This year has been an interesting one, to say the least. While I can’t say that I like much of what has happened since January, there has been little time for boredom this year. Between terrorist attacks and the Black Lives Matter movement, there has been enough unrest and violence to keep anyone awake. Nor does it look like any of that is likely to end.

Regardless of the numbers coming out of Washington, the nation is not doing better. We all know that the government is cooking the books, putting out false data. But the reality and the numbers don’t match. Unemployment is higher than ever, as indicated by the workforce participation rate, and prices are going up all over, defying the “official” inflation rate.

There is little chance that things are going to get better during Obama’s last year in office. He is studiously ignoring reality, so he doesn’t even understand how things really are.

Like the academian that he pretends to be, all he sees is his theories, then he commands the government to make the data match what he sees. Someone operating like that can’t turn things around for the better, even if they had some idea of what to do.

What Our Friends Foresee for 2016

Jeff Anderson – Modern Combat and Survival

jeff“This last year there was plenty of bad news to go around, which seems likely to affect survivalists even more in the months to come. These include, as they always seem to, increased infringement on your constitutional rights… but also some dangers you may not have considered.

Prediction #1: The “Other” Terrorism – It’s no longer a surprise that our privacy is being violated each and every day by NSA, DHS, and other alphabet agencies of the government. But now that we’ve seen Jihad-style terrorism on American soil in San Bernardino, there will be that much more justification — in the eyes of those in government — for increased spying initiatives on our citizens. This will, as always, be done to make us “safe.”  The real target? Well, in their own words… “homegrown domestic terrorists” whose profile basically reads like an casting call for an episode of “Doomsday Preppers”.  (Maintain OPSEC my friends.)

Prediction #2:  Increased Gun-Control Measures – The same high-profile shootings that have our politicians screaming for more and deeper surveillance also have those politicians’ grubby paws out to grab our guns – possibly through unconstitutional executive orders. Look for a lot more attempts to restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans to buy firearms, and expect outright bans of “assault” style weapons.

Prediction #3:  Pandemic “Red Flags” – It’s hard to admit it, but even the CDC and World Health Organization are saying we’re long overdue for another pandemic. The Ebola scare last year faded quickly from the news. Any prepared citizen, though, should remember how quickly we started to come apart when we thought Ebola could be in our schools or in our apartment buildings.

You don’t have to be Nostradamus to see these three threats — invasion of privacy, gun control, and pandemic scares — coming in 2016. We had best be ready for them.”

Todd Sepulveda – Prepper Website

Todd-EtM“When I started Prepper Website, I really felt that I was being led into preparedness after a time of prayer, you can read my story here.

As I prepare for 2016, I feel that prepping my spiritual life is more important than ever.  I will stock up and prepare in every way possible, but I want to make sure that my relationship with the Lord is most definitely prepared.

As a result, I’m focusing more on my prayer time and  reading and studying God’s Word.  I’m also focusing on building relationships with other Christians, and if they happen to be Christian Preppers, that is a big plus!  This focus has led me to use one of my prepper sites as a point of contact for Christians who want to link up.  On my site,, you can find Christian Preppers in your state or if you can’t find one, you can easily setup to start one!

One Scripture that was very important in moving into preparedness is Amos 3:7, “Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing His counsel to His servants the prophets.”  God always told His people what He was up to, sometimes they listened, and sometimes they didn’t.  He gives you the choice.

There is so much craziness in the world that it is very easy to become discouraged and depressed, waiting for the poop to hit the fan and wondering what it might look like for you and your loved ones.  But if you are prepped spiritually, this end, is not the end!  I wish you the best from Prepper Website!”

Elise Xavier – More Than Just Surviving

elise“What are we preparing for in 2016? We’re preparing for as much as possible, concentrating primarily on not the big, but the small, more likely events.

Power outages, natural disasters, health problems, and the potential of job loss – these are the things I see as the most likely events to take place in the lives of preppers in 2016, and so these are the emergency situations I encourage other preppers to make sure they’re as prepared for as they can be in the upcoming year.

You can’t prep to survive everything, so you should make sure you have your priorities straight in prepping for the most likely events to take place first.”

What Do We Expect in 2016?

So, the next year is going to be a hard one. We can expect many things to happen. Unfortunately, they will not be things for the better. We’re going to have to wait for a conservative president to get into office, for things to truly turn around. The question is, will we get one?

