These Are The Best Self-Defense Firearms For Urban Survival

No matter how many times it is said, it can never be said or heard enough: “The best self defense firearm for you is the one you are proficient with, feel confident with, and are carrying in a time of need.”

In an urban environment, you have to defend yourself at close, intermediate, and long ranges. This is why you need to develop proficiency with at least one weapon in each of the three main categories of firearms: handguns, shotguns, and rifles.

For each of these groups, there are questions to think about and answer for yourself in order to decide which weapon will best meet your needs.

Since .22 Caliber handguns and rifles are often underestimated as defensive rounds, I created a category just for them. In most cases, as a beginner, you will be starting with a .22 and then moving onto higher powered weapons.


This is the weapon you should always carry and have on hand when a rifle or shotgun is impractical. Choose a defensive handgun that is comfortable to shoot under any circumstances and feels comfortable to carry all day.

While those questions are a matter of personal taste, reliability and stopping power (should be powerful enough to put an attacker down with the first or second shot) are much easier to gauge via known facts about specific handgun models.

In pistols, the most popular defense calibers are the 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. All are good choices, but I prefer the 9mm for its larger magazine capacity and the .45 ACP for its knock down power with lighter recoil than the .40 S&W. For open or concealed carrying, I prefer to carry a full-size pistol at all times.

My recommendations for pistols are the following:

  • In the 9mm – the Glock 17 with it’s 17 rounds per magazine. This pistol is safe to be use by adults and older teenagers after instruction.
  • In the .45ACP category – the Springfield XD-M with it’s 13 rounds per magazine. This pistol is to be used by adults only who can handle the heavier recoil.

Revolvers are an excellent option, and a good choice for inexperienced shooters since they are a rather simple handgun to operate. They are also very reliable and do not require buying and using spare magazines. I would choose the Ruger stainless steel GP100 in .357 magnum/.38 Special with a four inch barrel. I would recommend this revolver for adults and older teenagers that can safely handle them after training.

If you live in a dangerous area, or want a handgun that might be used against bears or big cats, a S&W 629 .44 magnum revolver would be suitable. I would recommend this revolver for adults only because of the heavy recoil.

In a time of social unrest it’s to your advantage to use the same caliber ammunition as the police and the military do. This makes it easier to scrounge up extra ammunition in your calibers during and after these periods of unrest.

For most modern pistols and revolvers, it is easy enough to get spare parts or repairs. However, as laws continue to change, these options may become limited. Now is the time to buy parts kits, accessories, and any tools you might need to make basic repairs or manage deeper cleaning.


The shotgun is an excellent and formidable home and personal defense weapon. Shotguns come in pump action, semi-auto, double barrel, and single barrel.

My personal preference is the pump action because of the distinctive sound it makes when being racked. If there is one gun in this group that will act as a deterrent that reduces the need to open fire, the pump action models can do the job. If they can’t, you will still have an excellent weapon to resolve the matter with.

Pump action shotguns are rugged, reliable, simple to operate, and best of all easy to learn and teach.

Shotguns can be concealable if it is done right. The first thing that you must consider is how to make the shotgun a more compact weapon. To shorten the overall length, I would use the shortest legal tactical barrel and stock combination possible. The standard stock would be replaced with either a cruiser or a folding stock that folds over the top of the shotgun. Finally to help support the weight and add control ability I would attach a single point sling.

For a shotgun to be concealed properly you must be wearing clothing that can cover the shotgun without standing out. Here, loose fitting clothing and a long cold weather or rain coat would help, but the clothing must fit the season and temperatures.

One of the things I like most about a lot of the pump shotguns is that changing barrels is very easy. To make the most of your pump action shotgun, you should have at least two barrels for it. This gives you two guns for the price of one.

The first one should be a field barrel with multiple choke tubes. This one is your hunting and varmint control barrel. The second barrel should be a shorter tactical barrel in the 18-20 inch range. This one is for home defense purposes. It is quicker handling in tight quarters and gives a wider shot spread at short ranges. The tactical barrels come either rifled or smooth bore.

