To Relocate To The Country Or Not? 7 Q&A

As preppers, we look at things from every angle; we think about whether to store water or tabs and whether to bug out or stay in. Many of us are also considering whether or not we should move to the country in order to keep our families safe.

There are some things that you need to consider before deciding to relocate and that’s what we’re going to discuss today.

First off, don’t let images of beautiful old farm houses and peacefully grazing cows sway you; they’re both a ton of work. That’s not to say that they’re not worth it – I’m just saying that looking at country life through rose-colored glasses isn’t the best way to make your decision.

You need to understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into before you trade your dress shoes for rubber boots.

1. Cost of Living

Depending upon how far out you live, gas and necessities are likely going to cost more. This won’t be a big deal if you remember to gas up and get milk and bread while you’re in town (unless you produce them in your own homestead), but if you forget you can bet you’ll pay more at out-of-the-way stores.

2. Distance from Conveniences and Hospitals

This may not be a big deal depending upon where your new country home will be, but one of the downsides of living in the country is that you’ll likely have to drive farther to get groceries and supplies. It may no longer be as simple as running to the 7/11 on the corner to get milk if you forget to get it at the grocery store.

On the other hand, you would grow your own crops, and raise animals for living, which means that you will produce your own food. This would be much healthier, if not cheaper, considering that you need to make in investment first to buy tools and gear.

Hospitals and doctors will be farther away as well, so if you have specific medical needs this could be a real issue for you.

3. Location: Is It Really Safe?

Since this IS a survival site, I would be remiss not to mention safety if SHTF. You may live in the country but if you’re within a hundred miles of a major city, you could still be in the path of numerous threats.

If you opt to move to the country for sanctuary during emergency times, choose carefully.

4. Utility Priority

In the event of a major storm or other emergency that takes out power or other utilities, restoring service to the city typically takes priority over restoring services to the country for obvious reasons.

If you’re prepared to live off the grid (and you should be), then this isn’t an issue. If you’re not, you may want to be vigilant about keeping your stockpile up in case you have to go without power for a week or more.

5. It’s Tough to Vacation

Once you move to the country and get a couple of dogs, a few chickens and some cows, it’s tough to find somebody to take care of them while you’re away. Also, you can pretty much kiss sleeping in goodbye because those same animals need fed, fences need mended, grass needs mowed and gardens need tended. You’re not going to have many opportunities to get away.

The answer to this is to make friends with the neighbors and become part of the community. Then you can take turns farm-sitting for each other once you get the hang of it.

The upside of having animals is that you’ll have fresh eggs, milk and meat. It’s work, but if you’ve ever tasted a fresh egg, you’ll realize just exactly how worth the effort it really is.

6. Slow Internet, Poor Cell Reception, No Cable

Internet in the country can be spotty at best. There are some places that still don’t have cable and the only internet that you’ll have access to is satellite or dial-up. If you’re used to having instant page loads, that may be a thing of the past if you move to the country. Cell phones often don’t work if you’re too far out or between two mountains so you won’t be able to use your phone’s Wi-Fi either.

You can always get satellite service from providers such as Dish or DIRECTV. They typically offer internet services too. The only problem here is that if the weather gets bad, you may not have TV or internet service for a while until the storm passes.

7. Bugs and Other Pests

Mosquitos, gnats, no-see-ums, bees and other pesky bugs are much more prevalent in the country than in the city, especially if you’re near a body of water.

Also, there’s a pretty good chance that your neighbor’s cows will eventually end up in your yard or deer will get into your garden. If you’re not big on nature, country living may not be for you. If you love it, or at least don’t mind it, then that’s a different story.

And another two issues just for a certain kind of people are…

Video first seen on ID Farm Bureau

Lack of Entertainment

If you’re a huge theater fan, a lover of fine dining or you just can’t go a week without visiting the mall, then country living may not be your cup of tea.

There are often very few urban entertainment opportunities in small towns but if you choose your place carefully, you can still be within reasonable driving distance of them.