As I look down the road before us, these are the things I see happening. These aren’t prophecies, as I’m not a seventh son, born under a seventh son. Nor do I have a crystal ball to use. But I can look at what’s going on in the world and see trends. All I can give you is where I see those trends going.

Terrorist Attacks

{adinserter emp}ISIS has made it clear that they intend to take the war to us. The recent attack in San Bernardino was the opening salvo of their war on our soil. We can expect more to follow, as they try to wear us down and force us to submit to their will.

There is no way that ISIS can beat the United States in a conventional war, that’s why they are forced to resort to terrorism. Their goal isn’t to destroy our military might, but simply to sew enough fear and discord in our society, that we capitulate to them. That way, they’ll end up with what they want, rule over the world.

Of course, there’s a major miscalculation in that strategy. While I’m sure that liberals would be quick to surrender, thinking that they were doing the noble thing, conservatives won’t. If things get to that point, we’re going to see warfare in our streets. While there are many who might think that to be good, we have to remember that our government will side with the Muslims, as long as Obama is in office.

Increased Racial Tension

I firmly believe that the racial tension which we are experiencing in our country today has been intentionally manufactured by Obama in an effort to bring about racial civil war. If he truly cared about Blacks, there would be no way that he would be allowing the things to happen which are happening. Racial civil war would be disastrous for the Black community, as they are so greatly outnumbered by Whites who own guns.

Every opportunity, Obama and his surrogate, Sharpton, push the race buttons, creating anger and lawlessness. Then, his Department of Justice refuses to prosecute, instead looking for excuses to bring hate crime charges against those who say or do anything against Muslims or Blacks.

Obama has already given himself the right to declare martial law at any time he so chooses. He could use racial civil war or terrorism as a legitimate excuse to do that, consolidating power in his hands and turning the United States into a dictatorship. I would not be surprised to learn that the whole reason he has been pushing the racial unrest rhetoric is for this very reason.

Obama Ignores Congress, Pushing Gun Control and Climate Change

We’ve already seen how Obama intends to spend the rest of his reign, ignoring Congress and pushing his pet issues. The GOP led Congress can’t do anything, because they can’t get a supermajority to override his veto. As long as he has that, he will get his way.

Of course, Harry Reid is telling Congress that they need to cooperate with the Democrat minority. This is no different than the message he’s been pushing ever since Obama got into office. As far as the Democrat leadership is concerned, there’s only one opinion, theirs. Obama dictates it and they accept it. The problem, in their eyes, is that there are Republicans who won’t obey their marching orders.

Obama’s Bid for a Third Term

Obama has already hinted at wanting to serve a third term, citing his excellent track record as a president. He’s so delusional that he thinks he is the best president this country has ever had. Of course, when you’re getting to dictate statistics and your minions cook the books to match them, it just confirms that delusion.

I think the big thing we’re going to see this year will be a push for a third term. Democrats have already talked about repealing the 22rd amendment of the Constitution. We can expect a true push for this in 2016, but I think it will fail.

That leaves Obama the option of remaining in office by executive fiat. That’s something I wouldn’t put past him. With the military leadership gutted, it’s doubtful that there is anyone in a position of authority who can and will stand up to him. His hand-picked generals will capitulate, even if they complain about what he’s doing in private.

Of course, all he has to do to make that legitimate is declare martial law. Once he does that, he can suspend the Constitution, dismiss Congress and put the elections “on hold” until things get better. Of course, he’s the one who has to decide when things are “better” so that won’t ever happen.

This could lead to civil war. That’s hard to predict, because civil war would require enough people getting mad at the same time, that they would be willing to risk their lives taking action. Without the ability to communicate such plans, without the government knowing, it’s hard to gather the necessary momentum to make civil war break out. But if Obama pushes too fast, it could happen.

The Economy Getting Worse

There’s no question that the U.S. economy is going to continue getting worse. We’ve been on a downward slide for several years, and nothing is being done to make it better. In fact, several things are being done to make it worse, especially by forcing major corporations to move overseas.

There is absolutely no incentive for business in this country today. Corporate taxes are some of the highest in the world. Unless a corporation is receiving government stimulus or tax breaks, they can’t afford to continue operations. Smaller companies, who don’t have the money to buy government officials, don’t stand a chance.