What to choose from so many pump action shotguns?

For adults and older teenagers that will not have any problems with recoil or operating a pump action shotgun, the Parkerized Mossburg 590-A1 in 12 Gauge should work well. This shotgun was designed for the military and is a very heavy duty shotgun that holds 9 rounds of 3 inch shotgun shells. If need be a M-7 or M-9 bayonet can be mounted under the tube magazine for further self defense.

For smaller framed adults, teenagers, and older children that can operate a pump action shotgun, I would recommend the Remington 870 Shotguns in 20 Gauge. An 18-20 inch barrel can still be used for defense and a 26-28 inch barrel for hunting.

For individuals that can’t operate either pump action or semi-auto shotguns, the double barrel shotgun may be a viable answer. If you can handle the recoil of a 12 Gauge shell, but can’t work the pump action or semi-auto action, the 12 Gauge double barrel shotguns should work fine. The same is true for those individuals who can handle the 20 Gauge recoil, but can’t work pump or semi-auto actions.

My recommendation in this group is the Stoeger Double Defense over/under double barreled shotgun for adults and older teenagers that have no issues with 12 Gauge recoil. This shotgun comes with a fiber optic front sight and a picatinny rail for your optics or rear sights. It shoots 2 3/4” or 3” shells. These shotguns are well made and very reliable. It is easier for most people to aim and shoot an over/under shotgun, because of it’s similarities to shooting a rifle. Most people prefer it over the side-by-side double barrel shotguns, because they are more accurate and are easier to aim.

Smaller framed adults, teenagers, and older children that can handle the 20 Gauge recoil and would rather not shoot an over/under double barreled shotguns can try the Stoeger Coach double barreled shotguns with a 20” barrel. These are well made and very reliable shotguns that can shoot 2 3/4” or 3” shotgun shells.

As with handguns, in a time of social unrest it’s to your advantage to have and use the same Gauge shotgun ammunition as the police and the military do. This makes it easier to scrounge up extra shotgun ammunition in your gauges during and after these periods of unrest. Now is a good time to find out what is most commonly being used in your area.

For most shotguns today, it is very easy to get repair or spare parts. You can get them today by ordering direct from the shotgun manufacturers or from firearm part dealers. In a time of social conflict, repair or spare parts will not be available on the open market. It is best to purchase extra kits now while you can.

Centerfire Rifles

As with any other weapon, it will be a matter of personal preference in terms of which one feels most comfortable and easy to carry. You will still need to choose a rifle that is reliable and can put down an attacker with the first shot, if you have to face the aftermath of a disaster in your urban location.

If you need a few recommendations for semi-autos and bolt action rifles in today’s popular calibers, here are some options. As with the other categories, each of these models has a long standing reputation for reliability and has suitable stopping power for most situations.

The Springfield Saint (Military Spec) AR-15 in the 5.56×45 can also shoot the .223 Remington. This gun is very easy to shoot and works well with high capacity magazines or drums. Because of its low recoil, I recommend it for adults, teenagers and slender built individuals after proper training.

In the 7.62×51, the Springfield M1A would be an excellent choice. I highly recommend the M1A for it’s knock down power, durability, an reliability. It shoots very accurately from 20 round magazines, and is an excellent hunting or battle rifle. I would recommend this rifle for adults and older teenagers that can take the recoil after proper training.

In 7.62×39, the AK-47 is my hands down favorite weapon. This weapon is a proven warhorse rifle that has stood the test of time. It is extremely reliable, low recoiled, shoots high capacity magazines and drums, and has good knock down power. I would recommend this weapon to all shooters except young children after proper training.

My choice for a bolt action rifle is the Ruger Gunsite Scout in .308. This is a well built rifle that is very accurate, reliable, has an 18 inch tactical barrel, and uses ten round magazines. This rifle can be scoped two ways; by a regular scope, or by using a scout scope on the picatinny scope rail. If you don’t wish to scope this rifle, it comes standard with front blade and rear aperture sights. This rifle has a bit of a recoil, so it is best for adults and teenage shooters that can take it after proper training.

