Top 10 Guns To Buy During a Pandemic

Americans have an obsession with guns according to left-wingers, and that’s pretty normal, considering what the Second Amendment in the Constitution reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

What the left conveniently forgets on a regular basis is that any form of gun control is not constitutional, but let that go for now.

The thing about gun control is that it doesn’t work, and if you want to test this theory, just put a sign in front of your house that reads Gun Free Zone, and see if it becomes the safest in the neighborhood. I’m just kidding, but it’s common sense, really, that criminals don’t care about laws, because guess what: that’s why they are criminals in the first place.

And this is the reason the vast majority of mass shootings take place in gun-free zones, that basically become victim disarmament zones. When private citizens are allowed to defend themselves, especially in concealed carry states, violent crime decreases dramatically, because after all’s said and done, an armed society is a polite society.

I bet you didn’t know it, but violent crime and gun control laws are pretty much correlated, as in the more gun control there is, the more violent crime occurs, and you can check that out in states like California, Illinois, New York, etc.

After this short introduction, let’s move along and follow the current news cycle. Enter SARS-Covid19, and what do you know: despite the lockdown, Americans are buying guns like there’s no tomorrow. There’s an old saying in rural America: when in doubt, buy a gun! All jokes aside, according to various reports in the mainstream media, more than 2 million guns were purchased last March alone, most of them in Illinois, followed by Texas, Kentucky, Florida, and California. To put things into perspective, this represents an increase of 1.1 million guns compared to sales figures from the same period of time, March 2019 respectively.

There were also reports from various gun shops all across America about supply issues due to the gun-rush and all that palaver. The last time Americans bought guns in such a crazy manner was in December 2015 as the Obama administration hinted at restricting what the mainstream media calls assault rifles following the mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA. Why are Americans buying lots of guns now, you asked? Well, this is anyone’s guess really, but there are a few reasons for that: first, preppers don’t trust the government, hence with the lockdown and all that, if SHTF, a breakdown in law and order is to be expected and then it’s every man for himself. In this regard, guns are self-help survival tools by any definition.

Another reason would be the fear of the general public of Big Brother further infringing on gun rights, now with the pandemic eroding civil rights via dictate and all that. Basically, Americans fear that the US Government may become tyrannical, as per the Declaration of Independence actually, and they are taking precautionary steps.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

Again, this is common sense, but it’s interesting that many Americans bought their first gun during the Covid19 pandemic, and the vast majority of the 2 million have been handguns, as opposed to long guns/rifles.

With all these in mind, let’s get a little bit technical here: According to, the most popular (as in best-selling) handguns last year were the ATI GSG 1911, the SIG P320 M17, the legendary GLOCK G19, the RUGER LCP, the RUGER GP100, the AR556 RUGER, the COLT M1991 (.45 ACP obviously), the small frame revolver S&W 442, the sub-compact RUGER LCP, the GP100, the AR556 RUGER and, finally, the S&W 442.

As per rifles and shotguns, we must mention the BUSHMASTER XM-15 QRC, the S&W M&P-15-22 SPORT, the lever-action MARLIN 336,  and the classic MOSSBERG PATRIOT and 500. Now, if you’re looking to buy a gun for self-defense, it’s important to learn how to choose the best tool for the job so to speak. Obviously, the most popular guns are probably the best and/or the cheapest, but popularity alone is not a good enough reason to buy gear.

When it comes to guns for home defense, handguns come to mind first; you should choose based on reliability, overall quality, accuracy, ease of use, and capacity (magazine capacity). Stopping power is also important in a self-defense situation, and here the caliber of the bullet comes into play. Popular wisdom tells us that a .45 ACP is way more effective than a 9 millimeter in terms of stopping power in a handgun; however, it’s worth mentioning that the FBI and police departments all across America switched to 9mm handguns in 2015.