No Pizza Delivery

OK, so it may not seem like a big deal to you, but if you love pizza and live more than a couple miles out of town most companies won’t deliver to you. Other services, such as repairmen, often charge a higher trip charge as well.

The upside is that you’re going to be able to cook and eat a wonderful meal out on your patio that overlooks your country home. If you want pizza, grab one while you’re in town.

There are several advantages to living in the country, too. You’re out of town so if SHTF, you’ll be less vulnerable to urban looting and if you plan accordingly, you may not even be visible from nearby roads. Rent and real estate prices are nearly always significantly cheaper in the country than in the city. Your kids and dogs will have a place to run and you’ll have a place to relax.

Deciding whether to relocate from the city to the country is a major decision and one that you shouldn’t take lightly.

If you can, consider taking an extended vacation or even a weekend visit to a country place and be objective about what you experience while you’re there. That will give you a small taste of what you’ll be living with so you can make a more informed choice.

Personally, I love living in the country but I realize that it’s not for everybody.

If you have any other points to share about the pros and cons of moving to the country from the city, please do so in the comments section below!


This article has been written by  Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia.

Written by

Theresa Crouse is a full-time writer currently living in central Florida. She was born and raised in the hills of West Virginia, where she learned to farm, hunt, fish, and live off the land from an early age. She prefers to live off the grid as much as possible and does her best to follow the “leave nothing behind but footprints” philosophy. For fun, she enjoys shooting, kayaking, tinkering on her car and motorcycle, and just about anything else that involves water, going fast, or the outdoors.

Latest comments
  • Pretty good advice above. But I beg to differ on the entertainment. There is all types of entertainment in the country. It’s just different from what concrete people are accustom to. In the country you learn to love the little moments when the critters crack you up with their antics.
    As far as bugs go there are fewer mosquitoes in the country than in the city. We have millions of sketter eaters here, swallows, bats, frogs…… As far as ticks and ” noseeums” you add guineas to your bird flock. They eat from sun up to sun down

  • If everyone relocates to the country, the country will begin to be as populated as the cities.

    • I totally agree with your statement. I moved to a beautiful small town in the country fifteen years ago…now all the “city” folks have come bringing their commerce for their convenience; buying land where mint and other crops were grown to put car lots, and shopping centers, and building their expensive housing in rows that have no yards and can’t raise any chickens or grow any vegetables! Country living now has become a big business and the housing a multi-million dollar enterprise….no wonder a lot of us think with fondness of the “good old days!”

    • And it will get worse. Everybody won’t migrate to the country because:

      1.The Totalitarian plan for populate concentration enslavement is near Big coastal cities and very near the Great lakes areas for water. This also makes it easier to disarm large tracts of the populate.

      2.And soon after Hitlery gets in, The intensification of the Agenda 21 plans will begin to minimalize migration to liberty minded self reliant people to rural areas due to specially designed laws to highly regulate land usage, access, building codes, and maximum individual acre ownership, along with excessive ‘rural preservation’ taxes.

      Eventually, unless the government is forced to return all lands they own except those prescribed for them in the Constitution, they will continue to acquire/seize,or slickly purchase, one way or another (by finding pot plants growing there which the illegal laws of ‘asset forfeiture’ already provide for) or by somehow ‘condemning’ the land in the interest of the greater ‘public good’. American lands until they own it all.

      The Federal regime already OWNs, illegally, i might add according to some legal experts, over ONE FREAKING THIRD OF THE U.S. LAND in the country! Mostly in the Western third of the country where most states are virtually entirely under the control of the Fed, like Nevada where the government owns over 80% of the land!

      With the property Tax free Moral Authoritarian Vaticanists owning another very large chunk of the rest of the land, And state and municipalities a big chunk, and Corporate farms, in bed with the likes of the BLM and Monsanto,
      There ain’t much left for we ‘po’ folks?

      One of the two things we could have done to slow this down a bit for eventual solutions is gone with Hitlery’s presidency.

      All we have left is to try to re-group and fight it out with trying to reverse all these laws in court, and backing it up with voting politicians out, over and over again.