For those individuals that would like to shoot semi-auto rifles, but have recoil issues, I would recommend an AR-15 that shoots the 9mm pistol round. This AR could be a companion rifle to anyone that is carrying a Glock 9mm semi-auto pistol. Both of these weapons can use the large capacity Glock magazines when needed. This rifle is safe to use by all shooters after proper training.

If you choose a gun that uses ammunition other than what the local military, police, or sheriffs use, it would be to your advantage to stock up on them now.

For most centerfire rifles of today, it is also easy to get repair or spare parts. You can get them by ordering direct from the manufacturers or from firearm part dealers. Get them now while they are still available and easy to get with relatively little effort.

AR-15s with a folding stock or a collapsible stock and AK-47 rifles with a side folding stock or an under folding stocks can be concealed. It will depend upon the climate, time of day, and the type of clothing being used. Concealing other full sized centerfire rifles will depend on their size and weight. Some are very hard or impossible to conceal.

What About .22 Caliber Rifles and Handguns?

.22 caliber rifles and handguns are great learning and practice tools for shooters of all skill levels. It is also an underestimated defensive round, and will put down attackers quite well with good shot placement.

Swing the barrel

Training and practice are the keys to being a good marksman and with these firearms. Ammo for these weapons is also cheaper than for higher powered guns, so you will find training and practice more affordable.

I recommend the following .22 caliber rifles and handguns for training and defense:

  • For a semi-auto rifle – Ruger 10/22 in stainless steel with a black synthetic stock. This rifle can be scoped or use the metal adjustable sights. The 10/22 is a tough, reliable little rifle with a lot of accessories. Upgrades are also available. If taken care of, this 10/22 will last a life time.
  • For a lever action rifle – Henry Lever Action .22 caliber. This is a very well made and dependable rifle that shoots .22 LR, .22L, and .22S.This rifle has adjustable sights or can be scoped.
  • For a semi-auto pistol – Ruger Mark III Hunter. This is a .22LR very well made, reliable, stainless steel pistol with adjustable sights, and a 10 round magazine.
  • For a .22 caliber revolver – Taurus Tracker in .22LR. This is a very well made and dependable SA/DA stainless steel revolver, with a 4 inch barrel, and a 9 round cylinder capacity.

Typically, .22RL ammunition is not used by most local military, police, or sheriffs. It would be to your advantage to stock up on this ammo now because it will disappear very quickly in time of need. At this time the ammunition is priced reasonably, but you never know when the next shortage will come.

For most .22 caliber handguns and rifles today, it is easy to get repair or spare parts by ordering direct from the manufacturers or from firearm part dealers. It is best to buy extra parts now while you can get them at a reasonable price on the open market.

In a time of social conflict, you have to defend yourself at close, intermediate, and long ranges in an urban environment that goes crazy. Proficiency with handguns, shotguns, and rifles will go a long way to helping you achieve that goal.

Each of these weapon types have their advantages and disadvantages, as do specific models in each category. Regardless of how many models you try out, the best one is always going to be the one you are comfortable with and actually have on hand in a time of need.

Prepare your guns and practice your shooting skills, so you could survive the disaster!