One big advantage of owning a 9mm handgun is that it comes with a larger capacity magazine compared to, let’s say a .45 ACP. We’re talking about a 15+1 or 17+1 magazine in a 9mm handgun, compared to a 7+1 or 9+1 capacity for a .45 ACP, and yes, that counts in a shootout, especially if you consider that police officers have a 28 percent hit rate. As in, when under fire, you tend to miss a lot, and having more rounds would definitely help; 9-millimeter rounds are also cheaper, so you can spend less money on practicing, which is another advantage for beginners. Finally, a 9mm gun has less recoil than a .45 ACP, which means more accuracy. A .45 ACP is a slower round, yet it has more penetration power, even if the energy is dissipated very rapidly. Regardless of what you choose, just practice a lot and you’ll do fine, regardless of the caliber.

Here are my top ten guns for defending your home, pandemic or not, in no particular order:

  • Beretta M9. Caliber: 9mm, capacity 15+1

This is incidentally the sidearm of choice for the US Armed Forces, and it’s pretty obvious that the military uses good gear. The gun is light at 33.3 ounces and has a cool 3-Dot Sight System for acquiring a target. The M9 is very accurate out of the box, comes with a reversible magazine release for both left/right-hand users, and has a sweat-resistant grip.

  • Glock 19 4th gen. Caliber: 9mm, capacity 15+1

This is a legendary handgun, and the golden-standard in the industry, being hugely popular due to its robustness, efficiency, simplicity, and ease of use. The Glock 19 comes with rough-textured frames for amazing grip and interchangeable backstraps, being capable of operating in all weather conditions with industry-leading ergonomics and performance. The gun comes with 3 magazines and enlarged reversible magazine releases.

  • SIG SAUER MK25 P226. Caliber: 9mm, capacity 15+1.

This is Navy Seals’ weapon of choice. Do I need to say more?

  • SMITH & WESSON M&P SHIELD. Caliber: .45 ACP, capacity 7+1.

Yes indeed, this is a lower capacity handgun, but it’s super compact, which makes it great for concealed carry, it’s a proven performer and features a 5.3” fiber-optic sight radius for fast-tracking and a factory ported barrel and slide, with a barrel length of just 3.3 inches.

  • RUGER 1707 GP100. Caliber: 357 Magnum, capacity 6

This is a classic six-shooter with a 6-inch barrel and super-accuracy provided you’re taking your gun-range lessons seriously.

  • Colt 1911. Caliber: .45 ACP, capacity 7+1.

This is a classic handgun, proven in action in the last 100 years, and making for one of the most reliable home-defense tools out there. The 1911 model is big and heavy, and features a dual spring recoil system, being a man’s gun par excellence.

  • Glock G23. Caliber: .40 S&W, capacity 14.

This is the ideal all-rounder, being incredibly compact and easy to carry around, and the weapon of choice for many law enforcement officers, due to its reliability and proven knock-out power.

  • Charter Arms Bulldog. Caliber: .44 ACP, capacity 5.

This is one of the most formidable concealed carry choices you can make, being hugely reliable, proven in action since 1975 and boasting immense stopping power for home and/or personal protection, while being relatively easy to carry.

  • CZ 75 SP-01 TACTICAL. Caliber 9mm, capacity 18+1.

This is another excellent home defense gun, especially for first-timers, due to its huge capacity, and side in frame design, which provides excellent recoil management.

  • WALTHER PPQ M2. Caliber 9mm, capacity 15+1.

Walther is a legend in the gun-enthusiast community, being a global leader in producing dependable/high-quality guns. This is arguably their best handgun yet, with an ergonomic grip and one of the smoothest triggers you’ll ever find the stock in a gun.

This concludes the article for today. If you can’t decide on what to buy just from what you read on the internet, I would advise you to take a trip to the nearest gun range, rent and shoot a few models, then make a choice based on personal preference, budget or what have you. Stay safe and happy hunting.