  • My wife and I were full time farmers for almost 50 years, health reasons forced us to retire to an assisted living home. You are correct that living in the country isn’t cheap, we had no debt, but ordinary home repairs, your own water and sewer service to maintain costs money. No complaints about the home here, it is a nice place and they take good care of us. Sleeping in never appealed to me I like being up before sunrise, we would move back to the country in an eye blink if health didn’t prevent it.

    • Perhaps I will add a bit to my yesterdays comment.
      I think a lot of city folks think that being we lived in the country that we never had indoor plumbing, central air, satellite TV, the internet, etc. We did have those. Bfore electricity and indoor plumbing came to the farms. During the Roosevelt administration the REA, (Rural electrification Adminn.) was enacted. Uncle Sam loaned money to REC Co-op’s to bring electricity to the farm on long term loans, so far as I know those were all repaid years ago. We were able to take care of ourselves in bad weather with a generator, tractor mounted snow blower and a truck mounted snow plow.
      We never worried much about security, until about twenty years ago when we built a new home we never had a lock on a door that worked. Even after we had doors with locks we seldom locked them.

      Now we need to sort the hobby gentlemen farmers who made their living from a city job and like to have a few acres in the country to retire on from those of us who never held a town job and made our living from the farm. We farmed about 1,000 acres plus had a full time cabinet and custom furniture shop for over thirty years, so we were busy. Usually the only weekend activity was going to Church then right back to work. I know it is wrong to work on Sundays, but livestock don’t know it is Sunday and they get hungry seven days a week.
      We shopped at the supermarket just like our friends in the city, you had to decide if you were going to be a full time farmer or a hobby farmer, we chose full time, so there was little time for the small plot gardens and a chicken house.
      So in conclusion do you want to be a full time commercial farmer or a town job supported hobby farmer. there is a BIG difference.

      • Amen! I grew up on a cotton farm in west Texas. We got one paycheck a year. After whatever harvest we got, my mom and dad figured out a budget and we went from there. But as human beings, we were not in want for anything. We were close as a family and as a community. I get put out with those who come from the city thinking their financial assets make them wiser or better, and yet they run to us for the help they desperately need and somehow think we have all the time in the world to drop what we are doing and expect to gain our help gratis. My husband and I always find time for the humble heart who wants to learn because the humble heart understands the sacrifice we make to help and will find a way to return the gift. That’s what make a civilization grow strong. The arrogance can stay in the city for all I care.

  • I made the move from city living to 30 miles outside the city and realized savings in the following; lower auto insurance rates, lower property taxes ( due to timber deferral), no water and sewer bills, (well on property and septic system). I also work from home so no commute which I realize not everyone has this advantage. The savings in the aforementioned areas more than makes up for the additional cost of trips to the store. Thanks for your blog I really enjoy your information.


  • End deer and varmint problems in your garden
    End worry about droughts, floods, bugs, insects, fall out and other 4 legged critters ruining your garden – Build a small or large passive solar geodesic green house or growing dome. Small nexpensive domes can be build with 2x4s and shrink wrap. Plans are on line. Or you buy the full kits complete with hubs, pre-cut lumber, 20 year Lexon panels, etc. sold from Colorado by Ugar Parsons in various sizes.
    Ultimately create your graden of Eden with a geodesic home virtually earth quake and storm proof at 1/3 the cost for the same cubical space requiring costly structural supports. Landscape the southern glass or Lexon wall for your edibles with dwarf 5-in-1 fruit trees including tropical. You grow it, pick it and eat it FRESH with all the phyto (plant nutrients which only come in the end). Pick it green and let it ripen, and you are lacking most of the many phytonutients which keep us healthy and defuse tmors according to 1966 research report by the Cancer Research.

  • I live in a duplex across from Tim Hortons on one of the busiest streets and I am almost ready to purchase a house in the country. My only concern is being “lonely;” I quote that because I am married with 2 children, so really I won’t be alone, but I am still nervous about not having the opportunity to hear wagons and buggies come up and down my street. Is there any advice you would give me?