Written by

Fred Tyrrell is an Eagle Scout and retired police officer that loves to hunt, fish, hike, and camp with good friends and family. He is also a champion marksman (rifle, pistol, shotgun) and has direct experience with all of the major gun brands and their clones. Fred refers to himself as a "Southern gentleman" - the last of a dying way. He believes a man's word is his bond, and looks forward to teaching others what he has learned over the years. You can send Fred a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • For those who can’t handle the weight of the larger handguns, I recommend the S&W M%P Shield. I have been fighting what turned out to be compressed disks and nerve impingements in my neck. I normally carry either a Sig 220 or 226, but the weight of either weapon makes it impossible for extended carry. I have carried my weapons in horizontal shoulder holsters for more than 45 years, but for the time being that is now impossible. The only place I can now comfortably carry is in the small of my back. I’m very impressed with the Shield. It’s light at only 18 oz. It comes with a 7 and 8 rnd mag, but higher cap mags are available. Recoil is sharp, but not uncomfortable. Double tap is impossible due to muzzle rise, but is very accurate. I now use Liberty Civil Defense ammo in all my handgun calibers. WOW. Very light, about a third the weight of typical rounds and very effective with good penetration. The 9mm is only 50 grain but is rated at 2000 fps. Expensive, but since it’s not a target round, no big deal. With this weapon and this ammo, I can carry all day comfortably. I also us this ammo in my Marlin Camp Carbine.

    • I second the M&P Shield as a good choice. It’s easy to shoot, and despite it’s light weight, doesn’t have a lot of felt recoil (at least to me).

      A nice .45 ACP option in a slightly bigger package is the Bersa Thunder 45 Ultra Compact Pro. It has excellent features for a great price, isn’t bad on recoil (although more than the 9 Shield), and functions great. And for those that don’t like plastic guns, it has an aluminum frame. I bought mine for $400 at a gun show.

      • Know nothing about the Bersa. I do have a S&W M&P compact in 45 ACP. A great shooting compact with target loads, real easy to shoot, and very accurate.. But with full factory defense loads, like the Federal HST, holy crap. I was for many years a 45ACP fan. I have many, my favorite is the Sig 220XT. Another favorite is my Springfield all aloy 1911. Light weight but handles the HST 45ACP loads with total comfort. Just a little to big for carrying in the small of the back. Being a Dinosaur, I’ve recently switched back to the 9mm due to increased capacity and modern ammo. And, must I repeat, like you stated, the Shield is most impressive.

        • The Bersa is definitely worth a look, regardless of caliber.

          The only problem I had with the 9 shield was that two of the three white dots for the site worked loose and were gone. So, I gouged out the third white dot and replaced them with FLUORESCENT orange and fluorescent green fingernail polish, using a toothpick to put it in depressions in the sights. It’s more durable, and way easier to see.

          I’ve heard the Shield line is the BEST selling line from any brand at the moment..

          • Yea, a gun shop owner friend of mine broke his sight pushing tool trying to remove a front sight on a shield. Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure the rear sight remains tight.

          • It’s not the whole sight that is lost, it’s just the dots. The dots can come out of where they are on the sight. I lost the dot for the front sight and one dot on the rear sight. apparently, the paint they use for dots don’t stick to the steel well enough.

          • Got it. Maybe S&W didn’t degrease this particular sight well enough. This is the first I’ve heard of this problem. And you’re right, tooth picks are the way to apply the nail polish. I also use the cheapest nail polish from the Dollar Store, made in China, but seems to stick better.

          • Shields have red lock-tite on the sights if I remember correctly. Taking them off is a BEAR, unless you have something hot tipped to put on the screw head. Think those old (and very safe) wood burning kits everyone had back in the day.

      • William – Glad to see there is another Bersa fan out there ! I carry the 45 UC Pro when concealment is needed under tighter clothing or sensitive situations. I practice regularly at <50' engagement ranges and am quite pleased with the effects. My other .45 is an HK or Glock; not as unnoticeable when concealed.

        • Thank you.

          This is my first Bersa, but years ago I was impressed by the Bersa .380, which fit my hand perfect. I’m glad they expanded their line since then.

  • thanks for the info. Fred. Very helpful and hits home.