Written by

Chris Black is a born and bred survivalist. He used to work as a contractor for an intelligence service but now he is retired and living off the grid, as humanly possible. An internet addict and a gun enthusiast, a libertarian with a soft spot for the bill of rights and the Constitution, a free market idealist, he doesn't seem very well adjusted for the modern world. You can send Chris a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • Pistols with large capacity magazines like 9mm are traditional, but you can have much more fire power in a compact package. Black Aces Tactical Bullpup semi-auto 12ga. shotgun with ten round stick or 20rd drum magazines will out strip the fire power of a pistol. Let’s say you have a 15+1 round capacity 9mm and a 300 round per minute fire rate finger. That puts 16 115g 9mm bullets in the are at 1200fps. The Bullpup with Remington standard 000 Buck in a 10rd stick will put 80 9.14mm 71gr pellets in the air in a shorter period of time with a muzzle velocity of 1325fps. That is a pandemic suppression capability. If you are inside your house you can use a more appropriate ammunition. Effect is the same and under 50 yards they are more effective. The 000 bucks are still lethal out to 125 yards. This shotgun is 28″ long with an 18.5″ barrel. Another feature is my dual laser on the gun. No sights necessary, green daylight IR for night.

    • fix typo “115gr 9mm bullets in the air”.
      Additional: Plus you can justify the expense in that you can hunt with it. Price $599 similar to the pistol.

      • I think individual experience and training has a big impact. My neighbor has the same affection for shotguns. That is fine. I like pistols, shotguns, and rifles. One thing about a shotgun is you can not conceal it. Every situation is not a shotgun situation. What if it is several hundred yards then the shut gun is useless. So we found out it is no good for concealed and no good for distance. Plus, there are probably not many armor piercing shot gun rounds either. I do not know if there is one gun good for all things is what I am saying. That is why majority of the military does not carry shotguns but they carry rifles and pistols..

        • True but my context was home defense

  • If you are a first time pistol buyer, don’t go out and just buy one. Look at several and hold them to see how they fit in your hand. Example: The Beretta 92 or ‘M 4’ 9mm. If you have smaller hands this one might be a problem. If you can’t get a good solid hold and reach the trigger easily you will have problems. Buy a caliber you can control when you shoot. If possible or if you can find one open, right now, go to a firearm range that has rentals and fire a few different ones. After you’ve made your choice, invest in some time on safety training and firing at the range. Buying a firearm and never firing or training with it is a formula for disaster.

    • Concur. Shot expert with the 1911A1; shot marksman with the Beretta. The Beretta just didn’t feel good in my hand.

    • Dave that Beretta 9 MM pistol you referred to as am M4, is the old military M9 NOT M4. The M4 is the .556 carbine that the Army looks like they are replacing the M16 with

  • My $.02. For a first time gun buyer, go strictly by how a gun feels in your grip. Confidence instills accuracy. Worry about caliber after you become proficient and well practiced. Do not worry about what brand, either, so long as you are looking at guns from major manufacturers, they are all good. There are gold standards but they may not feel good in your grip. For new concealed carriers, carry the largest gun (frame size and caliber) you can safely conceal and shoot well.

    • Hey, Dan. Good to see you here. Agreed – Pistol Ergonomics is the primo consideration. To me, the CZ is Tops and Any Glock is dismal. My hands are average size. Concealed Carry is strictly a matter of clothing And Holster choices. Take Care.
      P.S. Good Article Chris B.

  • Beretta makes plenty of firearms for small hands, they are the oldest Firearms manufacturer in the world!!!!

  • .Charter Arms Bulldog in .44 ACP? Do you mean ..44 Special? That I can recommend.

    • My wife carries the CA Bulldog w/ 4″ bbl. and .38/ .357. She loads .38 Sp+P for better power than .357 – Instead of Flame and Noise.

      • Good combo, but no 38 plus p load carries the power of a 357 load? No better man stopper than a hot 357 125 gr hp. But a good 38 plus p will do the job!!

        • Agree with you 100 just bought a back up revolver S&W model 10 and I’m amazed at the power of +p ammo outa this .38 also picked up a Kel Tec sub 2000 9mm the “ rifle” folds over the stock and this thing will fit in a backpack 4 sticks of 33rds + p 9mm and this thing is great at any distance up to 100 yds was a bitch getting the laser zeroed but God be with whoever decides to riot on my block

          • Please stop with this pistol nonsense. My Hunt Group FD12 puts out One hundred and sixty 9.14mm 71gr bullets in six seconds. Suppressive fire power is better one gun and done.