    • We don’t have much “traffic” on our road (dirt road, that is), but we DO have great neighbors and lots of room for the kids to run and play. Best advice? Check out the area thoroughly before you move. How close is the closest school? Are you homeschooling? Is there a homeschool co-op? (I have chosen to homeschool and the co-op is a great place to meet other families). If you go to church, how close is your church of choice? Do others from that church live close to the house you’re looking to move in to? Living in the country doesn’t necessarily mean being completely isolated from “civilization”. 🙂
      I hope this helps!

  • Due to a combination of circumstances, my husband and I find ourselves in NW Ohio. The area is rural, although within striking distance of Toledo, Dayton, Lima and Columbus. Very determined thugs could make it here, but they’ll be tired. To the west of us is a wonderful German Catholic area; neat, clean and law-abiding. We have an adequate well complete with heavy duty hand pump, twelve acres of woods and five acres of garden/pasture. Ohio winters are rough, but summers are usually great. Downside is the ailing Davis-Besse nuclear plant north of us and the generally hateful and drug-ridden natives of this area. Ohio had a rougher time than most during the last depression, and the people in the small towns are society’s rejects. Bitter, poor, aggressive and dishonest. NW Ohio is primarily rural, with open country dotted by small towns. This area has the worst quality soil I’ve ever experienced, and most of the water is contaminated, taste-wise, with sulfur and heavy iron oxide. So far, there seems to plenty of water, but the quality is dreadful. Ohio is becoming a more conservative state and is greatly improved from the quasi police state it was in the 1990s. You might try one of the smaller Villages, but check out the people and the water first. We feel reasonably safe here and are hoping the psychopaths in our town take out the psychopathic looters first.

  • Hi Preppers;
    Let me be a bit more blunt:
    1. If electronic entertainment (TV and computers) are where it’s at with you, don’t move to the country. You won’t have time to waste.
    2. If you can’t envision getting up to go to your “detached bathroom” (outhouse) in the middle of a cold, dark, and snowy night, don’t move to the country.
    3. If you can’t think ahead, or are the procrastinating type, and can’t get around to putting up at least seven cords of wood a year in advance of when you need to burn it, don’t move to the country. Wood has to dry out.
    3. If you are accident prone or the impulsive type, don’t move to the country.
    4. If you rely heavily on someone else (police, fire department, hospital) to take care of you, don’t move to the country. They’re too far away to matter. You can rely on your neighbors, if they can rely on you.
    5. If you aren’t interested in or able to plant and grow a large garden and fruit trees, don’t move to the country.
    6. If the idea of killing, dressing, and eating wild animals appalls you, don’t move to the country. Even if you don’t, your neighbors will.
    7. If the knowledge, forethought, and regularity required to raise at least chickens is beyond your capabilities, don’t move to the country.
    8. If you can’t keep your car and other equipment running, are unable to solve mechanical and electrical problems, and create practical solutions to other simple problems don’t move to the country.
    Note 1: Any one of eight wrong answers should make you think twice about moving to the country. Warning: there may be more that I haven’t thought of.
    Note 2: You have a right to ask, “Why should I take your advice seriously?” I’m 75 years old and grew up helping my Grandfather on a totally subsistence farm (14.5 acres). He had a work horse and no motorized equipment, raised milk cows, pigs, chickens, and (occasionally) goats on feed he raised on the farm. He cut 22 cords of wood per year by hand (no chainsaw) for heating and cooking. I have operated wood heating or cook stoves in eight different houses and installed five of them. I only fired with wood that I had collected myself at no cost, except chain saw fuel and labor. I spent eight summers in Alaska guiding and living off the road system and off the grid between 1973 and 1981. In addition, I spent 20 more years living full time near Anchorage (on the grid and on the road system), but still subsistence fished and gardened. I spent eight years in Costa Rica, where food came from a garden and farmers’ markets. While there, I built six water systems to bring full time water to my neighbors. I have rebuilt seven distressed properties, and continue to this day, but never built a totally new house. I am a retired mechanical engineer with professional registration (lapsed) in British Columbia and Alaska. I have worked on engineering projects in Massachusetts, Belgium, Ohio, South Carolina, British Columbia, Gulf of Mexico, New Jersey, Alaska, Guam, and Costa Rica. The point is, I have a lot of broad experience. Happy to share.
    Cheers! Stu.