The massive number of regulations that Obama’s administration is putting out are making it harder and harder for businesses to succeed. His war on coal is going to cost millions of jobs. Likewise many of his other initiatives. If the $15 minimum wage goes through, you can be sure that it will cost many more jobs. Liberal models of economics don’t take reality into account; they are pure theory, based on nothing more than good wishes.

The Elections

Right now, I feel that the 2016 presidential elections are hanging in the balance. If Trump or Cruz wins the nomination for the Republican Party, the Republicans have a good chance of winning. But the establishment GOP is against either of them winning. They want a fully brokered convention, so that they can take the nomination away from the will of the people and give it to some RINO that they want.

This would be disastrous. Trump and Carson have already said that they’d run as independents. I’m not sure if Cruz would, but it really doesn’t matter. If there is any independent conservative running, it will divide the conservative vote and the Republicans will lose. That means that Hillary or Bernie will win the presidency and be able to take the country farther down the slippery slope to socialism.

Either Democrat candidate will continue with what Obama has been doing. If anything, they will push harder to take more money in taxes, give away more goodies to their base and steal our rights.

We can expect that the country will suffer even more and may not even survive. A wrong outcome from these elections or Obama staying in office by hook or by crook, could lead to the ultimate demise of the United States of America.


This article has been written Bill White and Brenda Walsh for Survivopedia.


Written by

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border. Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them. You can send Bill a message at editor [at]

Latest comments
  • Seem to me that all B.O. has to do is stop the Entitlement Programs and we would have instant Food Riots, Marshall Law and a Dictatorship. I suspect that Congress knows this and that is why they did not object to the extra Trillion + for 2016. In this case there would be no election in November. So seems to me that all of this election hype is to keep the nations eyes off of the economy and the race wars that are beginning in the urban areas of the Nation. If Congress does not Impeach or dis-qualify B.A. very soon it seems as there will be no way to get our nation back??? Please Put us on your mailing list an we would like to find Christian Preppers on the Big Island of Hawaii

  • What to expect for 2016 and beyond:
    To understand things clearly we have to start from the top down. Knowing those truly running things and their agenda makes all the difference. The Rothschild Cartel controls most of this world (through its domination of the Western world’s money and political leaders/military might) and they heavily manipulate the rest of the world with through this. Their agenda is summed up in two words – DEPOPULATE AND CONTROL. Understanding how they are going about doing this allows a person to make sense of all the political and media nonsense, as they heavily manipulate and control most all of the politics coming out of Washington D.C. and Western Europe, using the corporate media they have in their pocket as the propaganda mouth piece to strongly support and influence the masses’ thinking everything they do.

    This is why easily fixed problems, like border control and illegal immigration, with the deliberate infusion of hateful and armed radicals that have and will continue to bring harm through terrorism never gets fixed. They are about to establish their New World Order, of which the USA Canada and Mexico are one of the ten global regions they will solidify and control. An armed middle class is directly in the way of this plan, so they must and will remove it.

    Everything we are seeing is to bring about that end and they intend to achieve this primary goal by 2020 at the very latest. For once the power of the American middle class is destroyed, it will be a world of serfs and lords, which they intend to exploit to the fullest extent, only keeping enough loyal/subservient peons and slaves around, as is absolutely necessary, to satisfy their every lust and desire, to keep them fat and happy, while removing all hope of life being any different by murdering all with even the hint of descent.

    They will use terrorism, wars, man made plagues, like the Ebola they released from a US Bio Lab in Sierra Leon to start that outbreak to reduce the population down to a more “manageable” figure (about 500 million or less is their projected goal). They have hundreds, upon hundreds of these Bio Labs all over the world, with many inside the USA, ready and waiting to release all the worst plagues humanity has ever faced. If they have a code name for it, it would be called Pandora Box. This was predicted by Jesus in Luke 21:11 and Revelation 6:7-8.

    They intend to use the USA and China against each other in a nuclear exchange to bring about some of that “much needed reduction”. This is why Bill Clinton was used to treasonously hand over our missile and nuclear warhead technology to the Chinese during his administration. They also are planning to use Pakistan and India against each other to do a similar culling out of a large part of the population. And of course, North Korea has been put in place and armed with nukes to help with the deadly chaos as well. But, the Iranian leaders will have to keep waiting and hoping for their nuclear weapons, because they aren’t as controlled or predicable, as they just might nuke the Rothschild estates in Europe if they got the chance. So, I don’t foresee them ever being allowed to own a nuke.