        • “No better man stopper” firepower for a pistol if you want to limit yourself with obsolete ammo and weaponry. But the best kept professional secret of all out master blaster for total CQB application is what the real pros carry. The 10mm auto Glock-20 with with specialty ammo and a couple extended 30 round tactical mags to supplement the 15+1 standard carry, should things carry on a bit longer than necessary. . I mean carrying a revolver these days is like bringing a squirt gun to a machete fight.

          There’s so much rank B.S. about guns put out there by so many who know so little, despite all the serious empirical knowledge and reliable info available that I still can’t believe I still see comments like these so often?

          Watch the video from Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal support team detailing every step of his encounter.
          This is the type of SHTF action you’re going to get, or worse, a mixture of ambush and mobbing (we called this human wave attacks in Nam) that will occur in violent societal breakdowns. These organized psycho street thugs already have been training for years in this sort of tactical guerilla warfare mentality. Remember that dangerous trend that seriously crippled passers-by in the big cities a couple years ago where small group of violent gang banger criminals would walk past a potential victim and one of them would pounce from behind the cover of the others to do a ‘knock-out’ punch to the face of the unsuspecting victim? It was considered a game in their warped sub-human minds and the ‘best’ (most dangerous) ‘player’ would be the one who downed the victim to the pavement almost instantly with a single punch. A strike like that could easily maim, cripple, or kill if the head hits the hard pavement.

          This concept has now evolved to the night rioting level in these urban protests’, and if all out lawlessness continues, without swift reactive police smack downs and arrests due to criminal politicians violating their oaths of office AND USCC 18:241&242, CWhy aren’t these Mayors and City attornies being prosecuted???) So go ahead and ‘rely’ on your Ol’ Bully Dog .44 or your ‘no better man stopper than a hot 357 125 grn hp, LOL! ( and don’t tell me that specious statistic that more LE shootout ‘one shot fatalities were from .357’s. They left out a few considerations like that most street cops switched to 357 ammo sooner rather than later over the years. But .22, .32, and .25 Saturday Night Specials still did the most numeric lethal dirty work of all time in the big cities.

          Again, Watch the Kenosha video again, and again. And then tell me how long you would have lasted with a five or six shot revolver in the same action sequence as Kyle went through? You think these insane mob mentality thugs would have paused, lit up a cigarette, during the mass attack, and patiently waited to let you have enough time to get out that speedloader you never practiced with to reload and continue the action???

          It looks like he fired at least 8 or 9 rounds total, but possibly a couple more.all total that weren’t recorded. But he still had viable capacity left in his mag.

          What you witnessed was why the AR-15 16 inch Carbine always was the best personal fire arm and always will be.. At close range any standard 5.56/.223 ammo will likely will be a one shot manstopper even if it doesn’t hit the spine. CNS, or heart. virtually Any CM hit will cause enough hydrostatic shock in the soft organ tissue to instantly shock and stun the body and brain to disrupt immediate movement even if the subject does not instantly fall down.

          The problem is the popular misconception between the notions of ‘Stopping Power ‘ and ‘Knock Down’ power. Both of which are neither accurate, nor reliable when anticipating the effects of your choice and use of weapons and ammo and their potential power capability in the real world. The differentiating factor is the ‘duration’ of ‘stopping or knock down’ effects. This depends upon a few variables, the most important is target point. So here’s a couple very important things to know for all you chairborne Rangers out there.

          1. If you don’t practice enough–which almost nobody does unless it’s part of your job or main hobby’ try very hard to avoid ANY type of violent confrontation if you are carrying a weapon. Otherwise you’ll likely miss the shot in a situation like Kyle was in and cause collateral damage and be arrested and sued for the rest of your life for everything you have, or will ever earn and have. In most police shootouts there are more misses out of a full magazine of rounds fired than hits. So for most shooters, your odds of dying, if you engage, or high.