  • Any time A discussion is started on defense weapons arguments ensue.
    Been following this for years and my family has been in the firearms business for four generations.
    What do I normally pack? A smith &Wesson 317 (22lr).
    For those of you who say it is not big enough I would recommend you contact a competent vascular surgeon.
    Ask the good doctor what he/she saw when a 22 bullet entered tissue.
    Another thing we found years ago with a 22 lr (rifle fired) round was penetration through layers of bullet resistant lexan was better than a 357 magnum.
    We used to keep samples in our sporting department to show disbelievers.
    All that said, use what you can master and afford to remain proficient.
    if you can’t hit your target or hit something/someone you should not it won’t be good.

  • I like pocket pistols when summer temperatures require small guns that won’t pull your shorts off. I have a Berretta 21A, a Kel tec 380, and a Kimber micro 9. I carry which ever one I can conceal the best with clothes. In the winter I carry a CZ 75 compact of a 1911. I wear suspenders under my shirt to support the weight of the steel guns.

  • If one were to carry full-size pistols full time, I can recommend the FN FNX in .45 ACP. While I agree with the recommendation of Springfield Armory XD or XD-M series pistols (all of my pistols are XD or XD-M with the exception of my FNX), the FNX standard magazines hold 15 rounds of .45 ACP. This is the highest capacity for a .45 ACP pistol. This firearm was also a contender to replace the US military sidearm and is built like a tank. In addition, I also can recommend the Springfield XD-M or the CZ P-09 chambered for 9mm as they both have a standard mag capacity of 19 rounds, the largest standard capacity available in 9mm.

    Another good choice in the scout category of bolt-action rifles is the Savage Model 11 in .223 or .308 calibers. They both can be loaded from the same magazines as the AR15/M4 (.223 up to 30 rounds) or the AR10 (.308 up to 20 rounds) and the rifle can be purchased for less than half the price of the Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle (a fine firearm but rather expensive). For a little more money than the Ruger Scout, you could purchase two Savage rifles, one in .223 and one in .308 and be able to use what ammo is available to you in a situation where resources are scarce. The .223 version is also good for people who have trouble with recoil management as the recoil of .223 caliber is gentle and less likely to make one flinch when firing.

    • I have an FNX and can vouch for it. It’s reliable, durable, and pretty accurate. It’s a great choice where concealing isn’t an issue. And it comes with three magazines, so with all of them loaded, there’s 45 rounds of .45.

    • I see MSRP for the Ruger Gunsite Scout .308 as being $1139 or $1199, while the MSRP for the Savage Model 11 in .223 and .308 are both $792.

      Yes, the Savage is less expensive, but unless you find a gun shop willing to give a screaming deal on two of them, it’s going to cost a bit more more than just a little more money for two of them. My experience is that there tends to be a bit more room for bargaining with Rugers than many brands,although that can vary.

      The Savage doesn’t come with iron sights. If a scope gets damaged (which I’ve had happen), I prefer to have iron sites as backup.

      In addition to offering iron sights, the Ruger Gunsite Scout also has other standard equipment, such as a Picatinny rail, different stocks, different barrel lengths, as well as flash hiders and compensators. so at least there’s more for the money from the factory. The savage doesn’t offer much.

      I agree with having both .223 and .308, but if given the choice of one or the other, give me .308. I have a .22 Magnum if I need more than .22 LR but less than .308.

  • Not trying to argue; but, shotguns also come in bolt-action. I personally own an old adjustable choke Mossberg Model 190 – 2 shell magazine, on in chamber = 3 shots.

  • ***NOTE***
    Please DON’T be pissed at the all caps post! I have “NO” CONTROL OF THE FEATURE AT this time and for some REASON. It may be the program having a glitch or this new “SMART”(???) phone. But regardless, I cannot undue it at the Moment, so please bear with me.

