Prep Blog Review: Skills To Add To Your List

When you think of a set of skills you should definitely have by the time SHTF, what do you think the essentials are? It’s clearly not an easy tasks to rank which skills could be more useful as at a first glimpse they all seem a must.

That’s why this week we looked for articles that might help you start thinking about this, if you haven’t already. Make sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below and check out our “My Prepper Story” contest over here. You can still enter to win!

1. 6 Street Smart Skills You Need In An Urban Disaster

Urban survival skills“You don’t need to be a full-blown survivalist to make it through an urban disaster. While vast stockpiles of food, water, and other supplies would indeed be quite beneficial, skills trump stuff every time.

Whether you’re concerned about civil unrest, power outages, or a pandemic, here are six skills you should learn as soon as possible.

1. Situational Awareness

In a nutshell, situational awareness boils down to taking off the proverbial blinders and paying attention to the world around you. Entirely too many people walk around all day with their heads buried in their smartphones or tablets.”

Read more on Urban Survival Site.

2. The Most Important Training For Your Group (…may be overlooked)

Group training“If you are serious about leading your prepper group, you should likely get serious about team-building.  Some of you may have participated in team-building in a corporate environment and may have had bad, or lame, experiences.  Whether or not previous team-building experience(s) were positive, I encourage you to take a step back, clear your mind, and explore meaningful team-building exercises for your group.

For those who are new to team-building concepts, let’s start from scratch.  You’ve likely at least heard the “team-building” term before, whether or not you have participated in some team-building activity. “

Read more on E Prepper.

3.  8 Tips to Live Like the Pioneers

live like the pioneers“One of the reasons I wanted to live like the pioneers was due to Pa Ingalls and The Little House books. He cared for his family and had an adventurous spirit.

The Little House on the Prairie® is probably in part responsible for almost all of us modern homesteaders. The idea of being able to live off the land, being self-sufficient, and returning to simpler ways and times holds a certain nostalgia for most.

Truth of the matter is this homesteading and pioneering today is hard work. People like to say we romanticize the time and that may be true. But I believe taking what we can from that time and applying it to our modern lives is well worth the trade off. I’ve got a feeling if you’re reading this post, you probably agree with me.”

Read more on Melissa K Norris.

4. Support-Side – Do It Now!

“I don’t know about all of you, but my support-side shooting sucks. I practice it, just not nearly enough. However, we run support-side drills regularly in our courses, and I encourage my students to spend a portion of every range session on improving those skills.


The common answer: Because there is no guarantee your strong-side hand will be working at the beginning, or through the duration, of your next fight.”

Read more on Monderno.

5. How to Start Your Homestead

homesteading“I have a bookshelf full of homesteading books, resources, information, and magazines on all kinds of homesteading topics.

I have dreamed about the day when we would live on enough acreage that we could easily keep livestock, grow an expansive garden, and maybe even make a bit of income from our excesses.

I have practiced countless homesteading skills (canning, milking, seed starting, soil amending, etc.) in preparation for our Eventual Farm.”

Read more on Ever Growing Farm.

Written by

Brenda E. Walsh loves nature and all its wonders and has took up gardening as well as canning whatever thrives in her urban mini-garden, being especially interested in herbs and spices. She also loves animals, traveling, walking long distances, hikes and reading. You can send Brenda a message at editor [at]

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