          2 Forget about all the bullshit about various weapons you thought you knew. I was a professional 3gun competitor back in the days and i would never use a ‘shitgun’ for home or general self defense purposes. if I had a choice. And hopefully that would be the most recent de-wormed semi-auto mag fed AR platform 12 ga. Magnum. But there’s nothing that anyone can do with a shotgun than I can’t do better with a standard AR-15 tactical carbine. I agree with other reality experienced pro operators or police or military that shotguns are a niche gun, for a specific limited purpose like the revolver. And to extend that logic, there’s nothing you can do with a revolver that I can’t do just as good or better with one of the better subcompact 9mm automatics.

          3. So if you can have only one gun for home self-defense, and all around usefulness from hunting to ambush sniping . get an AR-15 lightweight carbine, (NOT a 7.5 inch pistol. No shorter than 10.5 ” barrel, but a 11.5″ barrel shorty with a 6″ flash hider is what i carried in Nam and it worked very well, but more than 16″ is not necessary and tends to get unwieldly)

          If you can afford or need a pistol. best all around is the Glock 19. Which is why it’s the most popular.. It does everything the 17 can do but is a little smaller for easier concealability if you need to have that as well. And that’s it. If you have all kinds of lever actions and high powered hunting rifles, they will be a waste of time and money better spend on the above mentioned choices and accessories, extra magazines, and, of course, ample ammo supply. If you don’t have a good AR and Glock pistol, (don’t bother replying about how there are better pistols than a Glock, Of course there are, but in terms of user friendliness–which is emphatically important for not advanced shooters–and simple operation and cost effectiveness and reliability right out of the box, not much beats it for the price) It is, after all, the number one choice of professionals everywhere)

          And finally, Never sacrifice quality for quantity in a firearm. Don’t ‘settle for less because it’s all you can afford right now.’ Sell something you have but don’t need and/or save up until you have enough.
          Do it fast, though, you’ll only have a short few months if the leftist socialists gain power.

          • Yes I carried a CAR-15 in ‘Nam. Now have an AR-15 300 Blackout 8″ pistol truck gun CCW legal. 1600fps 230gr HP will definitely kick butt. For those who are not experienced and cannot shoot like John Wick, they are better off with FD-12 bullpup. 28″ Compact, with indoor bird shot and outdoor number 4 buckshot ammo selections. An AR inside is a laugh, rounds will be all over the neighborhood let alone other rooms of the house. Aim small miss small is a skilled attribute, spray and pray is more likely the common capability therefore, FD-12.

  • I have a KAHR 45 ACP next to my hand on the table next
    to my hand! Where I sleep! I have no worry!

  • I was disappointed not to see any of the fine Springfield Armory XD line listed. The XD-45 hold 13 +1 in .45 caliber.

    I personally prefer the XD line over Glocks. I own numerous XD, along with Sigs and other, and I much prefer the grip angle of the XD’s to the Glocks. My son owns a couple of Glocks, and he has shot them and my XD’s, and he even comment on the grip angle.

    Everyone seems hung up on Glocks because the PD use them. But that doesn’t make them the best choice of a weapon.

    I also love my Sigs in 9, 40 & 45.

    • Yeah I much prefer S&W MP2.0 to the Glock 19, better grip angle and also better trigger. Grip angle makes a diff in my humble opinion. Not that the Glock is bad, far from it. But we get good anyway practicing with most anything, I just prefer better ergonomics right away.

    • I carried a Glock for 18 years in law enforcement. I hate the damn things. Will NEVER own one!!! I am much much more accurate with any of my tigers than I ever was with that damn Glock!! With the tigers I can shoot consistent 300’s on the range day AND night. Not so with that damn Glock. I always had fliers with it and I could never figure out why…. basically it comes down to what fits your hands the best and then worry about which caliber from there that your wrists can handle.