    • Good advice. I agree. Another thing–if you move to the country in winter states, where it could last 6 months of the year (regardless of general warming in this last decade), don’t think for a second that the roads will be plowed when you need to get something, and don’t think that your county is going to de-ice the roads. And I would even add that if you prove to be an “unprepared” idiot to your neighbors, they will not rush to your aid. They would just as soon have you move away next Spring so they might acquire a worthy neighbor. It is not that different from the military out on a mission; if you are incompetent, you WILL be isolated. If you cannot be relied upon as a worthwhile neighbor, you will be isolated and on your own. Busy people, like overworked people, do not have time to mess around with people who don’t what they are doing. For relatives, maybe; for strangers, forget it, even if you smile alot.

      • All the above is pretty much true. I would add, you don’t have to know everything but you DO have to be willing to ask, listen and follow good practices your neighbors share. Don’t think because you read one (or 5) books you know better than them. Don’t expect to come in and change them. Try your own “craziness” (like aquaponics and 40 plants in 2 sq ft) but try some of their standard gardening techniques too. When yours work, they will have questions. If they fail, then they will help where your garden wasn’t sufficient.
        Also the choice isn’t city or country. There are several other answers. If you are already living in the suburbs, put in at least a container garden. How do you care for your dogs, cats, birds, other pets when you go on vacation now? Maybe you are ready for the other choice, small town rural living. Yes you have to give up a lot of high speed everything although Sonic and Pizza Hut are the first two places to come to rural communities. Dollar General and Wal-Mart aren’t far behind. Fire Depts are volunteers but have first responders. Entertainment is community based fundraisers for the fire department, school groups, United Way and even the community itself so they can have 4th of July fireworks and a band. This gives you benefits of both worlds while you learn more about yourself and what you really want and can handle.
        Cannot emphasize enough, if you want to have good neighbors, be a good neighbor. No matter where you live that is true. Also true that without good neighbors any kind of SHFT is MUCH harder. Do you want to work with your neighbors or defend yourself from them?

    • We are considering moving to CostaRica. Any advice as to best location for a small farm less than 50 hectares.

    • In answer to your second point– I don’t have a problem with using the outhouse, but at my age, the ability to GET there in time to use it is not always a given. But that’s why chamber pots were invented.

  • Get ready if you come to the country! You loose your vacations, holidays, weekends, regular pay checks. You get a lot of overtime and no OT pay. Neighbors don’t always welcome newcomers. Family and friends all think that if the SHTF they call all just show up at your house and be taken care of. (But don’t expect them to show up to pick, she’ll and can peas or pick and shuck corn, or be out in the hot sun under a tractor fixing a hydronic leak in the middle of baling hay with a rainstorm on the way. Raising livestock for food is great, but if you cannot kill, dress, preserve and eat something you have babies and nurtured, it won’t go well for you. And oh by the way, for those who think they can just come out and live off the land hunting….guess again. That metropolitan area you are leaving has millions of folks with the same idea. So, who gets to eat Bambi will also depend on how many people you have to have a shoot out with for the privilege.
    I am not trying to be pessemistic, but reality of farm life is harsh and in your face. But so rewarding. Listen to that you tube piece by Paul Harvery, “And God Made A Farmer” and seriously think about it before you make the jump. My brother is a CPA and has many wealthy clients. He said that on the average, when one moves to the country, they move back within the year and most often have lost enough money in four years to sell out. Just look before you leap.