    So, for 2016 terror and more moves for gun control are a certainty. It won’t matter who is in the White House, as both political parties are under the thumb of the Cartel. Any President that steps out of line will end up like JFK. After all the Secret Service is paid/controlled by the Federal Reserve, which is a private banking company run by the subsidiaries of the Cartel. They will just step out of the way, as they did with JFK, and the Cartel goon squad, assassins in the CIA will remove the “problem”. Anyone who still has any hope in the political process, just doesn’t understand how rigged the whole thing is now and still thinks things work in the USA like they did over 200 years ago. This also explains why Hillary is not doing life in prison, but rather running for President, because Cartel minions are often placed above the law.

    More plagues? Maybe, but they are saving most of the really bad stuff for later.

    The Cartel’s political puppet in Turkey has just been remove by a coup. {One of the Cartel’s bulldogs that got off its chain is Russia and Putin is such a bad boy :-)}. The remove of Erdogan from Turkey could have a similar result as the removal of the Shaw in Iran. This bears watching as most of Turkey was already pro-Islamic. No surprise then, if things heat up in the Middle East.

    And speaking of the Middle East, the Cartel, has massive control over the world’s oil supplies. The US military is still in Afghanistan for one primary reason, to prevent the completion of an oil pipeline between Iran and China. Hundreds of billions of barrels in oil reserves all over the world (with much of it in the USA) remains untapped or capped off.

    The ONLY reason oil and gas were so cheap during 2015 is because the Cartel is squeezing the Saudi Arabian leadership to take power away from them, and ruining all the independent oil companies and their investors who started going after those reserves when prices where high and it was profitable for them to do so. In other words, they are taking out their competition, like any powerful Cartel does. As soon as they accomplish what they are after the prices will shoot back up to where they had been and higher. Whether $4-5/gal gas, or more, will be seen in the USA by the end of 2016 remains to be seen, but it is only a matter of time before it is an ugly reality that will not go away. Making oil and gas investments at the right time in the near future will make some people very rich. Yet, only those with the cash to invest will be able to take advantage of this future, significant up swing in oil and gas prices.

    More rumors of wars and possibly of war is ripe. The Cartel has had its eye on Syria for some time now. The predicted Psalm 83 Middle East war was almost a reality just a couple three years ago in the Obama Administration’s/NATO/CIA/MI6 “Arab Spring”. It got a little too close to being much bigger than that (i.e. WW III) when Russia and China offered retaliatory support to Assad in Syria, if Obama use the US military to attack him. Putin made the brilliant counter move to take away the Cartel’s excuse for illegally attacking a sovereign nation when He offered to help Syria remove all their chemical weapons. The RC and Obama had to just curse and walk away.

    Slowly they have been creeping their way back in by using the covert CIA subsidiaries to support and arm ISIS, and then using that as an excuse to move back into to area and push with the military once again. Assad will be removed by the Cartel and Syria will be thrown into utter chaos, being used as the battle ground. This could escalate an Islamic response, primarily against Israel for its participation with the Cartel in the Middle East, and this would likely lead to the fulfillment of Psalm 83 battle, and possibly Isaiah 17:1-3 and Jeremiah 49:26-27 concerning the destruction of Damascus. Even though 2016 is a possibility for this event, it’s still likely 3-4 years out. But it is even more intriguing with the recent turn of events in Turkish politics.

    The economy is as fragile as a house of flimsy cards sitting on the center of the San Andras fault line. When the Cartel chooses to expose the derivatives market for the fraud it is, a catastrophic collapse of the hundreds of trillions of dollars “invested” in it will disappear as fast as magicians flash paper. The world will be crippled until the Cartel sets up its new Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) digital currency. A “currency” that already exists and all other world currencies are measured by, even now, as to their “value”. Even gold, silver and other precious metals have been assigned a SDR “value”. (See

    By, or in the year, 2020, but no later, the collapse and transition/conversion to the Cartel’s SDRs will be a stark reality for us all. Life will be much more difficult and we will be only one short step away from the mark of the beast, which will follow just a few years after this transition.