    After reading ALL of the comments here, I see that the caliber/brand ARGUMENTS are alive and well! LOL. I’m not here to agree or disagree because, with few exceptions, I’ve tried or owned most examples discussed.
    A few points that hasn’t been brought up or discussed is the fact that its IMPERATIVE to be able to “hit” your target FIRST and foremost with caliber coming in at a close second.
    As the saying goes, better s hit with a .22 lr than a miss with a .44 magnum. No truer words have ever been penned in the ammo/gun topic.
    Secondly, regardless what caliber or platform you prefer or decide upon, it does NOTHING to enhance your survivability if you fail to carry it at all times and situations you feel may be necessary to protect yourself. I’m referring to when you are out and about in places other than your home (typically). But even when you are home, there are NO guarantees you won’t become the victim of a home invasion in this day and age. This is especially true if, due to financial or other unavoidable reasons, you LIVE in an area that suffers from high crime.
    But even in the best of locations there are NO assurances you won’t become the victim of a random smash and grab when some dirtbag DECIDES your residence looks promising to score for his/her next target of opportunity to finance their drug habit or whatever.
    Taking that into consideration, it might be a good idea to have one or more firearms (handguns or long guns) stashed in convenient locations out of sight but easily accessible in time of need.
    I won’t go into the discussion of gun safety when there are children around here. It’s A given (?) That if you are legally able to own firearms and have the mental and intestinal fortitude to own/use firearms for personal defense that you “should” take whatever measures are necessary to prevent any accidents should the gun or guns fall into the hands of A.Child or person of diminished capacity. You, and you ALONE, will suffer the legal and moral consequences if the unthinkable should happen, so use common sense and don’t end up in a horrifying situation because you didn’t exercise sound judgment.
    Then there is the case of responsible securing of your gun or guns when you aren’t home. I’m referring to leaving multiple firearms stashed around your home when you need to leave for work, shopping or whatever.
    I’m not going to preach on the subject but, again, if you are “smart” enough to buy/own/carry/shoot firearms, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt you know that there is/are ABSOLUTELY NO ASSURANCES that your home cannot or WILL NOT suffer a break in during your absence! No security door, no security alarm, no big-Assed human mauling dog(s) cats, Iguana lizard or trunk (home?) Monkey can, or WILL, ever guarantee it won’t happen! Period!!
    To a determined thief or thieves, if you got it and they want it, they’ll get it, time and resources notwithstanding.
    To that end I do NOT Recommend you leave out and unsecured firearms when you are away. Without specifying types, Brands, Convenience or cost, I would highly recommend a “safe” of some kind, be it a “real” dedicated upright gun safe (IF you own long guns) or one of the smaller “safes” (more accurately a night stand lock box) if you own ONLY a single or two smaller handguns. But with the use of the smaller safe comes the concern of where and how to safely secure it since they can, by their very nature, be easily removed from your PREMISE. To that end a true “safe,” bolted to the floor and/or wall and possibly hidden in a closet, stands a much better chance of thwarting the ability to bust in and just bend some tin and make off with your gun/guns and any other valuables stored therein. I understand that not everybody has the financial wherewithal to afford a ginormis fort KNOX or whatever brand safe. I get it. I really do. Btdt myself in years gone by. But something is better than nothing, if only for peace of mind But also if you live in a gun un-friendly place which mandates a safe/cabinet meeting their draconian laws. Plus, your insurance company (you DO have homeowners or rental insurance, RIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTT?!?) may look poorly on your $60,000 high fallutin’ COMPEtition shotgun being stored between your mattresses or tucked into the corner of your closet.
    As mentioned above, if a thief wants it, he or she will, within the boundaries they set for time spent looking know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to lazy gun owners hiding their goodies someplace other than a safe. They know by virtue of their job. That is to SAY it is their job (no pun intended) to know where to look. So do yourself a favor.
    Lastly, (Wow! This really morphed, eh?) Try AS large a spectrum of handguns and calibers as your wallet will allow you to (it would be nice if YOU had an indoor range where you can rent handguns for a small fee) then try as many as your heart desires until you find something that fits your hand(s) and isn’t terribly Uncomfortable to fire repeatedly.
    Perhaps you have a good Friend (?!?) Who would take you to a range or (legal) secluded location and let you try out some of his/her examples for the same reason. Just be that “GOOD”?!?) friend who agrees to pay for the ammunition you fired and, maybe, breakfast, lunch or dinner afterwards (and MAY be gas if the range is out of the way) to show your appreciation. You might even offer to give your friend any remaining and unfire rounds as a way of showing your Thanks. Even giving them your expended brass is a nice offer. Especially if your friend reloads their practice ammo. But even if they Don’t, make DAMNED SURE you police up (I.E., clean up after YOURSELF and don’t leave behind a mess!!) And don’t be like so many thoughtless JackWagons who litter, for Pete’s sake! Not only is it illegal if not done on your own property, but creeps like that are the AS*HOLES that cause public property to be shut down for access because of some careless and thoughtless AS*WIPES!
    Don’t be one of those, umkay?
    In closing, in addition to APOLOGIZING for this “LONG” diatribe, I also apologize for any misspellings or punctuation faults along with the all caps!
    I have NO idea why, but for some REASON every word is capitalized and even trying to take it out of cap lock isn’t working. THIS IS a new “SMART” (??) phone but I’ve not EXPERIENCED this phenomenon before now.
    So if anyone is offended, I APOLOGIZE. It was/is not my intention to piss anyone off. Honest. I’m a victim of technology (??) at the moment!
    So, remember, if you are going to (legally) carry a gun for personal defense, carry one (or more like some do. Hint, hint) in a caliber that you can reliably and accurately fire, but remember, you MUST CARRY a gun before needing one. It does you absolutely no damned good sitting on your dresser or under your pillow/between mattress and box springs when you need It!
    BECAUSE, let’s face it, of the time comes you “NEED” a gun, the SHTF and your day is/will become really crappy if you dont Have It!
    God Bless and Good Luck!