  • Everything above is true.
    I lived all my life in the Suburbs of Calif. and moved to the Country in Texas
    4 years ago, we now have 25 acres, We have Chickens, Rabbits and Kune kune Pigs, The animals don’t take up that much time each day, but you do have to be here, like he said vacations or even weekends away have to be planned. and we pay someone to feed them. There is a different kind of entertainment in the country. Like riding the ATV around with the dog, and chasing deer with the ATV , we have our own gun range for target practice . Our yard is like a park, requires mowing every weekend. You need mowers and Tractors, tools ect. There are trade offs, There will be casualties, Raccoons ate some chickens, The next door neighbor, shot 2 pigs and killed one, our dog was gourd by a Longhorn, but he lived. Grasshoppers ate our Veggies. So you need to be up to the challenge. we don’t go camping anymore, because we have our own forest for Hiking, and ponds for kayaking. I would not go back to the city unless I had to.

  • City people, please stay where you are at. Unless your are willing to acclimate to country life, country folks don’t need you trying to bring all your city conveniences to the country, and changing our way of life. We will “progress” at our own rate, in our own time, with out having to deal with your rudeness, your lawlessness, and and your self-absorbed life style.

  • My wife and I have lived in the country for 39 years. You get used to slow internet, driving 15 miles to town, working 45-50 miles from home, and the other draw-backs. We produce 50% of our own food– canning 120 jars per year and eating 2-3 deer per year (plus the occasional rabbit). Having fruit trees, chickens a couple of goats and a good water source is helpful. As far as cost goes, we have worked part-time, and have never made more than $25,000 per year, but have everything we need, no debt, and good relationships with other near-by, like-minded people. I grew up in a city and will never go back.

  • My husband and I decided to make the move to the country a few years ago…. both of us growing up in Chicago, then Charlotte for 20 years, we were used to having everything at our fingertips….. and since both of us are retired and in our late 60’s, we were not sure that we would enjoy the work and frustration of building a new home on 12 acres of rolling hills, pine trees, lots of natural plants, weeds and an 80 year old tobacco barn…. Well, we ended up being the general contractors on our new home…. started building in Jan 2013 and moved in
    before the home was completely finished…. we are still finishing off the lower level and still painting the window, door and floor trim….. we LOVE every minute we are here…. the peace, the quiet…. sometimes I imagine I see God walking on the mountains in our view….. so much beauty… the wild flowers, the birds, the deer and a wounded Red Wolf came to our door and we have since adopted him…. he is the sweetest, smartest, most loving animal we have ever had…. Yes, we have started a garden…. 4ft by 4ft raised beds plus an aquaponics tower on our deck which is producing the most luscious lettuce….. no plans for chickens as our neighbor brings us fresh eggs every week…. we have Dish TV and fast internet if my husband still wanted to do his business, the UPS truck comes right up the driveway.. .. we have mail delivery and I loved the fact that when I went to the Post Office in town for the first time, the Postmaster knew me by name already…. there are stores and gas stations about 15 minutes away and I love the quiet, peaceful drive through winding and beautiful scenery much more than the traffic lite, road bump filled 5 minute trip to the stores in our previous, up-scale subdivision…. I love not hearing the lawn mowers and leaf blowers from all the landscapers that were around daily…. If we really miss the malls or great restaurants, Winston Salem is only 30 minutes away, but we don’t go there very often….. we would rather BBQ on our deck and watch the horses go by….. We have our own well and septic system….. we have a beautiful fireplace that is fueled by propane….. so no chopping of wood…. although we will put in a wood stove in the lower level just in case the SHTF….. and we run out of propane…. we are looking into solar panels just in case the electric goes out…. the weather is good in North Carolina, but we did get snowed in the winter before last for 2 weeks…. no snow plows for the country roads…. so, we just enjoyed watching it snow and had good food to eat because we keep plenty of food on hand…. we take our garbage to the dump about 10 minutes away every few days, but we don’t have to…. we have a large “burn can” and still burn all the cardboard and paper items…. no more shredding of personal items…… there are the stink bugs and they are a nuisance but they were in Charlotte also…. we do find that there are not as many flies or mosquitoes…. we have heard that we might see an occasional Black Bear but we have not seen one yet…. We are hoping to not have to kill any of our deer friends, but if it comes to that, we will…. One of the things we really love about living here as opposed to the city….. the people are just wonderful here… very friendly and helpful…. have not run into any arrogant jerks like we were used to dealing with on a daily basis in the city (any city)….. we are off the beaten path, but not far enough away from a big city to not have to worry about people finding us if the SHTF….. we will cross that bridge if it ever happens…. as far as keeping our car and other items in working mechanical order….. that’s where making friends with good people who are close by and who can do all those things is something we are blessed with…. we are adoptive grandparents to some of the children in town….. Churches are small and personal… not at all like the church we went to with 26,000 parish folks….. Taxes are very low in our area… we pay one-fourth what we paid in Charlotte for 12 acres and a 1750 sq ft home with full, finished walk-out basement…. in Charlotte, we had a 2800 sq ft home on 1/3 acre…… I’m thinking the only negative so far is that we don’t see our own children or grandchildren that often…. they are always too busy to make the 2 1/2 hour drive….. but it’s not much different than when we lived a half hour from them… they were still too busy with their own lives…. and such is the younger generation…. I guess if I had to go outdoors to an outhouse, I would not like that, especially on a cold night…. but we are fortunate to have inside plumbing…. even though we built a modest house on the outside, we afforded ourselves a gourmet kitchen and beautiful master bath with a 4ft by 5ft shower with flat-pebble floor, rain shower head and facing a full picture window looking out over beautiful rolling hills…. and the need for no curtains or blinds on any of our windows (no neighbors within view of us)…. it’s like taking a shower outdoors especially if you have the windows open….. do we love our decision to move to the country…. we sure do…. don’t miss much of anything we left behind….. Carol and Larry