      • *Rugers!!! Damn spell check Lol

        • For a minute there, I was thinking I would never want to meet up with you unless, of course, we were on the same side. A tiger, really? I’d heard the grip angle on Glocks was uncomfortable for many shooters. But I recently got a PSA Dagger, a Glock 19 clone, after never even holding a Glock. It has a comfortable grip angle, like a 1911, but the trigger isn’t conducive to accuracy, it creeps forever before releasing the striker. I can’t say, but maybe that, and the ergonomics, is why, reportedly, so many rounds get fired by police with so few hits. I’ve had better results shooting a Hi-power, a Springfield XDm, a single action IMI Jericho 941F CZ clone, even a subcompact Kahr PM9, than with the Glock clone. The Hi-power is a very nice shooter, but too valuable now to carry. The Jericho is relatively heavy for a carry gun, as it is all steel, but it shoots very well. The Kahr is easy to carry but has little capacity. Perhaps I can get used to the Dagger’s trigger with practice. Otherwise, it is a well-thought-out pistol, not too large or heavy for carry, 15+1 capacity, good ergonomics, etc., just a poor trigger (or a poor trigger operator, but time and ammo will tell which).

  • An EXCELLENT Source for Solid Firearms Information! ENJOYABLE READING! THANK YOU!
    PLEASE! Keep UP Your EXCELLENT Work!

  • Do not forget there are great advances in ammunition for most calibers. Personal Defense Ammo from Federal uses a 165 grain Hydra-shok bullet with reduced recoil for 45ACP. This is just one example. There are also double stack 45s from Para Ordnance with 15+1 capacity. New 9mm and 40 S&W ammo is available with good stopping power with new designed bullets. Lehigh Defense produces bullets designed for top stopping power and I think it is used in the Honey Badger cartridges, but can be purchased from Lehigh for reloaders. The 32 ACP was not mentioned and I do not recommend a caliber this small unless the larger calibers are too difficult for someone to handle. 32 ACPs have an unexpected percentage of 1 shot stops with Winchester 60gr Silvertip HP cartridges. My guess is that the shot is made within inches or feet of the assailant to the chest or head, since a small deep cover pistol is being used as a last ditch effort. If you intend to carry concealed get a good comfortable holster. Leather will be probably be less noisy when drawing and re-holstering than kydex, but probably more expensive.

  • In California all hand gun magazines are limited to max of 10 rounds. If you purchase SPRINGFIELD XD45 you can hav 10 rounds of 45ACP in your magazine. I recommend in either 4 or 5 inch barrel length.

    • Well CowboyJoe you are right there is not Springfield in the list and that is a fault. The XD XDM series has those tactile features that let the owner know the status of his piece when the bump in the night occurs, valuable and overlook attributes here.


  • Why no rifles? Are they bad buys during a pandemic?

    To not bring a knife to a gun fight Is just as good advice as to not bring a pistol to a rifle fight…. j/s

    • They are hard to conceal and can be unwieldy in close quarters but, compared to a pistol, their ballistics are hard to beat.

  • After doing a lot of reading I went cheap and bought 2 Hi point 45’s. I’ve shot them in 7 yard and 20 yard indoor target. They have’t misfed, haven’t stovepiped. They have just gone bang everytime i’ve pulled the trigger.. They were cheap I could buy 3 or 4 of them for every so called quality firearm. I have several 9mm that are carry guns, purchased all of them used. They all work and go Bang when i pull the trigger. What more can you want? I was always afraid of the recoil and noise of a 45. I first shot one when I was 26 or27. I shot a 1911 Colt, I hit the inside of the barn but that was all. Now that I’m much older and more experienced, I don’t mind the mild recoil of my Hi-Point 45’s and I can tear up a bullseye with them. You want a carbine to go with the same ammo. Hi-point makes a good carbine in 9mm. 45 or 10mm. Under $300. Good buy! For practice and fun I shoot .22 autos. Again I have several, and my little indoor range contains them beautifully.