    • The CAPS issue. The caps issue is a spell check flaw. The work around: When the word is completed, and becomes capitalized, tap your finger over the word, correct it,but then take your finger and touch some other word. Then go back to the end of the word and add a space, continue your sentence. True on Android LG phones.


    After posting my response above, I Went back to see if it actually went through (given the “glitch” and all), and discovered the post and words were all in “NORMAL” (?) FONT, yet here I am, again, seeing all of my words on the screen completely capitalized.
    So, I (again) apologize for my rant that morphed into a really, REALLY (!) long post.
    It was never my intention to ramble on as I did but once the words started, some evil force took over my fingers. Lol
    Hopefully this oddity (the typing program and not me! HAH!!) Isn’t going to persist.
    Regardless, the OP had a good article and I got a lot of INTERESTING reading from all the others who chimed in And posted as well.
    Thanks for putting up with an old (“Ancient??) Old fart that has (obviously) too much time on his hands and an ITTY, bitty “SMART” (?) PHONE to keep me company and allow me to learn what is going on in the outside world.
    Such is the life of this Disabled Vet.
    Thanks for putting up with me.
    God Bless, BE Safe and Good Luck to you all!

  • I PREFER a small caliber when it comes to self protection. My gun of choice would be either .308 or 9mm. Anything bigger I feel is too much. Also the ammo is very affordable. Don’t doubt small caliber pistols when it comes to self protection.they are easy to conceal in a boot or under a belt.

  • I gave the Wife a S&W Mod 640-1 which is the .357mg version in all stainless steel. I have a Mod. 340PD which is a titanium/alloy hybrid in the .357mg. Very lite and a hand full shooting the magnums. I bought oversize Pachmayr grips to help tame the recoil.

  • I’m an old soldier (Army) so I’m a 1911 guy to the bone. That being said, I recently did up a Glock 22 as a convertible…with a 2 minute, no-tools needed operation, I can drop in a .357 SIg barrel and even use the same magazines. Also, I can do the same thing with a 9mm barrel, but it does need a different magazine. Point being, this thing is like having 3 guns in one, and you can go back and forth between all 3 calibers in just minutes with NO TOOLS needed. I put TRU GLO sights on it for excellent day and night use as well.
    You can find 9mm or .40 S&W rounds darn near anywhere. The 357 Sig is less common, but preppers RELOAD, right?
    This thing is the AK-47 of handguns.
    BTW, the .357 Sig is one STOMPY round. Accurate and VERY hard hitting.