  • Spot On!! I grew up in the country and most of my married life in the city so I have some understanding of both. I am a country girl at heart and found these pretty much right on. Country living is a totally different way of life and as noted starts early (sun-up if you have animals to care for) and ends with sunset. Like in town if the electric goes out your down and out probably for several days as they said. Trust me plan on taking care of your own so you better be sure you want them. In hard times you probably won’t be going anywhere anyway. There are definite pluses, fresh and I mean fresh food. clean air, except for allergens which you have anyway, and being your own boss. (succeed or fail it is al up to you.) So read up well on what is involved before you go to far into country living.

  • Being a farmer and a rancher I’ve learned that you really need to become a Jack of all Trades. From Electricial, Water Well repair, Septic Tank to raiseing checkens live stock and gardening. Also your day would or should start around at or before sun up and last to after sun set. As for entertainment get yourself a couple of goats with kids and set back on your back pourch with a glass of lemonaid or iced tea and prepare to laugh until your side hurts,

  • Great article! We’ve been blessed to live in the country for the past 15 years. We have our house on the market and we have people coming to look at it all the time who say “How far is the nearest Costco?” (45 minutes) or “Where’s the nearest Walmart?” (20-30 minutes depending on which direction you go.) I always shake my head after they’re gone and think “You’re not the type to live here, that’s for sure.” I hope they stay away.

  • The best thing about rural living is you satisfy your need for self-responsibility. If you are the type that is dependent on others and will not reject that, then country living is not for you. If you take joy in the small and infrequent joys of sunsets that inspire you, the harvest of your garden, collecting eggs or milking daily, or solving problems on a daily basis, then country living is not for you. If you can entertain yourself with crafts or projects and gain simple pleasure from your church, local dance group or neighbors and realize you must slow down from city life to be able to assess, think and respond, then by all means stay in the city and fort up. Me and my neighbors will keep you folks out of our area when you come to take what we still have. You best believe it. Well armed is well protected if you train for it. R

  • PS God walks in the garden with you. Peace comes in his time but it will come in the country. R

  • My husband and I have lived in both a big city and several types of rural areas. We now live in a cul-de-sac with 14 houses on the street, in the middle of the country. I like it here, and I feel safe. My near neighbors know who should be here, and they question anyone they’ve never seen before if we are not home. We all do the same for them. I felt even safer, though, in the middle of nowhere, where our house couldn’t be seen from the road (1/2 mile back, behind a hill), and the nearest neighbor was 1/2 mile away. We were surrounded by planted fields on 2 sides, a wood on one, and a grazing area on the other side. Even though we lived nine miles from the nearest grocery (small), it was all worth it to us — the winter run up the drive when the snow was over the hood of the car, the well pump that had to be replaced, the old fuel oil furnace that broke down in the middle of winter and had to be replaced, and numerous other problems that plagued us. We loved it despite all this because it was the most private, place we’ve ever lived (some people on our road didn’t even know the house existed!).