    • I did just that! When first arming myself when I lived in the S.F. Bay Area 5 years ago, I bought 1 Hi Point 9mm pistol and 3 9mm carbines. Me and my boys then shot thousands of rounds. I decided to take a course to be an armed security guard, and had to pass a range test. The instructors were all ex-cops. The main instructor came over to me and said he had always wanted to look at a Hi Point, so I let him see it. They were loaning Barettas, Glocks and SIGs to the students who didn’t have their own guns. He said, “Wow, this is heavy”. I said yea, but it only cost $159. His assistant said, ” But do you want to trust your life to a $159 gun?”. I said “Well, when I pull the trigger, it goes ‘boom’, and shoots like this…” I pointed to my torso shaped target, and all my rounds had impacted around the center. I had also checked the targets of my fellow classmates who were mostly beginners, and my target was better that all but one guy with a Glock of his own, I tied with him. The assistant looked at my target and said, “Well, that’s because you have experience shooting.” They let me shoot a couple of magazines with a Glock, and it was easier to hold, fire, and more accurate, I fully admit; but at 6 times the price! My Hi Point clearly, based on my instructor’s back handed compliment, stole the show that day. It needs about 500-1000 rounds to break in, but after that, it does great. I believe Hi Point to be a perfect 1st weapon, and frankly, an excellent only weapon if, as everyone says, you shoot enough to be competent with it.

  • Apparently there are no hand loaders here. Two 380 ACP center mass are better than two .44 magnum wild misses. Power is a function of mass and velocity. Mass is determined by the projectile you choose and velocity largely by powder type and volume. I shoot a Sig P226 and have barrel/slide combos for 22LR. 9MM. 357 Sig and 40 S&W. I can get 1500FPS of of the 357 Sig with the right powder but my preferred round is the is the 9mm loaded with 4.9 gr of Hogdon’s CFE Pistol and a Hornady 124 gr XTP jacketed hollow point. I’ll take shot placement over brute power anytime.

  • Reloading is nice. It works really well for Bullpup shotguns. You can cast 000 buckshot and reload all day long. Powder, Primers and wads are cheap and available long after you run out of jacketed bullet sources. But if you insist you can powder coat cast 9mm lead and get those juiced results. But semi-auto magazine feed shotgun for a one and done first time weapon whips a pistol all day and night, robust utility. Plus it puts out more fire power than a 9mm submachinegun

  • I can see the advantage of the bullpup, but I have no desire to own or shoot one. As Fifth_disciple said,two hits with anything beats two misses with anything. While it is harder to miss with a shotgun, it can be done. I will practice with my pistols and AR, and that leads to true gun control. Hit what you aim at, and nothing else. Someday I will get a .300 ACC upper, and will consider myself well armed. But I will take military arms, if they become available (grenade launchers, tanks, etc.).

    • In the paragraph that starts out “When it comes to guns for home defense”. Think about the list of attributes in that paragraph. If you are motivated by this pandemic to buy a weapon for the first time, you don’t have a lot of skills or experience. What do you buy? Something that is going to be devastating to the threat to your household whether you live in urban, suburban or rural around the house setting. The best ‘one and done’ purchase would be a shotgun. Today’s best shotgun technology is semi-automatic magazine fed Bullpup. There is not a lot to learn in accurate shooting. Using a laser, it is just point and shoot from a heads up position day or night.

      If we depart from the first time buyer wanting a ‘one and done’ solution, I agree more is better. Exploiting whatever you can collect from strategic forces is always an attribute to survival. But when you have limited resources how does a minimalist equip himself for contingencies. First there is that Bullpup home defense area suppression weapon. But, if you are mobile, out and about, then a 300 blackout CCW legal AR pistol is the basic choice. Further, new 6mm ARC upper converts that pistol into long range shooter. This combination is a minimalist solution to cover most every scenario. Of course there is that Springfield CCW backup pistol. For a pandemic response buyer that is about the most capability for the least investment.

  • don’t overlook the Remington 870 12 gauge. with a tube extension you can get 10 rounds.

  • Now, if we could only find some ammo.

  • I agree with most of what Mahatma Muhjesbude has to say. I have most areas of defense covered with the firearms I own which is all mainstream handgun calibers from .22 short to .44 magnum. I have Glocks in G17, G19, and G26, but I carry a G27 with a Ruger LCp 2 for backup. As mentioned, the .44 special is a good man stopper, but a little large for concealment. Our author did not mention shotguns or rifles so I’ll only say this: if you are comfortable with them, in most cases they are far more superior to a handgun. In the timeless words of Clint Smith of Gunsite training “The only reason to have a handgun is to fight your way to your rifle.”


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