    The best Obama can hope for is to be placed over the one global region that will include what was once the USA. However, a Cartel insider like Marco Rubio would likely be used, as he would appeal to more people in the region that has Mexico, Canada and the USA in it than Obama or Hillary. Yet, none of these people who are mere minions will become the predicted global dictator (the Antichrist). No that distinction will be left for the 11th ruler, who comes on the scene after the ten global rulers have been established, and he will be from a family member from the top of this elite ruling banking Cartel. For they have not worked so hard and so long to gain control of the world over the past two centuries just to had it off to one of their incompetent minions.

    As we enter 2016, the wise will understand we are on the precipice of gigantic, world changing events that will begin within the next five years and dramatically affect us all. Those still wiser will prepare for eternity and their encounter with a holy Creator (Revelation 20:11-15), because even Jesus said most of us are not making it through this time alive (Matthew 24:21-22). You are invited to go to the http://www.TruthandLife.US website to understand all of this better.

  • Obama stated in his first term that we needed a civilian army that was fully armed with the latest weapons. So, by now he has everything in place to take over our country.

  • It’s not just B.O. These plans have been around since the inception of this nation. Remember Albert Pike and his Morals and Dogma? His statue is near the White House. You should read his outline in M&D for what’s happened and what’s to come. It sounds just like this article, only more elaborately detailed. He said that world war three would definitely occur, but not before some of the things we are seeing right now. Presidents are just tools used to ensure that the wheels keep turning the bring about these events subtly and intricately.
    The people who call themselves good Christians, yet think that stock piles of weapons and provisions to “save themselves” on this earth will work, have no idea what they are facing. Yes, they know what they’re doing, as far as prepping – they’re experts (but that’s as far as it goes). But Christ isn’t coming back for preppers who shut themselves in a hole or bunker and await some Messiah, whoever they think that is. Consider Christ’s own words:
    “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:25-26 KJV)
    In any case, things will happen as they will. It’s not about a single person orchestrating everything. There is a bigger picture, guys… and it’s the understanding of the mission of Christ.

  • Some of the news articles are old. I can’t pick a date. I had a serious head injury 1981-82 that left me with amnesia. I knew it was a sweater…I just did no remember the name sweater. I was nounless. Take for example, the black teenager shot by a white police officer. Were they not both Jehovah’s witnesses? JW’s gossip, right? But, the name of the white police officer given to the police was not the same as in the newspapers, right? Shootings, etc, it is old, I think, perhaps cause there is nothing new to write about or someone is trying to push the button for gun control and lookyhere…this is a good example of why people should not own a gun, right? Tell that to the guys that don’t follow the rules.

  • Great article still timely…


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servisieskişehir televizyon servisiMedyummersin ofis taşımacılığıeskişehir uydu servisieskişehir uydu servisiistanbul moloz taşımaistanbul moloz taşımamersin evden eve nakliyatmersin ofis taşımacılığımersin ofis taşımamersin ofis taşımaankara asansörlü nakliyatankara asansörlü nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarAntika Eşya alanlarantikaİzmir Medyumeskişehir televizyon tamirieskişehir televizyon tamiriistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatweb sitesi yapımıEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatortodontikadıköy evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattekne kiralamabuy instagram auto likestarsus evden eve nakliyatistanbul moloz taşımamezitli evden eve nakliyatmezitli evden eve nakliyatbayraklı psikologistanbul balıkesir ambarmersin evden eve nakliyatmersin evden eve nakliyattuzla evden eve nakliyatAntika alanlarAntika alanlarAntika alanlarEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatyenimahalle evden eve 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ofis taşımaankara gülüş tasarımıankara gülüş tasarımıankara gülüş tasarımıgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatcasibom günceleskişehir web sitesiEskişehir Web Tasarımcasibommarsbahismarsbahismarsbahismarsbahisortodontipendik evden eve nakliyatpolatlı evden eve nakliyatgölbaşı evden eve nakliyatankara ofis taşımacılığıankara asansörlü nakliyatmarsbahismersin evden eve nakliyatkorsan taksimersin evden eve nakliyatyenişehir evden eve nakliyatcasibomEtimesgut evden eve nakliyatankara evden eve nakliyatmamak evden eve nakliyatistanbul bursa ambar