  • I was widowed in 1994 and spent another 3 or 4 years in the city (where I was born & raised) until I retired, then sold the city house and moved lock, stock, and barrel out to the 80 acres my husband & I had bought for “camping”. It is in a very remote area, so living here alone (with dogs & cats) was difficult at first. Had to haul water from the nearest coop well, and the road was so awful it was a truck-killer just to get to town, and took an hour and a half. Walmart & Home Depot & Hospital? Even further away, 2 hours. Since then, I have put in a well (water at 650 feet), planted a large vegetable garden and fruit trees, have chickens & ducks, make my own bread and cheese, tried aquaponics for catfish but that hasn’t worked out yet, had horses for awhile but sold them and converted their (built by me) stable into a greenhouse, with major help from my son and DIL. Also since then, technology has arrived and I now have solar electricity (bought one panel at a time and kept increasing the system), a cell phone (with booster because the service was so bad for years), satellite internet, satellite TV, washer & dryer, microwave, and my ugly old trailer has been turned into a very warm, cozy, delightful home in which to live. We have also since fenced the original 80 acres and bought an adjoining 45 acres. The county finally started grading the roads out to our development, but the last 3 miles are still one rock at a time. My nearest neighbor is 1/2 mile away, and there are very few other people living out here. In short, I have all the perks of living in town, plus the peace and quiet of the country and a fabulous view of the canyon that edges my property. We often see elk, antelope, hawks, coyotes, bobcats, rabbits, and mountain lions. I will admit that although I am good at lots of things, without the help of my son and his wife, I’d still be living in a leaky old trailer! But the MAIN thing is, instead of sitting around doing nothing (hah) I decided to start a lavender farm! We now have 5,000 plants and are cloning more every year. My son & DIL are my partners, and he does the heavy work (I am 76 now) and she makes absolutely wonderful products from our lavender. We opened a shop in town (easier to reach now, but still an hour away), and have a very successful business. Maybe someday I will retire again, but for now, I am enjoing the most fabulous life imaginable!

  • We (my husband, children, and I) moved from Southern California (where virtually anything you could want was right at your fingertips) to Montana (where many of those same things don’t even exist!). It was certainly an adjustment, but all in all It had been the best decision we ever made (second to saying “I do”). Our closest grocery store is just under 11 miles away, and by Montana’s standards, that’s not a far drive for groceries! We have no pizza delivery (now i bake my own), cell service is spotty (land lines still exist!), there’s satellite tv (we’ve opted for no tv ~ though we do have DVD and blu-ray), and if you want a speciality coffee, it’s further than the grocery store (I have an espresso maker, a blender, and have mastered most of my favorite drinks).
    This article speaks the truth about moving to the countryside. However, if you’re ready, it’s well worth moving. We DO farm-sit for neighbors and our children are growing up learning skills that would be nearly impossible to learn living in city or suburb. If we had stayed in So Cal, I can’t imagine that they would have ever had the chance to take care of chickens, goats, and horses. They probably wouldn’t have llamas and alpacas right down the road (did you know that llamas can be better than dogs at protecting some herds?). They are learning gun safety, gardening, and neighborliness in a way that is difficult to find in more urban areas.
    Moving away from a city or suburb is a big decision, but it’s a good one as well. 🙂

  • My “city” friends love to come and visit us in the country, but after a week, they are ready to get back to “the city”. If you want to move to the country, you had better do it soon, because when the SHTF, you will NOT be welcomed. I could introduce you to people here, and they will be nice to you, but until you have proven to them that they can trust you, you are a stranger. Families take care of themselves and their longtime friends, not strangers. Everyone owns and carries a gun. No one in the country cares what the outside world thinks. I am just telling you how it really is, like it or not.


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