  • Hello, Fred. I would NEVER Agree with the pump shotgun choice – I am a Strong Advocate of the “Semi-Auto” shotgun for several reasons. 1.) The pump shotgun (Except Mossberg) Demands that you run the FULL LENGTH stoke to cycle a shot – Otherwise you can get at FTF or a FTE Malfunction ( Failure to Feed or Failure to Eject) – 2.) the FTE Malfunction will occur 3 times as often with the pump as with the Semi-Auto shotgun. Thanks for the good Info. Bill

    • That would be a problem with the person, not the gun. The person needs to learn to be proficient with a pump shotgun they own, just like with any other gun they shoot. If the shooter operates a gun in a way that it wasn’t designed to be operate, of course there will be problems.

      The same could be said about racking the slide for the first shot of a semi-auto handgun, as well as the bolt of a semi-auto shotgun or rifle when chambering the first shot. It still needs to be done properly, and being a semi-auto doesn’t change that fact.

      There’s also the chance that the semi-auto shotgun will be picky about what ammo it feeds well, regardless of how rare it may happen. And that’s one reason why I’ve avoided buying a semi-auto, as I’ve had friends that had problems with Remingtons and Winchesters malfunctioning. Although I will say that a lot of the newer designs are probably much better.

      I’ve only owned two pump shotguns: A Mossberg 500 that I bought used in the early 90s, and a Winchester Model 12 than I inherited from my dad, bought new in 1950. I’ve never had a problem with feeding shells with either of them. Both require enough stroke to eject and feed properly, and that’s what I do.

      • Hello, William. Your response was Well Stated. 1.) I was assuming that the shotgun was already “In Battery” when we started. I have observed some experienced skeet and sporting clays shooters who had regular problems with pump shotguns – Remington, Winchester, Mossberg, and Benelli – All. Take Care, Bill.

  • I personally like the IMI Uzi 941 Jericho. I have both the 9mm & .40 S&W.Excellent weapons.Well balanced,comfortable to shoot,and accurate! Recoil’s not bad either.Shotgun wise, I
    have a Mossberg Maverick 88 w/pistol grip, & 18 3/4 barrel. I ported it to tame the recoil.You could shoot it one handed if need be.The rifle is an SKS w/ an ATI Dragonuv stock and
    had an NcStar P1 illuninated reticle compact sniper scope.It isn’t a tack driver,but I can take you out at 100yd easily.

  • I have listened to people all my life tell me about the sound of the shotgun rack sound scaring the bad guy away. Lets deal with this point. Why are you keeping a gun for defense out of battery? Why? The safety is your friend. Learn to use it and keep the gun ready to fire. I do not want my location given away due to the sound of charging the weapon. Why? Folks entering my home in the dead of night are going to be engaged. Period. I am not waiting to see if the are only sort of bad. In this scenario, I am a one man army. I don’t have helpers, squad members, etc. They enter my house uninvited, I end them, period. (doors and windows always locked). Lastly, a home invasion force is multiple perps, not just one person. These days, they enter with brute force, carry weapons, and engage the homeowner much more frequently. My weapons will be ready to go, thank you.

    Do you also, keep your patrol carbine AR-15 empty? Do you let them hear the bolt slam home? Why not? Your pistol too? Just stop saying the myth that hearing a racking shotgun will scare away the bad guys. That is crap.

  • I like my Springfield XDS-9mm for a Carry. Nine round single stack mag (small hand) with 4-inch barrel makes it light to carry, easy to draw, and with both a grip and a trigger safety, I can carry L&L without having to thumb a Safety while getting “on-line”. No fancy sights to hinder my draw as I point my finger within the 25 foot danger zone. I have another 9-round mag in my left cargo pocket in case my finger is crooked (and have the time).


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