. Wow, I envy you living around all of those organic farmers! Wish I was in an area like that. It would be great to barter with other people for foods that I don’t grow. But, I’m in a situation where I have to grow whatever I need, myself. If I can save up the money, my next project is going to be an aquaculture system. I need to buy a backyard greenhouse to hold everything, but then I’ll have my own fish and fresh vegetables, year-round, from a self-sustaining system. With a system like that, your food worries are over. You can grab a fish out of the tank, pick some vegetables, and fix an organic healthy meal every day, year in and year out. Never need to worry about food security again!

    • I like some others had to break into my stock for supplies needed. My wife doesn’t like to bake. So as an example I started to bake more often and underestimated how much baking powder, and yeast I really needed. And of course the time came when yeast was hard to find. I now have a better idea of how much is needed to last me a year. I now have 4 lbs of yeast in the freezer to last me quite a while. I can now make my own baking powder and works just fine. I started to evaluate what I have been stockpiling and came to the conclusion that I really lacked extra vitamins and minerals. I live in an urban area and have a small yard. I do plant and grow some vegetables. I do and freeze store brought vegetables. But I still wanted to supplement my supplies. I personally stocked up on a dozen varieties of sprouts from true leaf market and don’t regret making the purchase. I now can grow hundreds of pounds of sprouts to supplement my diet. I’m not going to preach about the benefits of sprouts. I’m just going to add that a large volume of green living food can be added to your supplies occupying the space of a five gallon bucket. Works for my situation.

  • Could someone tell me what brand of Freeze Drier is the best? Thanks

    • Harvest

  • Not sure where you are located. I’m growing Moringa trees. Whatever vitamins you need, start looking for the plant. Moringa seeds will make oil for cooking, etc. This fall (our best time to start new plants) will be adding canes, also more fruit. My fruit trees were very prolific this last spring. Will be more prepared next year.

  • All in all an excellent article. Helpful and encourages us to continue to prepare. My only point of contention and this is a personal bias is stockpiling N-95 or any other “masks.”…They are useless. They didn’t stop squat!

  • When you and your relatives live in the cities or nearby the cities, your chances of bug-out are limited due to the roads being packed with thousands of cars. Of course, it depends on what kind of unfortunate event might occur. So, you have to rely on your own house/apartment for that event where you will survive until the “event” ends. It puts a lot of stress on those who want to be prepared for prolonged survival.
    I used several articles to compile the list of items for TEOTWAWKI event as well as what to keep in your car when you travel long distances. You can read it here (it’s not a self-promotion – just want to assist my fellow citizens): https://mansmanclub.com/the-insurance-most-of-you-never-thought-about-emergency-situation/
    (read part II after that one.
    It is truly challenging to find the best solution to buy food for a long time survival. Not every house (not to mention an apartment) can be used for suggested solutions highlighted in many articles. So far, I believe I have a one-week supply. My wife is a person who does not believe in prepping and is making fun of me, and it prevents me from getting more supplies. When all family members support you in this matter, it makes the prepping easier. As you know, you have to rotate the food supply, and it means using whatever is close to the expiration date. This is where I have a problem with her. You may laugh or feel sorry for me but this is a situation…
    I grow veggies in a small garden but planting and fertilizing properly results in quite a large harvest. It could be used for prepping (like marinating, etc.) but I have no support for it., so, I have to give away most of the harvest.


    • I get it Ron. I live in an urban setting and have a garden. Used to take the extra tomatoes to work and give them away. Sometimes giving away half of the harvest as most of the produce is ready at about the same time.. Wife wasn’t much into prepping. Brought a large pot and started water bath canning pasta sauce, cowboy candy, etc. She all of a sudden hopped on the band wagon and startef water bath canning. Asked her about pressure canning meat. The idea of pressure canning kind of intimidated her. So. I brought an All American pressure canner and started canning meat. After about 5 or 6 batches she wanted to start canning. We now both put in the time and enjoy putting up shelf stable food. Its certainly easier to prep when everyone’s onboard.


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